The Terrorists Have Won.


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
A good but also very sad column by Jack Hunter...

Since 9/11, Senator Lindsey Graham has said repeatedly that we must fight the terrorists “over there” so we don’t have to fight them “over here.” But this week, Graham threw that all out the window. Apparently, we are now at war everywhere. Forever.

Commenting on the controversial Section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act — which many contend gives the federal government new powers to arrest American citizens without charge — Graham made clear this week that “1031, the statement of authority to detain, does apply to American citizens and it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.”

The entire world is now a “battlefield”? “Including the homeland”?

There have been serious constitutional questions raised recently concerning whether our federal government should be able to arrest or assassinate American citizens overseas without charge or trial. This new and largely uncharted legal territory has been troublesome. But arresting or assassinating American citizens here in the United States without trial? Rounding up and holding American citizens indefinitely without charge? What country is this?

This is a new and unprecedented government power that should scare the living hell out of every last American. Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) rightly called it “one of the most anti-liberty pieces of legislation of our lifetime.” Jim Gilmore, former Virginia governor and chairman of the Congressional Panel on Terrorism, roundly denounced it: “The provisions of this bill undermine the basic safeguards that we enjoy as Americans. It is dangerous, and should not be supported by anyone: Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, citizen or non-citizen.”

Read more: The terrorists have won | The Daily Caller
What has happened to our Country? So many Americans just willing to sit back on their couches allowing their Governement to take all their freedoms away. Where are all the protests?
The power vests entirely with the president and not subject to judicial review. The president is democrat. Now either it will be protested and repealed if a republican is elected OR, the democrats don't anticipate an election where they might lose.

Conceivably, the president could do what Hugo Chavez has done and that's designate any candidate running against him an enemy of the state.
Anyone can be "Detained" for just about anything now. It's so sad. Yet so many Americans just don't care. Or they'll actually defend the Government on issues like this. The Gestapo really is here folks. That's not just paranoia or exaggeration. Have your papers on you at all times people. Just like in good ole Nazi Germany. How can the People accept this?
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The power vests entirely with the president and not subject to judicial review. The president is democrat. Now either it will be protested and repealed if a republican is elected OR, the democrats don't anticipate an election where they might lose.

Conceivably, the president could do what Hugo Chavez has done and that's designate any candidate running against him an enemy of the state.

LOL do you actually think a republican president would throw away this executive power? Keep dreaming, this thing just puts in writing what both presidents have been doing since 2001. The outrage is a little late.
The power vests entirely with the president and not subject to judicial review. The president is democrat. Now either it will be protested and repealed if a republican is elected OR, the democrats don't anticipate an election where they might lose.

Conceivably, the president could do what Hugo Chavez has done and that's designate any candidate running against him an enemy of the state.
Not. The president cannot just say someone is an enemy and have them arrested without cause, that is unconstitutional. Only socialists support that idea. Socialists like obamaturd need to leave this country, period.
Anyone can be "Detained" for just about anything now. It's so sad. Yet so many Americans just don't care. Or they'll actually defend the Government on issues like this. The Gestapo really is here folks. That's not just paranoia or an exaggeration. Have your papers on you at all times people. Just like in good ole Nazi Germany. How can the People accept this?
They will realize it when they come and get their guns.
Civil rights - check

The Economy - check

Thousands dead - check

tens of thousands maimed - check

millions out of work - check

Wealth redistributed to the top 1% - check

sent jobs to China - check

Threatens Americans - check

Holds millions of Americans hostage - check

Works to see American infrastructure decay - check

Turns Americans against each other - check

Let him die - check

Applauds executions - check

Slashes America's future by slashing education - check

Yep, right wing conservative confederate Republicans have won. They have checked off nearly every point on their agenda.
Assuming the following is legit text from that Bill?

No US citizen can be locked up by the military.


    2. (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
    3. (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
No they haven't. We aren't dead or subject to their style of radical islam
No they haven't. We aren't dead or subject to their style of radical islam

No but we are subject to more Government oppression than ever before. The Terrorists have succeeded in ways they could have never imagined. Since 911 it has all gone downhill for our nation. We have allowed our Government to aquire unlimited power. We desperately need to reverse this awful course we're on.
Civil rights - check

The Economy - check

Thousands dead - check

tens of thousands maimed - check

millions out of work - check

Wealth redistributed to the top 1% - check

sent jobs to China - check

Threatens Americans - check

Holds millions of Americans hostage - check

Works to see American infrastructure decay - check

Turns Americans against each other - check

Let him die - check

Applauds executions - check

Slashes America's future by slashing education - check

Yep, right wing conservative confederate Republicans have won. They have checked off nearly every point on their agenda.

And yet here we are with a bill that has OVERWHELMING democrat support as well yet the only thing you can do is be a hack.
Hmmm... where is the patriot act now? Did you freedom loving dems take that down when your guy had the power?? No.. Made it STRONGER!! Where did you even get this asinine list?

Go home and put some clothes on, your stupidity is showing....
Assuming the following is legit text from that Bill?

No US citizen can be locked up by the military.


    2. (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
    3. (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
I think you have to read further. I do believe that it has specific provisions outlined for US citizens and that they do, in fact, cover military detainment. The purpose of all this by the way was stated clearly by the senate - to circumvent the right to lawyer, self incrimination and the right to remain silent. I listened to the hearings and they did not even cover that up. They BOLDLY stated that purpose. Unsettling...
No they haven't. We aren't dead or subject to their style of radical islam

No but we are subject to more Government oppression than ever before. The Terrorists have succeeded in ways they could have never imagined. Since 911 it has all gone downhill for our nation. We have allowed our Government to aquire unlimited power. We desperately need to reverse this awful course we're on.

But that wasn't their objective, therefore, they haven't succeeded.

And no the government hasnt acquired unlimited powers. and we can sure as hell take it back.
Did Obama sign this into law?

And Avatar you need to look up what the terrorist wanted before you keep talking about the subject IMO. 10 years later and you still don’t understand what they wanted when it was clearly stated.

You and others can claim that the terrorists reasons are not true and even come up with your own ideas of what OBL was trying to accomplish but that would be what you think, not what they said.
No they haven't. We aren't dead or subject to their style of radical islam

No but we are subject to more Government oppression than ever before. The Terrorists have succeeded in ways they could have never imagined. Since 911 it has all gone downhill for our nation. We have allowed our Government to aquire unlimited power. We desperately need to reverse this awful course we're on.

But that wasn't their objective, therefore, they haven't succeeded.

And no the government hasnt acquired unlimited powers. and we can sure as hell take it back.

A single person on the republican stage (Ron Paul) says they will take back the powers that Dems/Reps have taken over the years and he is called "nuts." Newt wanted this, he said so in the last debate and he is currently the front runner.

Good luck guys, lol.
The bill is deliberately ambiguous. If Obama doesn't uphold his intention to veto this bill then nobody should gripe when 130 years of Posse Comitatus comes crashing down on their heads in the next natural disaster etc. Lindsey Graham is a traitor and should be dealt with accordingly when the time comes. This was all expected because this nation is in it's death throes and those in power desperately fear losing control.
Considering that the the "terrorists" plotting mass attacks have been American Citizens, it shouldn't be a surprise that such a law would apply to American Citizens.
A good but also very sad column by Jack Hunter...

Since 9/11, Senator Lindsey Graham has said repeatedly that we must fight the terrorists “over there” so we don’t have to fight them “over here.” But this week, Graham threw that all out the window. Apparently, we are now at war everywhere. Forever.

Commenting on the controversial Section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act — which many contend gives the federal government new powers to arrest American citizens without charge — Graham made clear this week that “1031, the statement of authority to detain, does apply to American citizens and it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.”

The entire world is now a “battlefield”? “Including the homeland”?

There have been serious constitutional questions raised recently concerning whether our federal government should be able to arrest or assassinate American citizens overseas without charge or trial. This new and largely uncharted legal territory has been troublesome. But arresting or assassinating American citizens here in the United States without trial? Rounding up and holding American citizens indefinitely without charge? What country is this?

This is a new and unprecedented government power that should scare the living hell out of every last American. Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) rightly called it “one of the most anti-liberty pieces of legislation of our lifetime.” Jim Gilmore, former Virginia governor and chairman of the Congressional Panel on Terrorism, roundly denounced it: “The provisions of this bill undermine the basic safeguards that we enjoy as Americans. It is dangerous, and should not be supported by anyone: Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, citizen or non-citizen.”

Read more: The terrorists have won | The Daily Caller

The would-be terrorists 'over here' tend to be right wing extremists ala Timoty McVeigh. John Matthews knows it. He worked undercover as a right wing white supremicist for years.

"Since President Obama’s election, the number of right-wing extremist groups—a term that covers a broad array of dissidents ranging from white supremacists to antigovernment militias—has mushroomed from 149 to 824, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Alabama-based civil-rights group."

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