The Taliban just released thousands of hardened Islamic fighters from prison including ISIS and Al Qaeda.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
That explains the warning from our State Department for Americans to stay away from the airports. Welp this just keeps getting worse by the day.

That explains the warning from our State Department for Americans to stay away from the airports. Welp this just keeps getting worse by the day.

Fraud stolen elections have consequences.
That explains the warning from our State Department for Americans to stay away from the airports. Welp this just keeps getting worse by the day.

Why didn't you tell us you were having puppies?
Yeah, this is old news, that was part of their deal.

This is why. . . the American trained forces didn't fire a shot as the Taliban retook the country, and why the Taliban is letting the Americans get everyone out that they want to.

Now. . . since Trump is no longer in office and Joe is sort of. . . well, weak, it remains to be seen if the Taliban will uphold their end of the bargain.

The propaganda is publishing reports of the Taliban abusing folks, but so far, I have not heard of any harm coming to Americans. . . can someone start a thread that lists American causalities, hostages, etc. and what Biden plans to do about that?

Otherwise, ignore that propaganda.

. . . it will be interesting if there is a conflict between the Americans wanting to take out their Afghan allies, and the Taliban insisting that they stay.

I have heard reports on NPR that the Taliban is persecuting Afghans that worked with the Americans, but frankly, I don't find them credible. How do they even get those reports out, if the Taliban is so oppressive in the first place?

It seems to me all to be a false narrative.

I don't think they will betray the agreement, they are probably tired of the fight as well.
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"Thousands of Top al-Qaeda, ISIS Terrorists Freed By Taliban Bagram prison contained the 5,000 “highest value” Taliban, al-Qaeda, & ISIS Terrorists"

The Taliban - terrorists, surrounded the Kabul airport, created checkpoints at which they seized American passports and beat them bloody, & impeded the attempted they swept through Afghanistan they released all of the Al Qaeda and ISIS prisoners - the WORST of the worse. In nearby Bagram alone they released THE most dangerous, hard-core ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Taliban terrorists...

...and Biden trusted them with out security....and gave them a list of all Americans in Afghanistan and all Afghanis who helped us over the last 20 years....'d that go, again?


Trust me, I hate being right. The notion of leaving Afghanistan was stupid period. Conservatives have been wrong with that amateurish point of view too.

Brought up the point several times. Many thought and may even still think "bringing our boys home" makes them safer or makes us safer.

We are now in grave danger. Our military is in bigger danger. Why? Cause our presence in the region is gone and everything we accomplished (which was far more than most of you think) is gone.

Every life lost for this struggle was officially all in vain. Think about that.

How many of you actually think by getting out of the region is some magic pill solution? As if those fanatics will not be emboldened now.

Do Conservatives have a clue now? Trump was wrong too and he did change his tune after talking with this professionals. The generals and colonels that FULLY UNDERSTAND war time logistics.

You think this war with fanatical Islamists will ever end? How naive are you?

A form of 911 is coming and it may indeed be faaaar worse with this china American hating puppet making decisions.

The suffering, will be....

We all need to repent and beg God for mercy. Especially an idiot like me.
"Thousands of Top al-Qaeda, ISIS Terrorists Freed By Taliban Bagram prison contained the 5,000 “highest value” Taliban, al-Qaeda, & ISIS Terrorists"

The Taliban - terrorists, surrounded the Kabul airport, created checkpoints at which they seized American passports and beat them bloody, & impeded the attempted they swept through Afghanistan they released all of the Al Qaeda and ISIS prisoners - the WORST of the worse. In nearby Bagram alone they released THE most dangerous, hard-core ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Taliban terrorists...

...and Biden trusted them with out security....and gave them a list of all Americans in Afghanistan and all Afghanis who helped us over the last 20 years....'d that go, again?


Giving out the names of people helping you is brutal.
Giving out the names of people helping you is brutal.
Been saying many people (many) need to face the gallows for high treason.

We can start with college professors and college presidents and go from there to those in the media. From the ceos of the companies to those reporting lies deliberately to destabilize the nation. That, by definition is treason.

Ignorance could save people from the gallows, but far too many know all too well that they are being deliberate with their disdain and intentions to overthrow our nation.

To the gallows all of them.

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