The Smearing of Ilhan Omar

Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
/----/ She just attacked the Libtards Icon: Ilhan Omar trashes Obama: 'Hope and change' was a mirage...
I think she's right about Obama and Israel.

Cornel West Blasts Obama As a 'Mascot of Wall Street'

"In an interview with the website Truthdig, Princeton professor Cornel West calls President Barack Obama 'a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats.'"
Come into the 21st Century:

Calling Israel racist is not anti-Semitism insist international Jewish coalition

"Forty Jewish organisations from around the world have issued a joint statement dispelling the notion that calling Israel a racist country is anti-Sematic.

"The group denounced sections of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism saying that it stifles criticism of Israel with false accusations of racism against Jews."

Regardless of the sins of Mohammad or those who act in his name, the racist state of Israel is at the source of today's for-profit violence in the Middle East.
Only fools look at everything thru race and gender... Don’t be a fucking moron
Solutions, not appeals to emotion!

They do not want solutions or even many times discussion, they just DEMAND everyone bends over and spreads their buttocks or they begin personal attacks and name calling, the arguing is constant, it would be excellent IF an open discussion on mature level was possible.
Let us know when Israel throws dissidents in the wood chipper
Shot any kids lately?

Israeli sniper fatally wounds Gaza child

"A 15-year-old boy died hours after being shot during protests Wednesday evening in the Malika area east of Gaza City, the health ministry in the territory announced early Thursday.

"Israeli snipers shot Saif al-Din Imad Nasir Abu Zaid in the head and wounded six others with live bullets, according to Wattan TV...."

"Targeting children

"Israeli forces have killed at least 40 children in the context of the Great March of Return protests along the Gaza-Israel boundary since their launch on 30 March last year.

"About 190 Palestinians have been killed during the protests.

"A United Nations independent commission of inquiry recently published its preliminary report stating that it had collected evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity by Israel which has used lethal military force against unarmed protesters."
Palestinians have no credibility
Palestinians start all these fights, Israel ends them.
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
Palestinians start all these fights, Israel ends them.
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
Which side launched the first strike in '67?
Your link:

"In the months prior to June 1967, tensions became dangerously heightened. Israel reiterated its post-1956 position that the closure of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping would be a cause for war (a casus belli).

"In May Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser announced that the straits would be closed to Israeli vessels and then mobilised its Egyptian forces along its border with Israel.

"On 5 June, Israel launched what it claimed were a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields.

"Which side caused the war is one of a number of controversies relating to the conflict."

Which side murdered 34 Americans in international waters in '67?

USS Liberty Memorial

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public.

"The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

I have now read about this USS Liberty situation that happened in 1967 and IF ANY nation except Israel would have been involved that result in attacking an American ship and deaths of 34 American Navy men then America would have bombed that nation and/or Sanctions on it. What I have read just now about the USS Liberty situation disgusting.
Does Israel throw gays off buildings

Asking for OP?

I don't know, we know that a jew stabbed someone in the gay parade a while back and probably more have done so, but Israel is known for the place to be if Gay. Tel Aviv.
Solutions, not appeals to emotion!

They do not want solutions or even many times discussion, they just DEMAND everyone bends over and spreads their buttocks or they begin personal attacks and name calling, the arguing is constant, it would be excellent IF an open discussion on mature level was possible.
i only "worry when i lose the bet". Otherwise, it is about better solutions at lower cost. Nobody claims to actually like Taxes.
Let us know when Israel throws dissidents in the wood chipper
Shot any kids lately?

Israeli sniper fatally wounds Gaza child

"A 15-year-old boy died hours after being shot during protests Wednesday evening in the Malika area east of Gaza City, the health ministry in the territory announced early Thursday.

"Israeli snipers shot Saif al-Din Imad Nasir Abu Zaid in the head and wounded six others with live bullets, according to Wattan TV...."

"Targeting children

"Israeli forces have killed at least 40 children in the context of the Great March of Return protests along the Gaza-Israel boundary since their launch on 30 March last year.

"About 190 Palestinians have been killed during the protests.

"A United Nations independent commission of inquiry recently published its preliminary report stating that it had collected evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity by Israel which has used lethal military force against unarmed protesters."
Palestinians have no credibility
Palestinians start all these fights, Israel ends them.
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
Palestinians start all these fights, Israel ends them.
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
Which side launched the first strike in '67?
Your link:

"In the months prior to June 1967, tensions became dangerously heightened. Israel reiterated its post-1956 position that the closure of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping would be a cause for war (a casus belli).

"In May Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser announced that the straits would be closed to Israeli vessels and then mobilised its Egyptian forces along its border with Israel.

"On 5 June, Israel launched what it claimed were a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields.

"Which side caused the war is one of a number of controversies relating to the conflict."

Which side murdered 34 Americans in international waters in '67?

USS Liberty Memorial

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public.

"The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

I have now read about this USS Liberty situation that happened in 1967 and IF ANY nation except Israel would have been involved that result in attacking an American ship and deaths of 34 American Navy men then America would have bombed that nation and/or Sanctions on it. What I have read just now about the USS Liberty situation disgusting.

they also put a bomb in the American Embassy in Egypt.
Lavon Affair - Wikipedia
Last edited:
Jews and Muslims arguing and fighting, what a odd recent development.

If you this started in 1946, you’re pretty dumb.
Mullah Omar should go back to her home in Somalia.
Omar is far more useful to this country than you and Trump combined.

Ilhan Omar - Wikipedia

"In 1995, Omar and her family's application to be resettled as refugees in the U.S. was approved, and they initially settled in Arlington, Virginia.[9][12]

"Later that year, they moved to Minneapolis, where she learned English. Her father worked initially as a taxi driver, later as a postal office worker.[9]

"He and Omar's grandfather emphasized during her upbringing the importance of democracy, and she accompanied her grandfather to caucus meetings at age 14, serving as his interpreter.[10][13] Omar became a U.S. citizen in 2000 when she was 17 years old."
We know all Dimms are anti Semites, Omar is stupid enough to admit it openly.

What is this supposed to show?

I didn’t say there are no antisemites from the extreme right.

Thanks for the video with no commentary, I bet you think you really got me!

What is this supposed to show?

I didn’t say there are no antisemites from the extreme right.

Thanks for the video with no commentary, I bet you think you really got me!
Why don't you supply the precise Omar quote that you believe proves her anti-Semitism?

See if you can find one that rivals "Jews will not replace us."
We know all Dimms are anti Semites, Omar is stupid enough to admit it openly.

What is this supposed to show?

I didn’t say there are no antisemites from the extreme right.

Thanks for the video with no commentary, I bet you think you really got me!

What is this supposed to show?

I didn’t say there are no antisemites from the extreme right.

Thanks for the video with no commentary, I bet you think you really got me!
Why don't you supply the precise Omar quote that you believe proves her anti-Semitism?

See if you can find one that rivals "Jews will not replace us."

I am not arguing whether or not she is anti Semitic with you. She clearly is. You have seen the quotes and you can spin them as you see fit to further your personal narrative.

You are either stupid or disingenuous.
We know all Dimms are anti Semites, Omar is stupid enough to admit it openly.

What is this supposed to show?

I didn’t say there are no antisemites from the extreme right.

Thanks for the video with no commentary, I bet you think you really got me!

What is this supposed to show?

I didn’t say there are no antisemites from the extreme right.

Thanks for the video with no commentary, I bet you think you really got me!
Why don't you supply the precise Omar quote that you believe proves her anti-Semitism?

See if you can find one that rivals "Jews will not replace us."

I am not arguing whether or not she is anti Semitic with you. She clearly is. You have seen the quotes and you can spin them as you see fit to further your personal narrative.

You are either stupid or disingenuous.

I am not arguing whether or not she is anti Semitic with you. She clearly is. You have seen the quotes and you can spin them as you see fit to further your personal narrative.

You are either stupid or disingenuous.
It is neither anti-Semitic to criticize Israel's human rights violations over the past 50 years nor those Americans who choose to support such crimes against humanity.

Are you smart enough to quote Omar's "anti-Semitic" quote, or not?
We know all Dimms are anti Semites, Omar is stupid enough to admit it openly.

What is this supposed to show?

I didn’t say there are no antisemites from the extreme right.

Thanks for the video with no commentary, I bet you think you really got me!

What is this supposed to show?

I didn’t say there are no antisemites from the extreme right.

Thanks for the video with no commentary, I bet you think you really got me!
Why don't you supply the precise Omar quote that you believe proves her anti-Semitism?

See if you can find one that rivals "Jews will not replace us."

I am not arguing whether or not she is anti Semitic with you. She clearly is. You have seen the quotes and you can spin them as you see fit to further your personal narrative.

You are either stupid or disingenuous.

I am not arguing whether or not she is anti Semitic with you. She clearly is. You have seen the quotes and you can spin them as you see fit to further your personal narrative.

You are either stupid or disingenuous.
It is neither anti-Semitic to criticize Israel's human rights violations over the past 50 years nor those Americans who choose to support such crimes against humanity.

Are you smart enough to quote Omar's "anti-Semitic" quote, or not?

Good for you. You have your spin.

Odd that Omar apologized if she didn’t say anything wrong.
Many GOP lawmakers said they would oppose it because Democrats diluted its message against anti-Semitism.
This is the valid reason. The Dems refuse to condemn this woman.

They sure danced around it, didn’t they? She was the soul reason this resolution was brought to the floor, yet the disguise it.
Funny how they went after Seve King personally.

Funny how Steve King has voiced racism comments for over a decade and it took the ADL to write a letter to Paul Ryan just recently.

Shows how the GOP never called him out on it.
Funny how Steve King has voiced racism comments for over a decade and it took the ADL to write a letter to Paul Ryan just recently.

Shows how the GOP never called him out on it.
The only way most conservatives can stop being racist is to stop breathing.

McCarthy Leaves Out Years Of Steve King’s Racism In Ilhan Omar Attack

"It’s true that Republican leadership stripped King of his committee assignments shortly after he wondered aloud to The New York Times: 'White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?'

"But distinguishing this comment as uniquely 'abhorrent' ignores a long history of similarly racist remarks from King, to which Republican leadership had no comparable response at all.

"In 2013, for example, King said that for every young undocumented immigrant 'who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.'"
It was never any of our business, but as usual, Americans can't keep our noses out of everyone's affairs and then we wonder why so many nations hate us and want to kill us.
For that matter WWII was none of our business until we began to embargo items going to Japan and cut off the Panama canal to their ships and blocked their expansionist policies leading to Pearl Harbor. The Embargoes That Blocked Japanese Expansion and Led to War | Defense Media Network

I guess the alternative is to pretend the U.S. is the only nation in the world and what goes on all around us is immaterial.

Support for Israel, the only modern democracy in the entire Middle East (certainly at the time), is a proper and moral
course to take as well as a strategic one.
We need Israel. They are our eyes and ears in the cesspool known as the ME.

Do not be ridiculous Azog. America and NO Western nation should be involved in the Middle East to begin with.

A little late now that their hoards have invaded Europe and set up their caliphates. Now we are in it!!

If America would have stayed OUT of the Middle East to begin with this would not have happened, fucking up Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc of course it was a deliberate fucking up, the Globalists who's biggest Puppet IS America got their prize Puppet to fuck up Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya etc. The Donald has been attempting to GTFO of the Middle East and look how demented and hysterical the Globalist MSM and the Globalist bought and paid for politicians have reacted, the Globalist aim IS Perpetual War and chaos in the Middle East and also other realms in Africa.

Oh I agree but Now we’re in it and Charles Martel is rolling over in his grave.

Well yes but how this ends is that all the invaders will be slaughtered, the pendulum against the invasion has now reached or in approx five years will full reach the tipping point and then all gloves come off. We the Ancestors of Charles Martel are not going to sit and do nothing, history shows that there are no more savage and brutal peoples than us, we have our Ancestors DNA it is in there and just waiting to erupt and when it does this Continent will be stomach high walking through the blood of the invaders just like it was many times Centuries ago across many Centuries.

Which is why we need Israel.
They are Syrian. Jordanian and Egyptian. The Palestinians are not a real people or a real nation. But they were given a homeland 100 years ago in Transjordan which is East of The River Jordan. They need to move out of The West Bank, cross The Jordan and settle on The East Bank.

The Palestinians have a right to their own State,

I hear Syria has room.

The Palestinians are not Syrian.

"The Palestinians are not a real people or a real nation."

Neither are the Israeli's a real people and Israel is a Man-Made nation from America and the Commie UN. There was NEVER in entire history of this planet a nation called Israel UNTIL 1948.

"But they were given a homeland 100 years ago in Transjordan which is East of The River Jordan."

The Russians and other Eastern Europeans who's Ancestors were Russian and from areas around what was the Soviet Union, they were also given a homeland in 1948 Man-Made from America and the Commie UN that ALSO was in the SAME region that GENERATIONS of what we call Palestinians were living in and what was given to create Israel in 1947 with the allowance of American Governments since the Israeli's have systematically STOLEN land that was the Palestinians land and are now then squatting on Palestinian land that was NEVER allocate to create Israel and also the Israeli Settlers are 100% SQUATTING on land that is NOT theirs and NEVER was theirs EVER:


"They need to move out of The West Bank, cross The Jordan and settle on The East Bank."

A lot of what was Transjordan was taken away to create the Man-Made nation of Israel in 1948, so the Palestinians have a right to stay exactly where they are, they were always living in that area to begin with. Not sure perhaps as NO Israeli can illustrate a DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews that they should GTFO and go back to the land of their DIRECT Ancestors the Russians, Belarus etc? I already comment that 98% of International Jewry their Judaism only go back to perhaps 500-600 years and that their direct Ancestors had ZERO connection to The Holy Land and never were there to begin with and that pre-Middle Ages were probably Pagan and then in the Middle Ages converted to Judaism.

Our Christian Bible tell us WHO the ones are, well the number of DIRECT Ancestors to the Biblical Hebrews and they number ONLY 144,000 and after The Great Tribulation and Armageddon OUR LORD will return THEM to THEIR land. ALL those there already are in DIRECT violation of Our Lord's wishes, which they do deliberately because they are STILL in rebellion against Jesus Christ Our Lord and as our Christian Bible say UNLESS they Repent and accept Him they are going to be thrown into the Eternal Lake of Fire with The Anti-Christ, their ONLY Salvation is to accept Jesus Christ Our Lord and be Saved. They need to turn AWAY from their Athiesm and HATE for Our Lord and accept Him into their heart and mind.
So, we should give America back to the Native Americans? Is this the argument you are making?

That is want you Leftists want, actually you Leftists support Open Borders for Western nations because you think Third World Savages have a RIGHT to squat in our nations because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.
Lying fuck. "Leftists" support border security. We don't support your fat assed buddy's 40' concrete wall..

And furthermore you bigoted, racist POS, I favor taking you & your ilk & throwing them out of America because we don't need your type of garbage in the "Land of the Free".

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