The Tax Case Against Donald Trump

You are not and never worked with an attorney, yet Trump is guilty.
I never worked for an attorney, yet I can read an indictment. And from what is laid out in the speaking indictment, it clearly shows a very high probability of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
I am sure you are also aware that assets can be placed into 15,000 different categories.

Indeed. But if you classify them in two different categories depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender......or give wildly different values for those same assets depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender, you could have a problem.

Maybe there's an Occultist on youtube who could explain this to you.
you could have a problem

being the keyword.
I know tax accountants who won't touch the tax returns of certain Rs or Ds.
But only Rs bad.
I'd consider an indictment a problem. As would most people.
It's run by one of the few jurisdictions that has ever successfully prosecuted white collar crime. Turns out it's really hard to prosecute rich people for anything in a plutocratic nation. It makes national news when any of them has to go to some minimum security country club.

No one has ever been charged with a criminal offense for underreporting benefits as income. They have been fined, but never criminally charged.

They wasted millions to recover 8% of roughly 1.6 million over about 16 years. Which means it's roughly $160K. Democrats wasted that much money for that little return in your endless get Trump campaign where you apply the law differently to Trump than anyone else.

That is the fact, Blow Hard Clayton the racist
Don't work for the IRS not an accountant. will wait & see the results first. From what Trump has said am guessing that his belief is this is the normal way business is run.
so you have no idea? hmmmmmmm very interesting.
It is what is asserted in the indictment you never read and know nothing about. The smart bet is that it is true. So "no idea" is a bit of a desperate cult twat stretch.
Refusing to read anything and demanding docs that he also refuses to jc456's schtick.

He genuinely doesn't give a shit what the evidence is or indictment says.
He genuinely doesn't give a shit what the evidence is or indictment says.
Of course not. He is an attention begging troll. Dime a dozen. About once a month i take him off ignore for 5 minutes to slap him and then right back to iggy.
I know lots of people who have been screwed by the IRS because they can't afford attorneys.
And neither the IRS nor any of them are part of the lawsuit against Weisselberg and Trump Org, both entities that most certainly can afford attorneys.
My post was a recommendation for those who can't afford an attorney.
He genuinely doesn't give a shit what the evidence is or indictment says.
what evidence? Still waiting for the 1st impeachment evidence. still got nothing. six years and you got zero evidence. Robert Mueller spent 45 million and nothing. you make me laugh.
You are not and never worked with an attorney, yet Trump is guilty.
I never worked for an attorney, yet I can read an indictment. And from what is laid out in the speaking indictment, it clearly shows a very high probability of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
I am sure you are also aware that assets can be placed into 15,000 different categories.

Indeed. But if you classify them in two different categories depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender......or give wildly different values for those same assets depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender, you could have a problem.

Maybe there's an Occultist on youtube who could explain this to you.
you could have a problem

being the keyword.
I know tax accountants who won't touch the tax returns of certain Rs or Ds.
But only Rs bad.
I'd consider an indictment a problem. As would most people.
It's obvious you don't know any people who own businesses.
90% of the people in my community who own businesses always have their attorneys either filing or responding to lawsuits.
the US is lawsuit happy.
The problem is that the cost is passed to the customers.
You are not and never worked with an attorney, yet Trump is guilty.
I never worked for an attorney, yet I can read an indictment. And from what is laid out in the speaking indictment, it clearly shows a very high probability of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
I am sure you are also aware that assets can be placed into 15,000 different categories.

Indeed. But if you classify them in two different categories depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender......or give wildly different values for those same assets depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender, you could have a problem.

Maybe there's an Occultist on youtube who could explain this to you.
you could have a problem

being the keyword.
I know tax accountants who won't touch the tax returns of certain Rs or Ds.
But only Rs bad.
I'd consider an indictment a problem. As would most people.
It's obvious you don't know any people who own businesses.
90% of the people in my community who own businesses always have their attorneys either filing or responding to lawsuits.
the US is lawsuit happy.
The problem is that the cost is passed to the customers.
Why do you do this. Every gotdam thread, a stream of fake, madeup anecdote fantasies that, even IF true, would still make no point whatsoever, as they are personal anecdotes.

Fuckin stop that dude.
It has been alleged that they claimed millions in personal expenses as business expenses. Things like rent, travel and tuition were written off.

Sounds horrible!
Why didn't the IRS notice?
Yeah, next time a city cop tries to give me a speeding ticket I am going to ask why the Highway Patrol didn't notice, see how that flies.

I realize you're a moron, but the IRS had these tax records for decades and didn't notice?
You're making less sense than usual.
Seriously? You believe that? The IRS had what the Trump organization sent them. I mean have you bothered to read the indictment? Tell me, how could the IRS know, from the documentation they received, like the W2, about compensation that was not listed within that documentation? They got a crystal ball or something?

Look, I have admitted that the Trump organization can mount a defense. The apartment, they might be able to get it to fly. Although it is problematic that Weisselberg eventually listed it as his residence, and his kids went to school in the area. But the leases for the Mercedes, tuition for the private school for Weisselberg's kids, carpet for his apartment--that shit ain't going to fly.

And here is the really good one. You know, most companies hand out a Christmas bonus they just add it to your check. In Weisselberg's case the Trump organization stroked a check payable to a different employee, that employee then cashed the check, and handed the money to Weisselberg. That is some shady ass shit right there. Imagine being that employee, which if you think about it, that employee just might be where this investigation started, because I know I sure as hell wouldn't have laid back and took it. And how, in the name of all that is holy, could the IRS have known about that? And how stupid was the Trump organization, leaving a paper trail documenting all that shit. Like I said, pure amateurs.

So this is a great description of that accusation.

Calling that keeping two sets of books is absurd and done intentionally to make it sound like something it isn't. Even according to his own description is was just a list of things the company paid for, it wasn't a "set of books," which would mean a sperate accounting. That is totally misleading and intended to be prejudicial.

And it really depends what was on the list because a lot of things ARE deductible. For example, internet, phones, home computer and network equipment, cars and many other expenses can legitimately be deducted.

Note he didn't even mention that in the clip. He makes it sound like he's just investigating, but everything he says is spun left which means you have to question everything he says. I would love to interview him and ask those questions since he was spinning a case, not giving a balanced assessment
You are not and never worked with an attorney, yet Trump is guilty.
I never worked for an attorney, yet I can read an indictment. And from what is laid out in the speaking indictment, it clearly shows a very high probability of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
I am sure you are also aware that assets can be placed into 15,000 different categories.

Indeed. But if you classify them in two different categories depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender......or give wildly different values for those same assets depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender, you could have a problem.

Maybe there's an Occultist on youtube who could explain this to you.
you could have a problem

being the keyword.
I know tax accountants who won't touch the tax returns of certain Rs or Ds.
But only Rs bad.
I'd consider an indictment a problem. As would most people.
It's obvious you don't know any people who own businesses.
90% of the people in my community who own businesses always have their attorneys either filing or responding to lawsuits.
the US is lawsuit happy.
The problem is that the cost is passed to the customers.
Why do you do this. Every gotdam thread, a stream of fake, madeup anecdote fantasies that, even IF true, would still make no point whatsoever, as they are personal anecdotes.

Fuckin stop that dude.
Because I belong to an actual community unlike the reporters you watch on TV who work 24/7 and only talk to a camera.
Seriously, do you think any news reporter or commentator actually hangs out with people?
Calling that keeping two sets of books is absurd and done intentionally to make it sound like something it isn't
One set of books to track employee compensation, another set to mislabel that compensation and to present to the IRS for tax purposes.

Serious felony.
You are not and never worked with an attorney, yet Trump is guilty.
I never worked for an attorney, yet I can read an indictment. And from what is laid out in the speaking indictment, it clearly shows a very high probability of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
I am sure you are also aware that assets can be placed into 15,000 different categories.

Indeed. But if you classify them in two different categories depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender......or give wildly different values for those same assets depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender, you could have a problem.

Maybe there's an Occultist on youtube who could explain this to you.
you could have a problem

being the keyword.
I know tax accountants who won't touch the tax returns of certain Rs or Ds.
But only Rs bad.
I'd consider an indictment a problem. As would most people.
It's obvious you don't know any people who own businesses.
90% of the people in my community who own businesses always have their attorneys either filing or responding to lawsuits.
the US is lawsuit happy.
The problem is that the cost is passed to the customers.

Yep. I've owned five businesses. It's perfectly normal to keep a separate spreadsheet. There is nothing wrong with agreeing with your employee that certain expenses will be paid by the company in lieu of salary. And many of those expenses are deductible.

When you see things spun this hard with no mention that some things are and some are not deductible, but they just made it sounds like it all wasn't, you know it's another Democrat just lying.

The guy in the video I showed clearly has the knowledge to know that many expenses would be deductible for the company, and yet he didn't mention that at all
Calling that keeping two sets of books is absurd and done intentionally to make it sound like something it isn't
One set of books to track employee compensation, another set to mislabel that compensation and to present to the IRS for tax purposes.

Serious felony.

It was a spreadsheet that tracked expenses the company paid for in lieu of salary. That's not reasonably called a set of "books." A set of books would mean that it's a P&L, not just a list of expenses.

1) There is nothing wrong with the company paying expenses in lieu of salary

2) Many of those expenses ARE DEDUCTIBLE. I gave a list of examples above. Internet access, phones, mobile phones, computer equipment, networking equipment, cars, gas, car repairs are just a partial list.

My businesses paid for all that stuff and more. My accountant reviewed everything and ensured that we filed taxes correctly. I clearly viewed that as part of my own compensation. There was nothing underhanded about it.

To call a list of those things a set of books is just ignorant and moronic. Obviously you like the way it sounds, which is why you say it and Democrats say it, so you'll pick it up and repeat it
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