The Sorry Legacy Of Leaded Gas In America


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Leaded gasoline was the brainchild of an ambitious young chemical engineer for General Motors named Thomas Midgeley Jr. As it turned out, tetraethyl lead is not the only environmentally disastrous compound he discovered; Midgeley also invented the first CFC or chlorofluorocarbon known as freon and used for refrigeration and air conditioning and later in everything from hair spray to styrofoam.

Tetraethyl lead prevented “knocking” in internal combustion engine, a common problem resulting from pre-ignition in the cylinders of higher compression engines developed during the late 1920s. While the simple addition of ethanol, which was quite cheap and plentiful would solve this issue with some minimal loss of horsepower,

Midgeley’s bosses at GM, Arthur Sloan and Charles Kettering preferred having a proprietary product that could be controlled and marketed for more profit. (Both men endowed the esteemed Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute in a seeming act of penance and legacy-washing that the Sacklers could only dream of) So GM, DuPont and Standard Oil joined forces to create a company called the “Ethyl Gasoline Corporation” which held the patent on the fuel additive and whose business plan was to introduce tetraethyl lead wherever gasoline was sold.

The development of better fuels led to more efficient engines and allowed higher compression ratios in IC engines. They have nothing to apologize for, except in the minds of frauds and phonies like today's left wingers, especially ones who are fine with killing over 70 million babies for the horrible crime of 'Inconvenience', just to mention one of their psychopathic loves.
Leaded gasoline was the brainchild of an ambitious young chemical engineer for General Motors named Thomas Midgeley Jr. As it turned out, tetraethyl lead is not the only environmentally disastrous compound he discovered; Midgeley also invented the first CFC or chlorofluorocarbon known as freon and used for refrigeration and air conditioning and later in everything from hair spray to styrofoam.

Tetraethyl lead prevented “knocking” in internal combustion engine, a common problem resulting from pre-ignition in the cylinders of higher compression engines developed during the late 1920s. While the simple addition of ethanol, which was quite cheap and plentiful would solve this issue with some minimal loss of horsepower,

Midgeley’s bosses at GM, Arthur Sloan and Charles Kettering preferred having a proprietary product that could be controlled and marketed for more profit. (Both men endowed the esteemed Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute in a seeming act of penance and legacy-washing that the Sacklers could only dream of) So GM, DuPont and Standard Oil joined forces to create a company called the “Ethyl Gasoline Corporation” which held the patent on the fuel additive and whose business plan was to introduce tetraethyl lead wherever gasoline was sold.

It was no surprise at all, on reading this putrid bullshit, to see that the cited source is Daily KoOkS.
Oh, FFS....Whining and crying about things that were banned decades ago.

Must be some awfully empty heads for the crackpots at Daily Kooks, to come up with some clickbait that doesn't involve TRUUUUUUUMMMP!
The article just has to invoke Trump before eventually and painfully coming to the point that the writer probably consumed leaded paint chips as a child instead of potato chips.

The real reason for the lefts Autism.
Leaded gas was the best thing going at the time it was being made. Technology changes. This story is like the "sorry legacy of wooden teeth".

Wood teeth worked out well for George Washington, but technology has moved on. The legacy isn't 'sorry" at all.
The development of better fuels led to more efficient engines and allowed higher compression ratios in IC engines. They have nothing to apologize for, except in the minds of frauds and phonies like today's left wingers, especially ones who are fine with killing over 70 million babies for the horrible crime of 'Inconvenience', just to mention one of their psychopathic loves.
this trade off? efficiency for environmental lead, resulting in massive profit for gm (and i am a share holder.) and mere death and suffering tor mere indivuduals? seems like a fair one to me.

i'm glad that decision was made by enlightebned commercial geniuses like sloan and kettering instead of some unnamed bureaucrats at epa!
Wonder what inventions skews13 and his klan have ever come up with? Anything used by 100 million persons daily? Maybe a ? Pick for an Afro or something? Anything? A pet rock?
this trade off? efficiency for environmental lead, resulting in massive profit for gm (and i am a share holder.) and mere death and suffering tor mere indivuduals? seems like a fair one to me.

i'm glad that decision was made by enlightebned commercial geniuses like sloan and kettering instead of some unnamed bureaucrats at epa!

Yes, cuz they first thing they did was say to each other:' How can we make a lot of money by killing lots of people?." So they developed leaded gasoline. Good catch, Jeenyus. You nailed it yet again.

Unfortunately you nailed it into your own forehead.
You go with what you got till better comes along, or less prosperity no? Within reasonable metrics of course. Another failed attack on the white man fails.
Leaded gasoline was the brainchild of an ambitious young chemical engineer for General Motors named Thomas Midgeley Jr. As it turned out, tetraethyl lead is not the only environmentally disastrous compound he discovered; Midgeley also invented the first CFC or chlorofluorocarbon known as freon and used for refrigeration and air conditioning and later in everything from hair spray to styrofoam.

Tetraethyl lead prevented “knocking” in internal combustion engine, a common problem resulting from pre-ignition in the cylinders of higher compression engines developed during the late 1920s. While the simple addition of ethanol, which was quite cheap and plentiful would solve this issue with some minimal loss of horsepower,

Midgeley’s bosses at GM, Arthur Sloan and Charles Kettering preferred having a proprietary product that could be controlled and marketed for more profit. (Both men endowed the esteemed Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute in a seeming act of penance and legacy-washing that the Sacklers could only dream of) So GM, DuPont and Standard Oil joined forces to create a company called the “Ethyl Gasoline Corporation” which held the patent on the fuel additive and whose business plan was to introduce tetraethyl lead wherever gasoline was sold.

Freon was awesome!
Freon was awesome!

... and much safer than ammonia ...

I thought there was improved value wear using leaded gasoline ... don't know ... adding lead to glass or brass makes them much easier to mill ... the bits won't dull as quickly ...

Lead is useful ... sweetens up paint chips if that's your thing ...

ETA: I suppose I should comment on the OP ... crime rates crashed as soon as we removed the lead from gasoline ... I'm not big on "proof-by-graph", but that's clear proof-by-graph if I've ever seen it ...
Oh, FFS....Whining and crying about things that were banned decades ago.

Must be some awfully empty heads for the crackpots at Daily Kooks, to come up with some clickbait that doesn't involve TRUUUUUUUMMMP!
Progressives HATE economic progress
... and much safer than ammonia ...

I thought there was improved value wear using leaded gasoline ... don't know ... adding lead to glass or brass makes them much easier to mill ... the bits won't dull as quickly ...

Lead is useful ... sweetens up paint chips if that's your thing ...

ETA: I suppose I should comment on the OP ... crime rates crashed as soon as we removed the lead from gasoline ... I'm not big on "proof-by-graph", but that's clear proof-by-graph if I've ever seen it ...
Yes, lead was a lubricant for valves and valve seats in cylinder heads. By switching to unleaded, the valve seats needed to be hardened to prevent wear.
Yes, lead was a lubricant for valves and valve seats in cylinder heads. By switching to unleaded, the valve seats needed to be hardened to prevent wear.

Mercury kills everything ... makes it a wonderful preservative for infant immunizations ... saves Big Pharm lots of money ... {Cite} ...
The Boomers are the most lead-poisoned generation.

Lead poisoning damage is ongoing and cumulative. It gets into your bones, then leaches into your brain for the rest of your life. Those Boomer brains get more damaged as they age, so the Boomers got more Republican as they aged.

Later generations, lacking the lead damage, haven't gotten more conservative as they aged.
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