The Song for a Mid-Life Crisis...Have You Ever Had One?

Yes. A few years ago I left my long term partner for a new woman.
I then left my new partner and went back to my long term partner (just days before Christmas)
A few weeks later I then went back to my new woman again.
Now much more settled with 2 kids (3 and 1) and no energy for any woman.
Absolutely! Mine hit at 50. Went out and bought a new silver Mercedes SLK 350 with the retractible hardtop (a real panty dropper ;-)
Not a great car for Idaho in the winter with the rear wheel drive so it mostly sat in the garage.
Sold it 8 years later (the insurance and servicing were killin' me) and it had around 35k miles on it.
But it was great for the womens! :D

BTW - Need to watch this one again - LOVED it!

Absolutely! Mine hit at 50. Went out and bought a new silver Mercedes SLK 350 with the retractible hardtop (a real panty dropper ;-)
Not a great car for Idaho in the winter with the rear wheel drive so it mostly sat in the garage.
Sold it 8 years later (the insurance and servicing were killin' me) and it had around 35k miles on it.
But it was great for the womens! :D

BTW - Need to watch this one again - LOVED it!

hehehe a Mercedes always does the trick ;)
What's a "mid-life crisis"? I'm nearly 80 and still waiting for mine!

The liberal in me screams: "It's mine and I want it for free and I want it now - RIGHT NOW - or I'll burn your house down and rape your dog!!!!"

But I'm a little hard of hearing these days but the indoctrinated college kid two houses down insists he hears it and it inspires him/her/it.
What's a "mid-life crisis"? I'm nearly 80 and still waiting for mine!

The liberal in me screams: "It's mine and I want it for free and I want it now - RIGHT NOW - or I'll burn your house down and rape your dog!!!!"

But I'm a little hard of hearing these days but the indoctrinated college kid two houses down insists he hears it and it inspires him/her/it.
ok boomer
What's a "mid-life crisis"? I'm nearly 80 and still waiting for mine!

The liberal in me screams: "It's mine and I want it for free and I want it now - RIGHT NOW - or I'll burn your house down and rape your dog!!!!"

But I'm a little hard of hearing these days but the indoctrinated college kid two houses down insists he hears it and it inspires him/her/it.
ok boomer
he's too old to be a boomer.
he's too old to be a boomer.

And right on cue the stopped clock is right. That's once today; you have one more coming unless you fuck with the hands. If it's digital don't try it - you'll either break it or get one hell of a shock. Hey, wait, maybe a little electric shock therapy might help........
he's too old to be a boomer.

And right on cue the stopped clock is right. That's once today; you have one more coming unless you fuck with the hands. If it's digital don't try it - you'll either break it or get one hell of a shock. Hey, wait, maybe a little electric shock therapy might help........
I always wondered what in the hell your problem was but now that we know yer eighty we know what it is....
I am 56 today actually... not sure I really had a mid-life crises.
A little maybe. Growing older as a male is different than a female, for a woman it is primarily how they visually see themselves. For dudes, it is what we can't physically do anymore. How virile we are, or are not. And yes that certainly includes sex.
As a man, it is very difficult to deal with having to face physical limitations. Pisses you off.
Good example, just last weekend. The snow was melting everywhere and I noticed in the kitchen there was a small wet spot on the ceiling. Shit. So I go out and look at the roof, I see where it could be leaking. I get the ladder out, get on the roof...I fixed it.
But as I was making my way to the ladder, where you have to put one foot on the ladder and sort of spin yourself around... wasn't so fucking easy. I did it. But... I was fully aware that I lost my balance there for a moment, whoa nelly. Balance I once had in spades... I don't anymore.
That bothers me.
What's a "mid-life crisis"? I'm nearly 80 and still waiting for mine!

The liberal in me screams: "It's mine and I want it for free and I want it now - RIGHT NOW - or I'll burn your house down and rape your dog!!!!"

But I'm a little hard of hearing these days but the indoctrinated college kid two houses down insists he hears it and it inspires him/her/it.
ok boomer

Heheh - Henry is WAY past the "boomer" stage or a midlife crisis ;-)
What's a "mid-life crisis"? I'm nearly 80 and still waiting for mine!

The liberal in me screams: "It's mine and I want it for free and I want it now - RIGHT NOW - or I'll burn your house down and rape your dog!!!!"

But I'm a little hard of hearing these days but the indoctrinated college kid two houses down insists he hears it and it inspires him/her/it.
ok boomer

Heheh - Henry is WAY past the "boomer" stage or a midlife crisis ;-)
They call his stage "circling the drain".
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These days I do have certain concerns.

A major one is that I'm slowing down. Can't spend money fast enough so that Xiden has nothing left to tax.
My old man who is around 87 according to the rings we count says he is afraid his will run out, he was a stock broker and I told him now he knows what it was like to have him as a stock broker like his clients did...

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