The snap receivers should work.

Yes, some people are willing to. Some people want to work for a living.
Oh I'm willing to!!! I was unemployed once looking for a job and on unemployment. I illegally worked under the table for $10 hr.

Better than sitting at home making no money.
The other 20%.

I would be far less upset about this program if it provided FOOD rather than money. In my experience many/most of these recipients do not use the money on the foods they should be buying.
They can't work.

Yea don't give them money. Give them food. And no junk food. I would have a much smaller list of what they can and can't buy.
AI and self check out will happen no matter how low you go in pay. Because one robot for $30K a year can do what 3 humans can do. That's okay. Pay the people who you do employ a good livable wage.

If you are okay with Walmart's business plan is to pay employees so low that they qualify for SNAP, I guess I can't argue with you.

If you have no problem with SNAP why have you been crying? Or maybe you jumped in and I'm assuming you're one of the people who says snap people should work.

Anyways, it's a ridiculous thing to say because most of them can't work. The others do work. So what's your conservative problem???
Not every job is worth $20 per hour. Some folks just stand there and greet people for skills needed....doesn't qualify for much pay...but it is better then nothing.

I am not sure when I have "cried" - please provide a link to me doing that. Of course I think people getting SNAP should have work long as they are able bodied....why do you have a problem with people working?
49 sure doesnt sound older. I have always been against free money if one is capable of working.
That seems ancient to someone on the eight year student loan funded BA in __________ Studies plan. Next thing you know, college kids will be asked to at least try to work their way through.

They can't work.

Yea don't give them money. Give them food. And no junk food. I would have a much smaller list of what they can and can't buy.
Yes, and it doesn't need to be frozen and canned. Those are conveniences for people who work ten hours a day and don't have time for real cooking.

Cheapest way (and healtiest) to feed them would be bags of dried beans and dried rice, and fresh green vegetables. Include a bottle of olive oil and a bottle of canola oil and a recipe book.

They want to barbecue steaks, sausages and chicken on Saturday, let them work Monday through Friday like the rest of us.

If Democrats want them to have more, they need only ask the poor to give their taxpayer provided food supplies to a Dem run soup kitchen. With all that stuff, and just a little donation of time and more luxurious food like meat, they can have an excellent free restaurant.
So you're against higher wages now?
Or you only like them when dictated via government mandate?
Nope. Just stating a fact. Wages go up either prices go up or profits go down. Which do you think will happen?
Nope. Just stating a fact. Wages go up either prices go up or profits go down. Which do you think will happen?
An intelligent employer will raise his prices. You're going down a tangent that has nothing to do with the point I made. It's a sign of intellectual frustration on your part, tbh.
An intelligent employer will raise his prices. You're going down a tangent that has nothing to do with the point I made. It's a sign of intellectual frustration on your part, tbh.
yea, that's it. You so smart.
yea, that's it. You so smart.
Smart enough to see through your childish game, kid. That doesn't make me exceptional, just smarter than you.
Post more like an illiterate imbecile. Other illiterate imbeciles think it's funny.
Smart enough to see through your childish game, kid. That doesn't make me exceptional, just smarter than you.
Post more like an illiterate imbecile. Other illiterate imbeciles think it's funny.
Ok, so when prices go up and wages don't, what happens?
Ok, so when prices go up and wages don't, what happens?

Do you think this thread is about inflation? Pay attention, fool.
If people have skills that command more money than Walmart offers, they won't work at Walmart.
Your "inflation" red herring is both dumb and irrelevant.
people are poorer…we are seeing that with xidenflation
Yes, my point. If wages kept up with profits, there would not be near as many poor people. Of course there will always be some. The reason we have a middle class is because wages increased as industry profits increased.
Do you think this thread is about inflation? Pay attention, fool.
If people have skills that command more money than Walmart offers, they won't work at Walmart.
Your "inflation" red herring is both dumb and irrelevant.
Go jump.
What happens if you're disabled and can't work? I realize the billionaire class has no humanity but why support these assholes and push their trash?

People that can't shouldn't have to, to be able to eat and to survive.
Yes, my point. If wages kept up with profits, there would not be near as many poor people. Of course there will always be some. The reason we have a middle class is because wages increased as industry profits increased.
there aren’t. a lot of poor people
What happens if you're disabled and can't work? I realize the billionaire class has no humanity but why support these assholes and push their trash?

People that can't shouldn't have to, to be able to eat and to survive.
there is an exception for disabled people

maybe try reading

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