The Things I Most Fear


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
1. Destruction of the United States from within by people who hate this country and what it has stood for as a land of opportunity and freedom.

2. Destruction of the United States from within by people who understand #1 and decide to take control of our country by force.

Don't kid yourself that it can't happen here.
..........destruction from within by people who hate this country?

Who? That's pretty vague. Who might that be?
..........destruction from within by people who hate this country?

Who? That's pretty vague. Who might that be?

I fear it's just an excuse for some to attempt exactly what they accuse others of planning. The person you need to watch is the chronic complainer. Some do it to distract from their own wrongdoing. Others are honest initially, but then turn bad because they convince themselves "everybody's doing it".
1. Destruction of the United States from within by people who hate this country and what it has stood for as a land of opportunity and freedom.

2. Destruction of the United States from within by people who understand #1 and decide to take control of our country by force.

Don't kid yourself that it can't happen here.

Stop kidding yourself, your fears are unwarranted – none of this will ever happen.

Otherwise, these ‘fears’ manifest for one of two reasons:

Your perspective is warped as a consequence of being a partisan rightist.


As a partisan rightist you’re seeking to contrive an atmosphere of ‘gloom and doom’ for some perceived political advantage.

In any event, your 'fears' are unfounded.
1. Destruction of the United States from within by people who hate this country and what it has stood for as a land of opportunity and freedom.

2. Destruction of the United States from within by people who understand #1 and decide to take control of our country by force.

Don't kid yourself that it can't happen here.

The way I take your post is the same as someone declaring that they fear chemotherapy or radiation therapy to cure their cancer.

You focus on fearing the means and don't say what it at the end. Are you dead from cancer or are you cured of cancer?

For what it's worth I'm utterly convinced that these scenarios will play out, I just can't get a handle on how long it will take to get there. We will get there though because we have social and political problems which are not solvable and the efforts and counter-efforts and counter-counter-efforts and so on will increase the discomfort arising from these unsolvable problems and lead us closer and closer to fracture.

We won't fracture so long as the status quo, no matter how miserable, is preferable to the misery of doing something about the problem. In other words, we will always take the path of least resistance. In the cancer analogy, this means that we'll continue to ignore the cancer until we can no longer ignore it and then we'll seek remedy. As with the cancer analogy, putting off remedy until the problem is severe will result in a lot more grief than would be the case of acting on the problems earlier, that is, acting when the most appealing choice is to actually ignore the problem, to make the conscious choice to resolve the problem at an early stage.

I take a different viewpoint than you in that I'm not focused on the hardship of the treatment and instead I look to the better outcomes which result from having resolved the problems.
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1. Destruction of the United States from within by people who hate this country and what it has stood for as a land of opportunity and freedom.

2. Destruction of the United States from within by people who understand #1 and decide to take control of our country by force.

Don't kid yourself that it can't happen here.

It can't happen here.

Continuity of government was set up to ensure the government would continue even after a full-scale nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. By comparison, a bunch of inbred hicks wont even be able to cause a serious enough problem anyone thinks about activating such plans. :)
Our current path is the path to hell via economic suicide.........................

Done so by temporary majorities and career politicians who have sold their souls to the damned devil for monetary gain..............Both sides..............

This is a result of becoming more of a democracy than a Republic. History shows why the Founders chose a Republic. It's called Ancient Greece.
1. Destruction of the United States from within by people who hate this country and what it has stood for as a land of opportunity and freedom.

2. Destruction of the United States from within by people who understand #1 and decide to take control of our country by force.

Don't kid yourself that it can't happen here.

It can't happen here.

Continuity of government was set up to ensure the government would continue even after a full-scale nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. By comparison, a bunch of inbred hicks wont even be able to cause a serious enough problem anyone thinks about activating such plans. :)

This debate technique of yours is a marvel to behold. Where did you refine this Argument by Assertion skill of yours because you're quite the master.

If I knew I could refute positions of my opponents simply by saying "It can't happen here" I would have jumped on this bandwagon long ago. Oh, I weep at all of the debates I could have just shut down right at their inception if I just knew enough to say "You're wrong and I'm right. You lose."
1. Destruction of the United States from within by people who hate this country and what it has stood for as a land of opportunity and freedom.

2. Destruction of the United States from within by people who understand #1 and decide to take control of our country by force.

Don't kid yourself that it can't happen here.

It can't happen here.

Continuity of government was set up to ensure the government would continue even after a full-scale nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. By comparison, a bunch of inbred hicks wont even be able to cause a serious enough problem anyone thinks about activating such plans. :)

This debate technique of yours is a marvel to behold. Where did you refine this Argument by Assertion skill of yours because you're quite the master.

If I knew I could refute positions of my opponents simply by saying "It can't happen here" I would have jumped on this bandwagon long ago. Oh, I weep at all of the debates I could have just shut down right at their inception if I just knew enough to say "You're wrong and I'm right. You lose."

OP's posed a hypothetical. Wanna spend an inordinant amount of time debating hypotheticals be my guest.
It can't happen here.

Continuity of government was set up to ensure the government would continue even after a full-scale nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. By comparison, a bunch of inbred hicks wont even be able to cause a serious enough problem anyone thinks about activating such plans. :)

This debate technique of yours is a marvel to behold. Where did you refine this Argument by Assertion skill of yours because you're quite the master.

If I knew I could refute positions of my opponents simply by saying "It can't happen here" I would have jumped on this bandwagon long ago. Oh, I weep at all of the debates I could have just shut down right at their inception if I just knew enough to say "You're wrong and I'm right. You lose."

OP's posed a hypothetical. Wanna spend an inordinant amount of time debating hypotheticals be my guest.

Then why did you enter the thread. You choose the threads to post on. Some may want to debate and others to agitate. Which are you trying to serve here..........
This debate technique of yours is a marvel to behold. Where did you refine this Argument by Assertion skill of yours because you're quite the master.

If I knew I could refute positions of my opponents simply by saying "It can't happen here" I would have jumped on this bandwagon long ago. Oh, I weep at all of the debates I could have just shut down right at their inception if I just knew enough to say "You're wrong and I'm right. You lose."

OP's posed a hypothetical. Wanna spend an inordinant amount of time debating hypotheticals be my guest.

Then why did you enter the thread. You choose the threads to post on. Some may want to debate and others to agitate. Which are you trying to serve here..........

I answered the OP question. But that's the limit of my interest.
Take a look at the U.K. Scotland will shortly vote for independence while England drifts toward Sharia Law. The U.S. is now having a cold civil war. Unless some sort of State autonomy is reestablished, this conflict will continue to grow.

Can't happen here? A naive belief in American "democracy" is no substitute for a knowledge of world history.
I find it interesting to see the states which are pushing for more states rights. Most are listed are at the top of the list for coruption and the bottom of the list for education.

Sorry for the caps. I'm putting notes on a house design in a different window.
I find it interesting to see the states which are pushing for more states rights. Most are listed are at the top of the list for coruption and the bottom of the list for education.

Logically, you should be in favor of disassociating from these "corrupt" states.

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