The Squirrel Matrix: Leo's Vatican (Censorship)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Are you curious about the 'philosophical' impact of media aesthetics (e.g., Time for Kids)?

This yarn (*my last one*) was inspired by Homegrown.

Signing off,



"After Hollywood (USA) movie-star Leo DiCaprio saw a photo of fellow thespian/celebrity Angelina Jolie greeting the Pope at the Vatican, he realized that social pop-stars in the spotlight under values-oriented 'conditions' of 'opportunities' created a positive feeling towards media and capitalism. Leo decided to use TV interviews to hype his eco-activism website/group the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Leo talked about the value of eco-activism themed art in modern-day public schools and why his website featured such art submitted by schoolteachers across America."


"As Leo's work suddenly gained international attention even from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the angelic/heroic spirit of Squirrel-Girl (a defender of Mother Nature) descended from heaven to help Leo in his good work. However, Squirrel-Girl's sinister adversary, Sari-Psycho (a vanity/cosmetics siren from the underworld) ascended from hell to complicate matters. Squirrel-Girl looked like a squirrel and carried magic 'daydream dust,' while Sari-Psycho wore a black-and-gray sari and sometimes wielded a deadly knife. Squirrel-Girl wanted Leo's website to be considered a totem of great values-centric pedestrian 'traffic,' while Sari-Psycho started slandering Leo's website to magazine-writers as evidence of the accessibility of 'panic-themed spam'."


"A CNN journalist decided to write about this bifurcated reaction to Leo's eco-work on Halloween by talking about the sacred ritual of carving pumpkins for food/decorations when the annual Samhain-derived masquerade-and-ornament festival arrived that October. That CNN journalists suggested that carving a pumpkin was like building a homemade socially-conscious website not unlike how the celebrity Leo DiCaprio was using his media-fame to augment attention for his political website."


GOD: It seems media is a 'pulpit' for much intrigue.
SATAN: Yes, accessibility of the Internet creates marketing IQ.
GOD: Not everyone's a fan of 'society chatter.'
SATAN: True, but People Magazine and The People's Court (TV) excite!
GOD: Do you think consumerism/media feels like 'candy' (spiritually)?
SATAN: There's nothing 'superficial' about candy, but intellect should govern capitalism.
GOD: Well, consumerism itself is a convenience system (e.g., eBay, Netgrocer, Sears).
SATAN: Convenience can be balanced by temperance in theory (e.g., GNC).
GOD: I wonder what Squirrel-Girl and Sari-Psycho make of Halloween.
SATAN: I suppose they both agree it highlights humanity's imagery about pageantry.
GOD: Halloween is masquerade-based, and sometimes 'masks' facilitate conversation.
SATAN: Yes, it's easier to 'mingle' when your identity/ethnicity is not an 'issue.'
GOD: Leo was moved when he saw fellow-celebrity Angelina Jolie at the Vatican!
SATAN: Movie-stars learn from each other --- and are inspired to work together.
GOD: Will the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation be taken seriously?
SATAN: It can be, if Squirrel-Girl and Sari-Psycho create enough 'activism intrigue.'
GOD: Aha, to make political action, we must concede the need for competitiveness.
SATAN: Squirrel-Girl is good; Sari-Psycho is evil; we can't censor such a truth!
GOD: Censorship is the greatest Babel of modern 'vitality' (e.g.,



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