The Sun is weaker than it's been in 80 years

I just sat in on a symposium recently where one of the two guest speakers went a bit off topic and starated giving dire warnings that the earth is deficient in CO2 and that with what he called a "very marked decrease in solar activity" we are in for some abnormally cold years ahead that will be of great harm to mankind - lower crop production, increased wars, etc. He seemed particularly concerned with portions the Asian continent. He was really doomin and gloomin big time, but I got a kick out of the other 40 or so people attending who were looking around with these confused expressions. Their whole collective global warming mind-think was MESSED UP!! Finally someone asked the question that all of them were scratching their heads over - "Are you saying the earth needs more CO2, not less?" The speaker, clearly agitated, shot back with, "Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. This earth was meant to be producing more CO2 than current levels as that is what will be of most benefit to plant life. If the earth's plant life is not healthy, flourishing, all life on the planet will cease. Earth needs more CO2, not less. Anyone in the science community who does not admit that, is simply lying or ignorant of the most basic and fundamental understandings of carbon based life."

I do believe I was smiling ear to ear. How refreshing to see an academic not only get it - but have the balls to come right out and say it to a room full of global warming lovers. After he concluded with that responding statement, almost everyone in the room looked like he had just defecated in their cheerios.


Names, dates, who said what. Othewise, this is just more fabrication on your part.
I can go with that euphemism and still respect us. I'm in.

cool. kitten suggested a. centauri. i'm good with that as long as they meet our price.

I'm working on a carboard sign--WILL ORBIT FOR _______.

Help me out here

one MILLION dollars

We do get to choose our own orbital path I assume ? And the what about OUR moon ?
We do get to choose our own orbital path I assume ? And the what about OUR moon ?

yes we do. the moons part of the package.

i think if we leave at night we can get away with leaving the space debris behind. heh heh, i'm always thinking
We do get to choose our own orbital path I assume ? And the what about OUR moon ?

yes we do. the moons part of the package.

i think if we leave at night we can get away with leaving the space debris behind. heh heh, i'm always thinking

that's fricking brilliant --and the Hubble ? We just blew a bunch on it ya know ! More than a million I'm pretty sure
We do get to choose our own orbital path I assume ? And the what about OUR moon ?

yes we do. the moons part of the package.

i think if we leave at night we can get away with leaving the space debris behind. heh heh, i'm always thinking

that's fricking brilliant --and the Hubble ? We just blew a bunch on it ya know ! More than a million I'm pretty sure

we'll take that, but leave that cheapass ruskie space station behind.
yes we do. the moons part of the package.

i think if we leave at night we can get away with leaving the space debris behind. heh heh, i'm always thinking

that's fricking brilliant --and the Hubble ? We just blew a bunch on it ya know ! More than a million I'm pretty sure

we'll take that, but leave that cheapass ruskie space station behind.

It means new constellations and therefore new zodiac signs !! This maybe more of a change than I can handle.

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