The Stone Cold Truth

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There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime but they commit more than double. And your use of total population versus percent of a crime is an inaccurate way of coming to a conclusion. The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population. You whites measure crime by overall population percentage versus percentage of crimes instead of number of crimes and number of participants in those crimes. It is a flawed use of math only done to try justifying white supremacy. We have the numbers of people committing the crimes and we can use those numbers to represent the part of the population that commit crimes.

7 million whites were arrested for crimes in 2018, that is 2.5 percent of the population. 3 million blacks were arrested for crimes, that is one percent of the population. By all standards 7 million is more than 3 million so when we talk about crime this shows more whites are committing crime. There are more whites playing basketball but the NBA is mostly black. Using the excuses you guys always come up with the NBA should be mostly white. But not everybody white participates in basketball nor does every black. The same with crime. That silly you have 14 percent argument is invalid and its time you guys stopped using it.
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Who gets to decide what is and is not a crime ?
Good grief, and therefore the definition of is, is what ?? You're making Bill Clinton proud.
Spoken by a white person. Live black then talk.
"You have never answered what laws and policies today benefit only white people."

Why is it white people like Molly always ask this ignorant question. It provides us with examples of the problems whites have relative to the issue of race and white fragility.

Number 1- is the belief in teflon history.

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.

Number 2, that white privilege allows them a racial arrogance whereby they can deny the effects of racism even when they know what they have been told is true.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Molly you are nothing more than a modern racist practicing the new methods of racism.

Racism today is practiced in a new way and it's not overt in practice but covert in policy. We now face perhaps an insidious and arrogant type of white backlash. Whites who are “tired of hearing” blacks and other non whites protesting and complaining about white racism. These are whites who have cried since the Civil Rights act was passed, making up a fake discrimination against whites they have taken to the supreme court time after time in the hopes of ending equal protection under the law for non-whites. This backlash takes several forms.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which might as well be called subtle racism. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of its “subtlety”, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that basically mirror the effects of overt racism. These significant and harmful consequences are called entitlement reform, immigration, welfare reform, voter fraud and many other things that are actually policies designed to take away things from non-whites. “I’m colorblind and if you talk about racism, you are the racist”. This is how racism is played today.
There you go again calling me a racist, which I am not. I point out the hypocrisy of your posts. YOU are racists against people just because they are white. What have I EVER said that was racist? NOTHING. You get defiant because you won't truthfully answer what laws or policies are in effect TODAY that are for whites only. NONE. How am I racist? You constantly put down whites only, only white people do bad in your opinion, etc etc. I do not deny whites can be bad, as any other race. You make excuses, I don't. I don't deny racism exists, in all races, You do deny blacks can be racists. Find even ONE example of my racism.
In a system of white supremacy. White supremacy is the law. They can kill black people as long they get their lie straight they'll be fine.

White supreamcists can fire, not hire, evict, throw out, expel, refuse, beat black ppl any time they want and not be punished.

Why ?

Because white supreamcy is the law

White Supremacy is NOT the law. If there is white supremacy in LAW, it is an abuse of the law. We have laws, now the task is simply to apply them fairly. It's true its not always fair. But wait, your saying white supremists can go out and beat black people right now and not be punished?
really? I can say Im a white supremist now... go out, find a black person, small and weak.. beat him up and not get punished? I'm not going to go to jail? Im not going to get sued?

Explain to me how these white supremist laws are going to keep me from getting arrested.

What you just posted is a bunch of extremely, one sided, biased opinion... bypassing thoughts and efforts of millions of people throughout the U.S.
You say that as a white person who doesn't face the law in ways we do.
"You have never answered what laws and policies today benefit only white people."

Why is it white people like Molly always ask this ignorant question. It provides us with examples of the problems whites have relative to the issue of race and white fragility.

Number 1- is the belief in teflon history.

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.

Number 2, that white privilege allows them a racial arrogance whereby they can deny the effects of racism even when they know what they have been told is true.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Molly you are nothing more than a modern racist practicing the new methods of racism.

Racism today is practiced in a new way and it's not overt in practice but covert in policy. We now face perhaps an insidious and arrogant type of white backlash. Whites who are “tired of hearing” blacks and other non whites protesting and complaining about white racism. These are whites who have cried since the Civil Rights act was passed, making up a fake discrimination against whites they have taken to the supreme court time after time in the hopes of ending equal protection under the law for non-whites. This backlash takes several forms.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which might as well be called subtle racism. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of its “subtlety”, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that basically mirror the effects of overt racism. These significant and harmful consequences are called entitlement reform, immigration, welfare reform, voter fraud and many other things that are actually policies designed to take away things from non-whites. “I’m colorblind and if you talk about racism, you are the racist”. This is how racism is played today.
There you go again calling me a racist, which I am not. I point out the hypocrisy of your posts. YOU are racists against people just because they are white. What have I EVER said that was racist? NOTHING. You get defiant because you won't truthfully answer what laws or policies are in effect TODAY that are for whites only. NONE. How am I racist? You constantly put down whites only, only white people do bad in your opinion, etc etc. I do not deny whites can be bad, as any other race. You make excuses, I don't. I don't deny racism exists, in all races, You do deny blacks can be racists. Find even ONE example of my racism.
In a system of white supremacy. White supremacy is the law. They can kill black people as long they get their lie straight they'll be fine.

White supreamcists can fire, not hire, evict, throw out, expel, refuse, beat black ppl any time they want and not be punished.

Why ?

Because white supreamcy is the law
And where is all this taken place again ??? Get back to us when you got something worth reporting concerning your personal experience of victim hood, because right now you're just speaking bullcrap.
He's speaking truth and you can't handle it.
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime but they commit more than double. And your use of total population versus percent of a crime is an inaccurate way of coming to a conclusion. The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population. You whites measure crime by overall population percentage versus percentage of crimes instead of number of crimes and number of participants in those crimes. It is a flawed use of math only done to try justifying white supremacy. We have the numbers of people committing the crimes and we can use those numbers to represent the part of the population that commit crimes.

7 million whites were arrested for crimes in 2018, that is 2.5 percent of the population. 3 million blacks were arrested for crimes, that is one percent of the population. By all standards 7 million is more than 3 million so when we talk about crime this shows more whites are committing crime. There are more whites playing basketball but the NBA is mostly black. Using the excuses you guys always come up with the NBA should be mostly white. But not everybody white participates in basketball nor does every black. The same with crime. That silly you have 14 percent argument is invalid and its time you guys stopped using it.

I've read this far... so far.

"Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime"

So , what is it that whites have in their community that should make them perfect angels? if you can seriously make that statement, you are looking at what makes a human being in very shallow terms... and very one dimensional. my god.
You really believe that people do not have defects due to family history and society? you really believe this white privelige everyone talks about is something white people really tap into and it makes them feel good and secure every day.... You have that ability to look into someone's soul?

Oh my you are special. Well, please explain why in Iceland they have zero homicides... they have one every great once in a while. They have had a very stable society for hundreds of years, we can start there. The united states is made up of people from god knows where who ere thrown together in a hundred thousand different ways. All you can see is White man has priveledge, and black man does not. thats true in so many cases but you are looking at the part and not the whole. It's a much more complicated thing. If white people really had everything they need to keep them from commiting crimes... then what is it? you think white people are inherently evil? I have seen this thrown out there by people here, that white people need to be bred out of existence.
"You have never answered what laws and policies today benefit only white people."

Why is it white people like Molly always ask this ignorant question. It provides us with examples of the problems whites have relative to the issue of race and white fragility.

Number 1- is the belief in teflon history.

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.

Number 2, that white privilege allows them a racial arrogance whereby they can deny the effects of racism even when they know what they have been told is true.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Molly you are nothing more than a modern racist practicing the new methods of racism.

Racism today is practiced in a new way and it's not overt in practice but covert in policy. We now face perhaps an insidious and arrogant type of white backlash. Whites who are “tired of hearing” blacks and other non whites protesting and complaining about white racism. These are whites who have cried since the Civil Rights act was passed, making up a fake discrimination against whites they have taken to the supreme court time after time in the hopes of ending equal protection under the law for non-whites. This backlash takes several forms.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which might as well be called subtle racism. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of its “subtlety”, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that basically mirror the effects of overt racism. These significant and harmful consequences are called entitlement reform, immigration, welfare reform, voter fraud and many other things that are actually policies designed to take away things from non-whites. “I’m colorblind and if you talk about racism, you are the racist”. This is how racism is played today.
There you go again calling me a racist, which I am not. I point out the hypocrisy of your posts. YOU are racists against people just because they are white. What have I EVER said that was racist? NOTHING. You get defiant because you won't truthfully answer what laws or policies are in effect TODAY that are for whites only. NONE. How am I racist? You constantly put down whites only, only white people do bad in your opinion, etc etc. I do not deny whites can be bad, as any other race. You make excuses, I don't. I don't deny racism exists, in all races, You do deny blacks can be racists. Find even ONE example of my racism.
In a system of white supremacy. White supremacy is the law. They can kill black people as long they get their lie straight they'll be fine.

White supreamcists can fire, not hire, evict, throw out, expel, refuse, beat black ppl any time they want and not be punished.

Why ?

Because white supreamcy is the law
And where is all this taken place again ??? Get back to us when you got something worth reporting concerning your personal experience of victim hood, because right now you're just speaking bullcrap.
He's speaking truth and you can't handle it.

That's a laugh......

There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Who gets to decide what is and is not a crime ?
Good grief, and therefore the definition of is, is what ?? You're making Bill Clinton proud.
Spoken by a white person. Live black then talk.
How about me living with blacks all my life, would that count ? Of course not in your mind, because you must stick with your narrative no matter what eh ??
"You have never answered what laws and policies today benefit only white people."

Why is it white people like Molly always ask this ignorant question. It provides us with examples of the problems whites have relative to the issue of race and white fragility.

Number 1- is the belief in teflon history.

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.

Number 2, that white privilege allows them a racial arrogance whereby they can deny the effects of racism even when they know what they have been told is true.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Molly you are nothing more than a modern racist practicing the new methods of racism.

Racism today is practiced in a new way and it's not overt in practice but covert in policy. We now face perhaps an insidious and arrogant type of white backlash. Whites who are “tired of hearing” blacks and other non whites protesting and complaining about white racism. These are whites who have cried since the Civil Rights act was passed, making up a fake discrimination against whites they have taken to the supreme court time after time in the hopes of ending equal protection under the law for non-whites. This backlash takes several forms.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which might as well be called subtle racism. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of its “subtlety”, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that basically mirror the effects of overt racism. These significant and harmful consequences are called entitlement reform, immigration, welfare reform, voter fraud and many other things that are actually policies designed to take away things from non-whites. “I’m colorblind and if you talk about racism, you are the racist”. This is how racism is played today.
There you go again calling me a racist, which I am not. I point out the hypocrisy of your posts. YOU are racists against people just because they are white. What have I EVER said that was racist? NOTHING. You get defiant because you won't truthfully answer what laws or policies are in effect TODAY that are for whites only. NONE. How am I racist? You constantly put down whites only, only white people do bad in your opinion, etc etc. I do not deny whites can be bad, as any other race. You make excuses, I don't. I don't deny racism exists, in all races, You do deny blacks can be racists. Find even ONE example of my racism.
In a system of white supremacy. White supremacy is the law. They can kill black people as long they get their lie straight they'll be fine.

White supreamcists can fire, not hire, evict, throw out, expel, refuse, beat black ppl any time they want and not be punished.

Why ?

Because white supreamcy is the law

White Supremacy is NOT the law. If there is white supremacy in LAW, it is an abuse of the law. We have laws, now the task is simply to apply them fairly. It's true its not always fair. But wait, your saying white supremists can go out and beat black people right now and not be punished?
really? I can say Im a white supremist now... go out, find a black person, small and weak.. beat him up and not get punished? I'm not going to go to jail? Im not going to get sued?

Explain to me how these white supremist laws are going to keep me from getting arrested.

What you just posted is a bunch of extremely, one sided, biased opinion... bypassing thoughts and efforts of millions of people throughout the U.S.
You say that as a white person who doesn't face the law in ways we do.
Why do you face the law at all ???
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Who gets to decide what is and is not a crime ?
Good grief, and therefore the definition of is, is what ?? You're making Bill Clinton proud.
Spoken by a white person. Live black then talk.

I guess we should end all discussion on race then here and now? we cant live black, so therefore why have a discussion? unless only acceptable answers approved by you apply. You throw race in peoples face.... (yes, he knows hes what the fuck?)
and then expect what? white people are going to say things you dont agree with, then disagree with them! when you say TURN BLACK then talk... it makes people really not want to listen or put forth any effort.
There can really be no discussion unless two parties actually want to look at the other's point of view. Seems to me your not interested in a "white mans" point of view, you already know what it is... they are basically all the same.
Or is that not correct???
It's now time to look at the cold, hard, graphic reality of what racism by whites has entailed. The information used in this thread will come from the book, "White Rage," by Dr. Carol Anderson.

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
National Book Critics Circle Award Winner
New York Times Bestseller
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year
A Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of the Year
A Boston Globe Best Book of 2016
A Chicago Review of Books Best Nonfiction Book of 2016

From the end of the Civil War to our combustible present, an acclaimed historian reframes the conversation about race, chronicling the powerful forces opposed to black progress in America.

Since 1865 and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, every time African Americans have made advances towards full participation in our democracy, white reaction has fueled a deliberate, relentless rollback of their gains. The end of the Civil War and Reconstruction was greeted with the Black Codes and Jim Crow; the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision was met with the shutting down of public schools throughout the South; the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 triggered a coded response, the so-called Southern Strategy and the War on Drugs that disenfranchised millions of African Americans.

White Rage — Carol Anderson

Starting with my next post, you will be shown in graphic detail the steps whites took to deprive blacks of equal rights and freedom after slavery ended up until our lifetimes. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. That's a fact and it's time people faced that fact.


I know you don't agree that advances for black people in America have been great and that you don't agree whites have opposed slavery and racism and thought that black people should have better lives but I would dissagree. There have been setbacks of course, part of which comes down to the fact that we had a civil war which dissrupted U.S. society as a whole... in a huge way. most of the other countries which shook off slavery did not go through such a war... yet, today wherever you look this is a time of great opportunity for African Americans in America to be whatever they want to be in life. How did we get there? It got there for many reasons. Struggle but also the fact that on the ground level people have been rejecting racism.

What I don't agree with is this attitude that somehow I am to be satisfied with an undone job. These opportunities do not exist at the level you claim. This is what blacks here are telling you. Today is the time for whites to start listening instead of always trying to instruct us on how times are for black people.
Whites are supposed to listen when blacks aren't listening to you ?? If you could control the bad blacks just like if we could control the bad whites, and on and on it all goes, then we would be living in a perfect world now wouldn't we ?? Quit fantasizing, and just make the best of you and your families lives already. Let our laws enforce the rest of the situation. Plenty of laws on the books, so if they aren't being enforced, then enforce them, but quit thinking that more laws or special treatment programs are needed because they aren't.
The problem is that laws aren't enforced against whites as they are on blacks. Secondly anti discrimination laws are weakly enforced. And if I am fantasizing provide the date and congressional resolution that was passed that ended white racism. We aren't fantasizing son, stop the attempt to gaslight. You aren't black and don't face what we do. Cease the lectures motherfucker until you turn black and live. Crime has reduced in the black community it has not in the white community and whites were committing more crime even when crime was supposed to be so terrible among blacks. You "experts" on black people need to shut the fuck up and deal with the problem in your own community. I laugh when a white idiot like you talks about special treatment when you are the kings and queens of giving yourselves special treatment. What you need to do is work to end the racism in your community, starting with yourself.
If the laws were not enforced on whites, no whites would be incarcerated. It is a LIE to say there are laws that benefit whites and not blacks. You need to shut the fuck up on thinking you are an expert on white people, yet you want whites to "live black" before commenting. Nobody has said racism has ended, but not everything is racist, contrary to YOUR opinion, which is usually flawed.
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Who gets to decide what is and is not a crime ?
Good grief, and therefore the definition of is, is what ?? You're making Bill Clinton proud.
Spoken by a white person. Live black then talk.

I guess we should end all discussion on race then here and now? we cant live black, so therefore why have a discussion? unless only acceptable answers approved by you apply. You throw race in peoples face.... (yes, he knows hes what the fuck?)
and then expect what? white people are going to say things you dont agree with, then disagree with them! when you say TURN BLACK then talk... it makes people really not want to listen or put forth any effort.
There can really be no discussion unless two parties actually want to look at the other's point of view. Seems to me your not interested in a "white mans" point of view, you already know what it is... they are basically all the same.
Or is that not correct???
Ah, so true. We aren't black so therefore we cannot comment on race...ironic isn't it?
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime but they commit more than double. And your use of total population versus percent of a crime is an inaccurate way of coming to a conclusion. The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population. You whites measure crime by overall population percentage versus percentage of crimes instead of number of crimes and number of participants in those crimes. It is a flawed use of math only done to try justifying white supremacy. We have the numbers of people committing the crimes and we can use those numbers to represent the part of the population that commit crimes.

7 million whites were arrested for crimes in 2018, that is 2.5 percent of the population. 3 million blacks were arrested for crimes, that is one percent of the population. By all standards 7 million is more than 3 million so when we talk about crime this shows more whites are committing crime. There are more whites playing basketball but the NBA is mostly black. Using the excuses you guys always come up with the NBA should be mostly white. But not everybody white participates in basketball nor does every black. The same with crime. That silly you have 14 percent argument is invalid and its time you guys stopped using it.

"The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population."

Im not saying that 14 percent of the population which is black is commiting crimes. I didnt say that at all! That would be insane to suggest. I simply said black people make up about 14 % of the population, and their "group" makes up a higher percentage of total crimes than that 14 %. Whites make a higher percentage then their population as well, but its not as nearly high by percentage.
Yes, whites have a higher number overall in crimes comitted. Its all in the statistical charts. numbers are numbers, it is what it is.
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime but they commit more than double. And your use of total population versus percent of a crime is an inaccurate way of coming to a conclusion. The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population. You whites measure crime by overall population percentage versus percentage of crimes instead of number of crimes and number of participants in those crimes. It is a flawed use of math only done to try justifying white supremacy. We have the numbers of people committing the crimes and we can use those numbers to represent the part of the population that commit crimes.

7 million whites were arrested for crimes in 2018, that is 2.5 percent of the population. 3 million blacks were arrested for crimes, that is one percent of the population. By all standards 7 million is more than 3 million so when we talk about crime this shows more whites are committing crime. There are more whites playing basketball but the NBA is mostly black. Using the excuses you guys always come up with the NBA should be mostly white. But not everybody white participates in basketball nor does every black. The same with crime. That silly you have 14 percent argument is invalid and its time you guys stopped using it.

I've read this far... so far.

"Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime"

So , what is it that whites have in their community that should make them perfect angels? if you can seriously make that statement, you are looking at what makes a human being in very shallow terms... and very one dimensional. my god.
You really believe that people do not have defects due to family history and society? you really believe this white privelige everyone talks about is something white people really tap into and it makes them feel good and secure every day.... You have that ability to look into someone's soul?

Oh my you are special. Well, please explain why in Iceland they have zero homicides... they have one every great once in a while. They have had a very stable society for hundreds of years, we can start there. The united states is made up of people from god knows where who ere thrown together in a hundred thousand different ways. All you can see is White man has priveledge, and black man does not. thats true in so many cases but you are looking at the part and not the whole. It's a much more complicated thing. If white people really had everything they need to keep them from commiting crimes... then what is it? you think white people are inherently evil? I have seen this thrown out there by people here, that white people need to be bred out of existence.
According to those that study crime, crime is caused by poverty, lack of resources, lack of wealth, etc. Whites in most communities don't lack any of those things, while blacks have an overabundance of the conditions that cause crime. Yet whites commit the most crime.

Now you guys are really good at talking about other places, but we live in America so we must talk about crime in America, not iceland. You have wanted to deny racism and all of its effects even as you say racism exists. I am looking at the whole, you are looking at ways to excuse, and this is a classic example of white fragility. I don't know why whites have everything needed to not have crime but commit the most. All I know is that whites have these things and commit most of the crimes while always blaming us for being the most violent. US history shows that whites have been the most violent and criminal group. Why? A belief in white supremacy.

You have spent a lot of time trying to excuse things in my view. I have not ignored family defects but that is never considered by whites here when they talk about us. It's just that blacks are 14 percent of the population and they commit a larger share of crime than their total population. An argument you have presented yourself. There is no consideration of the psychological damage white racism created in the overall black community by you many of the others here ever. But now that we are talking about white,s then we must consider family defects and things like that. So let's start understanding the damage white racist has caused in black people and the various means of coping that comes along with dealing with abusive behavior both good and bad from the perspective of those who endure the abuse.

White privilege is a real thing and it so much a privilege that you don't even see how you have it. That term was made up by a white person to describe how things are for whites. Not by a black person so then I do think that a white person knows how white people get to do things others don't. And you know it as well. So don't try to diminish a reality that other whites admit themselves to be true.
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Who gets to decide what is and is not a crime ?
Good grief, and therefore the definition of is, is what ?? You're making Bill Clinton proud.
Spoken by a white person. Live black then talk.
How about me living with blacks all my life, would that count ? Of course not in your mind, because you must stick with your narrative no matter what eh ??
You have not lived with blacks your whole life. But that's a narrative you want to create in order to try justifying your racist beliefs.
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime but they commit more than double. And your use of total population versus percent of a crime is an inaccurate way of coming to a conclusion. The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population. You whites measure crime by overall population percentage versus percentage of crimes instead of number of crimes and number of participants in those crimes. It is a flawed use of math only done to try justifying white supremacy. We have the numbers of people committing the crimes and we can use those numbers to represent the part of the population that commit crimes.

7 million whites were arrested for crimes in 2018, that is 2.5 percent of the population. 3 million blacks were arrested for crimes, that is one percent of the population. By all standards 7 million is more than 3 million so when we talk about crime this shows more whites are committing crime. There are more whites playing basketball but the NBA is mostly black. Using the excuses you guys always come up with the NBA should be mostly white. But not everybody white participates in basketball nor does every black. The same with crime. That silly you have 14 percent argument is invalid and its time you guys stopped using it.

"The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population."

Im not saying that 14 percent of the population which is black is commiting crimes. I didnt say that at all! That would be insane to suggest. I simply said black people make up about 14 % of the population, and their "group" makes up a higher percentage of total crimes than that 14 %. Whites make a higher percentage then their population as well, but its not as nearly high by percentage.
Yes, whites have a higher number overall in crimes comitted. Its all in the statistical charts. numbers are numbers, it is what it is.
Again that 14 percent gibberish is invalid. We can determine by the number of recorded participants in criminal activity and that shows us the truth.
"You have never answered what laws and policies today benefit only white people."

Why is it white people like Molly always ask this ignorant question. It provides us with examples of the problems whites have relative to the issue of race and white fragility.

Number 1- is the belief in teflon history.

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.

Number 2, that white privilege allows them a racial arrogance whereby they can deny the effects of racism even when they know what they have been told is true.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Molly you are nothing more than a modern racist practicing the new methods of racism.

Racism today is practiced in a new way and it's not overt in practice but covert in policy. We now face perhaps an insidious and arrogant type of white backlash. Whites who are “tired of hearing” blacks and other non whites protesting and complaining about white racism. These are whites who have cried since the Civil Rights act was passed, making up a fake discrimination against whites they have taken to the supreme court time after time in the hopes of ending equal protection under the law for non-whites. This backlash takes several forms.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which might as well be called subtle racism. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of its “subtlety”, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that basically mirror the effects of overt racism. These significant and harmful consequences are called entitlement reform, immigration, welfare reform, voter fraud and many other things that are actually policies designed to take away things from non-whites. “I’m colorblind and if you talk about racism, you are the racist”. This is how racism is played today.
There you go again calling me a racist, which I am not. I point out the hypocrisy of your posts. YOU are racists against people just because they are white. What have I EVER said that was racist? NOTHING. You get defiant because you won't truthfully answer what laws or policies are in effect TODAY that are for whites only. NONE. How am I racist? You constantly put down whites only, only white people do bad in your opinion, etc etc. I do not deny whites can be bad, as any other race. You make excuses, I don't. I don't deny racism exists, in all races, You do deny blacks can be racists. Find even ONE example of my racism.
In a system of white supremacy. White supremacy is the law. They can kill black people as long they get their lie straight they'll be fine.

White supreamcists can fire, not hire, evict, throw out, expel, refuse, beat black ppl any time they want and not be punished.

Why ?

Because white supreamcy is the law

White Supremacy is NOT the law. If there is white supremacy in LAW, it is an abuse of the law. We have laws, now the task is simply to apply them fairly. It's true its not always fair. But wait, your saying white supremists can go out and beat black people right now and not be punished?
really? I can say Im a white supremist now... go out, find a black person, small and weak.. beat him up and not get punished? I'm not going to go to jail? Im not going to get sued?

Explain to me how these white supremist laws are going to keep me from getting arrested.

What you just posted is a bunch of extremely, one sided, biased opinion... bypassing thoughts and efforts of millions of people throughout the U.S.
You say that as a white person who doesn't face the law in ways we do.

Here, so blacks sue MC Donalds over discrimination. maybe in this case it was justified but why were they allowed to sue? because we have laws.
Racism exists yes. Paul was saying our laws are white Supremest... whites can do whatever they want by law. I'm saying no...our laws and rules are pretty good and are designed to protect all has been an ongoing work in progress. the problem is those laws are often abused, ignored or gone around. There is a big difference.

Anybody can have an opinion
which you're now actively harvesting from your racist threads to impart out of context , IE~ 'definition of delusion'

My threads aren't racist and you are delusional to say that. So when you show me where I have SPECIFICALLY said blacks are inherently better than whites, let me know.
IM 2...your posts are like Star Trek's Kobayashi Maru.....a can't win premise based on an answer for every other answer. But it still does not settle the problem.
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime but they commit more than double. And your use of total population versus percent of a crime is an inaccurate way of coming to a conclusion. The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population. You whites measure crime by overall population percentage versus percentage of crimes instead of number of crimes and number of participants in those crimes. It is a flawed use of math only done to try justifying white supremacy. We have the numbers of people committing the crimes and we can use those numbers to represent the part of the population that commit crimes.

7 million whites were arrested for crimes in 2018, that is 2.5 percent of the population. 3 million blacks were arrested for crimes, that is one percent of the population. By all standards 7 million is more than 3 million so when we talk about crime this shows more whites are committing crime. There are more whites playing basketball but the NBA is mostly black. Using the excuses you guys always come up with the NBA should be mostly white. But not everybody white participates in basketball nor does every black. The same with crime. That silly you have 14 percent argument is invalid and its time you guys stopped using it.

"The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population."

Im not saying that 14 percent of the population which is black is commiting crimes. I didnt say that at all! That would be insane to suggest. I simply said black people make up about 14 % of the population, and their "group" makes up a higher percentage of total crimes than that 14 %. Whites make a higher percentage then their population as well, but its not as nearly high by percentage.
Yes, whites have a higher number overall in crimes comitted. Its all in the statistical charts. numbers are numbers, it is what it is.
Again that 14 percent gibberish is invalid. We can determine by the number of recorded participants in criminal activity and that shows us the truth.

So whites basically make up about 60 % of the population, not including latinos who can sometimes be counted as white by the stats takers, and that 60% of whites comited 69 % of all crimes in the US in 2012. That is going to be a staggering amount of crime because white people make up over half the population. Is it hard to understand that those crimes are going to be a much higher number than crimes commited by blacks?

14% of the US black population is incorrect? thats gibberish? so what is the black population of the U.S.? I dont understand what your problem is. And whether your looking at total numbers of crimes, or looking at number of crimes based on proportion by percentage, ONE does not take away from the other. I'm not even trying to make a political statement here about who might be worse than the other. Statistics are what they are.
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime but they commit more than double. And your use of total population versus percent of a crime is an inaccurate way of coming to a conclusion. The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population. You whites measure crime by overall population percentage versus percentage of crimes instead of number of crimes and number of participants in those crimes. It is a flawed use of math only done to try justifying white supremacy. We have the numbers of people committing the crimes and we can use those numbers to represent the part of the population that commit crimes.

7 million whites were arrested for crimes in 2018, that is 2.5 percent of the population. 3 million blacks were arrested for crimes, that is one percent of the population. By all standards 7 million is more than 3 million so when we talk about crime this shows more whites are committing crime. There are more whites playing basketball but the NBA is mostly black. Using the excuses you guys always come up with the NBA should be mostly white. But not everybody white participates in basketball nor does every black. The same with crime. That silly you have 14 percent argument is invalid and its time you guys stopped using it.

I've read this far... so far.

"Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime"

So , what is it that whites have in their community that should make them perfect angels? if you can seriously make that statement, you are looking at what makes a human being in very shallow terms... and very one dimensional. my god.
You really believe that people do not have defects due to family history and society? you really believe this white privelige everyone talks about is something white people really tap into and it makes them feel good and secure every day.... You have that ability to look into someone's soul?

Oh my you are special. Well, please explain why in Iceland they have zero homicides... they have one every great once in a while. They have had a very stable society for hundreds of years, we can start there. The united states is made up of people from god knows where who ere thrown together in a hundred thousand different ways. All you can see is White man has priveledge, and black man does not. thats true in so many cases but you are looking at the part and not the whole. It's a much more complicated thing. If white people really had everything they need to keep them from commiting crimes... then what is it? you think white people are inherently evil? I have seen this thrown out there by people here, that white people need to be bred out of existence.
According to those that study crime, crime is caused by poverty, lack of resources, lack of wealth, etc. Whites in most communities don't lack any of those things, while blacks have an overabundance of the conditions that cause crime. Yet whites commit the most crime.

Now you guys are really good at talking about other places, but we live in America so we must talk about crime in America, not iceland. You have wanted to deny racism and all of its effects even as you say racism exists. I am looking at the whole, you are looking at ways to excuse, and this is a classic example of white fragility. I don't know why whites have everything needed to not have crime but commit the most. All I know is that whites have these things and commit most of the crimes while always blaming us for being the most violent. US history shows that whites have been the most violent and criminal group. Why? A belief in white supremacy.

You have spent a lot of time trying to excuse things in my view. I have not ignored family defects but that is never considered by whites here when they talk about us. It's just that blacks are 14 percent of the population and they commit a larger share of crime than their total population. An argument you have presented yourself. There is no consideration of the psychological damage white racism created in the overall black community by you many of the others here ever. But now that we are talking about white,s then we must consider family defects and things like that. So let's start understanding the damage white racist has caused in black people and the various means of coping that comes along with dealing with abusive behavior both good and bad from the perspective of those who endure the abuse.

White privilege is a real thing and it so much a privilege that you don't even see how you have it. That term was made up by a white person to describe how things are for whites. Not by a black person so then I do think that a white person knows how white people get to do things others don't. And you know it as well. So don't try to diminish a reality that other whites admit themselves to be true.
First off, those things you mentioned don't nessesarily cause one to commit crime, but if you couple that with a culture that is highly susceptible to commiting crime or becoming corrupt if anything like those things come upon them, then we see the results first hand in what we have seen take place over the years. Yes you are right that the pressures of such things can exacerbate the situations, but could it be said that it takes a gullable host to obtain the results that are being seen prevalent amongst the individual or even that amongst a group ???
There is no such thing as black privilege.

au contraire monsieur IM2.....>>>

There is no such thing as black privilege. Opposing racism is not a privilege. Turn black and then tell me about this privilege we have for facing racism and complaining about it. Read the article sparky.

You played yourself.
Facing racism eh ? Hmmm could it be that if you are scoffed at when you are walking through a neighborhood with half your butt showing because your pants are on the ground or they are to your knees, and your boom box is playing profanity n-word music at ear splitting levels, do you think that the disgusting looks you might get aren't justified, otherwise by people in their yards or riding by in cars ?????????????? I pulled up to a gas pump not long ago, and there was an old black friend getting gas on the other side of the island. We began a conversation that was quickly interupted by a young black guy who pulled up to get gas as well. His rap music was at ear splitting levels, and it was pumping out some disgusting lyrics. Me and my friend just gave up on talking because we couldn't hear each other. So we just made a goodbye gesture and went on our way. I felt sorry for my friend, because I could see the sadness in him about the situation.
Since your anecdotal does not matter when we are talking about law and policy and we can create the same anecdotal about white tattooed kids dressed in grunge cursing up a storm, blaring metal as they drive down the street, your post is another example of your double standard, refusal of looking at the problems in the white community., white fragility, aversive racism and pure idiocy.
Yeah ok Mr. Racist dude, it don't matter just like in the crime statistics where as blacks are only a small percent of the population, yet they commit the largest % of crimes, and worse they are committing those crimes upon each other at alarming rates. Of course blame whitey for that also right ?? One tattooed white dude out of thousands living peaceful, and doing the right thing, but you try to use him for your come back. Rotflmbo.
You presented one black dude with his pants sagging while the majority of blacks don't sag and don't commit crimes. Whites commit the largest percentage of all crimes annually. 2.5 times more than blacks and that's every year. Whites commit those crimes against each other at the same rate as blacks do against each other.

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated. b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs. 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

You are delusional son.

Whites may commit 2.5 times more crimes than Blacks but that may be because there are 2.5 times as many white people than there are black people. We have all seen the FBI statistic charts, there's no reason to pull one up, but blacks at 14 % of the population do commit a percentage of crime greater than their population reflects. What does all that mean to me? not much... this is just the conversation that goes on and on and on... yes, we whites commit a lot of crimes.. what makes you think though that the "white" community ( I see us all as the same community.. the American Community) is not doing anything about it? of course we are.. problem is life is just F'd up it will never be perfect. There are programs, church groups and plenty attempts to create social awareness about crime. And of course there is punishment as well and laws on the books that were created because of public outcry at some point.
Then there is the attempt to create an environment of education, knowing that that alone giving kids a sense of hope is one of the greatest deterents to crime.
Success in life is very much about momentum and moving forward, and losing that forward momentum is often the hardest obstacle to get over. That dynamic occurs in the micro sense of an individuals life, but also in the Macro sense.... family unit and upwards from there. Societal positive momentum is sort of maintained by holding each other accountable as well,
However.. this all is much more complicated than a White person telling a Black person... "get your community in order" and vice versa, when you say the same thing to a white. It just doesn't happen that way.
And that doesn't mean that we all don't have a desire for a better world. Sometimes we all blame each other way too much in an imperfect world that has been made imperfect by more than one thing. And talking about race and racism is like taking apart an onion, one layer leads to another, someone is ALWAYS going to be offended, so with all do respect, you cant tell people to shut up while on another thread, wonder why people don't want to talk about race. Everyone has their way of trying to approach the subject and perhaps its the only way they can.

So back to race and crime, racism? I don't believe any of it is about genetics, though race is the visible thing that is the easiest to focus on. Crime and racism is tied to societal development of course because usually groups develop separate from each other with different obsticals and advantages , interactions and sometimes isolation, there are going to be different outcomes.
Blacks may commit a higher percentage of crime based on population, but its only because of circumstance and not race. Same goes for whites.
Proof is take a look at Iceland, its a small mostly white country that has had minimal societal disruption. They have like one murder a year.. if even that, and very little crime. They don't have prisons or jails to speak of. And what is the difference between them and white people living in the US who commit huge amounts of various crimes in comparison? is it genetic? No its not.
same could probably be said for isolated tribes in the jungles of South America and Africa. Societal development and disruption is a much greater factor than race in my opinion. In conclusion, Race however is very visual so that is what is always focused on rather than deeper and more complex factors.

In the real world though, whats the solutions? thats the hard part. We have laws on the books but yes it does take social awareness. Creating social awareness however doesn't need to be done in a way that keeps making people enemies, because thats not constructive. It defeats the entire purpose.
Unacceptable. Whites have everything in their community that is supposed to stop people from committing crime but they commit more than double. And your use of total population versus percent of a crime is an inaccurate way of coming to a conclusion. The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population. You whites measure crime by overall population percentage versus percentage of crimes instead of number of crimes and number of participants in those crimes. It is a flawed use of math only done to try justifying white supremacy. We have the numbers of people committing the crimes and we can use those numbers to represent the part of the population that commit crimes.

7 million whites were arrested for crimes in 2018, that is 2.5 percent of the population. 3 million blacks were arrested for crimes, that is one percent of the population. By all standards 7 million is more than 3 million so when we talk about crime this shows more whites are committing crime. There are more whites playing basketball but the NBA is mostly black. Using the excuses you guys always come up with the NBA should be mostly white. But not everybody white participates in basketball nor does every black. The same with crime. That silly you have 14 percent argument is invalid and its time you guys stopped using it.

"The number of blacks committing crimes do not equal 14 percent of the population."

Im not saying that 14 percent of the population which is black is commiting crimes. I didnt say that at all! That would be insane to suggest. I simply said black people make up about 14 % of the population, and their "group" makes up a higher percentage of total crimes than that 14 %. Whites make a higher percentage then their population as well, but its not as nearly high by percentage.
Yes, whites have a higher number overall in crimes comitted. Its all in the statistical charts. numbers are numbers, it is what it is.
Again that 14 percent gibberish is invalid. We can determine by the number of recorded participants in criminal activity and that shows us the truth.

So whites basically make up about 60 % of the population, not including latinos who can sometimes be counted as white by the stats takers, and that 60% of whites comited 69 % of all crimes in the US in 2012. That is going to be a staggering amount of crime because white people make up over half the population. Is it hard to understand that those crimes are going to be a much higher number than crimes commited by blacks?

14% of the US black population is incorrect? thats gibberish? so what is the black population of the U.S.? I dont understand what your problem is. And whether your looking at total numbers of crimes, or looking at number of crimes based on proportion by percentage, ONE does not take away from the other. I'm not even trying to make a political statement here about who might be worse than the other. Statistics are what they are.
He's looking at it with his slanted indoctronated eyes. You can't win with him. The sad thing is, is that he tries to speak for all Black's, when they don't want this to be the case. All Black's aren't bad, and all White's aren't bad, but he chooses to ignore this by pitting the two against each other for political gain and monetary gain.
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