The Smearing of Ilhan Omar

Let’s see, he was amongst those attempting to throw explosive devices at Israeli soldiers, as well as firing mortars into Israel.
Maybe he fell off his bike?

The Israeli army committed at least 4 war crimes in recent weeks. But who cares? | Opinion

Why don’t you grab a gun and go join the fight against Israelis if they are so evil and Palestinians are so good?

Nobody say that the Palestinians are so good, the situation is that Israel in frequent for decades violates International Law and because of America they get away with it ANY other nation would have had Economic Sanctions put on it years ago already. ANY other nation AMERICA would have put Economic Sanctions on it.

What “international law”? What court were they convicted in?

Ilhan Omar - Wikipedia

"Omar became a U.S. citizen in 2000 when she was 17 years old.[14][9]

"She has spoken about being bullied for wearing a hijab during her time in Virginia, recalling classmates sticking gum on it, pushing her down stairs, and jumping her when changing for gym class.[9]

"Omar remembers her father's reaction to these incidents, 'They are doing something to you because they feel threatened in some way by your existence.'[9]"

She has the history to make some real changes in this country.

Perhaps in the White House someday?

She has the history to make some real changes in this country.

Perhaps in the White House someday?

As another Dem humidor?
they have a RIGHT to a Palestinian State
Why? There has NEVER been a Palestinian State. There are no "Palestinians." They are a creation of the Left. You should know better. But you are young.

Founding National Myths: Fabricating Palestinian History

How many Israeli's are DNA linked to the Biblical Hebrews? If answer not many, then are they also squatting?

Who cares what their DNA is. They want the land and are willing to defend it. They kicked all the Arabs’ asses in the war when they tried to kick them out of Israel. Let the Arabs try again if they want. Until then everyone should just accept reality.

Well Death Angel was saying that the Palestinians do not exist and have no right to the land they are on, so if most of Israel has no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews then they are squatting. You say Israel want the land ie. Israel steals the land off the Palestinians and is willing to defend it by dropping bombs on the Palestinians who have no America Funded Army with Bombs, Mortars etc.

"They kicked all the Arabs’ asses in the war when they tried to kick them out of Israel."

So mainly Russians and New York Americans with no DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews were told by America and the Commie UN they could go and take over a land they have NO DNA link to and when the crowd who had lived on that land for Centuries objected America and the Commie UN turn the second eye and America give them bombs and other weapons to kick the asses of the crowd who had a right via their Ancestors to live on that land and now the decendents of that crowd are pissed off and American thinks why that is and that is nothing to do with Israel actions many decades ago? To Americans Israeli's SHIT smell of sweet roses, embarrassing this bizarro Fetish.
I dont give a fuck about Israel or Palestine or jews or muslims. I dont want either group having influence in american politics.
Let’s see, he was amongst those attempting to throw explosive devices at Israeli soldiers, as well as firing mortars into Israel.
Maybe he fell off his bike?

The Israeli army committed at least 4 war crimes in recent weeks. But who cares? | Opinion

Why don’t you grab a gun and go join the fight against Israelis if they are so evil and Palestinians are so good?

Nobody say that the Palestinians are so good, the situation is that Israel in frequent for decades violates International Law and because of America they get away with it ANY other nation would have had Economic Sanctions put on it years ago already. ANY other nation AMERICA would have put Economic Sanctions on it.

What “international law”? What court were they convicted in?

BOUGHT AND BRIBED AND BLACKMAILED by AIPAC American politicians would not allow it.
I dont give a fuck about Israel or Palestine or jews or muslims. I dont want either group having influence in american politics.

This is what the majority should comment, that they want NO outside interest influencing American politics. American politicians swear allegiance to the Stars and Stripes NOT the Stars and Stripes AND the flag with the Blue Hexagram.
Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."

I have never heard of this Omar before this thread.

"'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'"

What is incorrect about the above? AIPAC are a political organisation they do push for American politicians to get on knees and lick Israel's buttocks and to NEVER criticise ANYTHING Israel does EVEN when it's shooting unarmed children and Palestinian nurses and IF an American politician running for office does NOT swear PUBLIC allegiance to Israel then AIPAC and fellow thugs in suits with the MSM in tow as the mouthpiece then do viscious smear campaigns to destroy that persons public life.

There is NO other nation that is treated this way, a politician can say they do NOT like eg. France or eg. Canada or eg. Mexico or eg. China and this is considered okay, no smear campaigns, no destroying of their public life and no not any of this CRAP about but but but Israel is a democracy in the middle of Kebab insanity and Israel is the ally, horsecrap IF Israel was an American ally then why no Israel troops for Gulf War I or Iraq invasion II why no Israel troops dying with American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq why no Israel troops dying with American troops in Vietnam?

There is nothing incorrect about the above comment from this Omar woman and that they are attempting to destroy her public life now is their MO it is what they do the same thing to anyone who dare say that AIPAC demand that American politicians be Semi-Traitor by having allegiance to America AND Israel, the situation is that a Patriot cannot SERVE TWO masters but that if American politicians had to choose what is best for America but bad for Israel they would probably throw America off the boat.
'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'"

There is nothing incorrect about the above comment from this Omar woman and that they are attempting to destroy her public life now is their MO
After the Six Day War in 1967, US political and military elites became aware of how useful Israel could be to American economic interests. Since that time thousands of non-Jews have been killed as Israel extended its control from the River to the sea. Omar and others are opening eyes that should have been paying attention since 8 June 1967:

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

If the US ever holds Israel to the same human rights standards it holds countries like Iran and Venezuela to, violence levels across the Middle East will diminish rapidly. Maybe the beginning of that sea change is happening today?
Well Eliot L. Engel is a jew, and to be fair it was 23 Republicans in the House who voted down the vote to ban hate speech of all. Also it was the Republican who wanted to have only an anti Semitic bill, and with the 2 Jews in the GOP House and O in the GOP Senate , PROVES the point they are just hypocrites.

It passed easily in a 407-23 vote, and all the "no" votes came from Republicans. Many GOP lawmakers said they would oppose it because Democrats diluted its message against anti-Semitism.
After days of Democratic hand-wringing, House votes to condemn hate speech

are you aware there is a difference between anti Semitism and anti Zionism.

What up Jew hater. Funny to see you in this thread.
I dont give a fuck about Israel or Palestine or jews or muslims. I dont want either group having influence in american politics.

This is what the majority should comment, that they want NO outside interest influencing American politics.

We need Israel. They are our eyes and ears in the cesspool known as the ME.
I dont give a fuck about Israel or Palestine or jews or muslims. I dont want either group having influence in american politics.

This is what the majority should comment, that they want NO outside interest influencing American politics.

We need Israel. They are our eyes and ears in the cesspool known as the ME.

Do not be ridiculous Azog. America and NO Western nation should be involved in the Middle East to begin with.
I dont give a fuck about Israel or Palestine or jews or muslims. I dont want either group having influence in american politics.

This is what the majority should comment, that they want NO outside interest influencing American politics.

We need Israel. They are our eyes and ears in the cesspool known as the ME.

Do not be ridiculous Azog. America and NO Western nation should be involved in the Middle East to begin with.

A little late now that their hoards have invaded Europe and set up their caliphates. Now we are in it!!
Well Eliot L. Engel is a jew, and to be fair it was 23 Republicans in the House who voted down the vote to ban hate speech of all. Also it was the Republican who wanted to have only an anti Semitic bill, and with the 2 Jews in the GOP House and O in the GOP Senate , PROVES the point they are just hypocrites.

It passed easily in a 407-23 vote, and all the "no" votes came from Republicans. Many GOP lawmakers said they would oppose it because Democrats diluted its message against anti-Semitism.
After days of Democratic hand-wringing, House votes to condemn hate speech

are you aware there is a difference between anti Semitism and anti Zionism.

What up Jew hater. Funny to see you in this thread.

I posted in this thread because to many name calling happening, so instead of name calling why don't you engage Penelope in discussion about what she posted?
Well Eliot L. Engel is a jew, and to be fair it was 23 Republicans in the House who voted down the vote to ban hate speech of all. Also it was the Republican who wanted to have only an anti Semitic bill, and with the 2 Jews in the GOP House and O in the GOP Senate , PROVES the point they are just hypocrites.

It passed easily in a 407-23 vote, and all the "no" votes came from Republicans. Many GOP lawmakers said they would oppose it because Democrats diluted its message against anti-Semitism.
After days of Democratic hand-wringing, House votes to condemn hate speech

are you aware there is a difference between anti Semitism and anti Zionism.

What up Jew hater. Funny to see you in this thread.

I posted in this thread because to many name calling happening, so instead of name calling why don't you engage Penelope in discussion about what she posted?

Because Penelope is my enemy and a Jew hating witch. And a Leftist. Yuck.
I dont give a fuck about Israel or Palestine or jews or muslims. I dont want either group having influence in american politics.

This is what the majority should comment, that they want NO outside interest influencing American politics.

We need Israel. They are our eyes and ears in the cesspool known as the ME.

Do not be ridiculous Azog. America and NO Western nation should be involved in the Middle East to begin with.

A little late now that their hoards have invaded Europe and set up their caliphates. Now we are in it!!

If America would have stayed OUT of the Middle East to begin with this would not have happened, fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc of course it was a deliberate fucking up, the Globalists who's biggest Puppet IS America got their prize Puppet to fuck up Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya etc. The Donald has been attempting to GTFO of the Middle East and look how demented and hysterical the Globalist MSM and the Globalist bought and paid for politicians have reacted, the Globalist aim IS Perpetual War and chaos in the Middle East and also other realms in Africa.
I dont give a fuck about Israel or Palestine or jews or muslims. I dont want either group having influence in american politics.

This is what the majority should comment, that they want NO outside interest influencing American politics.

We need Israel. They are our eyes and ears in the cesspool known as the ME.

Do not be ridiculous Azog. America and NO Western nation should be involved in the Middle East to begin with.

A little late now that their hoards have invaded Europe and set up their caliphates. Now we are in it!!

If America would have stayed OUT of the Middle East to begin with this would not have happened, fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc of course it was a deliberate fucking up, the Globalists who's biggest Puppet IS America got their prize Puppet to fuck up Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya etc. The Donald has been attempting to GTFO of the Middle East and look how demented and hysterical the Globalist MSM and the Globalist bought and paid for politicians have reacted, the Globalist aim IS Perpetual War and chaos in the Middle East and also other realms in Africa.

Oh I agree but Now we’re in it and Charles Martel is rolling over in his grave.
Islam is the most violent cult the world has ever known... End of story
Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
'Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
Scuse me for noticing, but nobody needs to smear Ms. Omar. She does that all by herself in superfluous speech.
  1. unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
    'the purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information'
    synonyms: surplus, redundant, unneeded, not required, excess, extra, spare, to spare, remaining, unused, left over..."
superfluous - Google Search

What, exactly, has Omar said you find redundant, excessive, or unneeded?
they have a RIGHT to a Palestinian State
Why? There has NEVER been a Palestinian State. There are no "Palestinians." They are a creation of the Left. You should know better. But you are young.

There was NEVER an Israel State also, it is a Man-Made State a creation of America and the Commie UN. I already know better, this because I am immune to all brainwashing. The Palestinians have a right to their own State, they are part of that land also historically via their Ancestors. Also I am not Pro or Anti on either side, this is what is needed an even hand approach to this situation and not the embarrassing Israel First Lick Israel Buttocks Fetish and do a smear campaign against ANYONE who does not blind their eyes and be brainwashed into NEVER criticising ANYTHING.

The Palestinians have a right to their own State,

I hear Syria has room.

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