Coming Soon, Registering Illegals in the Armed Forces

Pretty sure of two things:
  1. The Founding Fathers would have burned Congress to the ground before even considering this abortion, and
  2. 100% of democrats and 90% republicans will support it
Toss out Biden and his Woke BudLight Army and we’ll be fine
Before You Can Have a Land of the Free You Need to Have a Home of the Brave

Bring back the draft, which should have been here since 1789. Despite what sheltered historians lecture the lemmings, President Washington had to sign the treaty with England because we had no standing army, and President Adams had to sign the treaty with France because we had an inadequate navy.
I thought it was asylum? So now we’re telling the truth?

We’ll see. They are certainly talking about it.
For single males? Mostly looking for work

Children and families are applying for asylum

Few of either achieve that quest
For single males? Mostly looking for work

Children and families are applying for asylum

Few of either achieve that quest

Hmm, why would the males not be seeking asylum?

So the guys are coming for work, the women and children are escaping…what exactly?

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