The "Take My Job!" campaign


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
One stereotype about undocumented workers in the U.S. is that they occupy agricultural jobs that could be filled by Americans in need of work. The United Farm Workers (UFW) of America labor union is testing that theory. They have launched the "Take Our Jobs!" campaign, which invites unemployed Americans to take a stab at agricultural labor. Host Michel Martin speaks with United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez about the campaign and perceptions about agricultural labor.

'Take My Job!' Campaign Markets Agricultural Labor : NPR
One stereotype about undocumented workers in the U.S. is that they occupy agricultural jobs that could be filled by Americans in need of work. The United Farm Workers (UFW) of America labor union is testing that theory. They have launched the "Take Our Jobs!" campaign, which invites unemployed Americans to take a stab at agricultural labor. Host Michel Martin speaks with United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez about the campaign and perceptions about agricultural labor.

'Take My Job!' Campaign Markets Agricultural Labor : NPR

This isnt going to go very far. Isnt the avg unemployment check higher then the wages they can make?

Is America ready for higher food prices, with food stamps at all time highs?
Americans will do any job that an illegal alien will do. Americans will not do any job for illegal alien wages though. This is why "Big Agra" hires illegals en masse.

Did you know that many businesses that hire illegals can call cities in Mexico and South America and "order" a certain number of "laborers" for a particular harvest season and the illegals will show up at the appointed time?

Build the wall. Have workplace enforcement with huge fines. Take away social benefits for illegals. The Illegal Alien problem will disappear over night.

But the problem is two fold:
Businessmen want the slave labor.
Politicians want the votes.

Until we throw all the bums out in D.C. the problem will just continue.
This is not just a problem involving US companies. There was a raid at a pickle factory near where our steel mill is located. It netted over 100 illegal aliens. However, the raid did not concern just the status of the aliens, but also the virtually slave labor conditions these people were working under. And the lack of sanitation and safety within the factory.

The factory had changed hands about a year prior to the raid. The new owners were Saudi. The 'labor agency' providing the workers was also owned and operated by Saudis. Other nationals have found that they too can profit from the new form of slavery in this nation.
Americans will do any job that an illegal alien will do. Americans will not do any job for illegal alien wages though. This is why "Big Agra" hires illegals en masse.

Did you know that many businesses that hire illegals can call cities in Mexico and South America and "order" a certain number of "laborers" for a particular harvest season and the illegals will show up at the appointed time?

Build the wall. Have workplace enforcement with huge fines. Take away social benefits for illegals. The Illegal Alien problem will disappear over night.

But the problem is two fold:
Businessmen want the slave labor.
Politicians want the votes.

Until we throw all the bums out in D.C. the problem will just continue.

One stereotype about undocumented workers in the U.S. is that they occupy agricultural jobs that could be filled by Americans in need of work. The United Farm Workers (UFW) of America labor union is testing that theory. They have launched the "Take Our Jobs!" campaign, which invites unemployed Americans to take a stab at agricultural labor. Host Michel Martin speaks with United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez about the campaign and perceptions about agricultural labor.

'Take My Job!' Campaign Markets Agricultural Labor : NPR

To bad the truth is Illegals work in FAR more than just Agricultural jobs.

To bad the truth is no Americans want to work in the agricultural jobs because the agricultural industry is able to get away with paying Inhumanly low wages because of the availability of Cheap labor, and government subsidizes.

Having lived in Florida, and spent time in So Cal, and Arizona, and Texas. I can Assure you Illegals can be found in almost every industry and service you will find there. There willingness to work for much less than Legal workers. In many cases Drives the pay in whole industries down. I saw that happening before my eyes in Florida in the Residential Roofing Business. In a matter of 10 years. It went from something that uneducated Americans could make a middle class living at. To something you struggle to get buy on. I watched the rates go from in the 200's per Square, to as low as 65 per square Because of a massive amount of cheap illegal labor.

The Idea that Illegals only take jobs Americans don't want is false. Yes they do take the ones we do not want because they pay to little, but they also take jobs Americans can and would, and have done in the past. All across the economy.
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