The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

China doesn’t pay the tariffs
Consumers do

Only if they chose to. Companies that make their stuff in the USA will be able to compete. Do you want that or no?
Consumers will still foot the bill with higher prices

Yea, the price you have to pay for not using slave labor.

We know where you would had stood in 1861.
Doesn't change the marketplace

Our labor rates are not even close. Any tariff will be passed on to consumers in higher prices

No shit. We can flood the market with cheap foreign made crap and put everyone out of jobs as we have for decades, or be more like Europe and use tariffs to protect our industries and jobs.
Well, actually, most lost jobs didn't move overseas. They "went away" because of automation.

The US did indeed lose about 5.6m manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010. But according to a study by the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University, 85 per cent of these jobs losses are actually attributable to technological change — largely automation — rather than international trade.

Jobs And Robots: 25 Countries Ranked On Job Loss Potential From Automation, Robotics, And AI

South Korea, Germany, and Japan are most prepared for the coming wave of automation, according to a new report by The Economist. The U.S., on the other hand, ranks ninth out of 25 countries.

Democrats have a plan to combat that which was rejected by Republicans. Democrats want to educate Americans to do complex jobs.

Republicans want to burn coal.

That's the difference between the two plans.
Leftists always cheering for low stock market.

Last year's Trump record of having the stock market up for every month of the year must have hurt like hell.

Leftists cheer when stock market goes down now. Righties cheered when stock markets went down under Obama.

So what? It's called partisan politics.

Are you just waking up to this?

The markets didn't go down under Obama. Obama's stock market was an unbroken line going up. He never even had a "correction". Markets thrive in steady stewardship and stability and Obama provided that.

Conversely, erratic behaviour and an inability to discern domestic policy, upsets the markets and people look for safer places to put their money. Trump's trade war has done just that.

Well, to be fair, there were several, official 'corrections' (a 10% drop from the 52 week high) in the DOW when Obama was in office.


Dow Jones Industrial Average | 2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

But 2018 under Trump has been extremely volatile.

Much of that is Trump's fault with his tariff nonsense plus his overall erratic behavior/legal problems.

But the Fed raising rates has a LOT to do with it as well.

So I see your point and generally agree with it - but it's not ALL Trump's fault.
Well, if he takes credit for ALL of it, then it's ALL Trump's fault when there's problems. That's how it works.

I agree it is all his responsibility...but I do not agree that it is all his fault. Mostly - but not all.
Same with Obama.
When the markets boomed under his watch, it was primarily due to the Fed's ZIRP and throwing trillions at equity markets through QE). Also, the head of the Fed when Obama took over was not even someone he appointed.
So, yes, Obama gets responsibility for the market boom...but without MASSIVE assistance from the Fed, it almost certainly would not have happened as big and for as long as it did.
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It's coming. Exactly as I predicted it would.

The tards will suddenly notice Trump's record spending and the doubling of the deficit of the past two years and blame it on the Democrats once the Dems take the House. :lol:

These tards can't help themselves. They literally cannot stop themselves.

It’s a mental sickness.
It's coming. Exactly as I predicted it would.

The tards will suddenly notice Trump's record spending and the doubling of the deficit of the past two years and blame it on the Democrats once the Dems take the House. :lol:

These tards can't help themselves. They literally cannot stop themselves.

It’s a mental sickness.
The mental sickness is when Demon-crats obstruct and resist anything and everything in order to disrupt and create chaos until they can gain control of the outcomes again, and the reaction to Demon-crat mental sickness is republicans resisting all the crazy that the Demon-crats want to loose upon the country.

The lower to middle class workers end up with no representation in Washington, fleeced, abused, used, and left for dead in some cases. Sad history we have building in this country, and one would think that as smart as many claim to be, that we wouldn't be having all these issues that we are having in this country for the last 30 years or more now.
It's coming. Exactly as I predicted it would.

The tards will suddenly notice Trump's record spending and the doubling of the deficit of the past two years and blame it on the Democrats once the Dems take the House. :lol:

These tards can't help themselves. They literally cannot stop themselves.

It’s a mental sickness.
The mental sickness is when Demon-crats obstruct and resist anything and everything in order to disrupt and create chaos until they can gain control of the outcomes again, and the reaction to Demon-crat mental sickness is republicans resisting all the crazy that the Demon-crats want to loose upon the country.

The lower to middle class workers end up with no representation in Washington, fleeced, abused, used, and left for dead in some cases. Sad history we have building in this country, and one would think that as smart as many claim to be, that we wouldn't be having all these issues that we are having in this country for the last 30 years or more now.

You’re describing the right during Obama’s 8 years in office. :lol:
Only if they chose to. Companies that make their stuff in the USA will be able to compete. Do you want that or no?
Consumers will still foot the bill with higher prices

Yea, the price you have to pay for not using slave labor.

We know where you would had stood in 1861.
Doesn't change the marketplace

Our labor rates are not even close. Any tariff will be passed on to consumers in higher prices

No shit. We can flood the market with cheap foreign made crap and put everyone out of jobs as we have for decades, or be more like Europe and use tariffs to protect our industries and jobs.
Well, actually, most lost jobs didn't move overseas. They "went away" because of automation.

The US did indeed lose about 5.6m manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010. But according to a study by the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University, 85 per cent of these jobs losses are actually attributable to technological change — largely automation — rather than international trade.

Jobs And Robots: 25 Countries Ranked On Job Loss Potential From Automation, Robotics, And AI

South Korea, Germany, and Japan are most prepared for the coming wave of automation, according to a new report by The Economist. The U.S., on the other hand, ranks ninth out of 25 countries.

Democrats have a plan to combat that which was rejected by Republicans. Democrats want to educate Americans to do complex jobs.

Republicans want to burn coal.

That's the difference between the two plans.

Bullshit, the jobs are not being automated, they are going overseas to slave like labor.
Consumers will still foot the bill with higher prices

Yea, the price you have to pay for not using slave labor.

We know where you would had stood in 1861.
Doesn't change the marketplace

Our labor rates are not even close. Any tariff will be passed on to consumers in higher prices

No shit. We can flood the market with cheap foreign made crap and put everyone out of jobs as we have for decades, or be more like Europe and use tariffs to protect our industries and jobs.
Well, actually, most lost jobs didn't move overseas. They "went away" because of automation.

The US did indeed lose about 5.6m manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010. But according to a study by the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University, 85 per cent of these jobs losses are actually attributable to technological change — largely automation — rather than international trade.

Jobs And Robots: 25 Countries Ranked On Job Loss Potential From Automation, Robotics, And AI

South Korea, Germany, and Japan are most prepared for the coming wave of automation, according to a new report by The Economist. The U.S., on the other hand, ranks ninth out of 25 countries.

Democrats have a plan to combat that which was rejected by Republicans. Democrats want to educate Americans to do complex jobs.

Republicans want to burn coal.

That's the difference between the two plans.

Bullshit, the jobs are not being automated, they are going overseas to slave like labor.

Bullshit. More than 85% of lost manufacturing jobs were lost to automation and efficiency improvement. You have no clue what you are talking about
I'll take this "depression" over Obamas new normal anyday
Of course you would. Because you are retarded.

At this point in Obama's presidency, the Dow had increased 44.6 percent.

For Daffy Donald, it has increased a piddling 20.4 percent.

Trump is literally not even half the man Obama was.
Is the stock market the only economic indicator....or just the cherry picked one of the day ....
Economic growth predictions are pretty low for the 4th quarter..
I think Trump is in for a bad year
Try to find a sweater made in the USA. There in
Only if they chose to. Companies that make their stuff in the USA will be able to compete. Do you want that or no?
Consumers will still foot the bill with higher prices

Yea, the price you have to pay for not using slave labor.

We know where you would had stood in 1861.
Doesn't change the marketplace

Our labor rates are not even close. Any tariff will be passed on to consumers in higher prices

No shit. We can flood the market with cheap foreign made crap and put everyone out of jobs as we have for decades, or be more like Europe and use tariffs to protect our industries and jobs.
Well, actually, most lost jobs didn't move overseas. They "went away" because of automation.

The US did indeed lose about 5.6m manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010. But according to a study by the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University, 85 per cent of these jobs losses are actually attributable to technological change — largely automation — rather than international trade.

Jobs And Robots: 25 Countries Ranked On Job Loss Potential From Automation, Robotics, And AI

South Korea, Germany, and Japan are most prepared for the coming wave of automation, according to a new report by The Economist. The U.S., on the other hand, ranks ninth out of 25 countries.

Democrats have a plan to combat that which was rejected by Republicans. Democrats want to educate Americans to do complex jobs.

Republicans want to burn coal.

That's the difference between the two plans.
Bullshit. Try to find a sweater or washing machine made in the USA.
I'll take this "depression" over Obamas new normal anyday
Of course you would. Because you are retarded.

At this point in Obama's presidency, the Dow had increased 44.6 percent.

For Daffy Donald, it has increased a piddling 20.4 percent.

Trump is literally not even half the man Obama was.
Is the stock market the only economic indicator....or just the cherry picked one of the day ....
Economic growth predictions are pretty low for the 4th quarter..
I think Trump is in for a bad year
Not to worry ...he can always do a cash for clunkers deal and throw in some shovel rdy jobs
Lets see now...where was the market at when Trump took over? The market allways goes through a correction and it's been on fire lately.

Shut up losers.
So being flat all year is on fire? Way to be uninformed.

What makes you say such stupid shit? Is it because you don’t read the posts you respond to? Or is it that you really can’t read well?
You must have a strange definition of lately....

So which is it?
Lets see now...where was the market at when Trump took over?
The Dow is 20 percent higher now from when Trump took over.

At this point in Obama's presidency, the Dow was 44 percent higher.

Drumpf is literally not even half the man Obama was.

That's quite the spin. Are you purposely ignoring facts and you think I'm stupid? Or are you that ignorant? I'm going with the latter.
Lets see now...where was the market at when Trump took over? The market allways goes through a correction and it's been on fire lately.

Shut up losers.
By "on fire", you mean "burning to the ground".


Not one of you morons can read? That explains a lot.
You said it's been on fire lately. It's been stagnant all year. My 401K is down. Sorry you aren't in reality.
Lets see now...where was the market at when Trump took over? The market allways goes through a correction and it's been on fire lately.

Shut up losers.
By "on fire", you mean "burning to the ground".


Not one of you morons can read? That explains a lot.
You said it's been on fire lately. It's been stagnant all year. My 401K is down. Sorry you aren't in reality.
By “on fire,” he meant the Dow dropped another 350 points today.
It's coming. Exactly as I predicted it would.

The tards will suddenly notice Trump's record spending and the doubling of the deficit of the past two years and blame it on the Democrats once the Dems take the House. :lol:

These tards can't help themselves. They literally cannot stop themselves.

It’s a mental sickness.
The mental sickness is when Demon-crats obstruct and resist anything and everything in order to disrupt and create chaos until they can gain control of the outcomes again, and the reaction to Demon-crat mental sickness is republicans resisting all the crazy that the Demon-crats want to loose upon the country.

The lower to middle class workers end up with no representation in Washington, fleeced, abused, used, and left for dead in some cases. Sad history we have building in this country, and one would think that as smart as many claim to be, that we wouldn't be having all these issues that we are having in this country for the last 30 years or more now.

You’re describing the right during Obama’s 8 years in office. :lol:
That to, but they (the republicans), were legit in resisting Obama and his swamp, and now that it has been outed by the Trump presidency, they were absolutely right in their resistance and/or defiance.
Lets see now...where was the market at when Trump took over? The market allways goes through a correction and it's been on fire lately.

Shut up losers.
By "on fire", you mean "burning to the ground".


Not one of you morons can read? That explains a lot.
You said it's been on fire lately. It's been stagnant all year. My 401K is down. Sorry you aren't in reality.
By “on fire,” he meant the Dow dropped another 350 points today.
Does that make you happy ??? Like I said before - The Demon-crats would have America destroyed if they can't be in charge of it as so to get their way, and that's some serious anti-Americanism y'all got going on there bud.

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