The Strange Case of Joseph Biden - Where have all his defenders gone?

You know it’s the poor people who are screwed. Because they can’t afford to buy a home. And Rent went up during the pandemic. So even if/when gas, lumber and food prices go down, rent won’t. It never goes down. Lol
Not to worry champ, give it 1-2 years for Bidung to work his magic on the housing industry.
Not to worry champ, give it 1-2 years for Bidung to work his magic on the housing industry.
So when the inevitable happens it will be bidens fault? And you see what he’s doing wrong? And it’s coming in 2 years? Do you hear yourself?
Why you gotta lie all the time?
Because they're so zombified by their media that they can't recognize reality any longer. When the inevitable collapse comes, they'll just switch gears and begin blaming the Bad Orange Man again. Fortunately... the Democrat base is going to suffer as much or more than anyone other American. I hope their hate can keep them warm this winter. Short of the economic collapse being triggered before November, the House is going to change hands. The subpoena power comes with that and a small committee that is actually bipartisan better be impaneled to call Democrats to answer for their accusations and illegitimate attacks on 1/6 participants.

The Rs need to ready legislative answers to help with the mechanisms that are driving inflation and SELL the reality of that, before the senile old bastard begins vetoing everything they bring before him. Unlike the Ds, there is easily the capacity for House members to do both at the same time.
When dominion sued the trump team for slander one of the guys who slandered dominion saI’d no reasonable person would have taken their slanderous comments about dominion as fact.

But you guys did. And you stormed the capitol.

Nobody would think he’s lying when he says everyone loves Joe because we know that’s not true. You’d have to be stupid to think that was a lie.

Do you know what a lie is? I don’t think so.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan
Daveman doesn't think politicians can be responsible for lowering gas prices, conceding that it's capitalism that is actually responsible for high prices.
Yes, exactly as you were programmed.

It's not capitalism's fault -- it's your small-g god government's fault.

Anyone who thinks the petroleum business is unrestrained capitalism is a moron.
If anything, the low polling numbers for Joe Biden's presidency underestimate its degree of failure as perceived by the American public. While it is easy to reply in a partisan manner to generic poll questions, it has become nearly impossible to cite any positive accomplishments. Even his apologists on this board seem to have given up any rational defense of his actions and merely recite old campaign vitriol against Trump.

How was it possible for 81 million alleged voters to consciously decide to jump out of Trump's frying pan and into Biden's fire? Where have they gone? It appears that his supporters were wise to oppose any independent after-election polling to corroborate the reported results. Hopefully, next time won't be so easy. Once burned, twice shy...
before China allowed a virus to disrupt the world America experienced unprecedented prosperity when Trump was POTUS ... fact ...
Daveman doesn't think politicians can be responsible for lowering gas prices, conceding that it's capitalism that is actually responsible for high prices.
gas is still double what it was 3 yrs ago idiot ! do you honestly think Americans are now happy about the price of fuel ! fuel prices are dropping because demand is dropping ... demand is dropping because the prices of food and other essentials are skyrocketing ! soon companies are going to start laying off as demand for goods drop ! the pain for average Americans is just beginning ..:(
D-Schiff is the latest liberal to bash Biden for his failed Saudi trip and fist-bumping with Khashoggi's murderer.

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