The Tea Party Says Nothing Will Happen If We Default

We will not default and only idiots think we will.

More irony from the same Tea Party source that believes in "magic Hyper Inflation" as the solution to extortion.

Get back to me when we default, until then history nor facts are on your side.

I suggest that you try reading through the thread again. The last time there was a default was posted with all of the links and facts and it proved that defaulting will have a negative impact on the interest rates for borrowing.

The Republican caused default begins 3 days from now.
More irony from the same Tea Party source that believes in "magic Hyper Inflation" as the solution to extortion.

Get back to me when we default, until then history nor facts are on your side.

I suggest that you try reading through the thread again. The last time there was a default was posted with all of the links and facts and it proved that defaulting will have a negative impact on the interest rates for borrowing.

The Republican caused default begins 3 days from now.

Again learn the facts.

The 1790 "default" on the national debt was actually orchestrated by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. It resulted in the deferment of debt payments for 10 years and a restructuring of the national debt.

The 1933 default on the national debt was sparked by the nation's abrogation of the gold clause, which allowed investors who purchased U.S. bonds to help finance World War I to be repaid in gold coin.
Get back to me when we default, until then history nor facts are on your side.

I suggest that you try reading through the thread again. The last time there was a default was posted with all of the links and facts and it proved that defaulting will have a negative impact on the interest rates for borrowing.

The Republican caused default begins 3 days from now.

Again learn the facts.

The 1790 "default" on the national debt was actually orchestrated by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. It resulted in the deferment of debt payments for 10 years and a restructuring of the national debt.

The 1933 default on the national debt was sparked by the nation's abrogation of the gold clause, which allowed investors who purchased U.S. bonds to help finance World War I to be repaid in gold coin.

Did you miss post #167? The default in April 1979 that caused the doubling of the borrowing rates? Or are you selective in what constitutes a "default"?
I suggest that you try reading through the thread again. The last time there was a default was posted with all of the links and facts and it proved that defaulting will have a negative impact on the interest rates for borrowing.

The Republican caused default begins 3 days from now.

Again learn the facts.

The 1790 "default" on the national debt was actually orchestrated by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. It resulted in the deferment of debt payments for 10 years and a restructuring of the national debt.

The 1933 default on the national debt was sparked by the nation's abrogation of the gold clause, which allowed investors who purchased U.S. bonds to help finance World War I to be repaid in gold coin.

Did you miss post #167? The default in April 1979 that caused the doubling of the borrowing rates? Or are you selective in what constitutes a "default"?

The reason that happened was because the treasury didn't get the checks out on time after Congress voted to raise the debt ceiling. As Donald Marron of the Tax Policy Center explains, the Treasury got swamped with an inordinately high demand for Treasury bills, which it couldn't meet due to a word-processing error. So we defaulted on some of them.

The government eventually paid back everyone what it owed with interest, but that didn't erase this accidental default from the market's memory.
Again learn the facts.

The 1790 "default" on the national debt was actually orchestrated by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. It resulted in the deferment of debt payments for 10 years and a restructuring of the national debt.

The 1933 default on the national debt was sparked by the nation's abrogation of the gold clause, which allowed investors who purchased U.S. bonds to help finance World War I to be repaid in gold coin.

Did you miss post #167? The default in April 1979 that caused the doubling of the borrowing rates? Or are you selective in what constitutes a "default"?

The reason that happened was because the treasury didn't get the checks out on time after Congress voted to raise the debt ceiling. As Donald Marron of the Tax Policy Center explains, the Treasury got swamped with an inordinately high demand for Treasury bills, which it couldn't meet due to a word-processing error. So we defaulted on some of them.

The government eventually paid back everyone what it owed with interest, but that didn't erase this accidental default from the market's memory.

The imminent malicious Republican Default will be deliberate and have far greater negative consequences.
Did you miss post #167? The default in April 1979 that caused the doubling of the borrowing rates? Or are you selective in what constitutes a "default"?

The reason that happened was because the treasury didn't get the checks out on time after Congress voted to raise the debt ceiling. As Donald Marron of the Tax Policy Center explains, the Treasury got swamped with an inordinately high demand for Treasury bills, which it couldn't meet due to a word-processing error. So we defaulted on some of them.

The government eventually paid back everyone what it owed with interest, but that didn't erase this accidental default from the market's memory.

The imminent malicious Republican Default will be deliberate and have far greater negative consequences.

Don't hold your breath.
The reason that happened was because the treasury didn't get the checks out on time after Congress voted to raise the debt ceiling. As Donald Marron of the Tax Policy Center explains, the Treasury got swamped with an inordinately high demand for Treasury bills, which it couldn't meet due to a word-processing error. So we defaulted on some of them.

The government eventually paid back everyone what it owed with interest, but that didn't erase this accidental default from the market's memory.

The imminent malicious Republican Default will be deliberate and have far greater negative consequences.

Don't hold your breath.

The stench of fear coming off the Republican Caucus right now is enough to have the entire nation holding their noses.
Don't hold your breath.

The stench of fear coming off the Republican Caucus right now is enough to have the entire nation holding their noses.

Stop projecting. Liberals are the ones scared and the ones crying about a default.

The GOP approval is down to 24% already. That is rock bottom. Wall St is threatening to pull funding from the RNC for the next election. Donors have already closed up their check books and said not a penny more until you rein in the Tea Party. The GOP knows that it needs to cut a deal now or face a major loss in 2014. So there is no need to project when the facts are all showing that Republicans are about to suffer a major setback one way or the other.
The stench of fear coming off the Republican Caucus right now is enough to have the entire nation holding their noses.

Stop projecting. Liberals are the ones scared and the ones crying about a default.

The GOP approval is down to 24% already. That is rock bottom. Wall St is threatening to pull funding from the RNC for the next election. Donors have already closed up their check books and said not a penny more until you rein in the Tea Party. The GOP knows that it needs to cut a deal now or face a major loss in 2014. So there is no need to project when the facts are all showing that Republicans are about to suffer a major setback one way or the other.

So? It's not like Congress has enjoyed high approval ratings in recent history.

All you have is speculation.
They say it's all a hoax being perpetuated on us like global warming.

But if the Default does affect us and it does a lot of harm to our economy, do you suppose the Tea Party will take responsibility for making a bad prediction, or do you suppose they'll then blame President Obama for it?

I BELIEVE that what the "Tea Party" and many others are saying is simply that we take in a shit load of money every fucking month and when the "bill" comes due for payments on our debt, we CAN readily pay the interest and maybe even a tiny bit of principle every fucking month with or without raising the fucking DEBT CEILING.

Of course that WOULD require that we prioritize what ELSE we choose to fund. But refusal to raise the debt limit does most assuredly NOT require that we default on the payment of ANY of our actual debt obligations.

If the latter happens, it WILL BE the fault of the President and it would be completely irresponsible and intentional.

So, yeah. You're damn skippy the President will get the blame --

and if it happens, he will deserve it. Indeed, if he makes THAT choice, he will deserve impeachment and removal from office. Not that THAT will happen. Politics being what it is.
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Stop projecting. Liberals are the ones scared and the ones crying about a default.

The GOP approval is down to 24% already. That is rock bottom. Wall St is threatening to pull funding from the RNC for the next election. Donors have already closed up their check books and said not a penny more until you rein in the Tea Party. The GOP knows that it needs to cut a deal now or face a major loss in 2014. So there is no need to project when the facts are all showing that Republicans are about to suffer a major setback one way or the other.

So? It's not like Congress has enjoyed high approval ratings in recent history.

All you have is speculation.

What I have are facts. This is the lowest ever recorded approval rating for the GOP. Wall St and the donor base pulling out are reported in the media. The latest offer of the CR without strings means that the Republicans are caving. They have a choice to make. They can take a humiliating defeat now on the government shutdown and default followed by a beating in 2014 by the voters or they can give in to the Dems now and try to salvage whatever they can for 2014.
The GOP approval is down to 24% already. That is rock bottom. Wall St is threatening to pull funding from the RNC for the next election. Donors have already closed up their check books and said not a penny more until you rein in the Tea Party. The GOP knows that it needs to cut a deal now or face a major loss in 2014. So there is no need to project when the facts are all showing that Republicans are about to suffer a major setback one way or the other.

So? It's not like Congress has enjoyed high approval ratings in recent history.

All you have is speculation.

What I have are facts. This is the lowest ever recorded approval rating for the GOP. Wall St and the donor base pulling out are reported in the media. The latest offer of the CR without strings means that the Republicans are caving. They have a choice to make. They can take a humiliating defeat now on the government shutdown and default followed by a beating in 2014 by the voters or they can give in to the Dems now and try to salvage whatever they can for 2014.

^ wrong.

The actual choice is to cave in, as you propose, or to stand firm and compel the government to start acting responsibly.

If I had to guess, I would speculate that they will fold like a cheap suit.

But that doesn't mean they should.
So? It's not like Congress has enjoyed high approval ratings in recent history.

All you have is speculation.

What I have are facts. This is the lowest ever recorded approval rating for the GOP. Wall St and the donor base pulling out are reported in the media. The latest offer of the CR without strings means that the Republicans are caving. They have a choice to make. They can take a humiliating defeat now on the government shutdown and default followed by a beating in 2014 by the voters or they can give in to the Dems now and try to salvage whatever they can for 2014.

^ wrong.

The actual choice is to cave in, as you propose, or to stand firm and compel the government to start acting responsibly.

If I had to guess, I would speculate that they will fold like a cheap suit.

But that doesn't mean they should.

I agree that they should start acting responsibly, Ilar, but causing a default is irresponsible at this juncture since it will do more harm than good.

What is needed is to take the findings from all of the bipartisan committees that have come and gone regarding spending cuts and increased taxation and to pass that ASAP. Both sides won't be happy with that compromise but it is the responsible thing to do for the good of the nation.

And yes, you are right that they are folding like a cheap suit. Like all politicians they are spineless liars who really only give a hoot about themselves.
As I understand it, now it's the two Senate leaders talking about spending, and that Sequester 2.0 is looming, which will occur if Congress does nothing. If this is true - and if it's not, somebody please let me know - I'm all for the Republicans holding firm BUT allowing an increase in the debt ceiling.

So Obama says he won't negotiate the debt ceiling, OK fine, raise it. Then, the Republicans don't have to budge on the Sequester. That puts the ball back into the Democrats court. They can't blame the GOP for not raising the debt ceiling if the GOP unilaterally allows it to increase. Then, the GOP can dig in it's heels and stand firm on the Sequester and spending.
What I have are facts. This is the lowest ever recorded approval rating for the GOP. Wall St and the donor base pulling out are reported in the media. The latest offer of the CR without strings means that the Republicans are caving. They have a choice to make. They can take a humiliating defeat now on the government shutdown and default followed by a beating in 2014 by the voters or they can give in to the Dems now and try to salvage whatever they can for 2014.

^ wrong.

The actual choice is to cave in, as you propose, or to stand firm and compel the government to start acting responsibly.

If I had to guess, I would speculate that they will fold like a cheap suit.

But that doesn't mean they should.

I agree that they should start acting responsibly, Ilar, but causing a default is irresponsible at this juncture since it will do more harm than good.

What is needed is to take the findings from all of the bipartisan committees that have come and gone regarding spending cuts and increased taxation and to pass that ASAP. Both sides won't be happy with that compromise but it is the responsible thing to do for the good of the nation.

And yes, you are right that they are folding like a cheap suit. Like all politicians they are spineless liars who really only give a hoot about themselves.

There is no "causing a default."

It is a dishonest alarmist TACTIC and nothing more.

Without raising our irresponsible debt "ceiling" another irresponsible farthing, there is still not one honest or valid reason why we could not pay our debts on time as and when due.
^ wrong.

The actual choice is to cave in, as you propose, or to stand firm and compel the government to start acting responsibly.

If I had to guess, I would speculate that they will fold like a cheap suit.

But that doesn't mean they should.

I agree that they should start acting responsibly, Ilar, but causing a default is irresponsible at this juncture since it will do more harm than good.

What is needed is to take the findings from all of the bipartisan committees that have come and gone regarding spending cuts and increased taxation and to pass that ASAP. Both sides won't be happy with that compromise but it is the responsible thing to do for the good of the nation.

And yes, you are right that they are folding like a cheap suit. Like all politicians they are spineless liars who really only give a hoot about themselves.

There is no "causing a default."

It is a dishonest alarmist TACTIC and nothing more.

Without raising our irresponsible debt "ceiling" another irresponsible farthing, there is still not one honest or valid reason why we could not pay our debts on time as and when due.

How do you pay about 3.2 trillion of legitimate expenditures with only 2.5 trillion of income, Ilar?

And thanks for the OT :thup: :)

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