The Smearing of Ilhan Omar

Every last one of them 100k Somalis that Obama imported and seeded in Minnesota need deported as much as possible.

Before the US has to get all Sarajevo and shit.

Him doing that is a traitorous act. Also dispersing diseased immigrants throughout the country.

Obama did the same shit in Tennessee, like where the muslim asshole shot up a recruiting office. He seeded a whole community of them there. Traitor that should hang.
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Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
'Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
  1. unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
    'the purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information'
    synonyms: surplus, redundant, unneeded, not required, excess, extra, spare, to spare, remaining, unused, left over..."
superfluous - Google Search

What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?

"What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?"

She question the excessive role that AIPAC and the AIPAC Lobby have by using threats to smear ANY American politician who does not swear allegiance to Israel, they are swearing allegiance to a Foreign Entity when their ONLY allegiance should be to America and the Stars and Stripes, so of course because NOBODY is allowed to ask ANY questions of the excessive influence that AIPAC has in American politics this is considered redundant, excessive and unneeded after all WHY is it needed to question the influence of AIPAC? It would be interesting that at some point if something occur and they had to choose between whoring for Israel OR saving America from some disaster, that they could NOT support BOTH that they had to choose either Israel OR America that if they are American Patriots they choose America but that dooms Israel or IF they are American Traitors and support Israel but that dooms America, this is the ultimate dilemma when you are forced by intimidation and money bribes to hold your nose and have dual loyalty, as I comment already in this thread a Patriot CANNOT serve TWO Masters.

Whatever happened to "The war on terrorism"?
Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
Do you have an anecdotal experience with this woman? It would go a lot farther to bring folks to your side of this political fight than posting stuff in bold.
Why? There has NEVER been a Palestinian State. There are no "Palestinians." They are a creation of the Left. You should know better. But you are young.

Founding National Myths: Fabricating Palestinian History

How many Israeli's are DNA linked to the Biblical Hebrews? If answer not many, then are they also squatting?

Who cares what their DNA is. They want the land and are willing to defend it. They kicked all the Arabs’ asses in the war when they tried to kick them out of Israel. Let the Arabs try again if they want. Until then everyone should just accept reality.

Well Death Angel was saying that the Palestinians do not exist and have no right to the land they are on, so if most of Israel has no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews then they are squatting. You say Israel want the land ie. Israel steals the land off the Palestinians and is willing to defend it by dropping bombs on the Palestinians who have no America Funded Army with Bombs, Mortars etc.

"They kicked all the Arabs’ asses in the war when they tried to kick them out of Israel."

So mainly Russians and New York Americans with no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews were told by America and the Commie UN they could go and take over a land they have NO DNA link to and when the crowd who had lived on that land for Centuries objected America and the Commie UN turn the second eye and America give them bombs and other weapons to kick the asses of the crowd who had a right via their Ancestors to live on that land and now the decendents of that crowd are pissed off and American thinks why that is and that is nothing to do with Israel actions many decades ago? To Americans Israeli's SHIT smell of sweet roses, embarrassing this bizarro Fetish.

The “Palestinians” never had their own country to begin with. The Ottoman Empire own everything until their fall, then the British owned “Palestine”. The Jews and Arabs fought over it. The Arabs from Jordan, Syria, and Egypt that is. To say they had no help is a flat out lie. The Arabs lost, period. Jordan and Egypt still annexed the West Bank and Gaza, the rest was won by the Jews. Who cares if the Jews had outside help, that’s the way war works, if you get help from allies you are better off. Personally I’d rather help out a Jew than a Muslim barbarian, given Muslims’ long history of conquest by the sword, oppression, and slavery.

But, if you love Muslim trash so much, go fight for them.

"The “Palestinians” never had their own country to begin with. The Ottoman Empire own everything until their fall, then the British owned “Palestine”. The Jews and Arabs fought over it. The Arabs from Jordan, Syria, and Egypt that is. To say they had no help is a flat out lie. The Arabs lost, period. Jordan and Egypt still annexed the West Bank and Gaza, the rest was won by the Jews."

The Jews never had their own country to begin with also. The Jews fought with American help so of course they beat the Arabs not a fair battle.

"Personally I’d rather help out a Jew than a Muslim barbarian, given Muslims’ long history of conquest by the sword, oppression, and slavery."

Personally I would rather help not one, let them fight each other, what does The West get from supporting ONE side ZERO only trouble for The West, the Middle East being the shit hole it is should be told to fight their own problems and if they all want to blow each other up who cares, IMHO the planet would be better if the Middle East just disappeared.

"But, if you love Muslim trash so much, go fight for them."

Hawk we have been in enough threads together for you to know my thoughts about Islam and Radical Muslims, so no I do not love them but also do not love Radical Jews who are also trash the ones who shoot unarmed children and nurses, that trash. It is embarrassing how Americans prostitute themselves for Israel and think Jew shit smell of sweet roses and the Jews NEVER can do ANY wrong and are perfect. Like with ALL other peoples regardless of religion their is good and bad, there are good Jews but also bad Jews. I do not know why the obsession with the fanatical Jew Fetish that Americans have there is ZERO special about Jews they are NO special than ANYONE else on this planet and do not give me that American Evangelical horsecrap about they are God's Chosen, what horsecrap they have NO DNA link with the Biblical Hebrews who WERE God's Chosen what you have is that 98% of the world's Jews Centuries ago their Ancestors probably were some Pagan worship and then in the Middle Ages they converted to Judaism so NO DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews and their Judaism go back to only approx 500-600 years. ANYONE can be a Jew YOU Hawk could convert to Judaism and that does NOT mean you are then one of God's Chosen and in actuality there is probably NOBODY today who have a DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews although if we go on what our Bible says there are 144,000 and ONLY 144,000 on this planet who do have a DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews and after the Luciferarians with all the Evangelicals who are siding with them all get thrown into the Eternal Lake of Fire because they will find they have been supporting the Anti-Christ then the 144,000 God returns to the land that is theirs but ONLY after The Great Tribulation and Armageddon this occur and it is only as stated by God in our Bible 144,000 of them NOT 10 million or 20 million of them.

Whoever said war is supposed to be “fair”?

Do you think it was fair when Muslims spread through North Africa and even into Europe, killing or enslaving anyone that didn’t convert? We’re talking about people that strap bombs on children and target innocent civilians. Do I feel a thing if some Israeli accidentally kills one of theirs? Nope. I just don’t care. Maybe someday if Muslims turn into rational and civilized human beings I will care, but we both know that will never happen.
Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
'Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
  1. unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
    'the purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information'
    synonyms: surplus, redundant, unneeded, not required, excess, extra, spare, to spare, remaining, unused, left over..."
superfluous - Google Search

What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?

"What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?"

She question the excessive role that AIPAC and the AIPAC Lobby have by using threats to smear ANY American politician who does not swear allegiance to Israel, they are swearing allegiance to a Foreign Entity when their ONLY allegiance should be to America and the Stars and Stripes, so of course because NOBODY is allowed to ask ANY questions of the excessive influence that AIPAC has in American politics this is considered redundant, excessive and unneeded after all WHY is it needed to question the influence of AIPAC? It would be interesting that at some point if something occur and they had to choose between whoring for Israel OR saving America from some disaster, that they could NOT support BOTH that they had to choose either Israel OR America that if they are American Patriots they choose America but that dooms Israel or IF they are American Traitors and support Israel but that dooms America, this is the ultimate dilemma when you are forced by intimidation and money bribes to hold your nose and have dual loyalty, as I comment already in this thread a Patriot CANNOT serve TWO Masters.

Whatever happened to "The war on terrorism"?

The War on Terrorism like the War on Drugs is NOT winnable it is just a total waste of billions down toilet. Considering the Terrorists are not recognisable, that they look like normal civilians this makes it difficult to determine who IS and ISN'T a Terrorist and IF you cannot even identify the Enemy by sight how can you win that type of bizarro war? You cannot. What is needed is a different approach to fighting Terrorism, but essentially the fight is unwinnable there will always be Terrorism there HAS always been Terrorism across Centuries, it is Perpetual, the aim should be to contain it to specific realms so it cannot spread out across the planet but I think the ball already dropped on this and perhaps the ball deliberately dropped. As I comment already the International Globalists aim is Perpetual War and chaos across four Continents European, Asia, America and Africa this in turn assist the International Globalists main aim the exporting of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Economic Migrants who are deliberately directed via International Globalist NGOs, International Globalist Human Rights groups and the International Globalists UN to ONLY export themselves to the European Continent AND North America.

The whole thing LOOKS like chaos but in actuality it has been very well planned with a military precision by the International Globalists and the ultimate end of the International Globalists is that this mass exporting of Third World Savages into ONLY First World nations in approx 20 years collapse the First World Society to descend then into Third World Society and from this the International Globalists can achieve their Centuries planned happening a One World Government and I say Centuries because the International Globalists are NOT new these now are the Ancestors of the original International Globalists who begin to plan all of this in the late 19th Century, these human filth POS attempted to do the original building later by the orchestrated League of Nations which then collapse they then later thanks to America and the fucking British faggots made sure the next would NOT fail and that was the orchestrated United Nations formed by Communists and Communist sympathisers the UN should have been strangled DECADES ago it is and always was designed to be the Seat of the International Globalists to eventually be the Seat of their One World Government with which they rule with brutal iron rods the ENTIRE planet which will thanks to the International Globalists have been reduced to one massive Third World shit hole.
Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
'Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
  1. unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
    'the purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information'
    synonyms: surplus, redundant, unneeded, not required, excess, extra, spare, to spare, remaining, unused, left over..."
superfluous - Google Search

What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?

"What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?"

She question the excessive role that AIPAC and the AIPAC Lobby have by using threats to smear ANY American politician who does not swear allegiance to Israel, they are swearing allegiance to a Foreign Entity when their ONLY allegiance should be to America and the Stars and Stripes, so of course because NOBODY is allowed to ask ANY questions of the excessive influence that AIPAC has in American politics this is considered redundant, excessive and unneeded after all WHY is it needed to question the influence of AIPAC? It would be interesting that at some point if something occur and they had to choose between whoring for Israel OR saving America from some disaster, that they could NOT support BOTH that they had to choose either Israel OR America that if they are American Patriots they choose America but that dooms Israel or IF they are American Traitors and support Israel but that dooms America, this is the ultimate dilemma when you are forced by intimidation and money bribes to hold your nose and have dual loyalty, as I comment already in this thread a Patriot CANNOT serve TWO Masters.

Whatever happened to "The war on terrorism"?

The War on Terrorism like the War on Drugs is NOT winnable it is just a total waste of billions down toilet. Considering the Terrorists are not recognisable, that they look like normal civilians this makes it difficult to determine who IS and ISN'T a Terrorist and IF you cannot even identify the Enemy by sight how can you win that type of bizarro war? You cannot. What is needed is a different approach to fighting Terrorism, but essentially the fight is unwinnable there will always be Terrorism there HAS always been Terrorism across Centuries, it is Perpetual, the aim should be to contain it to specific realms so it cannot spread out across the planet but I think the ball already dropped on this and perhaps the ball deliberately dropped. As I comment already the International Globalists aim is Perpetual War and chaos across four Continents European, Asia, America and Africa this in turn assist the International Globalists main aim the exporting of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Economic Migrants who are deliberately directed via International Globalist NGOs, International Globalist Human Rights groups and the International Globalists UN to ONLY export themselves to the European Continent AND North America.

The whole thing LOOKS like chaos but in actuality it has been very well planned with a military precision by the International Globalists and the ultimate end of the International Globalists is that this mass exporting of Third World Savages into ONLY First World nations in approx 20 years collapse the First World Society to descend then into Third World Society and from this the International Globalists can achieve their Centuries planned happening a One World Government and I say Centuries because the International Globalists are NOT new these now are the Ancestors of the original International Globalists who begin to plan all of this in the late 19th Century, these human filth POS attempted to do the original building later by the orchestrated League of Nations which then collapse they then later thanks to America and the fucking British faggots made sure the next would NOT fail and that was the orchestrated United Nations formed by Communists and Communist sympathisers the UN should have been strangled DECADES ago it is and always was designed to be the Seat of the International Globalists to eventually be the Seat of their One World Government with which they rule with brutal iron rods the ENTIRE planet which will thanks to the International Globalists have been reduced to one massive Third World shit hole.

You’re right we cannot truely ever win the war on Islamic terrorists, unless we nuked them all. Best thing we can do is isolate them, stop all immigration from their countries, and let them kill each other.
How many Israeli's are DNA linked to the Biblical Hebrews? If answer not many, then are they also squatting?

Who cares what their DNA is. They want the land and are willing to defend it. They kicked all the Arabs’ asses in the war when they tried to kick them out of Israel. Let the Arabs try again if they want. Until then everyone should just accept reality.

Well Death Angel was saying that the Palestinians do not exist and have no right to the land they are on, so if most of Israel has no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews then they are squatting. You say Israel want the land ie. Israel steals the land off the Palestinians and is willing to defend it by dropping bombs on the Palestinians who have no America Funded Army with Bombs, Mortars etc.

"They kicked all the Arabs’ asses in the war when they tried to kick them out of Israel."

So mainly Russians and New York Americans with no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews were told by America and the Commie UN they could go and take over a land they have NO DNA link to and when the crowd who had lived on that land for Centuries objected America and the Commie UN turn the second eye and America give them bombs and other weapons to kick the asses of the crowd who had a right via their Ancestors to live on that land and now the decendents of that crowd are pissed off and American thinks why that is and that is nothing to do with Israel actions many decades ago? To Americans Israeli's SHIT smell of sweet roses, embarrassing this bizarro Fetish.

The “Palestinians” never had their own country to begin with. The Ottoman Empire own everything until their fall, then the British owned “Palestine”. The Jews and Arabs fought over it. The Arabs from Jordan, Syria, and Egypt that is. To say they had no help is a flat out lie. The Arabs lost, period. Jordan and Egypt still annexed the West Bank and Gaza, the rest was won by the Jews. Who cares if the Jews had outside help, that’s the way war works, if you get help from allies you are better off. Personally I’d rather help out a Jew than a Muslim barbarian, given Muslims’ long history of conquest by the sword, oppression, and slavery.

But, if you love Muslim trash so much, go fight for them.

"The “Palestinians” never had their own country to begin with. The Ottoman Empire own everything until their fall, then the British owned “Palestine”. The Jews and Arabs fought over it. The Arabs from Jordan, Syria, and Egypt that is. To say they had no help is a flat out lie. The Arabs lost, period. Jordan and Egypt still annexed the West Bank and Gaza, the rest was won by the Jews."

The Jews never had their own country to begin with also. The Jews fought with American help so of course they beat the Arabs not a fair battle.

"Personally I’d rather help out a Jew than a Muslim barbarian, given Muslims’ long history of conquest by the sword, oppression, and slavery."

Personally I would rather help not one, let them fight each other, what does The West get from supporting ONE side ZERO only trouble for The West, the Middle East being the shit hole it is should be told to fight their own problems and if they all want to blow each other up who cares, IMHO the planet would be better if the Middle East just disappeared.

"But, if you love Muslim trash so much, go fight for them."

Hawk we have been in enough threads together for you to know my thoughts about Islam and Radical Muslims, so no I do not love them but also do not love Radical Jews who are also trash the ones who shoot unarmed children and nurses, that trash. It is embarrassing how Americans prostitute themselves for Israel and think Jew shit smell of sweet roses and the Jews NEVER can do ANY wrong and are perfect. Like with ALL other peoples regardless of religion their is good and bad, there are good Jews but also bad Jews. I do not know why the obsession with the fanatical Jew Fetish that Americans have there is ZERO special about Jews they are NO special than ANYONE else on this planet and do not give me that American Evangelical horsecrap about they are God's Chosen, what horsecrap they have NO DNA link with the Biblical Hebrews who WERE God's Chosen what you have is that 98% of the world's Jews Centuries ago their Ancestors probably were some Pagan worship and then in the Middle Ages they converted to Judaism so NO DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews and their Judaism go back to only approx 500-600 years. ANYONE can be a Jew YOU Hawk could convert to Judaism and that does NOT mean you are then one of God's Chosen and in actuality there is probably NOBODY today who have a DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews although if we go on what our Bible says there are 144,000 and ONLY 144,000 on this planet who do have a DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews and after the Luciferarians with all the Evangelicals who are siding with them all get thrown into the Eternal Lake of Fire because they will find they have been supporting the Anti-Christ then the 144,000 God returns to the land that is theirs but ONLY after The Great Tribulation and Armageddon this occur and it is only as stated by God in our Bible 144,000 of them NOT 10 million or 20 million of them.

Whoever said war is supposed to be “fair”?

Do you think it was fair when Muslims spread through North Africa and even into Europe, killing or enslaving anyone that didn’t convert? We’re talking about people that strap bombs on children and target innocent civilians. Do I feel a thing if some Israeli accidentally kills one of theirs? Nope. I just don’t care. Maybe someday if Muslims turn into rational and civilized human beings I will care, but we both know that will never happen.

Yes we know Radical Muslims do that. Not ALL of the Israeli shooting are accident and there is footage they film themselves of deliberately shooting at unarmed Palestinians and YET if WE deliberate shot at the invading savages the International Globalist organisations who suck Israel buttocks would SOON threaten sanctions on us or whatever eg, in America look how demented and hysterical the International Globalist organisations were when The Donald gave the order to shoot ANY of that Illegal Invading Caravan that was throwing rocks? Yet the SAME International Globalist organisations INCLUDING the International Globalist owned MSM are SILENT when Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian children for throwing rocks.

This hypocritical shit might go not noticed in Brainwashed to be Israel First and Suck Israel's Buttocks America but it does NOT go not noticed OUTSIDE of America. Israel shoots children throwing rocks = Okay good for them they have a RIGHT to shoot those children. ANY OTHER NATION NOT ISRAEL say shoot ANYONE throwing rocks = Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi blah blah, violation of Human Rights, violation of International Law, threat of Sanctions etc.
'Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
  1. unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
    'the purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information'
    synonyms: surplus, redundant, unneeded, not required, excess, extra, spare, to spare, remaining, unused, left over..."
superfluous - Google Search

What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?

"What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?"

She question the excessive role that AIPAC and the AIPAC Lobby have by using threats to smear ANY American politician who does not swear allegiance to Israel, they are swearing allegiance to a Foreign Entity when their ONLY allegiance should be to America and the Stars and Stripes, so of course because NOBODY is allowed to ask ANY questions of the excessive influence that AIPAC has in American politics this is considered redundant, excessive and unneeded after all WHY is it needed to question the influence of AIPAC? It would be interesting that at some point if something occur and they had to choose between whoring for Israel OR saving America from some disaster, that they could NOT support BOTH that they had to choose either Israel OR America that if they are American Patriots they choose America but that dooms Israel or IF they are American Traitors and support Israel but that dooms America, this is the ultimate dilemma when you are forced by intimidation and money bribes to hold your nose and have dual loyalty, as I comment already in this thread a Patriot CANNOT serve TWO Masters.

Whatever happened to "The war on terrorism"?

The War on Terrorism like the War on Drugs is NOT winnable it is just a total waste of billions down toilet. Considering the Terrorists are not recognisable, that they look like normal civilians this makes it difficult to determine who IS and ISN'T a Terrorist and IF you cannot even identify the Enemy by sight how can you win that type of bizarro war? You cannot. What is needed is a different approach to fighting Terrorism, but essentially the fight is unwinnable there will always be Terrorism there HAS always been Terrorism across Centuries, it is Perpetual, the aim should be to contain it to specific realms so it cannot spread out across the planet but I think the ball already dropped on this and perhaps the ball deliberately dropped. As I comment already the International Globalists aim is Perpetual War and chaos across four Continents European, Asia, America and Africa this in turn assist the International Globalists main aim the exporting of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Economic Migrants who are deliberately directed via International Globalist NGOs, International Globalist Human Rights groups and the International Globalists UN to ONLY export themselves to the European Continent AND North America.

The whole thing LOOKS like chaos but in actuality it has been very well planned with a military precision by the International Globalists and the ultimate end of the International Globalists is that this mass exporting of Third World Savages into ONLY First World nations in approx 20 years collapse the First World Society to descend then into Third World Society and from this the International Globalists can achieve their Centuries planned happening a One World Government and I say Centuries because the International Globalists are NOT new these now are the Ancestors of the original International Globalists who begin to plan all of this in the late 19th Century, these human filth POS attempted to do the original building later by the orchestrated League of Nations which then collapse they then later thanks to America and the fucking British faggots made sure the next would NOT fail and that was the orchestrated United Nations formed by Communists and Communist sympathisers the UN should have been strangled DECADES ago it is and always was designed to be the Seat of the International Globalists to eventually be the Seat of their One World Government with which they rule with brutal iron rods the ENTIRE planet which will thanks to the International Globalists have been reduced to one massive Third World shit hole.

You’re right we cannot truely ever win the war on Islamic terrorists, unless we nuked them all. Best thing we can do is isolate them, stop all immigration from their countries, and let them kill each other.
Nuking the fuck out of everyone but you and your Possy solves a lot of issues, doesn't it?
'Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
  1. unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
    'the purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information'
    synonyms: surplus, redundant, unneeded, not required, excess, extra, spare, to spare, remaining, unused, left over..."
superfluous - Google Search

What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?

"What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?"

She question the excessive role that AIPAC and the AIPAC Lobby have by using threats to smear ANY American politician who does not swear allegiance to Israel, they are swearing allegiance to a Foreign Entity when their ONLY allegiance should be to America and the Stars and Stripes, so of course because NOBODY is allowed to ask ANY questions of the excessive influence that AIPAC has in American politics this is considered redundant, excessive and unneeded after all WHY is it needed to question the influence of AIPAC? It would be interesting that at some point if something occur and they had to choose between whoring for Israel OR saving America from some disaster, that they could NOT support BOTH that they had to choose either Israel OR America that if they are American Patriots they choose America but that dooms Israel or IF they are American Traitors and support Israel but that dooms America, this is the ultimate dilemma when you are forced by intimidation and money bribes to hold your nose and have dual loyalty, as I comment already in this thread a Patriot CANNOT serve TWO Masters.

Whatever happened to "The war on terrorism"?

The War on Terrorism like the War on Drugs is NOT winnable it is just a total waste of billions down toilet. Considering the Terrorists are not recognisable, that they look like normal civilians this makes it difficult to determine who IS and ISN'T a Terrorist and IF you cannot even identify the Enemy by sight how can you win that type of bizarro war? You cannot. What is needed is a different approach to fighting Terrorism, but essentially the fight is unwinnable there will always be Terrorism there HAS always been Terrorism across Centuries, it is Perpetual, the aim should be to contain it to specific realms so it cannot spread out across the planet but I think the ball already dropped on this and perhaps the ball deliberately dropped. As I comment already the International Globalists aim is Perpetual War and chaos across four Continents European, Asia, America and Africa this in turn assist the International Globalists main aim the exporting of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Economic Migrants who are deliberately directed via International Globalist NGOs, International Globalist Human Rights groups and the International Globalists UN to ONLY export themselves to the European Continent AND North America.

The whole thing LOOKS like chaos but in actuality it has been very well planned with a military precision by the International Globalists and the ultimate end of the International Globalists is that this mass exporting of Third World Savages into ONLY First World nations in approx 20 years collapse the First World Society to descend then into Third World Society and from this the International Globalists can achieve their Centuries planned happening a One World Government and I say Centuries because the International Globalists are NOT new these now are the Ancestors of the original International Globalists who begin to plan all of this in the late 19th Century, these human filth POS attempted to do the original building later by the orchestrated League of Nations which then collapse they then later thanks to America and the fucking British faggots made sure the next would NOT fail and that was the orchestrated United Nations formed by Communists and Communist sympathisers the UN should have been strangled DECADES ago it is and always was designed to be the Seat of the International Globalists to eventually be the Seat of their One World Government with which they rule with brutal iron rods the ENTIRE planet which will thanks to the International Globalists have been reduced to one massive Third World shit hole.

You’re right we cannot truely ever win the war on Islamic terrorists, unless we nuked them all. Best thing we can do is isolate them, stop all immigration from their countries, and let them kill each other.

Yes but The Hidden Hand will NOT allow The West to isolate them and especially not allow to stop ALL immigration, you should already know that, again the eg. The Donald wanted to stop ALL immigration from Non-European nations and look at the viscious reaction from the International Globalist MSM and the International Globalist intimidated and bribed politicians on both Left AND Right he was called wait for it you already know he was called Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi blah blah and ANY politician who supports ZERO immigration and CLOSED BORDERS is called the same thing. Only ONE nation on this planet is allowed to have closed borders and you already know that is of course Israel, why can Israel have WALLS and CLOSED BORDERS but NO Western nation is allowed to have the SAME as Israel? They say oh well Israel is under threat from Radical Muslims who want to blow them up but WESTERN NATIONS are ALSO under the SAME threat now thanks to America and the fucking British interfering and fucking up an already decades old fucked up Middle East. IMHO ONLY Western nations that are the little dogs of America and like obedient little dogs join America in invading nations in the Middle East ONLY those nations should get the Economic Migrants and ALL Western nations who REFUSE to be American little dogs and join the invasion should NOT be under ANY obligation to take ANY migrants from the Middle East and IF at some point WE decide to begin shooting these Economic Migrants that WE do NOT WANT then THAT is OUR business and every one else can STFU when we begin shooting them, they are told to GTFO we do NOT want you, we are not going to be sitting that much longer before we take action to permanantly remove them not only from this Continent but from this planet. Within approx five years you WILL witness History Repeating itself and IF you want to start ANOTHER World War by interfering this time to save filthy Islamists then do so, we are ready already. IMHO this is what IS needed ANOTHER World War, this way we can eliminate the human poison that has been placed within our nations by International Globalists who are also human poison and from the ashes we will rise up and then build a better world for OUR descendents to live in.
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Who cares what their DNA is. They want the land and are willing to defend it. They kicked all the Arabs’ asses in the war when they tried to kick them out of Israel. Let the Arabs try again if they want. Until then everyone should just accept reality.

Well Death Angel was saying that the Palestinians do not exist and have no right to the land they are on, so if most of Israel has no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews then they are squatting. You say Israel want the land ie. Israel steals the land off the Palestinians and is willing to defend it by dropping bombs on the Palestinians who have no America Funded Army with Bombs, Mortars etc.

"They kicked all the Arabs’ asses in the war when they tried to kick them out of Israel."

So mainly Russians and New York Americans with no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews were told by America and the Commie UN they could go and take over a land they have NO DNA link to and when the crowd who had lived on that land for Centuries objected America and the Commie UN turn the second eye and America give them bombs and other weapons to kick the asses of the crowd who had a right via their Ancestors to live on that land and now the decendents of that crowd are pissed off and American thinks why that is and that is nothing to do with Israel actions many decades ago? To Americans Israeli's SHIT smell of sweet roses, embarrassing this bizarro Fetish.

The “Palestinians” never had their own country to begin with. The Ottoman Empire own everything until their fall, then the British owned “Palestine”. The Jews and Arabs fought over it. The Arabs from Jordan, Syria, and Egypt that is. To say they had no help is a flat out lie. The Arabs lost, period. Jordan and Egypt still annexed the West Bank and Gaza, the rest was won by the Jews. Who cares if the Jews had outside help, that’s the way war works, if you get help from allies you are better off. Personally I’d rather help out a Jew than a Muslim barbarian, given Muslims’ long history of conquest by the sword, oppression, and slavery.

But, if you love Muslim trash so much, go fight for them.

"The “Palestinians” never had their own country to begin with. The Ottoman Empire own everything until their fall, then the British owned “Palestine”. The Jews and Arabs fought over it. The Arabs from Jordan, Syria, and Egypt that is. To say they had no help is a flat out lie. The Arabs lost, period. Jordan and Egypt still annexed the West Bank and Gaza, the rest was won by the Jews."

The Jews never had their own country to begin with also. The Jews fought with American help so of course they beat the Arabs not a fair battle.

"Personally I’d rather help out a Jew than a Muslim barbarian, given Muslims’ long history of conquest by the sword, oppression, and slavery."

Personally I would rather help not one, let them fight each other, what does The West get from supporting ONE side ZERO only trouble for The West, the Middle East being the shit hole it is should be told to fight their own problems and if they all want to blow each other up who cares, IMHO the planet would be better if the Middle East just disappeared.

"But, if you love Muslim trash so much, go fight for them."

Hawk we have been in enough threads together for you to know my thoughts about Islam and Radical Muslims, so no I do not love them but also do not love Radical Jews who are also trash the ones who shoot unarmed children and nurses, that trash. It is embarrassing how Americans prostitute themselves for Israel and think Jew shit smell of sweet roses and the Jews NEVER can do ANY wrong and are perfect. Like with ALL other peoples regardless of religion their is good and bad, there are good Jews but also bad Jews. I do not know why the obsession with the fanatical Jew Fetish that Americans have there is ZERO special about Jews they are NO special than ANYONE else on this planet and do not give me that American Evangelical horsecrap about they are God's Chosen, what horsecrap they have NO DNA link with the Biblical Hebrews who WERE God's Chosen what you have is that 98% of the world's Jews Centuries ago their Ancestors probably were some Pagan worship and then in the Middle Ages they converted to Judaism so NO DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews and their Judaism go back to only approx 500-600 years. ANYONE can be a Jew YOU Hawk could convert to Judaism and that does NOT mean you are then one of God's Chosen and in actuality there is probably NOBODY today who have a DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews although if we go on what our Bible says there are 144,000 and ONLY 144,000 on this planet who do have a DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews and after the Luciferarians with all the Evangelicals who are siding with them all get thrown into the Eternal Lake of Fire because they will find they have been supporting the Anti-Christ then the 144,000 God returns to the land that is theirs but ONLY after The Great Tribulation and Armageddon this occur and it is only as stated by God in our Bible 144,000 of them NOT 10 million or 20 million of them.

Whoever said war is supposed to be “fair”?

Do you think it was fair when Muslims spread through North Africa and even into Europe, killing or enslaving anyone that didn’t convert? We’re talking about people that strap bombs on children and target innocent civilians. Do I feel a thing if some Israeli accidentally kills one of theirs? Nope. I just don’t care. Maybe someday if Muslims turn into rational and civilized human beings I will care, but we both know that will never happen.

Yes we know Radical Muslims do that. Not ALL of the Israeli shooting are accident and there is footage they film themselves of deliberately shooting at unarmed Palestinians and YET if WE deliberate shot at the invading savages the International Globalist organisations who suck Israel buttocks would SOON threaten sanctions on us or whatever eg, in America look how demented and hysterical the International Globalist organisations were when The Donald gave the order to shoot ANY of that Illegal Invading Caravan that was throwing rocks? Yet the SAME International Globalist organisations INCLUDING the International Globalist owned MSM are SILENT when Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian children for throwing rocks.

This hypocritical shit might go not noticed in Brainwashed to be Israel First and Suck Israel's Buttocks America but it does NOT go not noticed OUTSIDE of America. Israel shoots children throwing rocks = Okay good for them they have a RIGHT to shoot those children. ANY OTHER NATION NOT ISRAEL say shoot ANYONE throwing rocks = Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi blah blah, violation of Human Rights, violation of International Law, threat of Sanctions etc.

I guarantee you that children throwing rocks at armed police or military will get their asses shot in most any country. The parents put them up to it, it’s on them. I have zero sympathy for their women and children, since their women are all just terrorist factories and their children just future terrorists.
  1. unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
    'the purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information'
    synonyms: surplus, redundant, unneeded, not required, excess, extra, spare, to spare, remaining, unused, left over..."
superfluous - Google Search

What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?

"What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?"

She question the excessive role that AIPAC and the AIPAC Lobby have by using threats to smear ANY American politician who does not swear allegiance to Israel, they are swearing allegiance to a Foreign Entity when their ONLY allegiance should be to America and the Stars and Stripes, so of course because NOBODY is allowed to ask ANY questions of the excessive influence that AIPAC has in American politics this is considered redundant, excessive and unneeded after all WHY is it needed to question the influence of AIPAC? It would be interesting that at some point if something occur and they had to choose between whoring for Israel OR saving America from some disaster, that they could NOT support BOTH that they had to choose either Israel OR America that if they are American Patriots they choose America but that dooms Israel or IF they are American Traitors and support Israel but that dooms America, this is the ultimate dilemma when you are forced by intimidation and money bribes to hold your nose and have dual loyalty, as I comment already in this thread a Patriot CANNOT serve TWO Masters.

Whatever happened to "The war on terrorism"?

The War on Terrorism like the War on Drugs is NOT winnable it is just a total waste of billions down toilet. Considering the Terrorists are not recognisable, that they look like normal civilians this makes it difficult to determine who IS and ISN'T a Terrorist and IF you cannot even identify the Enemy by sight how can you win that type of bizarro war? You cannot. What is needed is a different approach to fighting Terrorism, but essentially the fight is unwinnable there will always be Terrorism there HAS always been Terrorism across Centuries, it is Perpetual, the aim should be to contain it to specific realms so it cannot spread out across the planet but I think the ball already dropped on this and perhaps the ball deliberately dropped. As I comment already the International Globalists aim is Perpetual War and chaos across four Continents European, Asia, America and Africa this in turn assist the International Globalists main aim the exporting of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Economic Migrants who are deliberately directed via International Globalist NGOs, International Globalist Human Rights groups and the International Globalists UN to ONLY export themselves to the European Continent AND North America.

The whole thing LOOKS like chaos but in actuality it has been very well planned with a military precision by the International Globalists and the ultimate end of the International Globalists is that this mass exporting of Third World Savages into ONLY First World nations in approx 20 years collapse the First World Society to descend then into Third World Society and from this the International Globalists can achieve their Centuries planned happening a One World Government and I say Centuries because the International Globalists are NOT new these now are the Ancestors of the original International Globalists who begin to plan all of this in the late 19th Century, these human filth POS attempted to do the original building later by the orchestrated League of Nations which then collapse they then later thanks to America and the fucking British faggots made sure the next would NOT fail and that was the orchestrated United Nations formed by Communists and Communist sympathisers the UN should have been strangled DECADES ago it is and always was designed to be the Seat of the International Globalists to eventually be the Seat of their One World Government with which they rule with brutal iron rods the ENTIRE planet which will thanks to the International Globalists have been reduced to one massive Third World shit hole.

You’re right we cannot truely ever win the war on Islamic terrorists, unless we nuked them all. Best thing we can do is isolate them, stop all immigration from their countries, and let them kill each other.

Yes but The Hidden Hand will NOT allow The West to isolate them and especially not allow to stop ALL immigration, you should already know that, again the eg. The Donald wanted to stop ALL immigration from Non-European nations and look at the viscious reaction from the International Globalist MSM and the International Globalist intimidated and bribed politicians on both Left AND Right he was called wait for it you already know he was called Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi blah blah and ANY politician who supports ZERO immigration and CLOSED BORDERS is called the same thing. Only ONE nation on this planet is allowed to have closed borders and you already know that is of course Israel, why can Israel have WALLS and CLOSED BORDERS but NO Western nation is allowed to have the SAME as Israel? They say oh well Israel is under threat from Radical Muslims who want to blow them up but WESTERN NATIONS are ALSO under the SAME threat now thanks to America and the fucking British interfering and fucking up an already decades old fucked up Middle East. IMHO ONLY Western nations that are the little dogs of America and like obedient little dogs join America in invading nations in the Middle East ONLY those nations should get the Economic Migrants and ALL Western nations who REFUSE to be American little dogs and join the invasion should NOT be under ANY obligation to take ANY migrants from the Middle East and IF at some point WE decide to begin shooting these Economic Migrants that WE do NOT WANT then THAT is OUR business and every one else can STFU when we begin shooting them, they are told to GTFO we do NOT want you, we are not going to be sitting that much longer before we take action to permanantly remove them not only from this Continent but from this planet.

The real enemy is the globalist MSM types, mostly Jews by the way, anti-Israeli type Jews.
Well Death Angel was saying that the Palestinians do not exist and have no right to the land they are on, so if most of Israel has no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews then they are squatting. You say Israel want the land ie. Israel steals the land off the Palestinians and is willing to defend it by dropping bombs on the Palestinians who have no America Funded Army with Bombs, Mortars etc.

"They kicked all the Arabs’ asses in the war when they tried to kick them out of Israel."

So mainly Russians and New York Americans with no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews were told by America and the Commie UN they could go and take over a land they have NO DNA link to and when the crowd who had lived on that land for Centuries objected America and the Commie UN turn the second eye and America give them bombs and other weapons to kick the asses of the crowd who had a right via their Ancestors to live on that land and now the decendents of that crowd are pissed off and American thinks why that is and that is nothing to do with Israel actions many decades ago? To Americans Israeli's SHIT smell of sweet roses, embarrassing this bizarro Fetish.

The “Palestinians” never had their own country to begin with. The Ottoman Empire own everything until their fall, then the British owned “Palestine”. The Jews and Arabs fought over it. The Arabs from Jordan, Syria, and Egypt that is. To say they had no help is a flat out lie. The Arabs lost, period. Jordan and Egypt still annexed the West Bank and Gaza, the rest was won by the Jews. Who cares if the Jews had outside help, that’s the way war works, if you get help from allies you are better off. Personally I’d rather help out a Jew than a Muslim barbarian, given Muslims’ long history of conquest by the sword, oppression, and slavery.

But, if you love Muslim trash so much, go fight for them.

"The “Palestinians” never had their own country to begin with. The Ottoman Empire own everything until their fall, then the British owned “Palestine”. The Jews and Arabs fought over it. The Arabs from Jordan, Syria, and Egypt that is. To say they had no help is a flat out lie. The Arabs lost, period. Jordan and Egypt still annexed the West Bank and Gaza, the rest was won by the Jews."

The Jews never had their own country to begin with also. The Jews fought with American help so of course they beat the Arabs not a fair battle.

"Personally I’d rather help out a Jew than a Muslim barbarian, given Muslims’ long history of conquest by the sword, oppression, and slavery."

Personally I would rather help not one, let them fight each other, what does The West get from supporting ONE side ZERO only trouble for The West, the Middle East being the shit hole it is should be told to fight their own problems and if they all want to blow each other up who cares, IMHO the planet would be better if the Middle East just disappeared.

"But, if you love Muslim trash so much, go fight for them."

Hawk we have been in enough threads together for you to know my thoughts about Islam and Radical Muslims, so no I do not love them but also do not love Radical Jews who are also trash the ones who shoot unarmed children and nurses, that trash. It is embarrassing how Americans prostitute themselves for Israel and think Jew shit smell of sweet roses and the Jews NEVER can do ANY wrong and are perfect. Like with ALL other peoples regardless of religion their is good and bad, there are good Jews but also bad Jews. I do not know why the obsession with the fanatical Jew Fetish that Americans have there is ZERO special about Jews they are NO special than ANYONE else on this planet and do not give me that American Evangelical horsecrap about they are God's Chosen, what horsecrap they have NO DNA link with the Biblical Hebrews who WERE God's Chosen what you have is that 98% of the world's Jews Centuries ago their Ancestors probably were some Pagan worship and then in the Middle Ages they converted to Judaism so NO DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews and their Judaism go back to only approx 500-600 years. ANYONE can be a Jew YOU Hawk could convert to Judaism and that does NOT mean you are then one of God's Chosen and in actuality there is probably NOBODY today who have a DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews although if we go on what our Bible says there are 144,000 and ONLY 144,000 on this planet who do have a DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews and after the Luciferarians with all the Evangelicals who are siding with them all get thrown into the Eternal Lake of Fire because they will find they have been supporting the Anti-Christ then the 144,000 God returns to the land that is theirs but ONLY after The Great Tribulation and Armageddon this occur and it is only as stated by God in our Bible 144,000 of them NOT 10 million or 20 million of them.

Whoever said war is supposed to be “fair”?

Do you think it was fair when Muslims spread through North Africa and even into Europe, killing or enslaving anyone that didn’t convert? We’re talking about people that strap bombs on children and target innocent civilians. Do I feel a thing if some Israeli accidentally kills one of theirs? Nope. I just don’t care. Maybe someday if Muslims turn into rational and civilized human beings I will care, but we both know that will never happen.

Yes we know Radical Muslims do that. Not ALL of the Israeli shooting are accident and there is footage they film themselves of deliberately shooting at unarmed Palestinians and YET if WE deliberate shot at the invading savages the International Globalist organisations who suck Israel buttocks would SOON threaten sanctions on us or whatever eg, in America look how demented and hysterical the International Globalist organisations were when The Donald gave the order to shoot ANY of that Illegal Invading Caravan that was throwing rocks? Yet the SAME International Globalist organisations INCLUDING the International Globalist owned MSM are SILENT when Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian children for throwing rocks.

This hypocritical shit might go not noticed in Brainwashed to be Israel First and Suck Israel's Buttocks America but it does NOT go not noticed OUTSIDE of America. Israel shoots children throwing rocks = Okay good for them they have a RIGHT to shoot those children. ANY OTHER NATION NOT ISRAEL say shoot ANYONE throwing rocks = Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi blah blah, violation of Human Rights, violation of International Law, threat of Sanctions etc.

I guarantee you that children throwing rocks at armed police or military will get their asses shot in most any country. The parents put them up to it, it’s on them. I have zero sympathy for their women and children, since their women are all just terrorist factories and their children just future terrorists.

"I guarantee you that children throwing rocks at armed police or military will get their asses shot in most any country."

That is not correct you know that in Western nations we are NOT allowed to do that because of the International Globalists Human Rights, I give you already the example of the hysterical reaction from the International Globalist Organisations and the International Globalist owned MSM when The Donald say to shoot ANY PERSON from that Illegal Invading Caravan throwing rocks.
"What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?"

She question the excessive role that AIPAC and the AIPAC Lobby have by using threats to smear ANY American politician who does not swear allegiance to Israel, they are swearing allegiance to a Foreign Entity when their ONLY allegiance should be to America and the Stars and Stripes, so of course because NOBODY is allowed to ask ANY questions of the excessive influence that AIPAC has in American politics this is considered redundant, excessive and unneeded after all WHY is it needed to question the influence of AIPAC? It would be interesting that at some point if something occur and they had to choose between whoring for Israel OR saving America from some disaster, that they could NOT support BOTH that they had to choose either Israel OR America that if they are American Patriots they choose America but that dooms Israel or IF they are American Traitors and support Israel but that dooms America, this is the ultimate dilemma when you are forced by intimidation and money bribes to hold your nose and have dual loyalty, as I comment already in this thread a Patriot CANNOT serve TWO Masters.

Whatever happened to "The war on terrorism"?

The War on Terrorism like the War on Drugs is NOT winnable it is just a total waste of billions down toilet. Considering the Terrorists are not recognisable, that they look like normal civilians this makes it difficult to determine who IS and ISN'T a Terrorist and IF you cannot even identify the Enemy by sight how can you win that type of bizarro war? You cannot. What is needed is a different approach to fighting Terrorism, but essentially the fight is unwinnable there will always be Terrorism there HAS always been Terrorism across Centuries, it is Perpetual, the aim should be to contain it to specific realms so it cannot spread out across the planet but I think the ball already dropped on this and perhaps the ball deliberately dropped. As I comment already the International Globalists aim is Perpetual War and chaos across four Continents European, Asia, America and Africa this in turn assist the International Globalists main aim the exporting of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Economic Migrants who are deliberately directed via International Globalist NGOs, International Globalist Human Rights groups and the International Globalists UN to ONLY export themselves to the European Continent AND North America.

The whole thing LOOKS like chaos but in actuality it has been very well planned with a military precision by the International Globalists and the ultimate end of the International Globalists is that this mass exporting of Third World Savages into ONLY First World nations in approx 20 years collapse the First World Society to descend then into Third World Society and from this the International Globalists can achieve their Centuries planned happening a One World Government and I say Centuries because the International Globalists are NOT new these now are the Ancestors of the original International Globalists who begin to plan all of this in the late 19th Century, these human filth POS attempted to do the original building later by the orchestrated League of Nations which then collapse they then later thanks to America and the fucking British faggots made sure the next would NOT fail and that was the orchestrated United Nations formed by Communists and Communist sympathisers the UN should have been strangled DECADES ago it is and always was designed to be the Seat of the International Globalists to eventually be the Seat of their One World Government with which they rule with brutal iron rods the ENTIRE planet which will thanks to the International Globalists have been reduced to one massive Third World shit hole.

You’re right we cannot truely ever win the war on Islamic terrorists, unless we nuked them all. Best thing we can do is isolate them, stop all immigration from their countries, and let them kill each other.

Yes but The Hidden Hand will NOT allow The West to isolate them and especially not allow to stop ALL immigration, you should already know that, again the eg. The Donald wanted to stop ALL immigration from Non-European nations and look at the viscious reaction from the International Globalist MSM and the International Globalist intimidated and bribed politicians on both Left AND Right he was called wait for it you already know he was called Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi blah blah and ANY politician who supports ZERO immigration and CLOSED BORDERS is called the same thing. Only ONE nation on this planet is allowed to have closed borders and you already know that is of course Israel, why can Israel have WALLS and CLOSED BORDERS but NO Western nation is allowed to have the SAME as Israel? They say oh well Israel is under threat from Radical Muslims who want to blow them up but WESTERN NATIONS are ALSO under the SAME threat now thanks to America and the fucking British interfering and fucking up an already decades old fucked up Middle East. IMHO ONLY Western nations that are the little dogs of America and like obedient little dogs join America in invading nations in the Middle East ONLY those nations should get the Economic Migrants and ALL Western nations who REFUSE to be American little dogs and join the invasion should NOT be under ANY obligation to take ANY migrants from the Middle East and IF at some point WE decide to begin shooting these Economic Migrants that WE do NOT WANT then THAT is OUR business and every one else can STFU when we begin shooting them, they are told to GTFO we do NOT want you, we are not going to be sitting that much longer before we take action to permanantly remove them not only from this Continent but from this planet.

The real enemy is the globalist MSM types, mostly Jews by the way, anti-Israeli type Jews.

Well yes the International Globalist owned MSM is 90% Leftist Athiest Jews and most International Globalists are also Leftist Athiest Jews eg. George Fucking Soros for one example and they are the Enemy of Western Civilisation their Agenda is Open Borders, LGBTQ, Unlimited Abortion, Blame Whitey, Anti-White Fetish, Black Fetish, Muslim Fetish, Hate of Jesus Christ, Trashing Christianity, destroying the Nuclear Family, destroying ANY strong Male Role Models for young boys by feminising men, Anti-Western Civilisation Heritage, no European has ANY claim to the land of their Ancestors because the Enemy have always been Rootless then YOU also will be Rootless and so someone from Nigeria can turn up in Belgium and now automatically they ARE as Beligian as the Belgians who have been in Belgium for CENTURIES, someone from Afghanistan can turn up in Texas and now automatically they ARE as Texan as Davy Crockett.

The thing is that the ABOVE needs to be stated because it IS accurate, they freak when light shined on them and their Agenda and then they begin smear campaign that that is Anti-Semitic it is NOT Anti-Semitic to state what IS accurate eg. it is NOT Anti-Semitic to say that George Fucking Soros is a filthy human slug, they hide behind this slur of Anti-Semitism but more and more every day have the blind fold off and see what is happening and are refusing to tolerate the smear campaigns now, situation is there are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of The Enlightened and you cannot shut up and Shut Down HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of MILLIONS when the Enemy is numbering approx 10 million, IF they want ALL of this to STOP then they need to stop their Agenda and they of course are NOT going to stop their Agenda and so because of that it IS going to get to a point where EVERY ONE is going to HAVE to choose a side, you CANNOT be on BOTH sides OR NOT choose ANY side.
Whatever happened to "The war on terrorism"?

The War on Terrorism like the War on Drugs is NOT winnable it is just a total waste of billions down toilet. Considering the Terrorists are not recognisable, that they look like normal civilians this makes it difficult to determine who IS and ISN'T a Terrorist and IF you cannot even identify the Enemy by sight how can you win that type of bizarro war? You cannot. What is needed is a different approach to fighting Terrorism, but essentially the fight is unwinnable there will always be Terrorism there HAS always been Terrorism across Centuries, it is Perpetual, the aim should be to contain it to specific realms so it cannot spread out across the planet but I think the ball already dropped on this and perhaps the ball deliberately dropped. As I comment already the International Globalists aim is Perpetual War and chaos across four Continents European, Asia, America and Africa this in turn assist the International Globalists main aim the exporting of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Economic Migrants who are deliberately directed via International Globalist NGOs, International Globalist Human Rights groups and the International Globalists UN to ONLY export themselves to the European Continent AND North America.

The whole thing LOOKS like chaos but in actuality it has been very well planned with a military precision by the International Globalists and the ultimate end of the International Globalists is that this mass exporting of Third World Savages into ONLY First World nations in approx 20 years collapse the First World Society to descend then into Third World Society and from this the International Globalists can achieve their Centuries planned happening a One World Government and I say Centuries because the International Globalists are NOT new these now are the Ancestors of the original International Globalists who begin to plan all of this in the late 19th Century, these human filth POS attempted to do the original building later by the orchestrated League of Nations which then collapse they then later thanks to America and the fucking British faggots made sure the next would NOT fail and that was the orchestrated United Nations formed by Communists and Communist sympathisers the UN should have been strangled DECADES ago it is and always was designed to be the Seat of the International Globalists to eventually be the Seat of their One World Government with which they rule with brutal iron rods the ENTIRE planet which will thanks to the International Globalists have been reduced to one massive Third World shit hole.

You’re right we cannot truely ever win the war on Islamic terrorists, unless we nuked them all. Best thing we can do is isolate them, stop all immigration from their countries, and let them kill each other.

Yes but The Hidden Hand will NOT allow The West to isolate them and especially not allow to stop ALL immigration, you should already know that, again the eg. The Donald wanted to stop ALL immigration from Non-European nations and look at the viscious reaction from the International Globalist MSM and the International Globalist intimidated and bribed politicians on both Left AND Right he was called wait for it you already know he was called Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi blah blah and ANY politician who supports ZERO immigration and CLOSED BORDERS is called the same thing. Only ONE nation on this planet is allowed to have closed borders and you already know that is of course Israel, why can Israel have WALLS and CLOSED BORDERS but NO Western nation is allowed to have the SAME as Israel? They say oh well Israel is under threat from Radical Muslims who want to blow them up but WESTERN NATIONS are ALSO under the SAME threat now thanks to America and the fucking British interfering and fucking up an already decades old fucked up Middle East. IMHO ONLY Western nations that are the little dogs of America and like obedient little dogs join America in invading nations in the Middle East ONLY those nations should get the Economic Migrants and ALL Western nations who REFUSE to be American little dogs and join the invasion should NOT be under ANY obligation to take ANY migrants from the Middle East and IF at some point WE decide to begin shooting these Economic Migrants that WE do NOT WANT then THAT is OUR business and every one else can STFU when we begin shooting them, they are told to GTFO we do NOT want you, we are not going to be sitting that much longer before we take action to permanantly remove them not only from this Continent but from this planet.

The real enemy is the globalist MSM types, mostly Jews by the way, anti-Israeli type Jews.

Well yes the International Globalist owned MSM is 90% Leftist Athiest Jews and most International Globalists are also Leftist Athiest Jews eg. George Fucking Soros for one example and they are the Enemy of Western Civilisation their Agenda is Open Borders, LGBTQ, Unlimited Abortion, Blame Whitey, Anti-White Fetish, Black Fetish, Muslim Fetish, Hate of Jesus Christ, Trashing Christianity, destroying the Nuclear Family, destroying ANY strong Male Role Models for young boys by feminising men, Anti-Western Civilisation Heritage, no European has ANY claim to the land of their Ancestors because the Enemy have always been Rootless then YOU also will be Rootless and so someone from Nigeria can turn up in Belgium and now automatically they ARE as Beligian as the Belgians who have been in Belgium for CENTURIES, someone from Afghanistan can turn up in Texas and now automatically they ARE as Texan as Davy Crockett.

The thing is that the ABOVE needs to be stated because it IS accurate, they freak when light shined on them and their Agenda and then they begin smear campaign that that is Anti-Semitic it is NOT Anti-Semitic to state what IS accurate eg. it is NOT Anti-Semitic to say that George Fucking Soros is a filthy human slug, they hide behind this slur of Anti-Semitism but more and more every day have the blind fold off and see what is happening and are refusing to tolerate the smear campaigns now, situation is there are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of The Enlightened and you cannot shut up and Shut Down HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of MILLIONS when the Enemy is numbering approx 10 million, IF they want ALL of this to STOP then they need to stop their Agenda and they of course are NOT going to stop their Agenda and so because of that it IS going to get to a point where EVERY ONE is going to HAVE to choose a side, you CANNOT be on BOTH sides OR NOT choose ANY side.

Slow down, your gun is ready, correct? It's all good then.
Nuke the cube, problem solved.

I used to think that nuking Mecca would be the idea, then I realise to do that would result in the problem being 10,000 times severe than already now is.

I disagree. Nuke the cube, and get rid of anyone that bitches about it. Simple.

Turn it all into a sheet of glass. Pilgrimage to that, m-fer!

There are approx 200 million Muslims on this planet, not all in Middle East, there are tens of millions of them in Asia for eg if the Cube nuked then Pandora's Box is opened and it will be 100% impossible to contain the world wide carnage unleash with 200 millions Muslims on rampage. Before action you have to think about the ramifications of that action, if negative larger than positive then you do not do it, once Pandora's Box is opened you cannot shut it again.
The War on Terrorism like the War on Drugs is NOT winnable it is just a total waste of billions down toilet. Considering the Terrorists are not recognisable, that they look like normal civilians this makes it difficult to determine who IS and ISN'T a Terrorist and IF you cannot even identify the Enemy by sight how can you win that type of bizarro war? You cannot. What is needed is a different approach to fighting Terrorism, but essentially the fight is unwinnable there will always be Terrorism there HAS always been Terrorism across Centuries, it is Perpetual, the aim should be to contain it to specific realms so it cannot spread out across the planet but I think the ball already dropped on this and perhaps the ball deliberately dropped. As I comment already the International Globalists aim is Perpetual War and chaos across four Continents European, Asia, America and Africa this in turn assist the International Globalists main aim the exporting of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Economic Migrants who are deliberately directed via International Globalist NGOs, International Globalist Human Rights groups and the International Globalists UN to ONLY export themselves to the European Continent AND North America.

The whole thing LOOKS like chaos but in actuality it has been very well planned with a military precision by the International Globalists and the ultimate end of the International Globalists is that this mass exporting of Third World Savages into ONLY First World nations in approx 20 years collapse the First World Society to descend then into Third World Society and from this the International Globalists can achieve their Centuries planned happening a One World Government and I say Centuries because the International Globalists are NOT new these now are the Ancestors of the original International Globalists who begin to plan all of this in the late 19th Century, these human filth POS attempted to do the original building later by the orchestrated League of Nations which then collapse they then later thanks to America and the fucking British faggots made sure the next would NOT fail and that was the orchestrated United Nations formed by Communists and Communist sympathisers the UN should have been strangled DECADES ago it is and always was designed to be the Seat of the International Globalists to eventually be the Seat of their One World Government with which they rule with brutal iron rods the ENTIRE planet which will thanks to the International Globalists have been reduced to one massive Third World shit hole.

You’re right we cannot truely ever win the war on Islamic terrorists, unless we nuked them all. Best thing we can do is isolate them, stop all immigration from their countries, and let them kill each other.

Yes but The Hidden Hand will NOT allow The West to isolate them and especially not allow to stop ALL immigration, you should already know that, again the eg. The Donald wanted to stop ALL immigration from Non-European nations and look at the viscious reaction from the International Globalist MSM and the International Globalist intimidated and bribed politicians on both Left AND Right he was called wait for it you already know he was called Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi blah blah and ANY politician who supports ZERO immigration and CLOSED BORDERS is called the same thing. Only ONE nation on this planet is allowed to have closed borders and you already know that is of course Israel, why can Israel have WALLS and CLOSED BORDERS but NO Western nation is allowed to have the SAME as Israel? They say oh well Israel is under threat from Radical Muslims who want to blow them up but WESTERN NATIONS are ALSO under the SAME threat now thanks to America and the fucking British interfering and fucking up an already decades old fucked up Middle East. IMHO ONLY Western nations that are the little dogs of America and like obedient little dogs join America in invading nations in the Middle East ONLY those nations should get the Economic Migrants and ALL Western nations who REFUSE to be American little dogs and join the invasion should NOT be under ANY obligation to take ANY migrants from the Middle East and IF at some point WE decide to begin shooting these Economic Migrants that WE do NOT WANT then THAT is OUR business and every one else can STFU when we begin shooting them, they are told to GTFO we do NOT want you, we are not going to be sitting that much longer before we take action to permanantly remove them not only from this Continent but from this planet.

The real enemy is the globalist MSM types, mostly Jews by the way, anti-Israeli type Jews.

Well yes the International Globalist owned MSM is 90% Leftist Athiest Jews and most International Globalists are also Leftist Athiest Jews eg. George Fucking Soros for one example and they are the Enemy of Western Civilisation their Agenda is Open Borders, LGBTQ, Unlimited Abortion, Blame Whitey, Anti-White Fetish, Black Fetish, Muslim Fetish, Hate of Jesus Christ, Trashing Christianity, destroying the Nuclear Family, destroying ANY strong Male Role Models for young boys by feminising men, Anti-Western Civilisation Heritage, no European has ANY claim to the land of their Ancestors because the Enemy have always been Rootless then YOU also will be Rootless and so someone from Nigeria can turn up in Belgium and now automatically they ARE as Beligian as the Belgians who have been in Belgium for CENTURIES, someone from Afghanistan can turn up in Texas and now automatically they ARE as Texan as Davy Crockett.

The thing is that the ABOVE needs to be stated because it IS accurate, they freak when light shined on them and their Agenda and then they begin smear campaign that that is Anti-Semitic it is NOT Anti-Semitic to state what IS accurate eg. it is NOT Anti-Semitic to say that George Fucking Soros is a filthy human slug, they hide behind this slur of Anti-Semitism but more and more every day have the blind fold off and see what is happening and are refusing to tolerate the smear campaigns now, situation is there are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of The Enlightened and you cannot shut up and Shut Down HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of MILLIONS when the Enemy is numbering approx 10 million, IF they want ALL of this to STOP then they need to stop their Agenda and they of course are NOT going to stop their Agenda and so because of that it IS going to get to a point where EVERY ONE is going to HAVE to choose a side, you CANNOT be on BOTH sides OR NOT choose ANY side.

Slow down, your gun is ready, correct? It's all good then.

Yes it is and I have no human emotions for that crowd, they are objects that are not wanted.

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