The Steele Dossier and the ‘VERIFIED APPLICATION’ That Wasn’t

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Former officials are fighting over who deserves blame. Here’s what you need to know: In rushing out their assessment of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, Obama-administration officials chose not to include the risible Steele-dossier allegations that they had put in their “VERIFIED APPLICATION” for warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) because . . . wait for it . . . the allegations weren’t verified.

And now, the officials are squabbling over who pushed the dossier. Why? Because the dossier — a Clinton-campaign opposition-research screed, based on anonymous Russian sources peddling farcical hearsay, compiled by a well-paid foreign operative (former British spy Christopher Steele) — is crumbling by the day.

As I write, we mark the two-year anniversary of Robert Mueller’s appointment to take over the Russiagate probe — which is fast transforming into the Spygate probe. Special Counsel Mueller inherited the investigation seven months after the Obama Justice Department and FBI sought a FISC warrant to monitor former Trump-campaign adviser Carter Page. By then, it was already acknowledged that dossier information was “salacious and unverified,” to quote congressional testimony by former FBI director James Comey.

That was problematic on a number of levels.

If dossier claims were still unverified when Comey testified to Congress in mid 2017 (and thereafter), then those claims could not have been verified when the Obama Justice Department and FBI submitted it to the FISC as a “VERIFIED APPLICATION” in October 2016. It also had to have been unverified on January 6, 2017, when the Obama administration chose to include a sliver of the dossier in the briefing of President-elect Trump — the day after intelligence chiefs met with President Obama in the Oval Office and discussed what Russia information should be shared with the incoming Trump team.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Take your time AG Barr and your special prosecutors....make sure you have ALL the emails, texts, and lying under oath to Congress set up in the right order so when you actually start going after the DemonRATS that were in on this COUP; They will not be able to get away from the justice they so richly deserve!

IF the FISA courts’ judges weren’t in on the scheme to steal the election from Donald Trump

Why aren’t they raising HOLY HELL about being defrauded???
IF the FISA courts’ judges weren’t in on the scheme to steal the election from Donald Trump

Why aren’t they raising HOLY HELL about being defrauded???

The Chief JUSTICE of the Supreme Court Of The United States is who oversee's the FISA court. John Roberts was extremely upset at current news and facts coming out. He is now cooperating with the DOJ as are his judges. These Judges must maintain judicial decorum, so you wont hear much until the warrants and indictments are handed down.
The Chief JUSTICE of the Supreme Court Of The United States is who oversee's the FISA court. John Roberts was extremely upset at current news and facts coming out. He is now cooperating with the DOJ as are his judges. These Judges must maintain judicial decorum, so you wont hear much until the warrants and indictments are handed down.
I don't believe it...Roberts is a swamper.

Not sorry to say that my skeptic dial is turned to 11, until evidence to the contrary shows up IRL.
Former officials are fighting over who deserves blame. Here’s what you need to know: In rushing out their assessment of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, Obama-administration officials chose not to include the risible Steele-dossier allegations that they had put in their “VERIFIED APPLICATION” for warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) because . . . wait for it . . . the allegations weren’t verified.

And now, the officials are squabbling over who pushed the dossier. Why? Because the dossier — a Clinton-campaign opposition-research screed, based on anonymous Russian sources peddling farcical hearsay, compiled by a well-paid foreign operative (former British spy Christopher Steele) — is crumbling by the day.

As I write, we mark the two-year anniversary of Robert Mueller’s appointment to take over the Russiagate probe — which is fast transforming into the Spygate probe. Special Counsel Mueller inherited the investigation seven months after the Obama Justice Department and FBI sought a FISC warrant to monitor former Trump-campaign adviser Carter Page. By then, it was already acknowledged that dossier information was “salacious and unverified,” to quote congressional testimony by former FBI director James Comey.

That was problematic on a number of levels.

If dossier claims were still unverified when Comey testified to Congress in mid 2017 (and thereafter), then those claims could not have been verified when the Obama Justice Department and FBI submitted it to the FISC as a “VERIFIED APPLICATION” in October 2016. It also had to have been unverified on January 6, 2017, when the Obama administration chose to include a sliver of the dossier in the briefing of President-elect Trump — the day after intelligence chiefs met with President Obama in the Oval Office and discussed what Russia information should be shared with the incoming Trump team.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Take your time AG Barr and your special prosecutors....make sure you have ALL the emails, texts, and lying under oath to Congress set up in the right order so when you actually start going after the DemonRATS that were in on this COUP; They will not be able to get away from the justice they so richly deserve!

IF the FISA courts’ judges weren’t in on the scheme to steal the election from Donald Trump

Why aren’t they raising HOLY HELL about being defrauded???
These FISA Judges have some explaining to do:


“So, how can we tell that the former accusers are now terrified of becoming the accused? Because suddenly the usual band of former Obama officials and Trump accusers have largely given up on their allegations that Trump was or is a Russian asset. Instead, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein are now beginning to accuse each other of wrongdoing.”​
It's inevitable that someone sooner or later will discover the less-known connections of the Clinton crime family to MI6 and CIA. When they finally see them, they will uncover possible collusion with the Chinese, drug trafficking, and resonance to the Whitewater real estate scandal, all of which coalesce at two addresses in Michigan. Those addresses will further reveal this Clinton link to abortionists:

Hubaker, A.S. (1981), Dilation and Extraction For Late Second Trimester Abortion, Advances in Planned Parenthood 15: 119

This article will not be an easy one to procure, though Pence familial DNA will link to the familial DNA of the two Michigan addresses via a certain cemetery in Ohio. Stupid and overconfident was the Steele dossier.
It's inevitable that someone sooner or later will discover the less-known connections of the Clinton crime family to MI6 and CIA. When they finally see them, they will uncover possible collusion with the Chinese, drug trafficking, and resonance to the Whitewater real estate scandal, all of which coalesce at two addresses in Michigan. Those addresses will further reveal this Clinton link to abortionists:

Hubaker, A.S. (1981), Dilation and Extraction For Late Second Trimester Abortion, Advances in Planned Parenthood 15: 119

This article will not be an easy one to procure, though Pence familial DNA will link to the familial DNA of the two Michigan addresses via a certain cemetery in Ohio. Stupid and overconfident was the Steele dossier.
STEELE HAD CLINTON LINKS BEFORE FUSION GPS: A new batch of State Department emails obtained by Judicial Watch in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation shows former British spy Christopher Steele had a key aide to Secretary of State John Kerry promoting him within the government. Kerry’s role in Spygate may be more significant than heretofore realized.

And, perhaps even more important in some respects, the emails further show that Steele was dealing with Clinton inner circle types before he was retained by Fusion GPS and paid indirectly by Hillary’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

TIC-TOC-TIC … Go here.
Yes, TIC-TOC-TIC....Go Here 'Emails Place Dossier Author Steele A Step Closer To Clintons.'
' 20 Nov 2014 Winer forwarded to Steele....Cunningham served under Biden.'

The latter is a Chinese connection to facial recognition, and our model Michigan address for Clintons, including the abortionist, is also a Chinese link. That Chinese link is a familial DNA link to both a Clinton employee and the Chinese familial DNA (Sacramento) that links precisely to the HAM radio operator who talked to the Russians from Alaska (also Sacramento). It would be very interesting if that DNA trail leads to Biden's door. Biden is linked to Chinese investments in facial recognition, but here too, Alexander Downer, Australian diplomat, is implicated because facial recognition is already in place in Queensland. Downer's meeting with Papadopoulos in Kensington Wine Rooms also included a female named Thompson. The Kensington Wine Rooms is an excellent place to run into MI6 agents.

10 Jun 2019 Facial Recognition Furor HIts University of Colorado
Facial Recognition Furor Hits University of Colorado
Durham going " very broad" in his review. Oh boy.....he and William are going to be hated waaaaay more than even Trump. Imagine.....imagine how st00pid progressives are going to feel when they realize they've spent an entire 2 years of their lives being suckered? Think about that....gonna be like the kid who was still believing in Santa and gets train wrecked in 2 minutes!
And you know this has to be the root cause for the hellish treatment that Manafort is getting in a desperate attempt to break him and use him to invent dirt on Trump.
We know for a fact that Clinton employee familial DNA that talked to the Russians across the Bering Straits used Morse Code. The front was stock investment. Importantly, the second connection to HAM radio has just surfaced with news of Nellie Ohr's HAM radio application. What was Nellie Ohr's maiden name?

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