The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Huh? So is this Obama's market or Trump's?
Trump policy has caused the market problems. Who do you think?

You’re full of shit. What policy has caused the market problems? Oh yeah, those pesky tariffs, that’s it. Fools like you believe what you read and hear from the MSM. This market is waaay overdue for, at the very minimum, a correction. The economy is also overdue for a recession which will likely occur before 2020 election. It never ceases to amaze me how little the average person (below average in your case) understands the economy and the stock market.
Trumps policies are leading us to that recession

The opinion of another uninformed “economist”. Recessions are a natural occurrence in economics. Yes, policies can make recessions (or even depressions, as the case with FDR and the Great Depression) worse, but no policy will avoid a recession. They will happen.
Leftists always cheering for low stock market.

Last year's Trump record of having the stock market up for every month of the year must have hurt like hell.
trends were Up. Your guy started trade wars and talking smack to our trading partners.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Huh? So is this Obama's market or Trump's?

It was until trump and republicans passed those tax cuts for the rich and big business. Until all of trump's tariffs. Until all of the republicans and trump's deregulation of Wall Street, banking and business. Until trump and his republican congress has written two budgets.

Obama handed trump a good economy, low unemployment and lower deficits. If trump and his republican congress had not made all those changes things wouldn't be so bad and you could say it's still Obama's economy because it was still his policies.

You can't do that. You people have crowed about all the deregulation, tax cuts and those tariffs for months. You just don't realize what those changes do to our economy.

Big business didn't use that tax cut to invest in the business, not for higher wages, not to hire people. They used that tax cut to buy their own stock back. Which in the short term inflates the value of that stock. Which causes the stock market to increase. The problem with that is it's short term. In the long term it has concentrated more wealth in fewer hands. Has artificially inflated the stock value which will cause it to lower about a year or so later. Because the increase wasn't due to increased profits or innovation. It's "creative accounting" at it's worst. It's the rest of us who are hurt by all of it. Along with our nation because we have less revenues to pay the nation's bills. Don't give me any garbage about cutting spending. trump has done the exact same thing past republicans did, he slashed taxes but increased spending like a drunken sailor.

The Trumporats will be scattering in fear of your information. Good work.

Of course they will.

Honest facts are poison to trump supporters.
We went over 200 years without Free Trade Agreements without Great Depressions..........negotiated trade one on one.......a give and take the house of cards blames a fart in the wind for ups and downs.........

QE inflated the did cheap money from the Fed..........all they need is a rumor and stocks plunge or boom........insanity.
Did Trade Tariffs Cause the Great Depression?
Baloney...........Rampant speculation caused the Great Depression...............kept jacking the markets to insanity............using bank money from the general public instead of investment capital...........going ever and ever higher on stuff not worth the paper it was written on..............

When the last of the Glass Steagal act was killed it allowed Too Big to Fail to self regulate and they bundled crap and drove the market to insanity.......of course it was going to eventually bust............just as it is eventually was propped up by the Fed.
I'll take what some economists are saying.
Same assholes who nearly destroyed this nation in 2008. bundling shit and putting a ribbon on it then selling it again and again and again.......making sure that they weren't the one stuck with it in the end..........

Using FDIC backed money and gov't insured housing betting so the tax payer get stuck with the bill.............The Glass Steagal was done to make sure they never did it again..................once gone it only took them 8 years to destroy us.
”Same assholes who nearly destroyed this nation in 2008. bundling shit and putting a ribbon on it then selling it again and again and again.......making sure that they weren't the one stuck with it in the end..........”

I believe you’re confusing 2008 with 2002-2006. By 2008, everything was unraveling due to the practices a few years earlier.
Kinda crazy how we get a real economy working the quantative easing stopping and the Fed Reserve no longer shoving money out the door for free and raising interest rates above zero is making the market adjust. Who'd have thought?
Kinda funny how the market didn't tank when the fed increased rates under Clinton.
You mean when Clinton inherited Reagan's economy? The one that was so good not even Clinton could fuck it up?
But Bush Sr. did?
Sr was part of building it up. Did you not know he was VP during that time?
Prove it. The biggest losers in the stock market are big tech, because they are overrated, and manufacturing companies that outsourced overseas.
It was doing fine till trump policy really kicked in.
At the end of his first year, Trump got his tax cut passed
Then he started trade wars with the rest of the world

Market has been in shock ever since

Yup, the market is in shock that they can’t freely use Chinese slave labor and shit on the environment and put American workers out of jobs just to make profit.

If you want jobs in America and higher wages, you’d be for tariffs against third world shitholes. Funny how Dems used to claim they were for this, now when it comes time to support the policy, they are against American workers.
China doesn’t pay the tariffs
Consumers do

Only if they chose to. Companies that make their stuff in the USA will be able to compete. Do you want that or no?

Actually the steel companies have raised their rates on steel because of this.

On top of the tariffs.

Which isn't good for anyone but the steel companies.

It's stupid to send the nation into recession for one industry.
Hmm. Main Street is doing OK, while Wall Street isn't. Trumps plan was to take care of America and not the globalists. Seems to be working.

Kinda crazy how we get a real economy working the quantative easing stopping and the Fed Reserve no longer shoving money out the door for free and raising interest rates above zero is making the market adjust. Who'd have thought?
Kinda funny how the market didn't tank when the fed increased rates under Clinton.
You mean when Clinton inherited Reagan's economy? The one that was so good not even Clinton could fuck it up?
But Bush Sr. did?
Sr was part of building it up. Did you not know he was VP during that time?

The economy fell into a recession in 1990. So tell me again how strong Reagan’s economy was that it lasted through Clinton’s two terms....
I can't wait until all the Trump Kool-aid drinkers lose their jobs and bitch the economy they destroyed by voting for their orange messiah.

Unfortunately those of us who knew not to vote for the con have to suffer as well.
Thinker101, post: 2140827
Because Odumbo basically said it was his try to keep up.

You are lying. Produce a quote. ‘Basically’ is a sly tool for liars. Its how I know you cannot produce a quote.

Well, I did post a link in this thread. And if all else fails, look it up...dumbass.
That only proves you’re an idiot since the links you posted reveal Obama saying the current economy started while he was president. That you think that’s Obama taking credit for the economy now shows your posts undercut your forum name.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Huh? So is this Obama's market or Trump's?

It was until trump and republicans passed those tax cuts for the rich and big business. Until all of trump's tariffs. Until all of the republicans and trump's deregulation of Wall Street, banking and business. Until trump and his republican congress has written two budgets.

Obama handed trump a good economy, low unemployment and lower deficits. If trump and his republican congress had not made all those changes things wouldn't be so bad and you could say it's still Obama's economy because it was still his policies.

You can't do that. You people have crowed about all the deregulation, tax cuts and those tariffs for months. You just don't realize what those changes do to our economy.

Big business didn't use that tax cut to invest in the business, not for higher wages, not to hire people. They used that tax cut to buy their own stock back. Which in the short term inflates the value of that stock. Which causes the stock market to increase. The problem with that is it's short term. In the long term it has concentrated more wealth in fewer hands. Has artificially inflated the stock value which will cause it to lower about a year or so later. Because the increase wasn't due to increased profits or innovation. It's "creative accounting" at it's worst. It's the rest of us who are hurt by all of it. Along with our nation because we have less revenues to pay the nation's bills. Don't give me any garbage about cutting spending. trump has done the exact same thing past republicans did, he slashed taxes but increased spending like a drunken sailor.

As mentioned before, the tax cuts went in about a year ago(?), while Obama was saying it was his economy a couple months try to keep up.
The tax cuts went into effect in January and in February is when the stock market began falling.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Huh? So is this Obama's market or Trump's?

It was until trump and republicans passed those tax cuts for the rich and big business. Until all of trump's tariffs. Until all of the republicans and trump's deregulation of Wall Street, banking and business. Until trump and his republican congress has written two budgets.

Obama handed trump a good economy, low unemployment and lower deficits. If trump and his republican congress had not made all those changes things wouldn't be so bad and you could say it's still Obama's economy because it was still his policies.

You can't do that. You people have crowed about all the deregulation, tax cuts and those tariffs for months. You just don't realize what those changes do to our economy.

Big business didn't use that tax cut to invest in the business, not for higher wages, not to hire people. They used that tax cut to buy their own stock back. Which in the short term inflates the value of that stock. Which causes the stock market to increase. The problem with that is it's short term. In the long term it has concentrated more wealth in fewer hands. Has artificially inflated the stock value which will cause it to lower about a year or so later. Because the increase wasn't due to increased profits or innovation. It's "creative accounting" at it's worst. It's the rest of us who are hurt by all of it. Along with our nation because we have less revenues to pay the nation's bills. Don't give me any garbage about cutting spending. trump has done the exact same thing past republicans did, he slashed taxes but increased spending like a drunken sailor.

As mentioned before, the tax cuts went in about a year ago(?), while Obama was saying it was his economy a couple months try to keep up.
The tax cuts went into effect in January and in February is when the stock market began falling.

Terrific, you better hurry and dissolve all your investments, if you have any...dumbass.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Huh? So is this Obama's market or Trump's?

Only a fool would ask this question. Donald Trump is a self appointed expert on the Markets, how can anyone ever doubt his omnipotence on macro and micro economics, foreign and domestic policies and the art of the deal.

He is The Donald, The Man and never to be doubted. His only equal is Kim, the N. Korean leader who has the course record of 18 at Augusta, and that was on a windy day. All of this is true, you've read it on the Internet.
All is well, the roots are not severed. There will be growth in the Spring.

I can't wait until all the Trump Kool-aid drinkers lose their jobs and bitch the economy they destroyed by voting for their orange messiah.

Unfortunately those of us who knew not to vote for the con have to suffer as well.
Record number of people quitting their take better jobs....ooooops
Leftists always cheering for low stock market.

Last year's Trump record of having the stock market up for every month of the year must have hurt like hell.

Leftists cheer when stock market goes down now. Righties cheered when stock markets went down under Obama.

So what? It's called partisan politics.

Are you just waking up to this?

The markets didn't go down under Obama. Obama's stock market was an unbroken line going up. He never even had a "correction". Markets thrive in steady stewardship and stability and Obama provided that.

Conversely, erratic behaviour and an inability to discern domestic policy, upsets the markets and people look for safer places to put their money. Trump's trade war has done just that.

Yup, and the ZERO interest rate had absolutely no affect...dumbass.

You say that as though 2¼% is crushing.
I'll take this "depression" over Obamas new normal anyday
Of course you would. Because you are retarded.

At this point in Obama's presidency, the Dow had increased 44.6 percent.

For Daffy Donald, it has increased a piddling 20.4 percent.

Trump is literally not even half the man Obama was.
I'll take this "depression" over Obamas new normal anyday
Of course you would. Because you are retarded.

At this point in Obama's presidency, the Dow had increased 44.6 percent.

For Daffy Donald, it has increased a piddling 20.4 percent.

Trump is literally not even half the man Obama was.
Is the stock market the only economic indicator....or just the cherry picked one of the day ....

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