The solution for global warming

And that is the typical answer from a fruitloop that is bone ignorant concerning the science behind global warming.

You people are pathetic, willfully ignorant, and becoming an very small minority as the consequences of the GHGs that we have allready put into the atmosphere become increasingly apparent.

But Ray.......his topic for the thread speaks to "solutions".

There are none that currently exist. Those that are = fantasy at best.......which is why nobody is buying any of the solutions proposed by those who are convinced global warming is man made......which of course, everybody knows cant be proven.

It wasn't going well at all, and then Climategate happened and its been a plunge into the abyss effort ever since.
Oh boy oh boy......I really do sometimes hate to pull this gem out and post it up, but sometimes, the climate nutters force my hand. What can I say?

[ame=]CO2 is a trace gas. - YouTube[/ame]

I must admit......every time I post this up, I run it and still, it makes me laugh my balls off!!
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I have the solution for global warming. It will require a small monetary investment and some labor, but I guarantee the world will be a cooler place if everyone does their part.

First, everyone who truly believes human produced CO2 is warming the planet will have to place their heads in clear plastic bags. Then seal the bags using duct tape around their necks to trap all that excess CO2. Remain that way for roughly 12 hours. Any resulting genetic waste can be recycled at a local hog farm.

Not only will the world be a cooler place, the collective intelligence of mankind would nearly double.
Actually that sounds like the solution for the assholes who say CO2 is HARMLESS.

BACHMANN: But people talk about cap and tax and they aren’t sure exactly what we’re talking about. Let’s get back to step one. What is the problem? Why do we have to have this tax in the first place?

It’s about carbon dioxide.

Well, what is carbon dioxide? Let’s just go to a fundamental question.

Carbon dioxide, Mister Speaker, is a natural byproduct of nature. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth. It is a part of the regular lifecycle of Earth. In fact, life on planet Earth can’t even exist without carbon dioxide. So necessary is it to human life, to animal life, to plant life, to the oceans, to the vegetation that’s on the Earth, to the, to the fowl that — that flies in the air, we need to have carbon dioxide as part of the fundamental lifecycle of Earth.

As a matter of fact, carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful!

But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows carbon dioxide is a harmful gas. There isn’t one such study because carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas, it is a harmless gas. Carbon dioxide is natural. It is not harmful. It is part of Earth’s life cycle.
- April 22, 2009, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN)

Anything that exists in your lungs at 100s of times the concentration that it occurs in free air -- is NOT harmful to human health and is NOT a "pollutant". If it was, we'd ban beer and fizzy drinks..
Again, if CO2 is so harmless then the "solution" in the OP is for deniers.

BTW, beer and fizzy drinks go to the stomach, not the lungs, but your answer is a testament to the complete ignorance of deniers.
Actually that sounds like the solution for the assholes who say CO2 is HARMLESS.

BACHMANN: But people talk about cap and tax and they aren’t sure exactly what we’re talking about. Let’s get back to step one. What is the problem? Why do we have to have this tax in the first place?

It’s about carbon dioxide.

Well, what is carbon dioxide? Let’s just go to a fundamental question.

Carbon dioxide, Mister Speaker, is a natural byproduct of nature. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth. It is a part of the regular lifecycle of Earth. In fact, life on planet Earth can’t even exist without carbon dioxide. So necessary is it to human life, to animal life, to plant life, to the oceans, to the vegetation that’s on the Earth, to the, to the fowl that — that flies in the air, we need to have carbon dioxide as part of the fundamental lifecycle of Earth.

As a matter of fact, carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful!

But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows carbon dioxide is a harmful gas. There isn’t one such study because carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas, it is a harmless gas. Carbon dioxide is natural. It is not harmful. It is part of Earth’s life cycle.
- April 22, 2009, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN)

Anything that exists in your lungs at 100s of times the concentration that it occurs in free air -- is NOT harmful to human health and is NOT a "pollutant". If it was, we'd ban beer and fizzy drinks..
Again, if CO2 is so harmless then the "solution" in the OP is for deniers.

BTW, beer and fizzy drinks go to the stomach, not the lungs, but your answer is a testament to the complete ignorance of deniers.

My "answer is a testament to the complete ignorance of deniers" eh??

Which part of my answer don't you understand? That your lungs expell CO2 in concentrations 100 greater than outside fresh air? About 4 to 5% CO2 compared to 0.04% CO2 outdoors?

That would be a "pollutant"?

Or that YOU are a CO2 factory, just by breathing WITHOUT a beer or a fizzy soda?
There are actual health benefits to CO2 retention in the body. When you hyperventilate, you purge CO2 from your body. The effect is vasodilation (narrowing of blood vessels) leading to an inability to oxygenate the blood.

There is a testament to ignorance here --- just saying....
Anything that exists in your lungs at 100s of times the concentration that it occurs in free air -- is NOT harmful to human health and is NOT a "pollutant". If it was, we'd ban beer and fizzy drinks..

Breathing air with 8% CO2 will kill you in 10 minutes. Hypercapnia.

That's not even mentioning the base "It can't cause warming, because it doesn't kill people directly" stupidity at play here. Such a low level of logical ability is necessary in order for someone to get sucked into the denialist cult, since people who can reason properly quickly see through the denialist BS.
Anything that exists in your lungs at 100s of times the concentration that it occurs in free air -- is NOT harmful to human health and is NOT a "pollutant". If it was, we'd ban beer and fizzy drinks..

Breathing air with 8% CO2 will kill you in 10 minutes. Hypercapnia.

That's not even mentioning the base "It can't cause warming, because it doesn't kill people directly" stupidity at play here. Such a low level of logical ability is necessary in order for someone to get sucked into the denialist cult, since people who can reason properly quickly see through the denialist BS.

Brilliant.. That's because YOU are the net polluter.. Your body PRODUCES the CO2 concentrations that are 100 times the concentration of outdoor air..

If the levels in the lungs fall much below 4%, there are actual health consequences.

That's NOT a pollutant... It's the hysteria of the warmers and their science subverting Govt attack dogs, that have the reasoning problem here..
There's an eerie creepy atmosphere around any of the hysterical warmers that feel OBLIGATED to try and defend the "CO2 is a pollutant" subversion of science. It just chills me to the bone to witness it..

By their distorted reasoning, water vapor is a pollutant capable of killing you if it were to increase in the outdoor air as much as the lethal dose of CO2..

I think this is the end of our technological development as humans. The fear and loathing and voodoo has reached new heights.
I have the solution for global warming. It will require a small monetary investment and some labor, but I guarantee the world will be a cooler place if everyone does their part.

First, everyone who truly believes human produced CO2 is warming the planet will have to place their heads in clear plastic bags. Then seal the bags using duct tape around their necks to trap all that excess CO2. Remain that way for roughly 12 hours. Any resulting genetic waste can be recycled at a local hog farm.

Not only will the world be a cooler place, the collective intelligence of mankind would nearly double.

The net change to atmospheric CO2 would be nil. The Co2 you exhale was recently removed from the air by whatever plants you ate or whatever plants were eaten by the animals you eat. The net change is zero.

Nice try though. You might want to try the bag yourself. You pathetic moron.
I have the solution for global warming. It will require a small monetary investment and some labor, but I guarantee the world will be a cooler place if everyone does their part.

First, everyone who truly believes human produced CO2 is warming the planet will have to place their heads in clear plastic bags. Then seal the bags using duct tape around their necks to trap all that excess CO2. Remain that way for roughly 12 hours. Any resulting genetic waste can be recycled at a local hog farm.

Not only will the world be a cooler place, the collective intelligence of mankind would nearly double.

The net change to atmospheric CO2 would be nil. The Co2 you exhale was recently removed from the air by whatever plants you ate or whatever plants were eaten by the animals you eat. The net change is zero.

Nice try though. You might want to try the bag yourself. You pathetic moron.

Net change would NOT be zero.. Perhaps the nearest 6th grader could explain to you the amount of CO2 released from fossil fuel to gets that food to your table. And moreover the amount of fossillized carbon that the deceased was criminally consuming by the mere process of living and moving about.

The toe-tagged one with the plastic bag --- then ceases to have "a carbon footprint" of any type --- don't they?
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I have the solution for global warming. It will require a small monetary investment and some labor, but I guarantee the world will be a cooler place if everyone does their part.

First, everyone who truly believes human produced CO2 is warming the planet will have to place their heads in clear plastic bags. Then seal the bags using duct tape around their necks to trap all that excess CO2. Remain that way for roughly 12 hours. Any resulting genetic waste can be recycled at a local hog farm.

Not only will the world be a cooler place, the collective intelligence of mankind would nearly double.

The net change to atmospheric CO2 would be nil. The Co2 you exhale was recently removed from the air by whatever plants you ate or whatever plants were eaten by the animals you eat. The net change is zero.

Nice try though. You might want to try the bag yourself. You pathetic moron.

Net change would NOT be zero.. Perhaps the nearest 6th grader could explain to you the amount of CO2 released from fossil fuel to gets that food to your table. And moreover the amount of fossillized carbon that the deceased was criminally consuming by the mere process of living and moving about.

The toe-tagged one with the plastic bag --- then ceases to have "a carbon footprint" of any type --- don't they?

I was referring to the Co2 you exhale dipshit. See big letters. If you exhale Co2 that you got from fossil fuels stop drinking oil you fucking idiot.
The net change to atmospheric CO2 would be nil. The Co2 you exhale was recently removed from the air by whatever plants you ate or whatever plants were eaten by the animals you eat. The net change is zero.

Nice try though. You might want to try the bag yourself. You pathetic moron.

Net change would NOT be zero.. Perhaps the nearest 6th grader could explain to you the amount of CO2 released from fossil fuel to gets that food to your table. And moreover the amount of fossillized carbon that the deceased was criminally consuming by the mere process of living and moving about.

The toe-tagged one with the plastic bag --- then ceases to have "a carbon footprint" of any type --- don't they?

I was referring to the Co2 you exhale dipshit. See big letters. If you exhale Co2 that you got from fossil fuels stop drinking oil you fucking idiot.

Yeah well.. You're 1st line implied the entire OP was wrong. You were wrong. Except for the part of the carbon footprint that comes from respiration.. Go ahead -- use LARGER font.. The OP plan still works and is indeed the unspoken Progressive population control agenda behind all this madness..........
There's an eerie creepy atmosphere around any of the hysterical warmers that feel OBLIGATED to try and defend the "CO2 is a pollutant" subversion of science. It just chills me to the bone to witness it..

Here, you see how the cult fosters paranoia in those it ensnares. Enemies to rave against, declarations that all the data is faked, a world-wide conspiracy against you ... I envy the denialist cultists a bit. They live in a simple black and white fantasy world, where they can be certain of themselves as the noble heroes. No need for any of the messy practicality or moral gray areas which regular people have to struggle with.
There's an eerie creepy atmosphere around any of the hysterical warmers that feel OBLIGATED to try and defend the "CO2 is a pollutant" subversion of science. It just chills me to the bone to witness it..

Here, you see how the cult fosters paranoia in those it ensnares. Enemies to rave against, declarations that all the data is faked, a world-wide conspiracy against you ... I envy the denialist cultists a bit. They live in a simple black and white fantasy world, where they can be certain of themselves as the noble heroes. No need for any of the messy practicality or moral gray areas which regular people have to struggle with.

There is no data to be mangled here. Only basic science, semantics, and logic.. Clear thinking people wouldn't have to cast all those stones you just tossed.. I noticed you didn't expend an erg of energy attempting to defend the assertion about CO2 being a pollutant.

psych projection here on your part..
Face it -- you are what you hate..
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