The Sword of the Gospel

"This, he told me, is the curse which goes out over all the world; for by the writing on one side, every thief shall be swept clean away and by the writing on the other every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out, the Lord of Hosts has said, and it shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It shall stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers, and stones, and all." Zechariah 5:3

"When the pagan Roman Empire was replaced by the Papal Roman Empire in 313, Mithraism seemed to disappear completely. In reality, the Mithraic cross became the "Christian" cross; Mithraic temples became "Christian" churches, the 7 Mysteries of Mithras became the 7 sacraments, the Mithraic communion became the mass, and the birthday of Mithras became the birthday of baby JESUS:"


“They thought His discourse was harsh and intolerable, supposing that He had really and literally enjoined on them to eat his flesh, He, with the view of ordering the state of salvation as a spiritual thing, set out with the principle, It is the spirit that quickens; and then added, The flesh profits nothing — meaning, of course, to the giving of life. He also goes on to explain what He would have us to understand by spirit: The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. In a like sense He had previously said: He that hears my words, and believes in Him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but shall pass from death unto life. Constituting, therefore, His word as the life-giving principle, because that word is spirit and life, He likewise called His flesh by the same appellation; because, too, the Word had become flesh, We ought therefore to desire Him in order that we may have life, and to devour Him with the ear, and to ruminate on Him with the understanding, and to digest Him by faith.” (Tertullian; On the Resurrection of the Flesh 37)


I have no idea what you think this means.

The document you quoted was written for the following reason...

"The heretics against whom this work is directed, were the same who maintained that the demiurge, or the god who created this world and gave the Mosaic dispensation, was opposed to the supreme God. Hence they attached an idea of inherent corruption and worthlessness to all his works — among the rest, to the flesh or body of man; affirming that it could not rise again, and that the soul alone was capable of inheriting immortality."

Your beliefs that the Body and Blood of Christ are not manifested in the consecrated host are heretical. You are literally using an argument against an unrelated heresy to justify a different heresy.
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I have no idea what you think this means.

Really? Thats a shame. It's rather simple and obvious.

Maybe if you read it again and try to use your own brain to think you might get it. The least you can do is try.

His word as the life-giving principle, because that word is spirit and life, He likewise called His flesh by the same appellation; because, too, the Word had become flesh, We ought therefore to desire Him in order that we may have life, and to devour Him with the ear, and to ruminate on Him with the understanding, and to digest Him by faith.

It is not what you put into your mouth that gives life. The eucharist, like anything else that you put into your mouth, you shit into your diapers.

What gives life is hearing, understanding and then doing what Jesus taught using figures of speech. Thats the only way to eat his flesh and drink his blood that fulfils the demands of the law. Thats the only way to see the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life for complying with the laws demands while still on earth.

Your brain since birth has been deliberately addled with religious bullshit inculcated by superstitious 4th century pagans who knew nothing about Jewish thought, belief, teaching, figurative language or expressions..

Take a good look around. Is that really too hard to believe?
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I have no idea what you think this means.

Really? Thats a shame. It's rather simple and obvious.

Maybe if you read it again and try to use your own brain to think you might get it. The least you can do is try.

His word as the life-giving principle, because that word is spirit and life, He likewise called His flesh by the same appellation; because, too, the Word had become flesh, We ought therefore to desire Him in order that we may have life, and to devour Him with the ear, and to ruminate on Him with the understanding, and to digest Him by faith.

It is not what you put into your mouth that gives life. The eucharist, like anything else that you put into your mouth, you shit into your diapers.

What gives life is hearing, understanding and then doing what Jesus taught using figures of speech. Thats the only way to eat his flesh and drink his blood that fulfils the demands of the law. Thats the only way to see the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life for complying with the laws demands while still on earth.

Your brain since birth has been deliberately addled with religious bullshit inculcated by superstitious 4th century pagans who knew nothing about Jewish thought, belief, teaching, figurative language and expressions..

Take a good look around. Is that really too hard to believe?
No, you don't understand. It doesn't mean what you think it means. That's how desperate you are.
I have no idea what you think this means.

Really? Thats a shame. It's rather simple and obvious.

Maybe if you read it again and try to use your own brain to think you might get it. The least you can do is try.

His word as the life-giving principle, because that word is spirit and life, He likewise called His flesh by the same appellation; because, too, the Word had become flesh, We ought therefore to desire Him in order that we may have life, and to devour Him with the ear, and to ruminate on Him with the understanding, and to digest Him by faith.

It is not what you put into your mouth that gives life. The eucharist, like anything else that you put into your mouth, you shit into your diapers.

What gives life is hearing, understanding and then doing what Jesus taught using figures of speech. Thats the only way to eat his flesh and drink his blood that fulfils the demands of the law. Thats the only way to see the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life for complying with the laws demands while still on earth.

Your brain since birth has been deliberately addled with religious bullshit inculcated by superstitious 4th century pagans who knew nothing about Jewish thought, belief, teaching, figurative language and expressions..

Take a good look around. Is that really too hard to believe?
No, you don't understand. It doesn't mean what you think it means. That's how desperate you are.

Wow... Thats your response?


Thanks again for so generously and consistently demonstrating the terrifying and deeply disturbing reality of divine condemnation consequent to defying the commands of God, as a matter of religious devotion, by worshipping matzos and drinking Jesus juice for spiritual life.

BTW I am sure that Jesus is very impressed by your love for him as you munch on a matzo reveling in the the delusion that his torture and death was your salvation.

I am.
I have no idea what you think this means.

Really? Thats a shame. It's rather simple and obvious.

Maybe if you read it again and try to use your own brain to think you might get it. The least you can do is try.

His word as the life-giving principle, because that word is spirit and life, He likewise called His flesh by the same appellation; because, too, the Word had become flesh, We ought therefore to desire Him in order that we may have life, and to devour Him with the ear, and to ruminate on Him with the understanding, and to digest Him by faith.

It is not what you put into your mouth that gives life. The eucharist, like anything else that you put into your mouth, you shit into your diapers.

What gives life is hearing, understanding and then doing what Jesus taught using figures of speech. Thats the only way to eat his flesh and drink his blood that fulfils the demands of the law. Thats the only way to see the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life for complying with the laws demands while still on earth.

Your brain since birth has been deliberately addled with religious bullshit inculcated by superstitious 4th century pagans who knew nothing about Jewish thought, belief, teaching, figurative language and expressions..

Take a good look around. Is that really too hard to believe?
No, you don't understand. It doesn't mean what you think it means. That's how desperate you are.

Wow... Thats your response?


Thanks again for so generously and consistently demonstrating the terrifying and deeply disturbing reality of divine condemnation consequent to defying the commands of God, as a matter of religious devotion, by worshipping matzos and drinking Jesus juice for spiritual life.

BTW I am sure that Jesus is very impressed by your love for him as you munch on a matzo reveling in the the delusion that his torture and death was your salvation.

I am.
That's nice. Catholics don't care what apostates think about them. We prefer to eat hungrily the word of God.
BTW I am sure that Jesus is very impressed by your love for him as you munch on a matzo reveling in the the delusion that his torture and death was your salvation.
He is. Just because YOU don't believe God loved man enough to be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer death to reconcile justice with mercy doesn't mean others don't. And we have good reason to believe that if we have enough faith that He will manifest His Spirit into the host for no other reason than we asked Him to... He told us he would.

I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me.” ~Jesus

And since you don't believe that he suffered torture and death for YOUR salvation then you can't experience his suffering through communion.
There is no greater communion with God than through communion.

That may be true but thats not what you are doing at mass. You are worshiping and eating a matzo which is a deliberate demonstration of pure hatred for God, a brazen violation of his law, and a deliberate desecration of the teaching of Jesus which is the Body of Christ in actuality, teaching from God, words, not a matzo made by human hands.

The circumstances, including the consequences, are secondary elements of a moral act. They contribute to increasing or diminishing the moral goodness or evil of human acts (for example, the amount of a theft). They can also diminish or increase the agent's responsibility (such as acting out of a fear of death). Circumstances of themselves cannot change the moral quality of acts themselves; they can make neither good nor right an action that is in itself evil.

Worshiping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life is in itself an evil act.

If I had not come and spoken with you, you would not be guilty of sin. But I have come and spoken with you.

Now there is no longer any excuse for your sin. You have seen and hated both God and his Messiah and so now, as a consequence, you have made evil a deliberate choice.

"Too many people going underground
Too many reaching for a piece of cake
Too many people pulled and pushed around
Too many waiting for that lucky break
That was your first mistake
You took your lucky break and broke it in two
Now what can be done for you?
You broke it in two"

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There is no greater communion with God than through communion.

That may be true but thats not what you are doing at mass. You are worshiping and eating a matzo which is a deliberate demonstration of pure hatred for God, a brazen violation of his law, and a deliberate desecration of the teaching of Jesus which is the Body of Christ in actuality, teaching from God, words, not a matzo made by human hands.

The circumstances, including the consequences, are secondary elements of a moral act. They contribute to increasing or diminishing the moral goodness or evil of human acts (for example, the amount of a theft). They can also diminish or increase the agent's responsibility (such as acting out of a fear of death). Circumstances of themselves cannot change the moral quality of acts themselves; they can make neither good nor right an action that is in itself evil.

Worshiping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life is in itself an evil act.

If I had not come and spoken with you, you would not be guilty of sin. But I have come and spoken with you.

Now there is no longer any excuse for your sin. You have seen and hated both God and his Messiah and so now, as a consequence, you have made evil a deliberate choice.

"Too many people going underground
Too many reaching for a piece of cake
Too many people pulled and pushed around
Too many waiting for that lucky break
That was your first mistake
You took your lucky break and broke it in two
Now what can be done for you?
You broke it in two"

There is no maybe about it and that is exactly the purpose of mass. We share in Christ's divinity by sharing in His suffering.
There is no greater communion with God than through communion.

That may be true but thats not what you are doing at mass. You are worshiping and eating a matzo which is a deliberate demonstration of pure hatred for God, a brazen violation of his law, and a deliberate desecration of the teaching of Jesus which is the Body of Christ in actuality, teaching from God, words, not a matzo made by human hands.

The circumstances, including the consequences, are secondary elements of a moral act. They contribute to increasing or diminishing the moral goodness or evil of human acts (for example, the amount of a theft). They can also diminish or increase the agent's responsibility (such as acting out of a fear of death). Circumstances of themselves cannot change the moral quality of acts themselves; they can make neither good nor right an action that is in itself evil.

Worshiping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life is in itself an evil act.

If I had not come and spoken with you, you would not be guilty of sin. But I have come and spoken with you.

Now there is no longer any excuse for your sin. You have seen and hated both God and his Messiah and so now, as a consequence, you have made evil a deliberate choice.

"Too many people going underground
Too many reaching for a piece of cake
Too many people pulled and pushed around
Too many waiting for that lucky break
That was your first mistake
You took your lucky break and broke it in two
Now what can be done for you?
You broke it in two"

There is no maybe about it and that is exactly the purpose of mass. We share in Christ's divinity by sharing in His suffering.

A person can never be in communion with God unless they conform to his commands which forbids idolatry, perjury, bearing false witness, misleading children, etc., under penalty of death.

It is impossible to be in communion with God by doing the very thing that causes separation from God.

You and your we are already dead and in hell. The garbage that oozes out of your addled mind like a foul and smelly pus confirms this.

If ya'll ate all the eucharists in the world nothing would change.

That's the way the cookie crumbles.
There is no greater communion with God than through communion.

That may be true but thats not what you are doing at mass. You are worshiping and eating a matzo which is a deliberate demonstration of pure hatred for God, a brazen violation of his law, and a deliberate desecration of the teaching of Jesus which is the Body of Christ in actuality, teaching from God, words, not a matzo made by human hands.

The circumstances, including the consequences, are secondary elements of a moral act. They contribute to increasing or diminishing the moral goodness or evil of human acts (for example, the amount of a theft). They can also diminish or increase the agent's responsibility (such as acting out of a fear of death). Circumstances of themselves cannot change the moral quality of acts themselves; they can make neither good nor right an action that is in itself evil.

Worshiping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life is in itself an evil act.

If I had not come and spoken with you, you would not be guilty of sin. But I have come and spoken with you.

Now there is no longer any excuse for your sin. You have seen and hated both God and his Messiah and so now, as a consequence, you have made evil a deliberate choice.

"Too many people going underground
Too many reaching for a piece of cake
Too many people pulled and pushed around
Too many waiting for that lucky break
That was your first mistake
You took your lucky break and broke it in two
Now what can be done for you?
You broke it in two"

There is no maybe about it and that is exactly the purpose of mass. We share in Christ's divinity by sharing in His suffering.

A person can never be in communion with God unless they conform to his commands which forbids idolatry, perjury, bearing false witness, misleading children, etc., under penalty of death.

It is impossible to be in communion with God by doing the very thing that causes separation from God.

You and your we are already dead and in hell. The garbage that oozes out of your addled mind like a foul and smelly pus confirms this.

If ya'll ate all the eucharists in the world nothing would change.

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

I'm telling you that I am and it's exquisite. What changes is the person.
There is no greater communion with God than through the sacrament of communion.
A person can never be in communion with God unless they conform to his commands which forbids idolatry, perjury, bearing false witness, misleading children, etc., under penalty of death.
Actually He just wants us to love Him for who He is and not what He can do for or against us.

For if we love Him, the rest will take care of itself.
A person can never be in communion with God unless they conform to his commands which forbids idolatry, perjury, bearing false witness, misleading children, etc., under penalty of death.
Actually He just wants us to love Him for who He is and not what He can do for or against us.

For if we love Him, the rest will take care of itself.

Sounds just wonderful Virginia. But the facts remain and refute your maudlin beliefs.

"There are concrete acts that it is always wrong to choose, because their choice entails a disorder of the will, i.e., a moral evil. One may not do evil so that good may result from it."

If your intention is to know, love and worship God alone then your action in turning to a lifeless matzo made by human hands as an expression of that love entails a disorder and perversion of your professed will because the matzo that you worship and eat for spiritual life cannot see, hear, speak or walk, has no life to give, and is not God. No good will ever come from it.

Not to worry!

Spending the rest of your days and nights in hell won't be any worse than your life has already been for decades.

But then, when your body dies, you will have no place in the world to come.

If you don't care, I certainly don't. So dream on you lily white cur... delusion is all you have until even that is taken away.

Enjoy! :777:
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A person can never be in communion with God unless they conform to his commands which forbids idolatry, perjury, bearing false witness, misleading children, etc., under penalty of death.
Actually He just wants us to love Him for who He is and not what He can do for or against us.

For if we love Him, the rest will take care of itself.

Sounds just wonderful Virginia. But the facts remain and refute your maudlin beliefs.

"There are concrete acts that it is always wrong to choose, because their choice entails a disorder of the will, i.e., a moral evil. One may not do evil so that good may result from it."

If your intention is to know, love and worship God alone then your action in turning to a lifeless matzo made by human hands as an expression of that love entails a disorder and perversion of your professed will because the matzo that you worship and eat for spiritual life cannot see, hear, speak or walk, has no life to give, and is not God. No good will ever come from it.

Not to worry!

Spending the rest of your days and nights in hell won't be any worse than your life has already been for decades.

But then, when your body dies, you will have no place in the world to come.

If you don't care, I certainly don't. So dream on you lily white cur... delusion is all you have until even that is taken away.

Enjoy! :777:
You have never experienced it. I have. So your attempts at discouraging what I know to be true will fail. So get your hatred all out of your system because what you are intending for evil, God is using for good. :)
If your intention is to know, love and worship God alone then your action in turning to a lifeless matzo made by human hands as an expression of that love entails a disorder and perversion of your professed will because the matzo that you worship and eat for spiritual life cannot see, hear, speak or walk, has no life to give, and is not God. No good will ever come from it.
But it's not lifeless. It's the opposite of lifeless. It is full of life. It's the mystery of Christ.

And good does come from it. Tremendous good that you can't possibly understand without experiencing it for yourself.
Sounds just wonderful Virginia.
Yes. It does. It is wonderful that God wants us to love Him for who He is and not what He can do for or against us.

And it is wonderful that anyone who does this need not worry about the rest taking care of itself.

It is so much more than you have.

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