The supervolcano that may have killed off Europe’s Neanderthals is stirring again

I think we shouldn't worry because Trump will get us nuked before 6 months have passed.
Oddly....the kind of nuclear war nightmares I used to have as a kid in the 1960s came back this week to remind me they still are there.
That I remember well , we were terrified especially living in NYC during the cuban missile crisis , going to school not knowing if this was the end, or during that 1950's with duck and cover
On base, in uniform on the day we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Ever spend a day wondering if you would even see the flash of the bomb that kills you?
On base, in uniform on the day we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Ever spend a day wondering if you would even see the flash of the bomb that kills you?
Army brat in Germany. Families were planning to bugout west, dads were preparing to roll tanks east.

No. A reason why I like living in rural areas. Any flashes would be far from me.
A brilliant plan, provided that you are not downwind from a major target, and provided that you are not in the area that an off course missile land in.
OK a question why did it just kill off Neanderthals? And why didn't Mann's hockey stick graph record it?

The supervolcano that may have killed off Europe's Neanderthals is stirring again - ExtremeTech

The supervolcano that may have killed off Europe’s Neanderthals is stirring again

Joel Hruska on December 22, 2016 at 3:26 pm

The Phlegraean Fields (Italian: Campi Flegrei) are a series of craters and volcanic areas located near Naples, Italy. Like the Yellowstone caldera in the United States, the Phlegraean Fields have previously demonstrated a capacity for titanic eruptions. In antiquity, the Romans believed that the god Vulcan lived inside the Solfatara crater within the Phlegraean Fields, and that the jets of steam and sulfurous gases that still emerge from the dormant volcano were driven by the workings of his forge. There’s even archaeological evidence suggesting that a Phlegraean eruption some 37,000 to 39,000 years ago was so massive, it may have killed large segments of the extant Neanderthal population, either directly or by causing a volcanic winter. Now, the massive supervolcano is showing signs of awakening.

The Phlegraean Fields occupy a unique position in volcanology. In 1538, an eruption created Italy’s Monte Nuovo, a 1,500-foot cinder cone volcano, over a period of just six days. This was the first time the creation of a volcano was observed in the historical record. Many of the Italians living in the area at the time left detailed records of the multi-stage eruption sequence and the observed behavior of the volcano itself. In the 18th century, King Charles of Naples conducted excavations in the nearby town of Pozzuoli and uncovered an unusual set of columns that (eventually) rewrote our understanding of geology.


Libtards say Goreball Warming causes volcanoes. It was Neanderthals use of air conditioning and fossil fuels for their SUVs that is responsible. Settled science.
I think we shouldn't worry because Trump will get us nuked before 6 months have passed.
Oddly....the kind of nuclear war nightmares I used to have as a kid in the 1960s came back this week to remind me they still are there.
That I remember well , we were terrified especially living in NYC during the cuban missile crisis , going to school not knowing if this was the end, or during that 1950's with duck and cover
On base, in uniform on the day we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Ever spend a day wondering if you would even see the flash of the bomb that kills you?
I didn't notice having lost anything. I don't believe I've made a single on-topic comment in this thread. Oh, wait, you mean lost the election. Well, I believe Hillary Clinton won the election by just under 2.9 million votes. She simply lost the truly fucked up process of post-election elitism and states power that countered the desires of a significant majority of American voters in what is frequently reported to be a democratic nation. Instead, we are facing the prospect of the stupidest, most dangerous, most dishonest, most unethical human being to ever hold the office taking power and promising to - at the very least - turn us into a complete and utter laughing stock and at worst, blow the entire fucking planet to molten slag in a nuclear holocaust. So... who was it that lost?

Your side lost...and you are a great big looser....arguing because she didn't win under the system that we live under and would have won under a different much more childish can you possibly get??
My, Cell, you really do work at being stupid. I must say, you succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
Appare tly sarcasm is losto you. Ask mommy to dumb it down for you.

Didn't you know that liberals are humorless bastards...bitter at the entire world...and the only thing that makes them smile is causing others to be as miserable as themselves?
I didn't notice having lost anything. I don't believe I've made a single on-topic comment in this thread. Oh, wait, you mean lost the election. Well, I believe Hillary Clinton won the election by just under 2.9 million votes. She simply lost the truly fucked up process of post-election elitism and states power that countered the desires of a significant majority of American voters in what is frequently reported to be a democratic nation. Instead, we are facing the prospect of the stupidest, most dangerous, most dishonest, most unethical human being to ever hold the office taking power and promising to - at the very least - turn us into a complete and utter laughing stock and at worst, blow the entire fucking planet to molten slag in a nuclear holocaust. So... who was it that lost?

OK a question... why didn't Mann's hockey stick graph record it?

The supervolcano that may have killed off Europe's Neanderthals is stirring again - ExtremeTech

The supervolcano that may have killed off Europe’s Neanderthals is stirring again

Joel Hruska on December 22, 2016 at 3:26 pm

The Phlegraean Fields (Italian: Campi Flegrei) are a series of craters and volcanic areas located near Naples, Italy. Like the Yellowstone caldera in the United States, the Phlegraean Fields have previously demonstrated a capacity for titanic eruptions. In antiquity, the Romans believed that the god Vulcan lived inside the Solfatara crater within the Phlegraean Fields, and that the jets of steam and sulfurous gases that still emerge from the dormant volcano were driven by the workings of his forge. There’s even archaeological evidence suggesting that a Phlegraean eruption some 37,000 to 39,000 years ago was so massive, it may have killed large segments of the extant Neanderthal population, either directly or by causing a volcanic winter. Now, the massive supervolcano is showing signs of awakening.

The Phlegraean Fields occupy a unique position in volcanology. In 1538, an eruption created Italy’s Monte Nuovo, a 1,500-foot cinder cone volcano, over a period of just six days. This was the first time the creation of a volcano was observed in the historical record. Many of the Italians living in the area at the time left detailed records of the multi-stage eruption sequence and the observed behavior of the volcano itself. In the 18th century, King Charles of Naples conducted excavations in the nearby town of Pozzuoli and uncovered an unusual set of columns that (eventually) rewrote our understanding of geology.

Let's see... MBH 99


Lower end, 1000 BP

Volcanic event you think should have been on this graph: 37,000 - 39,000 BP

Does that answer your question or do you need a more basic explanation?
Was that a typical humorful conservative point of view?
Accountant: If you are a Republican when you are young, you have no heart. If you are a Democrat when you are old, you are not smart.
....Well, I believe Hillary Clinton won the election by just under 2.9 million votes......
Whatever helps you sleep at night. ;)

Meanwhile, back in reality: President Trump will be sworn in next month as the global population continues to grow in leaps and bounds. Overpopulation is the real culprit here. Nature has a nasty way of correcting imbalances.....usually through plague, natural disasters and war. Should be interesting.

Were you counting on Trump launching a few nukes at overpopulated China?
....Well, I believe Hillary Clinton won the election by just under 2.9 million votes......
Whatever helps you sleep at night. ;)

Meanwhile, back in reality: President Trump will be sworn in next month as the global population continues to grow in leaps and bounds. Overpopulation is the real culprit here. Nature has a nasty way of correcting imbalances.....usually through plague, natural disasters and war. Should be interesting.

Were you counting on Trump launching a few nukes at overpopulated China?
No. A more likely event is a conventional land war between China and India in the dead of winter. It'd kill off millions of young men on both sides; a win-win for both nations.

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