The Stone Cold Truth

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Now we continue with the stone cold truth.

So after slavery, blacks were being killed by whites with no crimes charged, the SCOTUS basicallt repealed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. After a barbaric act by whites, southern blacks felt they had to go north. Southern business and government leaders enacted laws in order to stop free people from going where they could earn a decent living. But even under the threat of jail or death, millions of blacks headed north where they knew they'd be treated right.

Not so fast IM2!

As blacks went north they found that the only difference between a southern white and a northern one was geography. When blacks went north, so did lynchings. They are recorded as race riots, but that's disingenuous considering what happened.

East St. Louis riots

The East St. Louis riots or East St. Louis massacres were a series of outbreaks of labor- and race-related violence by people that caused the deaths of an estimated 40–250 African Americans in late May and early July 1917. Another 6,000 blacks were left homeless,[1] and the rioting and vandalism cost approximately $400,000 ($7,982,000 in 2020) in property damage.[1] The events took place in and near East St. Louis, Illinois, an industrial city on the east bank of the Mississippi River, directly opposite the city of St. Louis, Missouri. The July 1917 episode in particular was marked by white-led violence throughout the city. The riots have been described as the worst case of labor-related violence in 20th-century American history,[2] and among the worst race riots in U.S. history.

East St. Louis riots - Wikipedia

Chicago race riot of 1919

The Chicago race riot of 1919 was a violent racial conflict provoked by white Americans against black Americans that began on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois on July 27, and ended on August 3, 1919.[1][2] During the riot, thirty-eight people died (23 black and 15 white).[3] Over the week, injuries attributed to the episodic confrontations stood at 537, with two-thirds of the injured being black and one-third white, while the approximately 1,000 to 2,000 who lost their homes were mostly black.[4] It is considered the worst of the nearly 25 riots in the United States during the "Red Summer" of 1919, so named because of the racial and labor related violence and fatalities across the nation.[5] The combination of prolonged arson, looting, and murder made it one of the worst race riots in the history of Illinois.[6]

In early 1919, the sociopolitical atmosphere of Chicago around and near its rapidly growing black community was one of ethnic tension caused by competition among new groups, an economic slump, and the social changes engendered by World War I. With the Great Migration, thousands of African Americans from the American South had settled next to neighborhoods of European immigrants on Chicago's South Side, near jobs in the stockyards, meatpacking plants, and industry. Meanwhile, the Irish had been established earlier, and fiercely defended their territory and political power against all newcomers.[7][8] Post-World War I tensions caused inter-community frictions, especially in the competitive labor and housing markets.[9] Overcrowding and increased African American resistance against racism, especially by war veterans contributed to the visible racial frictions.[5] Also, a combination of ethnic gangs and police neglect strained the racial relationships.[9]

The turmoil came to a boil during a summer heat wave with the death of Eugene Williams, an African-American youth who inadvertently drifted into a white swimming area at an informally segregated beach near 29th Street.[10] Tensions between groups arose in a melee that blew up into days of unrest.[5] Black neighbors near white areas were attacked, white gangs went into black neighborhoods, and black workers seeking to get to and from employment were attacked. Meanwhile some blacks organized to resist and protect, and some whites sought to lend aid to blacks, while the police department often turned a blind eye or worse.

Chicago race riot of 1919 - Wikipedia

Race Riot of 1919 in Omaha-The Lynching of Will Brown

The Omaha Race Riot occurred in Omaha, Nebraska, on September 28–29, 1919. The race riot resulted in the brutal lynching of Will Brown, a black worker; the death of two white men; the attempted hanging of themayor Edward Parsons Smith; and a public rampage by thousands of whites who set fire to the Douglas County Courthouse in downtown Omaha. It followed more than 20 race riots that occurred in major industrial cities of the United States during the Red Summer of 1919.


Will Brown is lynched, and his body mutilated and burned by a white crowd.

Race Riot of 1919 in Omaha-The Lynching of Will Brown –

Washington, D.C. Race Riot (1919)

The race riot in Washington, D.C. was one of more than twenty that took place during the “Red Summer” of 1919. Lasting a total of only four days, this short-lived riot was more accurately described as a “race war” taking place in the nation’s capital.

On Saturday night, July 19, 1919, in a downtown bar, a group of white veterans sparked a rumor regarding the arrest, questioning, and release of a black man suspected by the Metropolitan Police Department of sexually assaulting a white woman. The victim was also the wife of a Navy man. The rumor traveled throughout the saloons and pool halls of downtown Washington, angering the several soldiers, sailors, and marines taking their weekend liberty, including many veterans of World War I.

Later that Saturday night, a mob of veterans headed toward Southwest D.C. to a predominantly black, poverty-stricken neighborhood with clubs, lead pipes, and pieces of lumber in hand. The veterans brutally beat all African Americans they encountered. African Americans were seized from their cars and from sidewalks and beaten without reason or mercy by white veterans, still in uniform, drawing little to no police attention.

On Sunday, July 20, the violence continued to grow, in part because the seven-hundred-member Metropolitan Police Department failed to intervene. African Americans continued to face brutal beatings in the streets of Washington, at the Center Market on Seventh Street NW, and even in front of the White House.

Washington, D.C. Race Riot (1919) •

These are but 4 of more than twenty "riots" that took place during the “Red Summer” of 1919.

Blacks peacefully moved north in order to get the same thing white Immigrants had and this is just some of what happened. But hey, everybody had it hard.
I know its not a joke but how many African Americans were lynched? Would that be Ten Million of them? You are preaching to people who have done no wrong. Best set up TV's, computers and sound systems in the cemeteries. For that is where the people who did this are buried. That is a good idea for a exhibit in a museum.

So at this point in the stone cold truth we are in 1920. Since the end of slavery in 1865 blacks were consistently murdered, and beaten any time a white person wanted to. Laws were enacted and imposed specifically on blacks with crimes and penalties that whites did not have to face. Penalty for such violation was jail or prison. However prison could be avoided if the fine was paid. Whites would pay the fines and the law required that blacks worked for that white person. Black codes as the laws were called, basically returned blacks to slavery

Whites formed terrorist groups that would vandalize and destroy black folks property at will using a process called whitecapping. Blacks trying to escape the south faced penalties beatings, prison or death would be the price some newly freed slaves paid for trying to achieve the American dream. The supreme court basically overturned the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments thereby removing equal protection for blacks.

For the blacks that made it north, they found hostile whites mad because they didn't want to compete for jobs. So, backs got beat up. Here we are 55 years after slavery and life was not changing for blacks. And the people doing the beating and killing were those white immigrants who "owned no slaves who had it just as tough as blacks."
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Yeah, those Democrats were real bastards, eh?
IM2 tries to present himself as a black activist, yet he constantly sucks jackass party of slavery and Jim Crow dick. Just slurps up every drop.
Lol! Republicans owned slaves and republicans enforced Jim Crow. Just like the democrats.

It was a 7-1 decision that created Jim Crow. Four of the supreme court judges voting in favor of separate but equal were republicans.

They may have voted for "separate but equal", but there was never any such outcome.
Here we are 55 years after slavery and life was not changing for blacks.

So what's holding them back IM2?

You can't be seriously asking this question. The fucking supreme court basically overturned the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments and you ask this question? Whites were killing, vandalizing and terrorizing blacks off their land with the help of the police and you ask this question? Blacks who tried to leave the south did so under the fear of getting murdered or imprisoned for having a train ticket and you ask this question? Whites refused to build schools for blacks and you ask this question? What was holding them back? WHITE RACISM.
This is my OPINION (so it is neither "right" nor "wrong").

1. In 2020, very few Americans of any ethnicity feel any sort of "racism" (i.e., "dislike") toward the ethnicity under consideration.

2. But it is accurate to say that some (of course, I do not know the percentage) of Americans have a sense of fear when interacting with the ethnicity under consideration.

3. Cutting to the chase, I cite the (in)famous statement in 1993 of the Rev. Jesse Jackson:

"To walk down the street and hear footsteps … then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
Actually it is wrong. But this thread is about all the things that have been done to blacks by whites that has hampered our progress. At least 31 percent of white Americans today hold racist views according to a IPSOS Poll for Thomson Reuters and the University of Virginia Center for Politics, that was conducted online from Aug. 21 to Sept. 5, 2017.

“Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”

White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. Non-Hispanic whites are 62.6% of the country's population. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equal approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time. It is safe to say these numbers have not reduced. In contrast, 0.0046% of Americans were murdered in 2017.
What percent of blacks want to preserve their black heritage?
It's now time to look at the cold, hard, graphic reality of what racism by whites has entailed. The information used in this thread will come from the book, "White Rage," by Dr. Carol Anderson.

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
National Book Critics Circle Award Winner
New York Times Bestseller
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year
A Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of the Year
A Boston Globe Best Book of 2016
A Chicago Review of Books Best Nonfiction Book of 2016

From the end of the Civil War to our combustible present, an acclaimed historian reframes the conversation about race, chronicling the powerful forces opposed to black progress in America.

Since 1865 and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, every time African Americans have made advances towards full participation in our democracy, white reaction has fueled a deliberate, relentless rollback of their gains. The end of the Civil War and Reconstruction was greeted with the Black Codes and Jim Crow; the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision was met with the shutting down of public schools throughout the South; the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 triggered a coded response, the so-called Southern Strategy and the War on Drugs that disenfranchised millions of African Americans.

White Rage — Carol Anderson

Starting with my next post, you will be shown in graphic detail the steps whites took to deprive blacks of equal rights and freedom after slavery ended up until our lifetimes. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. That's a fact and it's time people faced that fact.

I don't know why anyone denies the fact that white folks tried to keep a brotha down after the civil war.

Speaking of the Southern Strategy, what I find interesting is that gun-rights advocates love Ronald Reagan--the guy who denied black folks the right to bear arms in California and signed the bill containing the 1986 Hughes Amendment. Reagan was a racist, gun-hating dick.

Here we are 55 years after slavery and life was not changing for blacks.

So what's holding them back IM2?

You can't be seriously asking this question. The fucking supreme court basically overturned the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments and you ask this question? Whites were killing, vandalizing and terrorizing blacks off their land with the help of the police and you ask this question? Blacks who tried to leave the south did so under the fear of getting murdered or imprisoned for having a train ticket and you ask this question? Whites refused to build schools for blacks and you ask this question? What was holding them back? WHITE RACISM.
How does white racism make black people commit murder all the time, or rob people, stores, etc? Your high school drop out rates, illiteracy, deadbeat dads, poor grasp of the english language, rampant obesity is because of some racist white guy? You sound crazy.
It's now time to look at the cold, hard, graphic reality of what racism by whites has entailed. The information used in this thread will come from the book, "White Rage," by Dr. Carol Anderson.

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
National Book Critics Circle Award Winner
New York Times Bestseller
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year
A Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of the Year
A Boston Globe Best Book of 2016
A Chicago Review of Books Best Nonfiction Book of 2016

From the end of the Civil War to our combustible present, an acclaimed historian reframes the conversation about race, chronicling the powerful forces opposed to black progress in America.

Since 1865 and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, every time African Americans have made advances towards full participation in our democracy, white reaction has fueled a deliberate, relentless rollback of their gains. The end of the Civil War and Reconstruction was greeted with the Black Codes and Jim Crow; the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision was met with the shutting down of public schools throughout the South; the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 triggered a coded response, the so-called Southern Strategy and the War on Drugs that disenfranchised millions of African Americans.

White Rage — Carol Anderson

Starting with my next post, you will be shown in graphic detail the steps whites took to deprive blacks of equal rights and freedom after slavery ended up until our lifetimes. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. That's a fact and it's time people faced that fact.

White conservatives opposed to black progress in America – it’s important to acknowledge that fact; not ‘all whites.’
Please stop that not all whites stuff because the rights blacks were denied all whites got. There were white liberals that were a part of this also. But as things stand today, white liberals stand with us against racism.
yea thats what they tell you....
I have no control over your hallucinations here.

Dude. You could have challenged my claims. We both know why you did not. Because you know that they are true.

1. The reality the Jensen claims is that the white student receives special considerations. The reality that Jensen DEMONSTRATES, is that the white student, does not receive special consideration.

2. YOur race baiting accusations are noted, as further evidence of what people like you and Jensen think of anyone that does not agree with your positions on race. You are hostile to them, and make up shit in your hate filled heads and then accuse other people of shit you just made up. If you have any power, such as an Admissions officer at an University, you will hold those people accountable for your made up hallucinations.

3. It is also worth noting, that academic studies have demonstrated that people like Jensen, and yourself, do discriminate against white students and in favor of black students, in university admissions.
You can't be seriously asking this question
why not?

The fucking supreme court basically overturned the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments and you ask this question?

uhmm, last i checked , we still had a 13,14,15th....

Whites were killing, vandalizing and terrorizing blacks off their land with the help of the police and you ask this question?

well that would have been newsworthy.......

Blacks who tried to leave the south did so under the fear of getting murdered or imprisoned for having a train ticket and you ask this question?

what's so special about a train ride here?

Whites refused to build schools for blacks and you ask this question?

when was this?

What was holding them back? WHITE RACISM

Methinks you lament one side of a two sided coin here IM2

Further, one can not hang hat on historical subjugation forever, if we were all participant, blacks would be far down on any metric applied

My Q is more why not look forward, not backward

many of us have

Dude. You could have challenged my claims. We both know why you did not. Because you know that they are true.

I have the same motivation to challenge your bizarre unearthly claims, as I have, to drive my car to the planet Mars. None. Zero. Zilch. Nunca.

You have no respect for facts nor truths plus you like to namecall people who have never posted such insults at you. IOW you have some tumultuous mental problems, including, your conclusion that I should be compelled to respect your questions where you namecall me.


Plus you keep telling lies on Jensen here, and pretending he's addressing something which is clearly absent in his scholarship. You keep faking here like as if it wasn't actually the student, but Jansen, who claimed that there is a such thing as White privilege and a such reality it created called an unlevel playing field, yet it shouldn't matter what that racist reality does each day to non-White Americans competing on that unlevel playing field bc they get no White privilege with their USA citizenry.

You see actually it is far beyond just, bizarre, if you feel its all Jensen's fault when the White student inadvertently displayed the colossal racism living in his heart.

You have made it obvious that the only thing which matters there to you sir ---
is making sure that the White student's unearned, undeserved White privilege never got infringed upon by the very citizens which it rapes.
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It's now time to look at the cold, hard, graphic reality of what racism by whites has entailed. The information used in this thread will come from the book, "White Rage," by Dr. Carol Anderson.

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
National Book Critics Circle Award Winner
New York Times Bestseller
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year
A Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of the Year
A Boston Globe Best Book of 2016
A Chicago Review of Books Best Nonfiction Book of 2016

From the end of the Civil War to our combustible present, an acclaimed historian reframes the conversation about race, chronicling the powerful forces opposed to black progress in America.

Since 1865 and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, every time African Americans have made advances towards full participation in our democracy, white reaction has fueled a deliberate, relentless rollback of their gains. The end of the Civil War and Reconstruction was greeted with the Black Codes and Jim Crow; the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision was met with the shutting down of public schools throughout the South; the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 triggered a coded response, the so-called Southern Strategy and the War on Drugs that disenfranchised millions of African Americans.

White Rage — Carol Anderson

Starting with my next post, you will be shown in graphic detail the steps whites took to deprive blacks of equal rights and freedom after slavery ended up until our lifetimes. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. That's a fact and it's time people faced that fact.

Racism exists across the racial spectrum. If you go to Japan, China, or some other Southeast Asian nations, you will find Asian racists who don't like blacks...and guess what, they also don't like whites, or any other races for that matter. There are North African Arabs that consider blacks as inferior and kill them. In the United States, there are white racists, Hispanic racists and Asian racists that don't like blacks and racist blacks that don't like any race that isn't black. Why? I don't have all the answers. Some of it may be a base subconscious tribal, "not of our tribe," mentality and as such, consider someone of significant differing appearance to be competition. There may always be racism throughout the globe, as there is now, all we can do is treat the person you meet with kindness and see how they treat you in return. If they don't treat you as an equal, they're not worth your time and energy.
The Midwest, 1925-1965: Jim Crow in the Midwest

Key civil rights cases, 1925-1965:

Parmalee v. Morris – Michigan, 1925 (188 N.W. 330); State ex rel. Weaver v Bd of Trustees of Ohio State University – Ohio, 1933 (185 N.E. 196); Fletcher v Coney Island, Inc. – Ohio, 1956 (134 N.E.2d 371); McKibbin v. Corporation & Securities Commission – Michigan, 1963 (119 N.W.2d 557)

  • Few racial discrimination cases surfaced in Midwestern supreme courts between 1925 and 1965. Those that did made clear that the fight for full equality was not over in the Midwest.
  • In a series of cases beginning with Parmalee and ending with McKibbin, the Michigan supreme court departed from its tradition of racial progressiveness and held that “racial covenants” (deed provisions forbidding homeowners to re-sell to blacks) and other practices hampering housing integration were not illegal under Michigan or federal civil rights laws. The court continued to protect Michigan blacks who were denied access to theaters and other public accommodations, but it made clear that it would not give civil rights precedence over private property rights.
  • In Weaver, the Ohio supreme court had little trouble upholding Ohio State’s refusal to allow a black student to live in an integrated dormitory. The court relied on Plessy v. Ferguson, in which the U.S. Supreme Court had held that “separate but equal” facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional: the Ohio court saw no need to implement a broader concept of equal rights in Ohio. (Ironically, Florence Allen, the first American woman to serve on a supreme court, wrote the court’s opinion.) Twenty years later, in Fletcher, the court held that Ohio’s accommodations law allowed a black Ohioan to sue an amusement park for damages after it refused to admit her, but the court (unlike courts in some other states) interpreted the law narrowly, concluding that it did not allow the court to order the park to admit black customers. The legislature changed the law to allow for such orders, but only many years later.
5.5.3. The Midwest, 1925-1965: Jim Crow in the Midwest - statelegalhistory

Ossian Sweet


The trial of Dr. Ossian Sweet along with ten family members and friends for murder after a mob attacked his Detroit home caught the nation’s attention in 1925-1926. This trial and a re-trial of Ossian Sweet’s younger brother Henry exposed racial tensions in northern cities in the years following the Great Migration.

Although home ownership marked respectability for most Americans in the early 20th century, homes in the 1920s were also racially restrictive, either by custom or by codes within real estate deeds. Aware of ongoing tensions over race but insistent upon his rights to home ownership, Ossian Sweet moved into a new home on Garland Avenue, an all white neighborhood, in September 1925. He brought his brothers Otis and Henry and several friends for protection. When a mob began throwing rocks at the home, someone fired out of a second floor window, killing one mob member and wounding another.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) hired Clarence Darrow and a team of lawyers to defend the Sweets, insisting that the case revolved around a man’s right to defend his home. In a case heard by an all-white jury, Detroit prosecutors argued that the shots fired were reckless and that Sweet’s move to the “white” suburbs violated social norms. The first jury proved unable to reach a verdict and a second trial of Henry Sweet, Ossian’s youngest brother, resulted in an acquittal. The NAACP celebrated the case as an example of progress and urban racial liberalism. In the midst of a decade noted for hardening racial attitudes, the Sweet cases were a significant public relations victory for the NAACP. Yet racial tensions remained so heated in Detroit that Ossian Sweet and his family never lived in the home he purchased, and Sweet’s wife and daughter died shortly after the trial. Sweet himself later committed suicide after several decades of frustration. Additionally, restrictive covenants written into real estate deeds continued to prevent African Americans and other minorities from moving into suburban developments until the Supreme Court outlawed such covenants in the Shelley v. Kraemer decision in 1947.

Ossian Sweet (1895-1960) •
It's now time to look at the cold, hard, graphic reality of what racism by whites has entailed. The information used in this thread will come from the book, "White Rage," by Dr. Carol Anderson.

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
National Book Critics Circle Award Winner
New York Times Bestseller
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year
A Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of the Year
A Boston Globe Best Book of 2016
A Chicago Review of Books Best Nonfiction Book of 2016

From the end of the Civil War to our combustible present, an acclaimed historian reframes the conversation about race, chronicling the powerful forces opposed to black progress in America.

Since 1865 and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, every time African Americans have made advances towards full participation in our democracy, white reaction has fueled a deliberate, relentless rollback of their gains. The end of the Civil War and Reconstruction was greeted with the Black Codes and Jim Crow; the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision was met with the shutting down of public schools throughout the South; the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 triggered a coded response, the so-called Southern Strategy and the War on Drugs that disenfranchised millions of African Americans.

White Rage — Carol Anderson

Starting with my next post, you will be shown in graphic detail the steps whites took to deprive blacks of equal rights and freedom after slavery ended up until our lifetimes. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. That's a fact and it's time people faced that fact.

Racism exists across the racial spectrum. If you go to Japan, China, or some other Southeast Asian nations, you will find Asian racists who don't like blacks...and guess what, they also don't like whites, or any other races for that matter. There are North African Arabs that consider blacks as inferior and kill them. In the United States, there are white racists, Hispanic racists and Asian racists that don't like blacks and racist blacks that don't like any race that isn't black. Why? I don't have all the answers. Some of it may be a base subconscious tribal, "not of our tribe," mentality and as such, consider someone of significant differing appearance to be competition. There may always be racism throughout the globe, as there is now, all we can do is treat the person you meet with kindness and see how they treat you in return. If they don't treat you as an equal, they're not worth your time and energy.

Prejudice is different from racism. And this everybody is a racist argument doesn't seem capable of recognizing how whites have used the courts in America and how white nations use the military in order to oppress non white nations. I am talking about how racism has impacted the black community in America. There are no cases in America where a non white group has enacted and enforced laws and policies on another non white group in order to deny them equal opportunity. Prejudice is wrong, but it is not racism.
Plus you keep telling lies on Jensen here, and pretending he's addressing something which is clearly absent in his scholarship. You keep faking here like as if it wasn't actually the student, but Jansen, who claimed that there is a such thing as White privilege and a such reality it created called an unlevel playing field, yet it shouldn't matter what that racist reality does each day to non-White Americans competing on that unlevel playing field bc they get no White privilege with their USA citizenry.

The Sad Irony of Affirmative Action

The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action

Dude. You could have challenged my claims. We both know why you did not. Because you know that they are true.

I have the same motivation to challenge your bizarre unearthly claims, as I have, to drive my car to the planet Mars. None. Zero. Zilch. Nunca.

You have no respect for facts nor truths plus you like to namecall people who have never posted such insults at you. IOW you have some tumultuous mental problems, including, your conclusion that I should be compelled to respect your questions where you namecall me.


Plus you keep telling lies on Jensen here, and pretending he's addressing something which is clearly absent in his scholarship. You keep faking here like as if it wasn't actually the student, but Jansen, who claimed that there is a such thing as White privilege and a such reality it created called an unlevel playing field, yet it shouldn't matter what that racist reality does each day to non-White Americans competing on that unlevel playing field bc they get no White privilege with their USA citizenry.

You see actually it is far beyond just, bizarre, if you feel its all Jensen's fault when the White student inadvertently displayed the colossal racism living in his heart.

You have made it obvious that the only thing which matters there to you sir ---
is making sure that the White student's unearned, undeserved White privilege never got infringed upon by the very citizens which it rapes.

The White Student was wrong in agreeing that there is white privilege.

The fact that the white school administrator he was talking to, was not treating him with special consideration due to their shared white skin, was a fine example of that.

My goal relating to this issue, is to see the white student to have equal opportunity.

You are the one inventing shit, when you accuse me of wanting to maintain a Privilege I do not even believe in.
My goal relating to this issue, is to see the white student to have equal opportunity.

so what WP is there in being sent to the back of the line by universities and banks , because one is white?

My goal relating to this issue, is to see the white student to have equal opportunity.

so what WP is there in being sent to the back of the line by universities and banks , because one is white?


Quite a lot of them. I've seen and posted here on this site some very good studies on the anti-white discrimination in university admissions.
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