The Tea Party needs a new name.


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
First of all, let me start off by saying I understand where the name comes from. The tradition of the Boston Tea Party where they rebelled against taxation without representation and the current resistance to an ever increasing federal government that requires more and more funding for things it was never meant to intend.

However the name has been beaten down by the MSM and the progressive statists, whos goals are one and the same. Tea Baggers is just one of the more childish references you get from that side. The vilifcation has lead to people basically saying "Tea Party Bayyd" because the media harps on the Tea party being bad, although If you ask people "why" the tea party is bad I bet you get alot of "because" and not alot of substance.

So, onto the main point of this post, the people from the Tea Party Movement need a new name, something that reflects the original ideals of the movement, and focuses it on the main objective, reduce the size and scope of the federal government and get our country back to more local control bound by the consitution.

We have to go to the two core causes that we wanted the Tea Party movement to accomplish. 1) Federalism, the concept that yes, we need a strong federal government, but that government has to be limited, and has to share soverginity with the states, and 2) Constitutionalism, as defined by strict interpretation of the document, with radical changes only allowed by the established amendment process.

Thus the term Constitutional Federalist is to me, the best term for what the Tea Party should stand for. Strict interpretation of the consitution, and through that exercise of power at the lowest level of government dicated by the consitution. This exercise only to be tempered by the amendments of the constitution to limit the powers of the states as well when it comes to the rights of the people.
I like calling them Teabaggers.....even more so now. :D

Childish poster is childish.

and cosidering you are not into dick, unless the balls are made of silicone you really have no use for the term.

Dipping the vag flaps into your partners mouth is something else. Roast-Beef Au Jus or something like that.
Aren't they already called Republicans?

Depends on what Republicans you are talking about.

I'm not sure a 3rd party is needed, but right now the republicans still include to many statist, who, if not progressive, are closer to democrats than they are to what I want to call consitutional federalists.
Marty, the mainstream GOP are never going to allow the TeaPs after this term of congress to be in such a position to fuck things up.

The GOP is fine, and the TeaP motto will be RIP.
Marty, the mainstream GOP are never going to allow the TeaPs after this term of congress to be in such a position to fuck things up.

The GOP is fine, and the TeaP motto will be RIP.

If you think driving the country into more and more debt and more and more federal control of everyone's life is fine, then I suggest the democratic party. They are the progressive statists, or at least are mildly honest about it.

Concern troll is still concerning.
You are Concern Troll, Marty, pretending you are concerned for the GOP.

You are not. Run along.
You are Concern Troll, Marty, pretending you are concerned for the GOP.

You are not. Run along.

A concern troll accusing another person of being a concern troll. That probably results in a paradox, pulling the entire universe into that empty void you consider your brain.

Anyone on a message board who says they are X, but has either changed from X or says they are the "true X" is lying.

I am calling you a liar. deal with it.
Marty, the mainstream GOP are never going to allow the TeaPs after this term of congress to be in such a position to fuck things up.

The GOP is fine, and the TeaP motto will be RIP.

yeah. They aren't going to get much support from the GOP after this latest antic of theirs that has the repub speaker in between a rock & a hard place..

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