The Smearing of Ilhan Omar

I do agree with you though I don't sympathize with you.
The democrats had the chance to slap down Omar a little bit
but Nan Pelosi was more concerned with her personal power than having the democrats perceived as the party that sides with Hamas and the Palestinian bomb throwers over Israel.

This issue will come up over and over again before the next election and the new wave of democrat politicians
will be seen as terrorist loving socialist baby killers and all your biggest nightmare, Donald Trump, will have to do is say, that's not republican, to retain his office.
The good news is that Jews aren't stupid enough to fall for the lies Trump is trying to churn that Democrats hate jews....what a relief, however, Omar should be stripped and placed back in the box until she's learned the get real lessons of politics...become a silent assassin with your votes and your ideas quietly, dear.
Hamas would not exist without the Jewish state's illegal occupation of Palestine.
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link:

"Here is the text of Article 42:

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

"Here is the text of Article 43:

"The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country."

Is the IDF the ultimate authority on the West Bank and Gaza?

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
The Palestinians, the citizens of Palestine.

Sorry, the renters weren't the owners.
Well Eliot L. Engel is a jew, and to be fair it was 23 Republicans in the House who voted down the vote to ban hate speech of all. Also it was the Republican who wanted to have only an anti Semitic bill, and with the 2 Jews in the GOP House and O in the GOP Senate , PROVES the point they are just hypocrites.

It passed easily in a 407-23 vote, and all the "no" votes came from Republicans. Many GOP lawmakers said they would oppose it because Democrats diluted its message against anti-Semitism.
After days of Democratic hand-wringing, House votes to condemn hate speech

are you aware there is a difference between anti Semitism and anti Zionism.

And appropriate, warranted criticism of Israel is neither.

Israel is wrong on many issues, Israel has done things which are in fact wrong, subject to condemnation by the international community.

Omar is addressing issues that need to be considered and merit debate – that such a debate makes blind supporters of Israel uncomfortable comes as no surprise, and illustrates the importance of these debates.

Cynthia McKinney? DERP!
Hamas would not exist without the Jewish state's illegal occupation of Palestine.
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link:

"Here is the text of Article 42:

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

"Here is the text of Article 43:

"The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country."

Is the IDF the ultimate authority on the West Bank and Gaza?

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
The Palestinians, the citizens of Palestine.

Sorry, the renters weren't the owners.
Sorry, the renters weren't the owners.
Palestinians who possessed legal title to homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts were forced to flee for their lives by Jewish terrorists in 1948 and their assets were given to recent Jewish immigrants from Europe. Does that sound kosher, to you?

The Hasbara Buster: Jewish terrorism: debunking three claims

"Jewish terrorism: debunking three claims

"Once upon a time, Jewish groups committed terror acts very similar to the ones perpetrated until recently by the Palestinians, complete with charred vehicles, body parts scatterd all over the sidewalk, etc.

"This creates a problem for the Zionists, since 'nothing, but nothing, can justify terrorism.'

"In order to rationalize the acts of those Jewish murderers, three basic claims are made. As far as I know, they have never been debunked simultaneously in one and the same article. Here we go, thus..."
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link:

"Here is the text of Article 42:

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

"Here is the text of Article 43:

"The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country."

Is the IDF the ultimate authority on the West Bank and Gaza?

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
The Palestinians, the citizens of Palestine.

Sorry, the renters weren't the owners.
Sorry, the renters weren't the owners.
Palestinians who possessed legal title to homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts were forced to flee for their lives by Jewish terrorists in 1948 and their assets were given to recent Jewish immigrants from Europe. Does that sound kosher, to you?

The Hasbara Buster: Jewish terrorism: debunking three claims

"Jewish terrorism: debunking three claims

"Once upon a time, Jewish groups committed terror acts very similar to the ones perpetrated until recently by the Palestinians, complete with charred vehicles, body parts scatterd all over the sidewalk, etc.

"This creates a problem for the Zionists, since 'nothing, but nothing, can justify terrorism.'

"In order to rationalize the acts of those Jewish murderers, three basic claims are made. As far as I know, they have never been debunked simultaneously in one and the same article. Here we go, thus..."

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
When Omar's biggest supporters are Louis Farrakhan and David Duke - former Grand Wizard of the KKK, what does that tell you?
When Omar's biggest supporters are Louis Farrakhan and David Duke - former Grand Wizard of the KKK, what does that tell you?
Sounds more like the enemy of my enemy, to me.
Omar's criticism of the political influence that is bought by bundling large individual donations in support of the apartheid state of Israel is well supported

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"'Right now our current [federal] contribution limit from any person to a candidate is $2,700,' Holman says. 'That’s a lot of money. It can certainly buy … some gratitude with a lawmaker. But if you really want to add punch to that type of buying of favors, what you do is you get 50 or 100 people together at an event like this, all chipping in $2,700 and then you bundle it all together and hand the total amount to the lawmaker. At that point, we’re talking anywhere around a quarter-million dollars. So suddenly you’ve got a group of people with the same demand they want from the lawmaker, handing over a quarter of a million dollars. That buys a lawmaker.'"
But of course, that's not what happened. You can find anti semitic links everywhere that will feed you all the crap you want to swallow, but there is no evidence that any of this crap you are munching on is true.
But of course, that's not what happened. You can find anti semitic links everywhere that will feed you all the crap you want to swallow, but there is no evidence that any of this crap you are munching on is true.
Is this what you are calling "anti-Semitic"?

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"Craig Holman, who campaigns for lobbying reform with Public Citizen, is another participant in the film who denounced the Israel lobby’s fundraising practices.

"'Right now our current [federal] contribution limit from any person to a candidate is $2,700,' Holman says. 'That’s a lot of money. It can certainly buy … some gratitude with a lawmaker. But if you really want to add punch to that type of buying of favors, what you do is you get 50 or 100 people together at an event like this, all chipping in $2,700 and then you bundle it all together and hand the total amount to the lawmaker...'"
Yes, it is anti semitic since you are singling out Jews for political donations.
Your link:

"Here is the text of Article 42:

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

"Here is the text of Article 43:

"The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country."

Is the IDF the ultimate authority on the West Bank and Gaza?

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Thousands of individual Palestinians owned homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts in Palestine that were pilfered by the rampaging Zionists.

Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Shortly after its 'War of Independence,' laws were passed to legitimize Palestinian land seizures for exclusive Jewish use.

"The June 1948 Abandoned Areas Ordinance referred to "any area or place conquered by or surrendered to armed forces or deserted by all or part of its inhabitants.' It gave the Israeli government exclusive jurisdiction rights, including 'expropriation and confiscation (authority over) movable and immovable property, within any abandoned area.'

"It meant displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning and claiming their property that by law was no longer theirs.:
Lands abandoned by Arabs who fled were confiscated, but Israel accepted the UNGA resolution that allowed Arabs who wanted to live in peace with Jews to return but for them to return, they would have to be vetted to discern if they truly wanted to live in peace. Although the office charged with receiving requests to return was open until the mid 1970's, not a single Arab who had fled applied to return because returning under those circumstances would mean acknowledging the state of Israel, and that would have gotten them killed perhaps by their own families. Actions have consequences and if the Arabs had not risen up against the new state of Israel, they would have lost nothing. It is time for them to man up and stop whining about the mistakes they made 70 years ago.
Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Overall, Israeli laws and ILA policy prohibit Arabs from buying, leasing or using land exclusively reserved for Jews.

"On May 21, 1997, Israel's largest circulation newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, quoted Yassar Arafat saying: 'Israel has always confiscated land from Arabs and dispossessed them of the property. The land always goes from Arabs to the Jews,' and he called Palestinians who sell their land to Jews traitors.

"Adalah's September 2009 report titled, 'From Plunder to Plunder: Israel and the Property of the Palestinian Refugees' explained that Tel-Aviv violates international (and its own) laws that let a state freeze 'enemy' refugees' land during time of war, but prohibits its expropriation. Nations must safeguard this property, then return it at the end of conflict.

"More than once, Israeli courts affirmed this, but in recent seizures, Israel violated their rulings and committed plunder in violation of the 1907 Hague Convention's Regulation 46 that explicitly prohibits expropriation.

"More recently on August 3, 2009, the Knesset authorized a new form of plunder by passing the Israel Land Administration Law (the new Land Reform Law - LRL) that will begin a land privatization process in built-up areas and others earmarked for development.

"Around 800,000 dunams are involved or about 4% of Israeli territory that includes many properties belonging to Palestinian refugees inside Israel, the Territories, and the Golan, currently held by the Custodian of Absentees' Property and the Development Authority."
Whine, whine,whine. If the Arabs had been willing to live in peace with the Jews, none of this would have happened, but they chose war, and now they are crying for a do-over.
Yes, it is anti semitic since you are singling out Jews for political donations.
What is it these Jews expect for their political donations?

Loyalty to a racist, apartheid state above all other considerations.

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"The sole criterion of Israel and the Israel lobby in determining who to support and who to demonize is identifying who backs the far-right agenda of the apartheid state of Israel and who does not.

"Genuine anti-Semitism is irrelevant.

"For Israel, the world is divided along the fault line of Palestinian rights.

"Stand up for the Palestinians and you are an anti-Semite."
Hamas would not exist without the Jewish state's illegal occupation of Palestine.
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link:

"Here is the text of Article 42:

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

"Here is the text of Article 43:

"The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country."

Is the IDF the ultimate authority on the West Bank and Gaza?

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Thousands of individual Palestinians owned homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts in Palestine that were pilfered by the rampaging Zionists.

Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Shortly after its 'War of Independence,' laws were passed to legitimize Palestinian land seizures for exclusive Jewish use.

"The June 1948 Abandoned Areas Ordinance referred to "any area or place conquered by or surrendered to armed forces or deserted by all or part of its inhabitants.' It gave the Israeli government exclusive jurisdiction rights, including 'expropriation and confiscation (authority over) movable and immovable property, within any abandoned area.'

"It meant displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning and claiming their property that by law was no longer theirs.:

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

"As of 1931, the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine was 26,625,600 dunams (26,625.6 km2), of which 8,252,900 dunams (8,252.9 km2) or 33% were arable.[118]

"Official statistics show that Jews privately and collectively owned 1,393,531 dunams (1,393.53 km2), or 5.23% of Palestine's total in 1945."
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link cannot be opened. These two can be opened.
Breaking Down the 'Israeli Occupation' Myth
Correcting the century-old mistake of placating Arab violence

Hamas violence is not justified by Israel's existence.
Your link:

"Here is the text of Article 42:

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

"Here is the text of Article 43:

"The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country."

Is the IDF the ultimate authority on the West Bank and Gaza?

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Thousands of individual Palestinians owned homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts in Palestine that were pilfered by the rampaging Zionists.

Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Shortly after its 'War of Independence,' laws were passed to legitimize Palestinian land seizures for exclusive Jewish use.

"The June 1948 Abandoned Areas Ordinance referred to "any area or place conquered by or surrendered to armed forces or deserted by all or part of its inhabitants.' It gave the Israeli government exclusive jurisdiction rights, including 'expropriation and confiscation (authority over) movable and immovable property, within any abandoned area.'

"It meant displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning and claiming their property that by law was no longer theirs.:

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

"As of 1931, the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine was 26,625,600 dunams (26,625.6 km2), of which 8,252,900 dunams (8,252.9 km2) or 33% were arable.[118]

"Official statistics show that Jews privately and collectively owned 1,393,531 dunams (1,393.53 km2), or 5.23% of Palestine's total in 1945."

"As of 1931, the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine

So the British owned the territory?
Conservative Christian perspective.

Ilhan Omar Controversy: Is Valid Criticism of Israel Policies Racist Hate Speech?

I can't quite figure out why Israel? The Saudis pump more more money into the US political system than any other foreign govt The Russians, Jews or muslim brotherhood? Who spends more money? Who has more nefarious intentions? I'm told that CAIR a branch of the muslim brotherhood has more branches on US college campuses than the republicans and democrats combined.
At one time Saudi oil provided considerable leverage over US politics, but I don't think it has ever rivaled the Jewish lobby:

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"The interference by Israel in the American political system is amply documented, including in the Al-Jazeera four-part series 'The Lobby,' which Israel and its supporters managed to block from being broadcast. In the film, a pirated copy of which can be watched on the website Electronic Intifada, the leaders of the Israel lobby are repeatedly captured on a reporter’s hidden camera explaining how they, backed by the intelligence services within Israel, attack and silence American critics and use huge cash donations to control the American electoral process and political system.

"The Israel lobby, lacking any plausible deniability, has remained stunningly silent about the film.

"The corporate press, in the face of pressure by the lobby, has ignored the documentary."
Your link:

"Here is the text of Article 42:

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

"Here is the text of Article 43:

"The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country."

Is the IDF the ultimate authority on the West Bank and Gaza?

"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Thousands of individual Palestinians owned homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts in Palestine that were pilfered by the rampaging Zionists.

Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Shortly after its 'War of Independence,' laws were passed to legitimize Palestinian land seizures for exclusive Jewish use.

"The June 1948 Abandoned Areas Ordinance referred to "any area or place conquered by or surrendered to armed forces or deserted by all or part of its inhabitants.' It gave the Israeli government exclusive jurisdiction rights, including 'expropriation and confiscation (authority over) movable and immovable property, within any abandoned area.'

"It meant displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning and claiming their property that by law was no longer theirs.:

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

"As of 1931, the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine was 26,625,600 dunams (26,625.6 km2), of which 8,252,900 dunams (8,252.9 km2) or 33% were arable.[118]

"Official statistics show that Jews privately and collectively owned 1,393,531 dunams (1,393.53 km2), or 5.23% of Palestine's total in 1945."

"As of 1931, the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine

So the British owned the territory?
Britain never annexed or otherwise claimed Palestine.
"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Thousands of individual Palestinians owned homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts in Palestine that were pilfered by the rampaging Zionists.

Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Shortly after its 'War of Independence,' laws were passed to legitimize Palestinian land seizures for exclusive Jewish use.

"The June 1948 Abandoned Areas Ordinance referred to "any area or place conquered by or surrendered to armed forces or deserted by all or part of its inhabitants.' It gave the Israeli government exclusive jurisdiction rights, including 'expropriation and confiscation (authority over) movable and immovable property, within any abandoned area.'

"It meant displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning and claiming their property that by law was no longer theirs.:

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

"As of 1931, the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine was 26,625,600 dunams (26,625.6 km2), of which 8,252,900 dunams (8,252.9 km2) or 33% were arable.[118]

"Official statistics show that Jews privately and collectively owned 1,393,531 dunams (1,393.53 km2), or 5.23% of Palestine's total in 1945."

"As of 1931, the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine

So the British owned the territory?
Britain never annexed or otherwise claimed Palestine.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
There has never been a nation of "Palestine" and prior to the UN partition Turkey owned most of the land as absentee landlords in Palestine.
Are you saying that people who lease apartments in NYC, or anywhere else in the US, have no rights in the US? They have no rights to their country?
Are you saying that people who lease apartments in NYC, or anywhere else in the US, have no rights in the US? They have no rights to their country?
You can't compare the rights of people residing in the US, a nation with clear ownership rights and law, and the area known as Palestine.
And I'm saying if someone says I'm dividing up this land due to internal warring and questions of clear ownership and control and in exchange I will give you a land that is legally and unambiguously yours unlike your current residence in Palestine in which no one but Zionist pioneers, who legally bought their land and have deed to it, can establish legal
property rights then who would turn down that deal?
Last edited:
When Omar's biggest supporters are Louis Farrakhan and David Duke - former Grand Wizard of the KKK, what does that tell you?
When Omar's biggest supporters are Louis Farrakhan and David Duke - former Grand Wizard of the KKK, what does that tell you?
Sounds more like the enemy of my enemy, to me.
Omar's criticism of the political influence that is bought by bundling large individual donations in support of the apartheid state of Israel is well supported

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"'Right now our current [federal] contribution limit from any person to a candidate is $2,700,' Holman says. 'That’s a lot of money. It can certainly buy … some gratitude with a lawmaker. But if you really want to add punch to that type of buying of favors, what you do is you get 50 or 100 people together at an event like this, all chipping in $2,700 and then you bundle it all together and hand the total amount to the lawmaker. At that point, we’re talking anywhere around a quarter-million dollars. So suddenly you’ve got a group of people with the same demand they want from the lawmaker, handing over a quarter of a million dollars. That buys a lawmaker.'"
But of course, that's not what happened. You can find anti semitic links everywhere that will feed you all the crap you want to swallow, but there is no evidence that any of this crap you are munching on is true.
But of course, that's not what happened. You can find anti semitic links everywhere that will feed you all the crap you want to swallow, but there is no evidence that any of this crap you are munching on is true.
Is this what you are calling "anti-Semitic"?

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"Craig Holman, who campaigns for lobbying reform with Public Citizen, is another participant in the film who denounced the Israel lobby’s fundraising practices.

"'Right now our current [federal] contribution limit from any person to a candidate is $2,700,' Holman says. 'That’s a lot of money. It can certainly buy … some gratitude with a lawmaker. But if you really want to add punch to that type of buying of favors, what you do is you get 50 or 100 people together at an event like this, all chipping in $2,700 and then you bundle it all together and hand the total amount to the lawmaker...'"
Yes, it is anti semitic since you are singling out Jews for political donations.
"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Which nation owned the territory prior to the Israelis?
Thousands of individual Palestinians owned homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts in Palestine that were pilfered by the rampaging Zionists.

Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Shortly after its 'War of Independence,' laws were passed to legitimize Palestinian land seizures for exclusive Jewish use.

"The June 1948 Abandoned Areas Ordinance referred to "any area or place conquered by or surrendered to armed forces or deserted by all or part of its inhabitants.' It gave the Israeli government exclusive jurisdiction rights, including 'expropriation and confiscation (authority over) movable and immovable property, within any abandoned area.'

"It meant displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning and claiming their property that by law was no longer theirs.:
Lands abandoned by Arabs who fled were confiscated, but Israel accepted the UNGA resolution that allowed Arabs who wanted to live in peace with Jews to return but for them to return, they would have to be vetted to discern if they truly wanted to live in peace. Although the office charged with receiving requests to return was open until the mid 1970's, not a single Arab who had fled applied to return because returning under those circumstances would mean acknowledging the state of Israel, and that would have gotten them killed perhaps by their own families. Actions have consequences and if the Arabs had not risen up against the new state of Israel, they would have lost nothing. It is time for them to man up and stop whining about the mistakes they made 70 years ago.
Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Overall, Israeli laws and ILA policy prohibit Arabs from buying, leasing or using land exclusively reserved for Jews.

"On May 21, 1997, Israel's largest circulation newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, quoted Yassar Arafat saying: 'Israel has always confiscated land from Arabs and dispossessed them of the property. The land always goes from Arabs to the Jews,' and he called Palestinians who sell their land to Jews traitors.

"Adalah's September 2009 report titled, 'From Plunder to Plunder: Israel and the Property of the Palestinian Refugees' explained that Tel-Aviv violates international (and its own) laws that let a state freeze 'enemy' refugees' land during time of war, but prohibits its expropriation. Nations must safeguard this property, then return it at the end of conflict.

"More than once, Israeli courts affirmed this, but in recent seizures, Israel violated their rulings and committed plunder in violation of the 1907 Hague Convention's Regulation 46 that explicitly prohibits expropriation.

"More recently on August 3, 2009, the Knesset authorized a new form of plunder by passing the Israel Land Administration Law (the new Land Reform Law - LRL) that will begin a land privatization process in built-up areas and others earmarked for development.

"Around 800,000 dunams are involved or about 4% of Israeli territory that includes many properties belonging to Palestinian refugees inside Israel, the Territories, and the Golan, currently held by the Custodian of Absentees' Property and the Development Authority."
Whine, whine,whine. If the Arabs had been willing to live in peace with the Jews, none of this would have happened, but they chose war, and now they are crying for a do-over.
Yes, it is anti semitic since you are singling out Jews for political donations.
What is it these Jews expect for their political donations?

Loyalty to a racist, apartheid state above all other considerations.

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"The sole criterion of Israel and the Israel lobby in determining who to support and who to demonize is identifying who backs the far-right agenda of the apartheid state of Israel and who does not.

"Genuine anti-Semitism is irrelevant.

"For Israel, the world is divided along the fault line of Palestinian rights.

"Stand up for the Palestinians and you are an anti-Semite."
You continue to post anti semitic rants against Americans. The whole jist of your posts is that Jews should not be able to exercise the same political rights as other Americans. You are clearly anti semitic and just as clearly anti American.
That is amusing.

There is no 'dual loyalty'. Isreal is a friend and ally of the US, and as such, are deserving of support in our government. At least they are not lighting off bombs targeting women and children in innocent marketplaces.
Why do you believe Jews have the right to steal land and water from non-Jews in Palestine?

New York Times lets Israel do its "fact checking"

"According to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, which keeps meticulous statistics, 823 Israeli civilians were killed from 29 September 2000 until the end of January this year, along with 433 'Israeli security force personnel.'

"In the same period, nearly 10,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel – the equivalent of dozens of September 11s, to use Stephens’ yardstick – although for him, Palestinian casualties apparently don’t matter at all."
Because they are better than Palestinians....

Let's be honest, we can relate more to Israelis (European Jews) than we can to those dirty Palestinians....

If they were not so dark and icky looking, they wouldn't be in this situation.
That is amusing.

There is no 'dual loyalty'. Isreal is a friend and ally of the US, and as such, are deserving of support in our government. At least they are not lighting off bombs targeting women and children in innocent marketplaces.
Why do you believe Jews have the right to steal land and water from non-Jews in Palestine?

New York Times lets Israel do its "fact checking"

"According to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, which keeps meticulous statistics, 823 Israeli civilians were killed from 29 September 2000 until the end of January this year, along with 433 'Israeli security force personnel.'

"In the same period, nearly 10,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel – the equivalent of dozens of September 11s, to use Stephens’ yardstick – although for him, Palestinian casualties apparently don’t matter at all."
Because they are better than Palestinians....

Let's be honest, we can relate more to Israelis (European Jews) than we can to those dirty Palestinians....

If they were not so dark and icky looking, they wouldn't be in this situation.
Because they are better than Palestinians....

Let's be honest, we can relate more to Israelis (European Jews) than we can to those dirty Palestinians....

If they were not so dark and icky looking, they wouldn't be in this situation.
Jews were never that special (or scary)

The systematic racism in Israel - AWD News

"Israel’s channel 2 reported more than half of Israeli Jews are opposing the idea of a mutual coexistence with Palestinians. Accordingly in an open racist act,

"The Jewish Home party had divided the Arab and Jew patients in Israel’s hospitals.

"Studies show that 85 percent of Arabs and Jews are sure that the situation is getting worse and there will be more intense anti-Arab sentiments among Israelis."
Sounds more like the enemy of my enemy, to me.
Omar's criticism of the political influence that is bought by bundling large individual donations in support of the apartheid state of Israel is well supported

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"'Right now our current [federal] contribution limit from any person to a candidate is $2,700,' Holman says. 'That’s a lot of money. It can certainly buy … some gratitude with a lawmaker. But if you really want to add punch to that type of buying of favors, what you do is you get 50 or 100 people together at an event like this, all chipping in $2,700 and then you bundle it all together and hand the total amount to the lawmaker. At that point, we’re talking anywhere around a quarter-million dollars. So suddenly you’ve got a group of people with the same demand they want from the lawmaker, handing over a quarter of a million dollars. That buys a lawmaker.'"
But of course, that's not what happened. You can find anti semitic links everywhere that will feed you all the crap you want to swallow, but there is no evidence that any of this crap you are munching on is true.
But of course, that's not what happened. You can find anti semitic links everywhere that will feed you all the crap you want to swallow, but there is no evidence that any of this crap you are munching on is true.
Is this what you are calling "anti-Semitic"?

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"Craig Holman, who campaigns for lobbying reform with Public Citizen, is another participant in the film who denounced the Israel lobby’s fundraising practices.

"'Right now our current [federal] contribution limit from any person to a candidate is $2,700,' Holman says. 'That’s a lot of money. It can certainly buy … some gratitude with a lawmaker. But if you really want to add punch to that type of buying of favors, what you do is you get 50 or 100 people together at an event like this, all chipping in $2,700 and then you bundle it all together and hand the total amount to the lawmaker...'"
Yes, it is anti semitic since you are singling out Jews for political donations.
Thousands of individual Palestinians owned homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts in Palestine that were pilfered by the rampaging Zionists.

Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Shortly after its 'War of Independence,' laws were passed to legitimize Palestinian land seizures for exclusive Jewish use.

"The June 1948 Abandoned Areas Ordinance referred to "any area or place conquered by or surrendered to armed forces or deserted by all or part of its inhabitants.' It gave the Israeli government exclusive jurisdiction rights, including 'expropriation and confiscation (authority over) movable and immovable property, within any abandoned area.'

"It meant displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning and claiming their property that by law was no longer theirs.:
Lands abandoned by Arabs who fled were confiscated, but Israel accepted the UNGA resolution that allowed Arabs who wanted to live in peace with Jews to return but for them to return, they would have to be vetted to discern if they truly wanted to live in peace. Although the office charged with receiving requests to return was open until the mid 1970's, not a single Arab who had fled applied to return because returning under those circumstances would mean acknowledging the state of Israel, and that would have gotten them killed perhaps by their own families. Actions have consequences and if the Arabs had not risen up against the new state of Israel, they would have lost nothing. It is time for them to man up and stop whining about the mistakes they made 70 years ago.
Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

"Overall, Israeli laws and ILA policy prohibit Arabs from buying, leasing or using land exclusively reserved for Jews.

"On May 21, 1997, Israel's largest circulation newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, quoted Yassar Arafat saying: 'Israel has always confiscated land from Arabs and dispossessed them of the property. The land always goes from Arabs to the Jews,' and he called Palestinians who sell their land to Jews traitors.

"Adalah's September 2009 report titled, 'From Plunder to Plunder: Israel and the Property of the Palestinian Refugees' explained that Tel-Aviv violates international (and its own) laws that let a state freeze 'enemy' refugees' land during time of war, but prohibits its expropriation. Nations must safeguard this property, then return it at the end of conflict.

"More than once, Israeli courts affirmed this, but in recent seizures, Israel violated their rulings and committed plunder in violation of the 1907 Hague Convention's Regulation 46 that explicitly prohibits expropriation.

"More recently on August 3, 2009, the Knesset authorized a new form of plunder by passing the Israel Land Administration Law (the new Land Reform Law - LRL) that will begin a land privatization process in built-up areas and others earmarked for development.

"Around 800,000 dunams are involved or about 4% of Israeli territory that includes many properties belonging to Palestinian refugees inside Israel, the Territories, and the Golan, currently held by the Custodian of Absentees' Property and the Development Authority."
Whine, whine,whine. If the Arabs had been willing to live in peace with the Jews, none of this would have happened, but they chose war, and now they are crying for a do-over.
Yes, it is anti semitic since you are singling out Jews for political donations.
What is it these Jews expect for their political donations?

Loyalty to a racist, apartheid state above all other considerations.

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"The sole criterion of Israel and the Israel lobby in determining who to support and who to demonize is identifying who backs the far-right agenda of the apartheid state of Israel and who does not.

"Genuine anti-Semitism is irrelevant.

"For Israel, the world is divided along the fault line of Palestinian rights.

"Stand up for the Palestinians and you are an anti-Semite."
You continue to post anti semitic rants against Americans. The whole jist of your posts is that Jews should not be able to exercise the same political rights as other Americans. You are clearly anti semitic and just as clearly anti American.
You continue to post anti semitic rants against Americans. The whole jist of your posts is that Jews should not be able to exercise the same political rights as other Americans. You are clearly anti semitic and just as clearly anti American.
Criticism of Israel and Zionism is not anti-Semitic.
Criticism of Israel's influence over US elections is not anti-Semitic.
Criticism of Israel's racist, apartheid treatment of non-Jews is not anti-Semitic.
Compelling US citizens to sign a pledge stipulating they will not support BDS on penalty of losing their employment is un-American.

Mongoose: Zion Strike 25 – Texas Fires Teacher for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel Oath

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