The Stone Cold Truth

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It's far more than just negro's Ethos

Theoretically? Yes.

Veraciously? Heck no.

Historically yes .....

He says that "among these human factors, slavery was the major killer" of Hispaniola's population, and that "between 1492 and 1550, a nexus of slavery, overwork and famine killed more Indians in the Caribbean than smallpox, influenza or malaria
Genocide of indigenous peoples - Wikipedia

In 1491, about 145 million people lived in the western hemisphere. By 1691, the population of indigenous Americans had declined by 90-95 percent, or by around 130 million people."
Genocide of indigenous peoples - Wikipedia

Up to 16,000 Native Californians died in the genocide, which took place from the 1840s through the 1870s. Most of the deaths occurred during hundreds of massacres during which state and local militias encircled and murdered Native peoples. The genocide was facilitated by discriminatory California laws and the outright support of state officials and Federal authorities who condoned and supported the attacks.


History of Chinese Americans - Wikipedia


Over 127,000 United States citizens were imprisoned during World War II. ... Despite the lack of any concrete evidence, Japanese Americans were suspected of remaining loyal to their ancestral land. Anti-Japanese paranoia increased because of a large Japanese presence on the West Coast.


By June 1942, the FBI had arrested a total of 1,521 Italian aliens. About 250 individuals were interned for up to two years in the WRA military camps in Montana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas, in some cases co-located with interned Japanese Americans.

Internment of German Americans - Wikipedia
By the time of WWII, the United States had a large population of ethnic Germans. Among residents of the United States in 1940, more than 1.2 million persons had been born in Germany, 5 million had two native-German parents, and 6 million had one native-German parent. Many more had distant German ancestry. During WWII, the United States detained at least 11,000 ethnic Germans, overwhelmingly German nationals.

more if you require it Ethos...

A populace that grants exception to race is no different than a populace that demonizes a race

It's still racism


For 400yrs now the USA as a, populace, has granted exception to us Whites and demonized our negro citizens.

I feel very sad, for any human with a heart which does not connect with this unfairness or feels we should not compensate the victims of this dreadful reality.

And for centuries whites have been fighting and dying and
1. You know, I was wondering if you would want to discuss the reasons the "unnamed white student authority" reached his conclusion. I came to think that you would not. Because of obvious reasons. And you did not disappoint.

2. Did you watch the clip to the end? TO the bit where he discussed how once we are not a majority that pay back was going to be a bitch? That is part of what you are doing now, with this discrimination agaisnt white students, and your justification is "white privilege" which you cannot defend at all.


1. The purpose of this thread is exactly to discuss the issue. But you came here namecalling and being offensive to members who had never did that to you. Yes sir, you made it very obvious that you came in this thread only to cause chaos ---because you refuse to face Racism's realities which you cannot deny.

2. Stop hallucinating in here. Louis CK never said anything about "once we are not a majority" in that comic skit. lol.
And no, I don't need to defend White Privilege. All I need to do is keep reminding you of how deranged and deceitful you appear, here, everytime you deny the existence of the largest element in American life; White Privilege

1. I always strive to treat people with the same level of civility and respect they show me. And I do deny the claims you make about "racism" and "White Privilege" in this country. I have been very clear about that, and you trying to counter my points with simply denying that I am denying it, is not good.

2. So, you admit that you sole argument in defense of your premise, is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion. THanks. I will stay here to keep pointing out that you cannot defend your premise at all. And we all know why.

3. You actually look like the crazy one, when you are completely unable to defend your position, but hold to it, despite the fact that I have refuted it, using your own link.
1. I always strive to treat people with the same level of civility and respect they show me...

You must have some grave mental problems, in order to make this bizarre claim.

You came in this thread calling me names and posting insults at me, and I had never said a word to you.

Yet you just told a lie that I quoted here ... about how you always strive to treat people with the same level of civility and respect they show you. LOL! Where had I shown you no civility nor respect, when you decided to start namecalling me? Where??

Please don't deflect either.
If you do deflect and refuse to address my question ... just remember, you'll be showing the exact character I have mentioned about you for 3 days now.
1. I always strive to treat people with the same level of civility and respect they show me...

You must have some grave mental problems, in order to make this bizarre claim.

You came in this thread calling me names and posting insults at me, and I had never said a word to you.

Yet you just told a lie that I quoted here ... about how you always strive to treat people with the same level of civility and respect they show you. LOL! Where had I shown you no civility nor respect, when you decided to start namecalling me? Where??

Please don't deflect either.
If you do deflect and refuse to address my question ... just remember, you'll be showing the exact character I have mentioned about you for 3 days now.

I took the time to review the thread, hope you appreciate it.

You made a post, which made a claim. I challenged it. You dismissed my post. I repeated my point. We did this back and forth a couple of times.

Then I made my point stronger, and in post 151, you just dismissed me smugly to the point that I adjusted my treatment of you accordingly.

The Stone Cold Truth

"Sure. Whatever you say pal."

Then in post 155 you accused me of being a racist, lying that what I wanted was to maintain special racist advantages.

IN our society, "racist" is one of the most poisonous slurs there are, and you know that. Which is why you called me it. So, at that point, I stopped being civil to you.

YOu want civil treatment? Be civil.

Meanwhile in the real world, everyone knows that people like Jensen discriminate against white students as part of Diversity and Equality and other buzzwords.
I took the time to review the thread, hope you appreciate it...

But you reviewed it, deceitfully, therefore no I cannot appreciate your review.

Your analysis here of the thread, is dishonest, and therefore your analysis serves as a warning yes a 'preview' that you'll carry your disrespectful nonsense on to future discussions --then you will also claim that that is not what you're doing.

Thereby, you simply cannot be taken seriously here until you learn to stop telling lies on the ironclad facts or truths or proofs.
For example, look at how you keep telling lies on Jensen as well.


Look at how you keep claiming his scholarship to be about something which is totally absent from Jensen's premise here and you insanely gripe about Jensen refusing to do what he explains should no longer be done ever again.
in post 151, you just dismissed me smugly to the point that I adjusted my treatment of you accordingly.

The Stone Cold Truth

"Sure. Whatever you say pal."

Then in post 155 you accused me of being a racist, lying that what I wanted was to maintain special racist advantages...

See what I mean? About how much you love to tell lies on the facts??

You are very deceitful here even as according to post 150, where you started this whole nonsense by accusing me of supporting racism against my fellow whites. Go check your last sentence, in post 150, then show remorse for being dishonest.
I took the time to review the thread, hope you appreciate it...

But you reviewed it, deceitfully, therefore no I cannot appreciate your review.

Your analysis here of the thread, is dishonest, and therefore your analysis serves as a warning yes a 'preview' that you'll carry your disrespectful nonsense on to future discussions --then you will also claim that that is not what you're doing.

Thereby, you simply cannot be taken seriously here until you learn to stop telling lies on the ironclad facts or truths or proofs.

The way you cut away the entirety of my post, where I explain the reasoning behind my words and actions, before you disagree with them,

shows that you are the one who is not being serious about discussion.

The reality of America is that we have had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks for generations.

Part of that has been massive, long lasting and widespread programs and movements to help blacks reach equality in our society in all types of metrics.

This has included, quite a bit of discriminating AGAINST WHITES IN FAVOR OF BLACKS.

This has been documented quite well, for one very limited example, in University Admissions, where people like Jensen engaged in massive and widespread discrimination in favor of blacks at the expense of whites.

This utterly disproves the concept of White Privilege. It is, if anything, BLACK PRIVILEGE.

Your unsupported assertions otherwise, is simply a man who cannot question his own beliefs at all.
in post 151, you just dismissed me smugly to the point that I adjusted my treatment of you accordingly.

The Stone Cold Truth

"Sure. Whatever you say pal."

Then in post 155 you accused me of being a racist, lying that what I wanted was to maintain special racist advantages...

See what I mean? About how much you love to tell lies on the facts??

You are very deceitful here even as according to post 150, where you started this whole nonsense by accusing me of supporting racism against my fellow whites. Go check your last sentence, in post 150, then show remorse for being dishonest.

YOu do not support giving special treatment to blacks to make up for past discrimination?

You do not support Affirmative Action and diversity programs?

This is not a lie on my part. This is my heartfelt belief about your standard liberal beliefs.

It would be reasonable of you to disagree with my opinion and to challenge it.

To just assume that the only way that I can say such a thing, is that I must be lying,

is just you demonstrating your utterly closed mind, and your complete inability for rational debate.
The reality of America is that we have had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks for generations.

Part of that has been massive, long lasting and widespread programs and movements to help blacks reach equality in our society in all types of metrics.

This has included, quite a bit of discriminating AGAINST WHITES IN FAVOR OF BLACKS.

This has been documented quite well...

Black people have never owned any Industry Black people have never controlled any Market and Black people have never dictated any USA culture ---But we Caucasoids have always done those things for America.
Therefore you would be voted Imperial Grand Wizard at every rally, for KKK, in light of this colossal lie you told on America as I quoted you here.

You just described a scenario which is, unearthly, therefore I cannot engage you any further until you begin to discuss the America we all live in. And not the America you hath, made up, from so distant planet not called Earth.
The reality of America is that we have had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks for generations.

Part of that has been massive, long lasting and widespread programs and movements to help blacks reach equality in our society in all types of metrics.

This has included, quite a bit of discriminating AGAINST WHITES IN FAVOR OF BLACKS.

This has been documented quite well...

Black people have never owned any Industry Black people have never controlled any Market and Black people have never dictated any USA culture ---But we Caucasoids have always done those things for America.
Therefore you would be voted Imperial Grand Wizard at every rally, for KKK, in light of this colossal lie you told on America as I quoted you here.

You just described a scenario which is, unearthly, therefore I cannot engage you any further until you begin to discuss the America we all live in. And not the America you hath, made up, from so distant planet not called Earth.

I never said anything like that. I have no idea what you are on about.

Over here, in the real world, you are unable to support your premise that White Privilege exists.

You are refusing to discuss the issue, unless I accept your conclusion, as a given.

Your conclusion, which you cannot support, other than though the Logical Fallacies of Proof by Assertion and Appeal to Authorities, one of which is an unnamed white student.

I only the other hand, have made several points that challenge your premise, that you have been unable to counter.

Here is my most recent post in the discussion. Please try responding, to what I actually said.

The reality of America is that we have had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks for generations.

Part of that has been massive, long lasting and widespread programs and movements to help blacks reach equality in our society in all types of metrics.

This has included, quite a bit of discriminating AGAINST WHITES IN FAVOR OF BLACKS.

This has been documented quite well...
I never said anything like that. I have no idea what you are on about.


You have an idea, because love being deceitful. But still, your deceit cannot transcend the facts which every human eye can see:

Black people have never owned any Industry Black people have never controlled any Market and Black people have never dictated any USA culture ---But we Caucasoids have always done those things for America, thanks to White Privilege.
Therefore you would be voted Imperial Grand Wizard at every rally, for KKK, in light of this colossal lie you hath told on America as I quoted you here earlier.

Please stop posting to me until you are ready to discuss the America here on Earth ---and not the one you made up in your fatuous mind.
I never said anything like that. I have no idea what you are on about.


You have an idea, because love being deceitful. But still, your deceit cannot transcend the facts which every human eye can see:

Black people have never owned any Industry Black people have never controlled any Market and Black people have never dictated any USA culture ---But we Caucasoids have always done those things for America, thanks to White Privilege.
Therefore you would be voted Imperial Grand Wizard at every rally, for KKK, in light of this colossal lie you hath told on America as I quoted you here earlier.

Please stop posting to me until you are ready to discuss the America here on Earth ---and not the one you made up in your fatuous mind.

You are literally being insane. I have not said the things you quoted me saying, nor anything like them.

Which is interesting in the context that you are the liberal here making the case for White Privilege.

Or more accurately, demanding that I concede your premise, before you even discuss the issue.

Jensen by his own description of White Privilege, would have given that student special consideration.

He did not, thus disproving his own premise.

FURTHERMORE, we all know that Jensen as a liberal college officer, is committed to affirmative action and diversity and equality, and ect, and so, would actually discriminate AGAINST unnamed white student, and in favor of unnamed black student.

YOu know that, which is why you refuse to discuss the issue.

Which is interesting in the context that you are the liberal here making the case for White Privilege.

Oh, okay. I guess I forgot to remember that when I voted for Trump in 2016 ---and when I plan to do so again in 9 months.


YOU are truly strabismic..

Or more accurately, demanding that I concede your premise, before you even discuss the issue.


I only demanded that you stop telling lies on Jensen's scholarship and stop telling lies on me here.

Which is interesting in the context that you are the liberal here making the case for White Privilege.

Oh, okay. I guess I forgot to remember that when I voted for Trump in 2016 ---and when I plan to do so again in 9 months.


YOU are truly strabismic..

Or more accurately, demanding that I concede your premise, before you even discuss the issue.


I only demanded that you stop telling lies on Jensen's scholarship and stop telling lies on me here.
Youre the one making up quotes that people never said. Youre the liar.

Which is interesting in the context that you are the liberal here making the case for White Privilege.

Oh, okay. I guess I forgot to remember that when I voted for Trump in 2016 ---and when I plan to do so again in 9 months.


YOU are truly strabismic..

Or more accurately, demanding that I concede your premise, before you even discuss the issue.


I only demanded that you stop telling lies on Jensen's scholarship and stop telling lies on me here.

Your inability to defend your premise, while standing by it, makes you look like a liberal.

That is it an anti-white racist premise, compounds that.
Your inability to defend your premise...

Nope. There's no premise to defend.

You have to find a way to stop blaming, me, because the racist White student thinks just like you.

He admitted that there is an unlevel playing field thanks to White privilege then he admitted that it's no big deal that the playing field is unlevel. Therefore admitting to the ultimate, White Privilege, and your mind works the exact same way.
You don't think it's a big deal that we Whites live with a White Privilege, in the USA, so you pretend that it does not exist.
Youre the one making up quotes that people never said. Youre the liar.

Prove your point. Validate your claim. Show where I did that. I dare you.

Because I certainly showed exactly where my critic here, hath deluded to Jensen's words. Now, you be fair and do the same --- since you ran here attacking me, instead of you extending an opinion on Jensen's scholarship.

Quit making this about me, and disprove what Jensen laid out about White Privilege ---without playing pretend about his words.
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