The Superbowl Will Reveal How Many Racists Are In The NFL


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

How many players decided not to attend Obama's many White House celebrations for NFL, NBA, MLB Championships? Not many.

Will opportunistic players decide that the benefits of snubbing President Trump, simply to ingratiate themselves to the left (as is a very common thing these days), overrules their class and manners? Will they boycott the visit, or will they act the way 99.99% of past winners have, that have shown respect toward the first black president in US history?

I personally believe politics has no place in sports. I fully expect at least one or more players to not only boycott the WH visit but also post snarky comments on social media. I also expect a scene with dozens of cameras and mics jammed into a players face with a press breathlessly hoping for calls for Impeachment of President Trump or silly accusations of racism ala Colin Kaepernick.
Wanna bet?
I'm willing to bet my paycheck on it.
The Donald is friends with Tom Brady, the best QB in world history and the rest of the Patriots and the executives. They will probably have a pretty big party.

The Donald is friends with Tom Brady, the best QB in world history and the rest of the Patriots and the executives. They will probably have a pretty big party.

Well, that certainly explains a lot.
Okay, to you guys who never dated anyone but their sister, "grabbing a pussy" means picking up a chick.

Tom Brady will be attacked by the press. Black players will call him a racist because he's friends wih Trump.

I like Atlanta in the SB.....but I'd love to see the Patriots win just to give the left a big juicy shit sandwich.
Six Patriot players have proudly announced that they won't be attending the WH visit.
All but one are black.
The only white is Chris Long...the son of TV analyst Howey Long.
I figure he's doing this to keep his dad from being fired.

How many players decided not to attend Obama's many White House celebrations for NFL, NBA, MLB Championships? Not many.

Will opportunistic players decide that the benefits of snubbing President Trump, simply to ingratiate themselves to the left (as is a very common thing these days), overrules their class and manners? Will they boycott the visit, or will they act the way 99.99% of past winners have, that have shown respect toward the first black president in US history?

I personally believe politics has no place in sports. I fully expect at least one or more players to not only boycott the WH visit but also post snarky comments on social media. I also expect a scene with dozens of cameras and mics jammed into a players face with a press breathlessly hoping for calls for Impeachment of President Trump or silly accusations of racism ala Colin Kaepernick.
Wanna bet?
I'm willing to bet my paycheck on it.

Tom Brady did not visit the White House when Obama was President

It is going to be a major embarrassment for Trump

Right now, there are six Patriot players who will not visit Trump. Six months from now, that number could grow to dozens
The real snub will be from the NBA where I expect whole teams refusing to visit

Watch for Trump to end the practice of White House visits for championship teams
If a player is not just being a racist, brainwashed MSM fed moron and there is a specific issue, he should go to the event and ask if he can speak with The Donald for a few minutes. Apparently one of the afro-americans did not even go visit Obama in 2015. It is understandable not to visit The White House when Hussaine was there since Hussaine did not grow up playing football whether it be tag, flag, tackle, or whatever, like most Americans.
Players of all races will decline to visit the White House because they consider Trump's statements and policies to be offensive

They see no reason for Trump to receive political gain from a photo-op with the team

I can envision whole NBA teams refusing the invitation

How many players decided not to attend Obama's many White House celebrations for NFL, NBA, MLB Championships? Not many.

Will opportunistic players decide that the benefits of snubbing President Trump, simply to ingratiate themselves to the left (as is a very common thing these days), overrules their class and manners? Will they boycott the visit, or will they act the way 99.99% of past winners have, that have shown respect toward the first black president in US history?

I personally believe politics has no place in sports. I fully expect at least one or more players to not only boycott the WH visit but also post snarky comments on social media. I also expect a scene with dozens of cameras and mics jammed into a players face with a press breathlessly hoping for calls for Impeachment of President Trump or silly accusations of racism ala Colin Kaepernick.
Wanna bet?
I'm willing to bet my paycheck on it.

Tom Brady did not visit the White House when Obama was President

It is going to be a major embarrassment for Trump

Right now, there are six Patriot players who will not visit Trump. Six months from now, that number could grow to dozens
The real snub will be from the NBA where I expect whole teams refusing to visit

Watch for Trump to end the practice of White House visits for championship teams
I really could care less about the NBA. Nothing but a unwatchable league filled with racists run by an LBGT commissioner.
Within a year...Trump will drop all visits by Championship Teams because he is embarrassed by getting snubbed
Players of all races will decline to visit the White House because they consider Trump's statements and policies to be offensive

They see no reason for Trump to receive political gain from a photo-op with the team

I can envision whole NBA teams refusing the invitation
Well that's your biased opinion. But I think since 90% of NBA teams are black most of them are racists. It would be okay if they stayed home and let the players that love this country enjoy the afternoon and not have to deal with their sorry asses.
Within a year...Trump will drop all visits by Championship Teams because he is embarrassed by getting snubbed
I doubt it.

In retrospect, if it weren't for these visits and fundraising, all Obama had to do was golf.
Conservative whining never ends
But if you listen to them, they are constantly stating, "We Won, You Lost! We Won, You Lost!"

Yet they still cry like a bunch of little bitches 24/7. Probably because it is starting to sink into their kool-aid soaked brains exactly what it is they won, and it isn't what they thought it was going to be.


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