The Tea Party is Dying ? What a laugh.

Once the movement was co-opted by the Republicans it was all over. So it was over before it even began. Now it's just the Tea Party Faction of the GOP.
Here is how to co-opt the Tea Party. Make a speech which contains the following trigger words in any order. The sentences don't even have to be coherent.

Red, white, and blue

You can do a Tea Party Mad Lib speech.
More people said they are tea party opponents (24%) than said they are tea party supporters (22%).

Tea Party Favorability Falls to Lowest Yet

Here are all the polls. It doesn't look good for the Tea Party at all. Every poll shows a sharp drop in the Tea Party's approval and a steady increase in their disapproval numbers among man stream Republicans and Independents.

They can only wish for approval numbers as good as Obama's.
Here is how to co-opt the Tea Party. Make a speech which contains the following trigger words in any order. The sentences don't even have to be coherent.

Red, white, and blue

You can do a Tea Party Mad Lib speech.

It's funny 'cause it's true. The Tea Party always seemed like the WWF to me. Probably has about the same demographics too.
More people said they are tea party opponents (24%) than said they are tea party supporters (22%).

Tea Party Favorability Falls to Lowest Yet

Here are all the polls. It doesn't look good for the Tea Party at all. Every poll shows a sharp drop in the Tea Party's approval and a steady increase in their disapproval numbers among man stream Republicans and Independents.

It doesn't have to look good for the Tea Party in general.

All that matters is that they are still having an influence.

And they are.

2012 in Kansas was just and example. The Tea Party isn't just about national elections.

I make no apologies for the morons like Akins (whose ego proved he wasn't worthy of public office). But folks like Graham are doing things they've not done before in order to keep the right mollified.

They don't have to win elections in order to have an influence.

Nebraska Senate Primary: Tea Party Candidate Defeats Republican Establishment
2010 is no longer the indicator. 2012 to 2014 is the indicator, and that the TeaPs are getting crucified by the mainstream does not mean the mainstream is Marxist. :lol:

^ that's Jake's prayer. He's a reactionary

:lol: I know it's tough to be you, Frank, as you confused remark above reveals, in an uncertain and confusing world not of your own making.
Actually, its a shame the tp had some good ideas but they never got off the ground. They're still not a recognized political party in a country that has hundreds.

Now they're just dupes for the Kochs and anti-American nutters like Cruz. That's why they can't win elections.
Actually, its a shame the tp had some good ideas but they never got off the ground. They're still not a recognized political party in a country that has hundreds.

Now they're just dupes for the Kochs and anti-American nutters like Cruz. That's why they can't win elections.

The basic ideas remain, just wipe off the s......ludge.
Actually, its a shame the tp had some good ideas but they never got off the ground. They're still not a recognized political party in a country that has hundreds.

Now they're just dupes for the Kochs and anti-American nutters like Cruz. That's why they can't win elections.

The Tea Party is not a political party Luddly Neddite.
And yet another example of how the Tea Party is putting it's foot in the backs of many so called mainstreamers and moving them right. Nobody wants to be primaried and these dinks move right to appease the far right.

FakeFarkey can blather all he wants. The Tea Party is still alive and kicking ass.

Lindsey Graham, Impeachment and Tea Party Conversion | RedState

So even if Republicans facing primary challengers from the right are not in real danger, their rivals will keep bringing the heat, scrambling the potential for deals by a Congress already making history for doing so little.

“The tea party has racked up important victories electorally but also ideologically, and that pressure on establishment Republicans will continue,” said James Hartman, a Louisiana-based political consultant advising tea party-backed congressional candidate Rob Maness. “The compromises being blocked are absolutely favorable in terms of public policy. No, we don’t want tax increases. No, we don’t want Obamacare.”

The battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party expanded in the past week to include challenges against Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran and Texas Sen. John Cornyn, bringing the total of GOP senators facing primary opponents to seven. All of the incumbents are favored to beat their opponents. But that doesn’t mean they’re free to cut any deals across the aisle; doing so would be risky in a highly polarized political climate that sees compromise as betrayal.

“Members of Congress are risk averse, and if they can avoid getting attention from the bullies, they will,” said Republican consultant John Feehery, a former Capitol Hill staffer.

Actually, its a shame the tp had some good ideas but they never got off the ground. They're still not a recognized political party in a country that has hundreds.

Now they're just dupes for the Kochs and anti-American nutters like Cruz. That's why they can't win elections.

The Tea Party is not a political party Luddly Neddite.

And Beddy Bugbite never was to bright.
And yet another example of how the Tea Party is putting it's foot in the backs of many so called mainstreamers and moving them right. Nobody wants to be primaried and these dinks move right to appease the far right.

FakeFarkey can blather all he wants. The Tea Party is still alive and kicking ass.

Lindsey Graham, Impeachment and Tea Party Conversion | RedState

So even if Republicans facing primary challengers from the right are not in real danger, their rivals will keep bringing the heat, scrambling the potential for deals by a Congress already making history for doing so little.

“The tea party has racked up important victories electorally but also ideologically, and that pressure on establishment Republicans will continue,” said James Hartman, a Louisiana-based political consultant advising tea party-backed congressional candidate Rob Maness. “The compromises being blocked are absolutely favorable in terms of public policy. No, we don’t want tax increases. No, we don’t want Obamacare.”

The battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party expanded in the past week to include challenges against Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran and Texas Sen. John Cornyn, bringing the total of GOP senators facing primary opponents to seven. All of the incumbents are favored to beat their opponents. But that doesn’t mean they’re free to cut any deals across the aisle; doing so would be risky in a highly polarized political climate that sees compromise as betrayal.

“Members of Congress are risk averse, and if they can avoid getting attention from the bullies, they will,” said Republican consultant John Feehery, a former Capitol Hill staffer.

Sorry, but Tea Party candidates barely registered a blip in the primaries. Only one or two made it this time.

A significant demographic power drain since 2010. The Establishment GOP is back on top and ruling the roost. This is an inescapable fact.

And I don't know if you noticed, but ObamaCare is still here, and is here to stay. So I don't know how you rule that a Tea Party victory. :lol:

Facts mean nothing to listening. I would bet that he will claim that moving the party away from the mainstream is a good thing. He may take me up on the bet but I wouldn't wait around for him to pay off.
And yet another example of how the Tea Party is putting it's foot in the backs of many so called mainstreamers and moving them right. Nobody wants to be primaried and these dinks move right to appease the far right.

FakeFarkey can blather all he wants. The Tea Party is still alive and kicking ass.

Lindsey Graham, Impeachment and Tea Party Conversion | RedState

So even if Republicans facing primary challengers from the right are not in real danger, their rivals will keep bringing the heat, scrambling the potential for deals by a Congress already making history for doing so little.

“The tea party has racked up important victories electorally but also ideologically, and that pressure on establishment Republicans will continue,” said James Hartman, a Louisiana-based political consultant advising tea party-backed congressional candidate Rob Maness. “The compromises being blocked are absolutely favorable in terms of public policy. No, we don’t want tax increases. No, we don’t want Obamacare.”

The battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party expanded in the past week to include challenges against Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran and Texas Sen. John Cornyn, bringing the total of GOP senators facing primary opponents to seven. All of the incumbents are favored to beat their opponents. But that doesn’t mean they’re free to cut any deals across the aisle; doing so would be risky in a highly polarized political climate that sees compromise as betrayal.

“Members of Congress are risk averse, and if they can avoid getting attention from the bullies, they will,” said Republican consultant John Feehery, a former Capitol Hill staffer.

Sorry, but Tea Party candidates barely registered a blip in the primaries. Only one or two made it this time.

A significant demographic power drain since 2010. The Establishment GOP is back on top and ruling the roost. This is an inescapable fact.

And I don't know if you noticed, but ObamaCare is still here, and is here to stay. So I don't know how you rule that a Tea Party victory. :lol:

Facts mean nothing to listening. I would bet that he will claim that moving the party away from the mainstream is a good thing. He may take me up on the bet but I wouldn't wait around for him to pay off.

And what facts are you referencing ?

The fact that Graham has assumed positions he's never taken before.

Or the fact that Eric Cantor just got waxed by TP person ?

You'll need to enlighten me.

I don't see entrenched TP types losing their seats. But I do see gaining seats. Nebraska is about to send a TP senator to help Ted Cruz.

Not sorry about that.

Did you attend Arizona ?

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