The squad demands Israel not retaliate.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.

Israel's govt is corrupt like the US. There are many in the knesset who sympathize with terror groups. Same here in the US. You really have to wonder how they forgot to monitor the water and the air. Israel is the most surveilled country in the world. How did that happen that they just waltzed in?

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.
It seems to me that the squad are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Sounds like a violation of 14A to me and they should be kept off their next ballots.
They need to explain this stance with questions and answers not just with a statement. First question: "1000 members of a foreign government infiltrated and intentionally slaughtered and murdered unarmed Israeli civilians, many of them young people, YOU tell US what the response should be?". Even in their hatred they wouldn't be able to say anything else but "retaliation.and their destruction". It isn't even revenge, it is justice and protecting their population from more of the same evils. These terrorists have deemed themselves combatants of war and they must be treated as such.
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I want everyone to see the intellectual level of the squad and the Left in general

You guys are morons. Directly from the OP’s own article. They all condemned Hamas and asked for peace. Really fucking controversial you dipshits.

AOC said in a statement:

Today is devastating for all those seeking a lasting peace and respect for human rights in Israel and Palestine. I condemn Hamas’ attack in the strongest possible terms. No child and family should ever endure this kind of violence and fear, and this violence will not solve the ongoing oppression and occupation in the region," Ocasio-Cortez continued. An immediate ceasefire and de-escalation is urgently needed to save lives.
Omar said:

I condemn the horrific acts we are seeing unfold today in Israel against children, women, the elderly, and the unarmed people who are being slaughtered and taken hostage by Hamas. Such senseless violence will only repeat the back and forth cycle we've seen, which we cannot allow to continue. We need to call for deescalation and ceasefire. I will keep advocating for peace and justice throughout the Middle East.
Bush stated:

I am heartbroken by the ongoing violence in Palestine and Israel, and I mourn the over 250 Israeli and 230 Palestinian lives that have been lost today, and the thousands injured, following attacks by Hamas militants on Israeli border towns and Israeli military bombardment of Gaza. I strongly condemn the targeting of civilians and I urge an immediate ceasefire and de-escalation to prevent further loss of life.
Cesar said:

I unequivocally condemn the killings & kidnappings by Hamas, & I mourn the deaths of innocent Israeli & Palestinian civilians. We must de-escalate this before the cycle of violence worsens further – and work toward a lasting peace without terrorist attacks, occupation, & war. In the coming days, we urge for all hostages to be released and for all civilians to be protected.
Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley added:

These devastating attacks on Israelis are deeply alarming and my heart breaks for the victims & their loved ones. We need an immediate ceasefire & de-escalation. It is long past time to stop this cycle of violence & trauma, and work toward a just & lasting peace in the region.
You guys are morons. Directly from the OP’s own article. They all condemned Hamas and asked for peace. Really fucking controversial you dipshits.

AOC said in a statement:

Omar said:

Bush stated:

Cesar said:

Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley added:
"This was not unprovoked," Democratic Socialists of America asserted. "For over 60 years, Palestinians have faced ethnic cleansing, torture, bombings, and housing demolitions. Gaza is still under a blockade. As socialists, we must act."

They view the terrorists as more noble than Israel as does your Left wing goons egging more of this.

For the sake of argument, let's say Israel does nothing to retaliate, or even better, give them more concessions.

Will that provoke more actions like this one or deter it?
"This was not unprovoked," Democratic Socialists of America asserted. "For over 60 years, Palestinians have faced ethnic cleansing, torture, bombings, and housing demolitions. Gaza is still under a blockade. As socialists, we must act."

They view the terrorists as more noble than Israel as does your Left wing goons egging more of this.

For the sake of argument, let's say Israel does nothing to retaliate, or even better, give them more concessions.

Will that provoke more actions like this one or deter it?
Dipshit... that wasnt an elected democrat. I posted their statements. Stop lying.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.
Do you have a quote of this demand?? I’d love to see how they worded it
The opinions of diseased cattle and a fucking knuckledragger that can't tell the difference between a fire alarm and a door handle are completely insignificant when actual human beings are being killed.

This is real.... that filthy shit is anything but real.
You guys are morons. Directly from the OP’s own article. They all condemned Hamas and asked for peace. Really fucking controversial you dipshits.

AOC said in a statement:

Omar said:

Bush stated:

Cesar said:

Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley added:
These "representatives" are morons. Israel has given Hamas and Hezbollah multiple chances for peace. Every one has been either rejected or ignored for decades.
These "representatives" are morons. Israel has given Hamas and Hezbollah multiple chances for peace. Every one has been either rejected or ignored for decades.
Asking for peace isnt moronic but I agree, it's pointless. No one's tweet, prayer, or good wishes will solve that mess.
There are left wing Jewish elected politicians that need to chime in. And any Jewish person who votes Prog has helped in this. Domestically we see protests on different sides with violence potentially.
There are left wing Jewish elected politicians that need to chime in. And any Jewish person who votes Prog has helped in this. Domestically we see protests on different sides with violence potentially.
Explain how in your mind it is possible to have a left wing Jewish elected politician.
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Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.
Still waiting to see what this “Demand” actually was. Do you even know or are you just being a parrot?

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