The Speech That Got Breitbart Killed?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
[ame=]Speech that got Breitbart assassinated by Obama (NDAA) - YouTube[/ame]

One year ago, prior to EO13603, I would not have believed this.

Today after all the dictatorial power Obama has, I think it totally plausible now.
A very illuminating video on the current leftwing world view and view of the US and its history.

[ame=]Critical Theory explained. - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame=]The History of Political Correctness (Complete) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Frankfurt School: Marxist Infiltration And Subversion, Culture Wars - YouTube[/ame]
It's said that he had finally got his hands on Obama's actual college transcripts that showed he was registered as a foreign student. He was going to release them and had been on the phone with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio just hours before his death according to Sheriff Joe, who was to have a press conference on March 1, the day of Breitbarts death, exposing Obama's forged birth certificate. Arpaio had earlier announced a press conference where he would have his Cold Case Posse lay out the evidence confirming Obama released a 100% forged Birth Certificate from April 27,2011. Soon after his death the Breitbart team decided to release a teaser of what they had and it was this:

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Breitbart died from excessive masterbation

His mother warned him but he didn't listen
Brietbart died?

Doesn't he still have columns posted on Drudge or is someone writing for him now? Oh well, he's gone but not forgotten. At least not by wingnuts.
Yes, the U.S. government never assassinates anyone. C'est impossible because the U.S. government is a benevolent institution dedicated to peace among all people and they have black Jesus at the helm carry the torch. I just want to hug a flag right now.
I'm glad the fukwit is Hitler. I'll be glad when Dick is dead too, I'm sure he'll join those two in hell.
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Yes, the U.S. government never assassinates anyone. C'est impossible because the U.S. government is a benevolent institution dedicated to peace among all people and they have black Jesus at the helm carry the torch. I just want to hug a flag right now.

Highly doubt it was the US government.

More likely it was the...well, I cant tell you who. You gotta figger that out fer yourself.

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