The South's Last, Desperate Stand

The fact remains that LGBT marriage does not hurt straight marriage.

Your opinion is not fact.

LGBT marriage doesn't hurt straight marriage. From the POV of children, it completely annihilated its protections for them. While normal marriages still occur and always will, the "gay" marriages DESTROY children's hopes of ever having either a mother or father for live. Those brand new "marriages" dissolved the very skeleton of the reason the word "marriage" came into existence: to remedy the ills to children, seen over and over and over, when they lack both a mother and father. Gay marriage is like a new psychological prison to children.

Gay marriage hurts marriage's hopeful promise to children. Gay marriage destroyed that. Gay marriage hurts children. And if you don't believe me, read the link in my signature and get it straight from the horses' mouths...
Sil, quite being a drama queen.

Many kids grow up in single parent homes and the great majority turn out ok.

Many kids grow up in a two parent home and many of them are fucked up.

LGBT gives children two parents.
Sil, quite being a drama queen.

Many kids grow up in single parent homes and the great majority turn out ok.

Many kids grow up in a two parent home and many of them are fucked up.

LGBT gives children two parents.

None of the bullshit Sil speak about addresses the fact that gay people raise children whether they are allowed to marry or not. Unless she wants to take children away from their biological and adoptive gay parents there isn't anything she can do about it, save whining/lying on the internet.
Sil, quite being a drama queen.

Many kids grow up in single parent homes and the great majority turn out ok.

Many kids grow up in a two parent home and many of them are fucked up.

LGBT gives children two parents.

Statistically speaking, children raised in single homes, or simply without either a mother or father in their life (single parent or gay marriage) fare significantlly worse than their peers who have both a mom and dad in their daily lives.

Here's a quote from the largest youth survey on the planet, from its 2010 survey: PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

And the amicus briefs linked in my signature tell of how children in otherwise "just fine gay homes" suffered emotionally from the lack of the opposite gender as a parent too. Combined, they are the death blow to your "gay marriage doesn't hurt children" false marriage does hurt children, so that contract legally cannot exist..

"Young people with no role models of the same gender in their lives score a total of 65 in the well-being index compared with a score of 74 for young people with these role models .... ....... young people’s happiness and confidence both seem to be affected by the addition of a role model of the same gender."

You have no such facts on LGBT marriages and their children, Sil.

Don't lie. Prince's Trust blew up in your face a long time ago.
Now we've come back full circle to Sil blatantly misrepresenting and lying about the findings in the Prince's Trust. Round and round we go.
MDK, issue Sil a challenge to a debate in the CDZ.

Everybody has to be polite there.
MDK, issue Sil a challenge to a debate in the CDZ.

Everybody has to be polite there.

Hell no. I would have better luck convincing a house plant. Sil has shown time and time again that fact are irrelevant when it comes to her anti-gay narrative.
MDK, issue Sil a challenge to a debate in the CDZ.

Everybody has to be polite there.

Hell no. I would have better luck convincing a house plant. Sil has shown time and time again that fact are irrelevant when it comes to her anti-gay narrative.
Hmmm. A house plant of any variety probably is more sentient than Sil on this subject.
Did you read this thread? If you did, you would see that the acceptance of divorce caused them to spike. Questioning whether the relaxation of divorce laws harmed your individual marriage is irrelevant. Did it erode marriage in society?

Yes or no?


The only reason you believe it to be irrelevant is b/c another couple getting a divorce, or married, doesn't have any effect on your marriage. Just like gay marriage doesn't have any effect on your marriage. Besides, heterosexuals getting a divorce isn't a very compelling reason to deny gays access to marriage, it's just a lame excuse.

Its not my belief, it is simply a fact. If you cannot see it for what it is, then I cannot help you.

Again: Questioning whether the relaxation of divorce laws harmed your individual marriage is irrelevant. Did it erode marriage in society?

Yes or no?


No, you are citing your opinion and pretending it is fact as the marriage or divorce of another couple doesn't have any effect on your marriage.

If you were truly interested in curbing divorce you would be pushing to make divorce more difficult to obtain but all I see is whining about gay marriage.

Not surprising that you didn't answer my question. Answering yes would give me credence. Answering no would make you look like an idiot.

As for laws making divorce harder, I am all for them. But, since that is not the subject of the thread I figured I would not bring it up.

No one is making reckless decisions, Sil: that idea is only in your head.
The idea that marriage was created to remedy the ills of children being without a mother and father is not "in my head" asshole. It is a fact.

That must explain why single parent households are illegal. lol.
Unless a spouse dies, or a spouse is abusive, it probably should be illegal. I am the type of person who believes that if you have children, you are responsible for their upbringing.

Old fashioned, I know.

Mark, that is not the OP.

Sil, as usual the facts do not support your opinion. Your silly anger reveals you know what I say is true.

The fact remains that LGBT marriage does not hurt straight marriage.

Your opinion is not fact.
We cannot know yet whether gay marriage hurts the institution of marriage. It will probably be decades before we find out. But, like with welfare and easy divorce, the damage to the family unit will have been done.

There is an old African proverb that goes something like this:

Before you tear down a fence, find out why it was built in the first place.

Did you read this thread? If you did, you would see that the acceptance of divorce caused them to spike. Questioning whether the relaxation of divorce laws harmed your individual marriage is irrelevant. Did it erode marriage in society?

Yes or no?


The only reason you believe it to be irrelevant is b/c another couple getting a divorce, or married, doesn't have any effect on your marriage. Just like gay marriage doesn't have any effect on your marriage. Besides, heterosexuals getting a divorce isn't a very compelling reason to deny gays access to marriage, it's just a lame excuse.

Its not my belief, it is simply a fact. If you cannot see it for what it is, then I cannot help you.

Again: Questioning whether the relaxation of divorce laws harmed your individual marriage is irrelevant. Did it erode marriage in society?

Yes or no?


No, you are citing your opinion and pretending it is fact as the marriage or divorce of another couple doesn't have any effect on your marriage.

If you were truly interested in curbing divorce you would be pushing to make divorce more difficult to obtain but all I see is whining about gay marriage.

Not surprising that you didn't answer my question. Answering yes would give me credence. Answering no would make you look like an idiot.

As for laws making divorce harder, I am all for them. But, since that is not the subject of the thread I figured I would not bring it up.


I am not answering your question b/c it is a red herring and as nothing to do with the topic of thread. You're trying damn hard to make it about divorce though. Again, denying gays access to marriage on the basis of heterosexual divorce rate is stupid. The logical disconnect is blatant for all to see. No wonder the anti-gay marriage folks got their asses handed to them in the courts all across the nation.
Mark, that is not the OP.

Sil, as usual the facts do not support your opinion. Your silly anger reveals you know what I say is true.

The fact remains that LGBT marriage does not hurt straight marriage.

Your opinion is not fact.
We cannot know yet whether gay marriage hurts the institution of marriage. It will probably be decades before we find out. But, like with welfare and easy divorce, the damage to the family unit will have been done.

There is an old African proverb that goes something like this:

Before you tear down a fence, find out why it was built in the first place.

There is an old saying from home: "hide in the trees and watch." However, we don't have decades. The law is now. The law is real. So we will find out. Thank you for stating the inability to know whether LGBT marriage hurts the institution of marriage.
We cannot know yet whether gay marriage hurts the institution of marriage. It will probably be decades before we find out. But, like with welfare and easy divorce, the damage to the family unit will have been done.

There is an old African proverb that goes something like this:

Before you tear down a fence, find out why it was built in the first place.

There is an old saying from home: "hide in the trees and watch." However, we don't have decades. The law is now. The law is real. So we will find out. Thank you for stating the inability to know whether LGBT marriage hurts the institution of marriage.

The problem is Jakey, if a new set of contractual conditions is iffy, uncertain where it is like a lab experiment testing using children as the rats, those conditions are also void upon their face. Turns out, you don't get to be experimental with infant-necessities and contracts. If a change is dubious or unproven, the burden is upon the adults to FIRST prove-out that the new conditions won't cause harm. Before that point, there can be no change.

Thanks for admitting that gay marriage is an experiment where children's necessities are involved: Contracts With Children

Any contract which a court deems to be detrimental to the interests of the child is void, plain and simple. It is not voidable - it is void. It is as if it never existed. Of course, this takes a court order to achieve but it is an important deterrent to commercial hustlers who would not hesitate to extract money from a child.
This, even if the contract for the necessaries of life (see below)...."... that an infant's contract for necessaries is binding ... that doctrine also applied not merely to bread and cheese and clothes, but to education and instruction....

"(E)ducation must not be taken in its narrow technical sense as merely meaning education to enable a man by the work of his hands to hereafter maintain himself as an artisan, but has a much wider meaning than that. It applies to education and instruction in the social state in which the infant is, and in which he may expect to find himself when he becomes an adult.
Did you read this thread? If you did, you would see that the acceptance of divorce caused them to spike. Questioning whether the relaxation of divorce laws harmed your individual marriage is irrelevant. Did it erode marriage in society?

Yes or no?


The only reason you believe it to be irrelevant is b/c another couple getting a divorce, or married, doesn't have any effect on your marriage. Just like gay marriage doesn't have any effect on your marriage. Besides, heterosexuals getting a divorce isn't a very compelling reason to deny gays access to marriage, it's just a lame excuse.

Its not my belief, it is simply a fact. If you cannot see it for what it is, then I cannot help you.

Again: Questioning whether the relaxation of divorce laws harmed your individual marriage is irrelevant. Did it erode marriage in society?

Yes or no?


No, you are citing your opinion and pretending it is fact as the marriage or divorce of another couple doesn't have any effect on your marriage.

If you were truly interested in curbing divorce you would be pushing to make divorce more difficult to obtain but all I see is whining about gay marriage.

Not surprising that you didn't answer my question. Answering yes would give me credence. Answering no would make you look like an idiot.

As for laws making divorce harder, I am all for them. But, since that is not the subject of the thread I figured I would not bring it up.


I am not answering your question b/c it is a red herring and as nothing to do with the topic of thread. You're trying damn hard to make it about divorce though. Again, denying gays access to marriage on the basis of heterosexual divorce rate is stupid. The logical disconnect is blatant for all to see. No wonder the anti-gay marriage folks got their asses handed to them in the courts all across the nation.

Since I never stated that gays caused divorce(yet) your answer is nonsensical.

But think what you wish.

Mark, that is not the OP.

Sil, as usual the facts do not support your opinion. Your silly anger reveals you know what I say is true.

The fact remains that LGBT marriage does not hurt straight marriage.

Your opinion is not fact.
We cannot know yet whether gay marriage hurts the institution of marriage. It will probably be decades before we find out. But, like with welfare and easy divorce, the damage to the family unit will have been done.

There is an old African proverb that goes something like this:

Before you tear down a fence, find out why it was built in the first place.

There is an old saying from home: "hide in the trees and watch." However, we don't have decades. The law is now. The law is real. So we will find out. Thank you for stating the inability to know whether LGBT marriage hurts the institution of marriage.
Jake, how could we know if it hurts marriage until we allow it? We can't. However if it does, it will be a moot point. Just one more nail in the coffin of the family unit.


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