The Southern Strategy


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
A very good historical piece and on how the south got to be republican and the mindset of the southern cracker

The Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans. Lee Atwater has been credited with being the founder of this political tactic.

The southern strategies main purpose was to transform the south from blue states to red states by invoking the reality of institutional racism. This transformation is one of the most significant in American history. It is also one of the main factors that make modern politics what it is today. However, this transformation is a mystery to most people. People did not just wake up one day and start voting for Republicans in the south.

House Of Public Discourse Why Do Poor Uneducated White People Vote Republican
Now watch all the nonsense "hey, man, there was no Southern Strategy, and if it was, then it was effective, and if . . .". And watch Dark Fury be the first one to show up and have nothing to say.
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more trash

clean up for the house of nasty shit they call Discourse

now you see why the left is so filled with hate all the time. they read this garbage off some nasty leftwing blog

You on the left should judge yourselves first. You keep putting in nasty, corrupted people in OUR GOVERNMENT and look like SHEEP because of it
more trash

clean up for the house of nasty shit they call Discourse

now you see why the left is so filled with hate all the time. they read this garbage off some nasty leftwing blog

You on the left should judge yourselves first. You keep putting in nasty, corrupted people in OUR GOVERNMENT and look like SHEEP because of it
guno is just a drive by shotgun poster and a LIAR.
No wonder people ignore his tripe.
more trash

clean up for the house of nasty shit they call Discourse

now you see why the left is so filled with hate all the time. they read this garbage off some nasty leftwing blog

You on the left should judge yourselves first. You keep putting in nasty, corrupted people in OUR GOVERNMENT and look like SHEEP because of it
guno is just a drive by shotgun poster and a LIAR.
No wonder people ignore his tripe.

I don't understand how he gets free rein to post this nasty garbage. That was written by a progressive/leftwinger. full of hate, nasty and running down their fellow countrymen and women. AND FOR WHAT reason is what I'd like to know?
more trash

clean up for the house of nasty shit they call Discourse

now you see why the left is so filled with hate all the time. they read this garbage off some nasty leftwing blog

You on the left should judge yourselves first. You keep putting in nasty, corrupted people in OUR GOVERNMENT and look like SHEEP because of it
guno is just a drive by shotgun poster and a LIAR.
No wonder people ignore his tripe.

I don't understand how he gets free rein to post this nasty garbage. That was written by a progressive/leftwinger. full of hate, nasty and running down their fellow countrymen and women. AND FOR WHAT reason is what I'd like to know?
Everyone gets freedom of speech even those like guno that turn bandwidth into seeping piles of rotten trash. He SHOULD be thanking those he hates. If his own side ever judged him he would be gone.
more trash

clean up for the house of nasty shit they call Discourse

now you see why the left is so filled with hate all the time. they read this garbage off some nasty leftwing blog

You on the left should judge yourselves first. You keep putting in nasty, corrupted people in OUR GOVERNMENT and look like SHEEP because of it
guno is just a drive by shotgun poster and a LIAR.
No wonder people ignore his tripe.

I don't understand how he gets free rein to post this nasty garbage. That was written by a progressive/leftwinger. full of hate, nasty and running down their fellow countrymen and women. AND FOR WHAT reason is what I'd like to know?
Everyone gets freedom of speech even those like guno that turn bandwidth into seeping piles of rotten trash. He SHOULD be thanking those he hates. If his own side ever judged him he would be gone.

Oh I'd stand up for his Freedom of speech. Just wish ONCE he would post something that is worth debating maybe. What is someone going to say about that nasty article, especially if they are a Republican. I just can't believe people reads that kind of ugly stuff. It has nothing really to do with Politics and everything to do with just running others down.
It's frustrating. :dunno:
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more trash

clean up for the house of nasty shit they call Discourse

now you see why the left is so filled with hate all the time. they read this garbage off some nasty leftwing blog

You on the left should judge yourselves first. You keep putting in nasty, corrupted people in OUR GOVERNMENT and look like SHEEP because of it
guno is just a drive by shotgun poster and a LIAR.
No wonder people ignore his tripe.

I don't understand how he gets free rein to post this nasty garbage. That was written by a progressive/leftwinger. full of hate, nasty and running down their fellow countrymen and women. AND FOR WHAT reason is what I'd like to know?
Everyone gets freedom of speech even those like guno that turn bandwidth into seeping piles of rotten trash. He SHOULD be thanking those he hates. If his own side ever judged him he would be gone.

Oh I'd stand up for his Freedom of speech. Just wish ONCE he would post something that is worth debating maybe. What is someone going to say about that nasty article, especially if they are a Republican. I just can believe people reads that kind of ugly stuff. It has nothing really to do with Politics and everything to do with just running others down.
It's frustrating. :dunno:
guno has NO talent so he resorts to hate. If you look at that LOON PLATOON he is a member of hate IS the common factor.
more trash

clean up for the house of nasty shit they call Discourse

now you see why the left is so filled with hate all the time. they read this garbage off some nasty leftwing blog

You on the left should judge yourselves first. You keep putting in nasty, corrupted people in OUR GOVERNMENT and look like SHEEP because of it
guno is just a drive by shotgun poster and a LIAR.
No wonder people ignore his tripe.

I don't understand how he gets free rein to post this nasty garbage. That was written by a progressive/leftwinger. full of hate, nasty and running down their fellow countrymen and women. AND FOR WHAT reason is what I'd like to know?
Everyone gets freedom of speech even those like guno that turn bandwidth into seeping piles of rotten trash. He SHOULD be thanking those he hates. If his own side ever judged him he would be gone.

Oh I'd stand up for his Freedom of speech. Just wish ONCE he would post something that is worth debating maybe. What is someone going to say about that nasty article, especially if they are a Republican. I just can believe people reads that kind of ugly stuff. It has nothing really to do with Politics and everything to do with just running others down.
It's frustrating. :dunno:
guno has NO talent so he resorts to hate. If you look at that LOON PLATOON he is a member of hate IS the common factor.

Yes, I don't get people who are that way. I have him on ignore but can still see his dumb titles. It's my own fault. but I always held out hope he would one day see the light, be happy. POLITICS is just politics. I try and keep it to the people actually in our government, the parties, that ugly man Obama and his wifeypoo. LOL
The racist troll strategy seems to involve starting 100 troll threads per day.
more trash

clean up for the house of nasty shit they call Discourse

now you see why the left is so filled with hate all the time. they read this garbage off some nasty leftwing blog

You on the left should judge yourselves first. You keep putting in nasty, corrupted people in OUR GOVERNMENT and look like SHEEP because of it
you only used the term "nasty" 3x Staph :eusa_eh:

As to the OP, it is well known GOP History. You ever take AND PASS History in High school?
The racist troll strategy seems to involve starting 100 troll threads per day.
guno is a low level player in their base but he does reflect their base. HE sees ignorance and arrogance as strong points which can be seen in his posting style. Does one wonder why blacks attack whites after reading guno or islam attacks Christians after reading guno?

I myself do not put him on ignore because I see him and other members of the LOON PLATOON as a standing reflection of what is truly wrong with the world.

The man has the morals the ethics and values of a cockroach.

DakrFury, try addressing the OP instead of flaming a poster you don't like, hmmm.
DakrFury, try addressing the OP instead of flaming a poster you don't like, hmmm.
I DID address the OP. I see it as skewed and bigoted and based in hate.
This is what you wrote, "guno has NO talent so he resorts to hate. If you look at that LOON PLATOON he is a member of hate IS the common factor." I know you are a concrete learner, you have said nothing about the Southern Strategy, so it is time for you to step up to the plate.
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DakrFury, try addressing the OP instead of flaming a poster you don't like, hmmm.
I DID address the OP. I see it as skewed and bigoted and based in hate.
This is what you wrote, "guno has NO talent so he resorts to hate. If you look at that LOON PLATOON he is a member of hate IS the common factor." I know you are a concrete learner, you have said nothing about the Southern Strategy, so it is time for you to step up to the plate.
I am merely pointing out the OP's well known BIGOTRY and HATE makes the ability to debate the subject impossible as pointed out by other members as well.
This race baiter, Christian hater, Anti American, islamonazi lover, who pretends to be a Jew, is defiantly one of the dumbest, most pathetic people we have on this board.:cuckoo:

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Mark Twain (attributed)

Recently, Herman Cain made the comment that, “Many African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view.” For this statement he was vilified, especially by the black liberal establishment. It may have been imprudent for him to say, especially if he wishes to garner a significant portion of the black vote, but it is the truth. Blacks have been brainwashed by the myth of the Southern Strategy.

There was a point in our history in which the black community voted overwhelmingly Republican. After all, the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves. During the reconstruction period, blacks elected to federal office were all Republicans. President Johnson had to appeal to Congressional Republicans for passage of civil rights legislation as the majority of Democrats opposed it.

Again, the reality of Nixon’s appeal to racism was much different than alleged. Richard Nixon’s background indicates he favored civil rights early on. It was he, who as Vice President, urged President Eisenhower to appoint Earl Warren to the Supreme Court. Earl Warren was well known for his pro civil rights views. Nixon was also in favor of sending troops to integrate Little Rock High.

Media coverage of the 1968 presidential race shows that he was in favor of civil rights and would not compromise on this issue. For example, an article published in the Washington Post on September 15, 1968 headlined “Nixon Sped Integration, Wallace says.” In fact, it was Nixon’s principled stance on civil rights that prompted George Wallace, a well known racist, to enter the race on a third party ticket. Nixon, in his memoirs, said that “The deep south had to be virtually conceded to George Wallace. I could not match him there without compromising on civil rights, which I would not do.”

Nixon’s record, once in office also belies the charge he was a racist or appealed to racism. His administration made historic progress in finally ending the practice of segregating the races in “separate but equal” schools in the South. When he took office in 1969, 68 percent of black Southern students attended segregated schools. Within five years, that number had been cut to 9 percent. As Tom Wicker wrote in his biography, One of Us, “The Nixon administration did more in 1970 to desegregate the Southern school systems than had been done in the sixteen previous years…”

The third aspect for establishing the Southern Strategy myth was laid with another falsehood; that all the former Dixiecrats had joined the Republican Party after Nixon allegedly used the used the Southern Strategy. The Dixiecrat Party was a third party that splintered from the Democrats because of their dissatisfaction with Harry Truman over the civil rights issue during the 1940s. The goal of the Dixiecrat Party was to continue segregation and white supremacy in the southern states. Senator Strom Thurmond left the Democrats and became their presidential nominee in 1948. After losing the election, Thurmond returned to the Democrat Party, but later switched to the Republicans in 1964. However, almost all the other former Dixiecrats remained in the Democrat Party until they either retired or died. Fulbright, Wallace, Gore and Byrd retired as Democrats.

It was the next generation of white southern politicians who joined the GOP. This represented a passing of the torch from the segregationists to those who had accepted the civil rights revolution.

The Claremont Institute has published a much more comprehensive analysis of the fallacy of the Southern Strategy. You can read it here:

In their book, “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democrat to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interest; the GOP. Working-class whites, however, even in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. In that environment an appeal to racism was hardly necessary.

ANOTHER LIBERAL LIE EXPOSED The Myth of the Southern Strategy Contagious Transformation
Noted to the mods the opponents of the OP are attacking personality and not the OP. Shitty behavior.

To the OP: the Southern Strategy is a fact, undeniable, and constantly thrown back into the faces of hard core reactionaries of the far right. So they attack personality because they can't rebut the fact.
Noted to the mods the opponents of the OP are attacking personality and not the OP. Shitty behavior.

To the OP: the Southern Strategy is a fact, undeniable, and constantly thrown back into the faces of hard core reactionaries of the far right. So they attack personality because they can't rebut the fact.

Note to fake, kiss my ass you fraud... take your Geritol:slap:
A very good historical piece and on how the south got to be republican and the mindset of the southern cracker

The Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans. Lee Atwater has been credited with being the founder of this political tactic.

The southern strategies main purpose was to transform the south from blue states to red states by invoking the reality of institutional racism. This transformation is one of the most significant in American history. It is also one of the main factors that make modern politics what it is today. However, this transformation is a mystery to most people. People did not just wake up one day and start voting for Republicans in the south.

House Of Public Discourse Why Do Poor Uneducated White People Vote Republican

I'd say the strategy certainly worked.


Red State Blue States -1950


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