The Speech That Got Breitbart Killed?

Breitbart died from excessive masterbation

His mother warned him but he didn't listen

Sack of shit ALERT part deux^^

Yea....go ahead

Blame Breitbarts masterbation issues on Obama

Excessive Masturbation might have had something to do with it..

But I'd say it was the high fat diet and excessive drinking that helped ol' Andy Shuffle off the Mortal coil.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

[ame=]Andrew Breitbart "STOP RAPING PEOPLE" "BEHAVE YOURSELF" meltdown @ CPAC - YouTube[/ame]

Although I have to admit that drunken rant was comedy gold! :lol:
OMG. You people need to stop wasting time on a message board. Obviously, he'll go after Breitbart's girlfriends next -


And, fer gawd's sake, don't let people tell you that his lifestyle and history of heart disease caused him to have another heart attack - this one fatal.

What ever you do, don't let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy.

If it's believable, it must be true!

How about employing that old standby; 'follow the money?'

Speaking of money -

News Corpse » James O?Keefe Agrees To Pay $100,000 To Former ACORN Employee [Update w/O'Keefe Statement]:

James O’Keefe Agrees To Pay $100,000 To Former ACORN Employee

James O'KeefeHaving already been convicted of criminal activity in Louisiana, recidivist law-breaker James O’Keefe is now shelling out a hundred grand to one of his victims in the notorious ACORN affair.

ACORN employee Juan Carlos Vera was surreptitiously videotaped (for which criminal charges are still pending) and falsely portrayed as offering assistance to O’Keefe’s phony endeavor to transport underage girls from El Salvador for the purpose of prostitution. Unbeknownst to O’Keefe, Vera had notified the police after his encounter with O’Keefe. But O’Keefe posted his fraudulent and heavily edited videotapes anyway with the help of Andrew Breitbart. It will be interesting to see how Breitbart News covers this breaking story – if they do so at all.

You nutters need to pass on the fake xmas books from $arah and lushbo and send a donation to Jimmy The Liar O'Keefe. :cuckoo:
What happened to all the rw conspiracy nutter's? Did they finally admit that nobody cared that breitbart died?

Hell, I doubt anyone even noticed.

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Brietbart had a heart? Wow, Cheney had to buy one.

I love it when you libtards illustrate what absolute shit-heads you all are by being so damned tacky and low class.

Please, keep it up, dumbfuck.

Thank you so much for leading by example you shit headed retard from the déclassé dumbfuck set.

lol, right because my 'bad language' is the equivalent of you libtards laughing at someone's death.

You libtards have not had a sense of what is moral and shameful since the leftwing wackos took over in 72.
What happened to all the rw conspiracy nutter's?

Yes, because there are never any conspiracies, unless it is rightwing, then it might be real. roflmao

Did they finally admit that nobody cared that breitbart died?

Hell, I doubt anyone even noticed.

We have been discussing this subject on this thread, and you assert no one even noticed that Breitbart died?

Congratulations, your stupidity just broke through to a new envelope.
If it's believable, it must be true!

How about employing that old standby; 'follow the money?'

Speaking of money -

News Corpse » James O?Keefe Agrees To Pay $100,000 To Former ACORN Employee [Update w/O'Keefe Statement]:

James O’Keefe Agrees To Pay $100,000 To Former ACORN Employee

James O'KeefeHaving already been convicted of criminal activity in Louisiana, recidivist law-breaker James O’Keefe is now shelling out a hundred grand to one of his victims in the notorious ACORN affair.

ACORN employee Juan Carlos Vera was surreptitiously videotaped (for which criminal charges are still pending) and falsely portrayed as offering assistance to O’Keefe’s phony endeavor to transport underage girls from El Salvador for the purpose of prostitution. Unbeknownst to O’Keefe, Vera had notified the police after his encounter with O’Keefe. But O’Keefe posted his fraudulent and heavily edited videotapes anyway with the help of Andrew Breitbart. It will be interesting to see how Breitbart News covers this breaking story – if they do so at all.

You nutters need to pass on the fake xmas books from $arah and lushbo and send a donation to Jimmy The Liar O'Keefe. :cuckoo:

roflmao, yes, video of conversation is so full of lies, as everyone knows.

You idiot, the power establishment is punishing him for being effective. Had someone gone after one of the elites little lap dog journalists the judge would throw it out without a second look, in most cases. But when the establishment gets hit, it's time for the long knives to come out.
roflmao, yes, video of conversation is so full of lies, as everyone knows.

You idiot, the power establishment is punishing him for being effective. Had someone gone after one of the elites little lap dog journalists the judge would throw it out without a second look, in most cases. But when the establishment gets hit, it's time for the long knives to come out.

James Okeefe lied his ass off. He deserved to be sued. I'm GLAD his was called out on being a liar.
when the establishment gets hit
- as in the now defunct ACORN? You are kidding, right? This lawsuit was between Okeefe and Juan Carlos Vera - how is that the "establishment?"

ACORN Targeted after Successful Voter Registration Drives

ACORN, a grassroots organization that worked on raising the minimum wage, ending predatory lending and access to affordable housing, was a target of O'Keefe's so-called "investigative journalism" in large part because it was also highly effective at registering members of poor and minority communities to vote -- voters unlikely to embrace the GOP agenda. ACORN collected 1.3 million voter registration forms in 21 states prior to the 2008 election. A handful of irregularities with voter registration led to charges of election-stealing voter fraud. John McCain, for instance, accused ACORN of "massive voter fraud... that would destroy the fabric of democracy" -- a statement that called "breathtakingly inaccurate."

The 2009 ACORN videos helped O'Keefe rise to fame (or perhaps infamy), and was part of a coordinated right-wing assault that eventually resulted in Congressional Republicans introducing legislation to cut funding for the organization and ACORN going bankrupt. Despite being vindicated by attorneys general in several states, and a report from the Government Accountability Office finding that ACORN did not misuse any federal money, Republicans were successful in cutting off an important funding stream and the organization closed its doors in 2010.

ACORN has continued to be a useful bogeyman of the right. In 2013, Republicans have written into various budget bills that no federal funds can go to the organization -- despite the fact that it no longer exists. In 2012, 49 percent of Republican voters said they believed ACORN stole the presidential election.

James O?Keefe Pays $100K Settlement after Deceiving Public about ACORN (and ALEC Helped Take Down ACORN) | PR Watch
roflmao, yes, video of conversation is so full of lies, as everyone knows.

You idiot, the power establishment is punishing him for being effective. Had someone gone after one of the elites little lap dog journalists the judge would throw it out without a second look, in most cases. But when the establishment gets hit, it's time for the long knives to come out.

James Okeefe lied his ass off. He deserved to be sued. I'm GLAD his was called out on being a liar.
when the establishment gets hit
- as in the now defunct ACORN? You are kidding, right? This lawsuit was between Okeefe and Juan Carlos Vera - how is that the "establishment?"

ACORN Targeted after Successful Voter Registration Drives

ACORN, a grassroots organization that worked on raising the minimum wage, ending predatory lending and access to affordable housing, was a target of O'Keefe's so-called "investigative journalism" in large part because it was also highly effective at registering members of poor and minority communities to vote -- voters unlikely to embrace the GOP agenda. ACORN collected 1.3 million voter registration forms in 21 states prior to the 2008 election. A handful of irregularities with voter registration led to charges of election-stealing voter fraud. John McCain, for instance, accused ACORN of "massive voter fraud... that would destroy the fabric of democracy" -- a statement that called "breathtakingly inaccurate."

The 2009 ACORN videos helped O'Keefe rise to fame (or perhaps infamy), and was part of a coordinated right-wing assault that eventually resulted in Congressional Republicans introducing legislation to cut funding for the organization and ACORN going bankrupt. Despite being vindicated by attorneys general in several states, and a report from the Government Accountability Office finding that ACORN did not misuse any federal money, Republicans were successful in cutting off an important funding stream and the organization closed its doors in 2010.

ACORN has continued to be a useful bogeyman of the right. In 2013, Republicans have written into various budget bills that no federal funds can go to the organization -- despite the fact that it no longer exists. In 2012, 49 percent of Republican voters said they believed ACORN stole the presidential election.

James O?Keefe Pays $100K Settlement after Deceiving Public about ACORN (and ALEC Helped Take Down ACORN) | PR Watch

lol, you are serious?

Shit, even Wikipedia as libtard as it is acknowledges that there were problems with ACORN for a long time.

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ACORN was a nonpartisan organization, but its legally separate political action arm frequently endorsed causes and candidates, including the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.[4][64][65][66] ACORN lobbied every Democratic National Convention since 1980[67] and had members elected as delegates to those conventions;[67] ACORN also lobbied at Republican conventions.[67] ACORN was criticized by Republicans for its support of Democratic candidates and for its general support of political positions that are more often favored by Democrats.[64]

In a report released in October 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General concluded that U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias for political reasons after Iglesias failed to prosecute a New Mexico ACORN chapter. The report said claims Iglesias was fired for poor performance were not credible, and the "real reason for Iglesias's removal was the complaints from New Mexico Republican politicians and party activists about how Iglesias handled voter fraud [cases]."[68]

During the debate on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, some commentators claimed that a draft provision (omitted in the adopted bill) to give money to funds run by the U.S. Department of the Treasury could potentially lead to money flowing to groups like ACORN.[64][69] When asked how much money ACORN or other community groups would get, a spokesman for Financial Services Committee chairman Barney Frank, said, "Absolutely none. All funds would go to state and local governments."[12] Critics also claimed that ACORN's complex organizational structure allowed it to escape public scrutiny.[70]


ACORN was a political issue in the 2008 presidential election over allegations of voter registration fraud and conflict of interest. During the 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary ACORN's national political action committee, ACORN Votes, endorsed Barack Obama.[71] Obama, with several other attorneys, had served as local counsel for ACORN in a 1995 voting rights lawsuit joined by the Justice Department and the League of Women Voters.[72][73] Obama's campaign hired an ACORN affiliate for $800,000 to conduct a get-out-the-vote effort during that primary,[74][75] but did not retain ACORN for the general presidential election.[74][75]

Throughout the election season, supporters of Republican candidates portrayed ACORN's submission of invalid voter registration applications as widespread vote fraud. In October 2008, the campaign for Republican presidential candidate John McCain released a Web-based advertisement claiming ACORN was responsible for "massive voter fraud," a point that Sen. McCain repeated in the final presidential debate. called this claim "breathtakingly inaccurate," but acknowledged that ACORN had problems with phony registrations.[76]

So we have a publicly funded organization that 1) is supposed to be nonpartisan but actually is so partisan that it has some members that have actually run as Democratic Party candidates in elections, 2) is organized in such a complex manner that many thought it a method of evading accountability, and 3) has a history of being accused of being involved in electoral fraud...but that's all because O'Keefe is a liar? What about all this shyte prior to O'Keefe?

The New York Times reported on July 9, 2008, that Dale Rathke, the brother of ACORN's founder Wade Rathke, was found to have embezzled $948,607.50 from the group and affiliated charitable organizations back in 1999 and 2000.[79] ACORN executives decided to handle it as an internal matter, and did not inform most of the board members or law enforcement, and instead signed an enforceable restitution agreement with the Rathke family to repay the amount of the embezzlement. $210,000 has already been repaid, and a donor, Drummond Pike, has offered to pay the remaining debt.[80] The Times reported that, according to Wade Rathke, "the decision to keep the matter secret was not made to protect his brother but because word of the embezzlement would have put a 'weapon' into the hands of enemies of ACORN, a liberal group that is a frequent target of conservatives who object to ACORN's often strident advocacy on behalf of low- and moderate-income families and workers." A whistleblower revealed the embezzlement in 2008. On June 2, 2008, Dale Rathke was dismissed, and Wade stepped down as ACORN's chief organizer, but he remains chief organizer for Acorn International L.L.C.[79]

In September 2008, following revelations of Dale Rathke's embezzlement, two members of ACORN's national board of directors filed a lawsuit seeking to obtain financial documents and to force the organization to sever ties with Wade Rathke.[81] ACORN's executive committee voted unanimously to remove the two, "because their actions—such as releasing a confidential legal memo to the press—were damaging the organization."[82]

In October 2009, Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell claimed in a subpoena that ACORN's board of directors found that a larger amount—$5 million—had been embezzled from the organization. Bertha Lewis, ACORN's CEO, said the allegation is false.[83] On November 6, following up on the subpoena, Caldwell served a search warrant at the ACORN headquarters in New Orleans.[84] Caldwell stated, "This is an investigation of everything—Acorn, the national organization, the local organization and all of its affiliated entities."[85]

More O'Keefe lies?

In September 2009, conservative activists Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe publicized selectively edited[86][87][88] hidden camera recordings through Fox News and Andrew Breitbart's website[9] In the videos, Giles posed as a prostitute and O'Keefe posed as her boyfriend in order to elicit damaging responses from employees of ACORN.[9] The videos were recorded over the summer of 2009 while visiting ACORN offices in eight cities,[89] and purported to show low-level ACORN employees in several cities providing advice to Giles and O'Keefe on how to avoid taxes and detection by the authorities with regard to their plans to engage in tax evasion, human smuggling, and child prostitution.[90]

Now, try and tell me how some selective editing could have made the things on that video NOT scandalous for ACORN? Have you seen them? From the very basic fact that they were telling the ACORN employees that they were using women for prostitution should have gotten O'Keefe thrown out, but no, the ACORN employees just let it all roll off like it was nothing and continued with essplaining how these whores could be part of the Democrat patronage network and get protected by the Democrat political machine.

Please don't tell me you have never heard of such things? You really think that the Daley machine in Chicago doesn't protect criminal organizations that support them during elections? These criminals have been receiving federal funds for a supposedly nonpartisan group, but they are so partisan that off-guard the NYT calls them a liberal advocacy group. That right there should tell you something about the kind of people they were, and are, and all the embezzlement that the people who ran the org still insisted was untrue, merely lies spread by their opponents? lol

That is essentially what O'Keefe exposed on video, and the demeanor in which the ACORN staff handled it proves that it was nothing shocking or surprising to them at all about what he pretended to be and to be doing. It was just another tricky day for an ACORN rep, I guess.

After the videos were made public, the U.S. Congress voted to eliminate federal funding to ACORN. Although the resolutions were later nullified in a federal court ruling that the measure was an unconstitutional bill of attainder, on August 13, 2010, a federal appeals court upheld the congressional act that cut off federal funding for ACORN.[91][92][93][94] In March 2010, ACORN announced it would be closing its offices and disbanding due to loss of funding from government and private donors.[95]

Hmm, a highly partisan group that receives federal funding and is so dependent on that federal funding that they have to close their doors due to lack of federal funding? That is a victory for US citizens anyway you want to slice it.

On December 7, 2009, the former Massachusetts Attorney General, after an independent internal investigation of ACORN, found the videos that had been released appeared to have been edited, "in some cases substantially". He found no evidence of criminal conduct by ACORN employees, but concluded that ACORN had poor management practices that contributed to unprofessional actions by a number of its low-level employees.[96][97][98][99] On March 1, 2010, the District Attorney's office for Brooklyn determined that the videos were "heavily edited" and "many of the seemingly crime-encouraging answers were taken out of context so as to appear more sinister",[100] and concluded that there was no criminal wrongdoing by the ACORN staff in the videos from the Brooklyn ACORN office.[101][102] On April 1, 2010, an investigation by the California Attorney General found the videos from Los Angeles, San Diego and San Bernardino to be "heavily edited,"[9] and the investigation did not find evidence of criminal conduct on the part of ACORN employees.[9][88] On June 14, 2010, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released its findings which showed that ACORN evidenced no sign that it, or any of its related organizations, mishandled any federal money they had received.[103][104]

So the political machines 'investigated' and found no criminal activity on the part of ACORN, and that surprises anybody?

It in no way means that O'Keefe engaged in any deception, as ALL videos professionally prepared for public release ARE HEAVILY EDITED, so that proves no malicious intent or dishonesty on O'Keefe's part other than the deception used to get the criminal Democrats and ACORN hooligans to trust him.

Kudoes to O'Keefe I say and I wish to God we had more journalists with courage like him.
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On March 1, 2012, Breitbart collapsed while walking in Brentwood. He was rushed to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where he later died.[33] He was 43 years old. An autopsy by the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office showed that he had cardiomegaly and died of heart failure.[34] Despite conspiracy theories surrounding his death,[35] the toxicology report showed "No prescription or illicit drugs were detected. The blood alcohol was .04%. No significant trauma was present and foul play is not suspected."[34] A personal friend of Breitbart, Bill Whittle, had said that Breitbart had a "serious heart attack" just months before his death.[36]

Andrew Breitbart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ARE ways to kill a person that leave no trace. (No, I won't tell you what they are.) However, it is not likely that, had any of those been used, he would be out for a stroll.

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