THE TITANIC IS SINKING! This is your last chance to jump ship and save some of your dignity.

Do you still believe in Impeachment with regard to Ukraine?

  • I never supported it

  • I supported it but now see I was misled

  • I want Trump our regardless of the facts so impeach away

  • I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO

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Yeah.....its pure coincidence that SideShow Biden got that prosecutor fired.

It was Obama administration POLICY to get the prosecutor fired, as well as NATO policy, European Union policy, The United States State Department, the United States Defense Department, every part of every U.S. intelligence organization that was working on Ukraine. They wanted the prosecutor to be FIRED.
Yeah.....its pure coincidence that SideShow Biden got that prosecutor fired.

It was Obama administration POLICY to get the prosecutor fired, as well as NATO policy, European Union policy, The United States State Department, the United States Defense Department, every part of every U.S. intelligence organization that was working on Ukraine. They wanted the prosecutor to be FIRED.

And it was just a coincidence that the Prosecutor was investigating Barisma? Well, why didn't you say so?

Of course, the seriousness of the charge requires an investigation, right?
It was held up July 18, 2019. It was released September 11, 2019, two days after learning about the whistleblower.
It was NOT due to be released until the END of September DUMB ASS.

Only in your fantasy world. The dates I have sited have been stated by all the relevant government officials who have testified. It was restated by Adam Schiff two days ago and not a single Republican, not even Nunes or Jordan rebutted him or said he was wrong.
Moron keep being stupid.

At least I'm discussing the issue instead of using the language and behavior of someone in the third grade.
You aren't "discussing" anything.
Supposition and wishful thinking =/= discussion.

Perhaps if you watched something other than fake news you might seem a bit informed.

Oh yes, "FAKE NEWS", the common refrain among people who support TRUMP and his master PUTIN.

All of the distinguished witness's that have appeared before the commitee over the past two weeks have talked about the FACTS. The supposition and wishful thinking is Trump and those trying to defend him. If they cared about FACTS, they would release key documents and let Pompeo and BOLTON testify before the commitee. But they have blocked that because they don't LIKE FACTS and information to come out. They want to hide the truth. Its obstruction of justice and that in itself is an impeachable offense.

Trump is going to be impeached, only the third President ever to be impeached. But in your mind, he is still smart and smooth and doing a good job. Sure.
LOL.....because everyone hires a know nothing for 80k a month.

Again. It's bad. But Joe Biden had nothing to do with it, didn't help Burisma at all and if he did...our DOJ can investigate. We don't need Ukraine for that.


What a partisan hack.....:auiqs.jpg:

Sorry. The facts don't agree with you.

Biden is clean. Trump is dirty. The end.
You have no FACTS just opinion and hearsay.

That's the excuse every Trumper makes to continue to support Trump and his overlord PUTIN. About as intelligent as saying that the world is flat and that those who say otherwise are just giving opinions and hearsay.

It's not an excuse to point out the FACT that hearsay and opinion does't not move the bar up to impeachment. Hearsay and opinion doesn't even lead us to believe that Hunter Biden fathered a child in Arkansas. Of course, the paternity test makes it a FACT.
Yeah.....its pure coincidence that SideShow Biden got that prosecutor fired.

It was Obama administration POLICY to get the prosecutor fired, as well as NATO policy, European Union policy, The United States State Department, the United States Defense Department, every part of every U.S. intelligence organization that was working on Ukraine. They wanted the prosecutor to be FIRED.
Yeah.....its pure coincidence that SideShow Biden got that prosecutor fired.

It was Obama administration POLICY to get the prosecutor fired, as well as NATO policy, European Union policy, The United States State Department, the United States Defense Department, every part of every U.S. intelligence organization that was working on Ukraine. They wanted the prosecutor to be FIRED.

And it was just a coincidence that the Prosecutor was investigating Barisma? Well, why didn't you say so?

Of course, the seriousness of the charge requires an investigation, right?

The Prosecutor who was fired was not really investigating anyone. People were getting away with all kinds of crimes because the Prosecutor was not doing his job. By firing the Prosecutor and putting in place a new one, anyone engaged in any sort of illegal activity at Barisma including IF Hunter Biden was engaged in something illegal, were more likely now to be caught and prosecuted for their crimes.
It was NOT due to be released until the END of September DUMB ASS.

Only in your fantasy world. The dates I have sited have been stated by all the relevant government officials who have testified. It was restated by Adam Schiff two days ago and not a single Republican, not even Nunes or Jordan rebutted him or said he was wrong.
Moron keep being stupid.

At least I'm discussing the issue instead of using the language and behavior of someone in the third grade.
You aren't "discussing" anything.
Supposition and wishful thinking =/= discussion.

Perhaps if you watched something other than fake news you might seem a bit informed.

Oh yes, "FAKE NEWS", the common refrain among people who support TRUMP and his master PUTIN.

All of the distinguished witness's that have appeared before the commitee over the past two weeks have talked about the FACTS. The supposition and wishful thinking is Trump and those trying to defend him. If they cared about FACTS, they would release key documents and let Pompeo and BOLTON testify before the commitee. But they have blocked that because they don't LIKE FACTS and information to come out. They want to hide the truth. Its obstruction of justice and that in itself is an impeachable offense.

Trump is going to be impeached, only the third President ever to be impeached. But in your mind, he is still smart and smooth and doing a good job. Sure.

IF the House votes to impeach Trump, it will be an obvious partisan exercise and unless something else comes along, it will blow up in the faces of the Democrats.

New Polling Suggests Democrats’ Impeachment Push Could Alienate Key Voters
Again. It's bad. But Joe Biden had nothing to do with it, didn't help Burisma at all and if he did...our DOJ can investigate. We don't need Ukraine for that.


What a partisan hack.....:auiqs.jpg:

Sorry. The facts don't agree with you.

Biden is clean. Trump is dirty. The end.
You have no FACTS just opinion and hearsay.

That's the excuse every Trumper makes to continue to support Trump and his overlord PUTIN. About as intelligent as saying that the world is flat and that those who say otherwise are just giving opinions and hearsay.

It's not an excuse to point out the FACT that hearsay and opinion does't not move the bar up to impeachment. Hearsay and opinion doesn't even lead us to believe that Hunter Biden fathered a child in Arkansas. Of course, the paternity test makes it a FACT.

Just because you or Nunes or Jordan claims something is an opinion or hearsay rather than a FACT, does not make it so. Donald Trump is going to be impeached, and there are plenty of FACTS to impeach him on. Impeachment is coming whether you like it or not.
It was NOT due to be released until the END of September DUMB ASS.

Only in your fantasy world. The dates I have sited have been stated by all the relevant government officials who have testified. It was restated by Adam Schiff two days ago and not a single Republican, not even Nunes or Jordan rebutted him or said he was wrong.
Moron keep being stupid.

At least I'm discussing the issue instead of using the language and behavior of someone in the third grade.
You aren't "discussing" anything.
Supposition and wishful thinking =/= discussion.

Perhaps if you watched something other than fake news you might seem a bit informed.

Oh yes, "FAKE NEWS", the common refrain among people who support TRUMP and his master PUTIN.

All of the distinguished witness's that have appeared before the commitee over the past two weeks have talked about the FACTS. The supposition and wishful thinking is Trump and those trying to defend him. If they cared about FACTS, they would release key documents and let Pompeo and BOLTON testify before the commitee. But they have blocked that because they don't LIKE FACTS and information to come out. They want to hide the truth. Its obstruction of justice and that in itself is an impeachable offense.

Trump is going to be impeached, only the third President ever to be impeached. But in your mind, he is still smart and
smooth and doing a good job. Sure.

"I believed..." "it was my impression..." "I heard..." No facts.
Yeah.....its pure coincidence that SideShow Biden got that prosecutor fired.

It was Obama administration POLICY to get the prosecutor fired, as well as NATO policy, European Union policy, The United States State Department, the United States Defense Department, every part of every U.S. intelligence organization that was working on Ukraine. They wanted the prosecutor to be FIRED.
Yeah.....its pure coincidence that SideShow Biden got that prosecutor fired.

It was Obama administration POLICY to get the prosecutor fired, as well as NATO policy, European Union policy, The United States State Department, the United States Defense Department, every part of every U.S. intelligence organization that was working on Ukraine. They wanted the prosecutor to be FIRED.

And it was just a coincidence that the Prosecutor was investigating Barisma? Well, why didn't you say so?

Of course, the seriousness of the charge requires an investigation, right?

The Prosecutor who was fired was not really investigating anyone. People were getting away with all kinds of crimes because the Prosecutor was not doing his job. By firing the Prosecutor and putting in place a new one, anyone engaged in any sort of illegal activity at Barisma including IF Hunter Biden was engaged in something illegal, were more likely now to be caught and prosecuted for their crimes.

Sure, if that is what you BELIEVE. lol
Only in your fantasy world. The dates I have sited have been stated by all the relevant government officials who have testified. It was restated by Adam Schiff two days ago and not a single Republican, not even Nunes or Jordan rebutted him or said he was wrong.
Moron keep being stupid.

At least I'm discussing the issue instead of using the language and behavior of someone in the third grade.
You aren't "discussing" anything.
Supposition and wishful thinking =/= discussion.

Perhaps if you watched something other than fake news you might seem a bit informed.

Oh yes, "FAKE NEWS", the common refrain among people who support TRUMP and his master PUTIN.

All of the distinguished witness's that have appeared before the commitee over the past two weeks have talked about the FACTS. The supposition and wishful thinking is Trump and those trying to defend him. If they cared about FACTS, they would release key documents and let Pompeo and BOLTON testify before the commitee. But they have blocked that because they don't LIKE FACTS and information to come out. They want to hide the truth. Its obstruction of justice and that in itself is an impeachable offense.

Trump is going to be impeached, only the third President ever to be impeached. But in your mind, he is still smart and smooth and doing a good job. Sure.

IF the House votes to impeach Trump, it will be an obvious partisan exercise and unless something else comes along, it will blow up in the faces of the Democrats.

New Polling Suggests Democrats’ Impeachment Push Could Alienate Key Voters

On the contrary. Republicans who continue to stand with Trump and PUTIN could be in trouble in certain districts and states in November 2020. Trump is going home whether its in early 2020 or late 2020. We won't forget anyone who stood with TRUMP and PUTIN against the UNITED STATES.
What a partisan hack.....:auiqs.jpg:

Sorry. The facts don't agree with you.

Biden is clean. Trump is dirty. The end.
You have no FACTS just opinion and hearsay.

That's the excuse every Trumper makes to continue to support Trump and his overlord PUTIN. About as intelligent as saying that the world is flat and that those who say otherwise are just giving opinions and hearsay.

It's not an excuse to point out the FACT that hearsay and opinion does't not move the bar up to impeachment. Hearsay and opinion doesn't even lead us to believe that Hunter Biden fathered a child in Arkansas. Of course, the paternity test makes it a FACT.

Just because you or Nunes or Jordan claims something is an opinion or hearsay rather than a FACT, does not make it so. Donald Trump is going to be impeached, and there are plenty of FACTS to impeach him on. Impeachment is coming whether you like it or not.

You keep using the word "fact", but it's obvious you don't know what it means. A fact does not rely on belief. It is something that is ALWAYS true.
Moron keep being stupid.

At least I'm discussing the issue instead of using the language and behavior of someone in the third grade.
You aren't "discussing" anything.
Supposition and wishful thinking =/= discussion.

Perhaps if you watched something other than fake news you might seem a bit informed.

Oh yes, "FAKE NEWS", the common refrain among people who support TRUMP and his master PUTIN.

All of the distinguished witness's that have appeared before the commitee over the past two weeks have talked about the FACTS. The supposition and wishful thinking is Trump and those trying to defend him. If they cared about FACTS, they would release key documents and let Pompeo and BOLTON testify before the commitee. But they have blocked that because they don't LIKE FACTS and information to come out. They want to hide the truth. Its obstruction of justice and that in itself is an impeachable offense.

Trump is going to be impeached, only the third President ever to be impeached. But in your mind, he is still smart and smooth and doing a good job. Sure.

IF the House votes to impeach Trump, it will be an obvious partisan exercise and unless something else comes along, it will blow up in the faces of the Democrats.

New Polling Suggests Democrats’ Impeachment Push Could Alienate Key Voters

On the contrary. Republicans who continue to stand with Trump and PUTIN could be in trouble in certain districts and states in November 2020. Trump is going home whether its in early 2020 or late 2020. We won't forget anyone who stood with TRUMP and PUTIN against the UNITED STATES.

I'm sure that is your OPINION. But, you'll notice that I included a link to support my post and you pulled your reply out of you...armpit.

Come back when you have some facts.
Sorry. The facts don't agree with you.

Biden is clean. Trump is dirty. The end.
You have no FACTS just opinion and hearsay.

That's the excuse every Trumper makes to continue to support Trump and his overlord PUTIN. About as intelligent as saying that the world is flat and that those who say otherwise are just giving opinions and hearsay.

It's not an excuse to point out the FACT that hearsay and opinion does't not move the bar up to impeachment. Hearsay and opinion doesn't even lead us to believe that Hunter Biden fathered a child in Arkansas. Of course, the paternity test makes it a FACT.

Just because you or Nunes or Jordan claims something is an opinion or hearsay rather than a FACT, does not make it so. Donald Trump is going to be impeached, and there are plenty of FACTS to impeach him on. Impeachment is coming whether you like it or not.

You keep using the word "fact", but it's obvious you don't know what it means. A fact does not rely on belief. It is something that is ALWAYS true.

You like to PRETEND that many of the facts in this case are just opinion and hearsay. Its the Trump supporters bumper sticker talking point. Its not going to save Trump. One way or another, he will not be in the White House come January 21, 2021.
At least I'm discussing the issue instead of using the language and behavior of someone in the third grade.
You aren't "discussing" anything.
Supposition and wishful thinking =/= discussion.

Perhaps if you watched something other than fake news you might seem a bit informed.

Oh yes, "FAKE NEWS", the common refrain among people who support TRUMP and his master PUTIN.

All of the distinguished witness's that have appeared before the commitee over the past two weeks have talked about the FACTS. The supposition and wishful thinking is Trump and those trying to defend him. If they cared about FACTS, they would release key documents and let Pompeo and BOLTON testify before the commitee. But they have blocked that because they don't LIKE FACTS and information to come out. They want to hide the truth. Its obstruction of justice and that in itself is an impeachable offense.

Trump is going to be impeached, only the third President ever to be impeached. But in your mind, he is still smart and smooth and doing a good job. Sure.

IF the House votes to impeach Trump, it will be an obvious partisan exercise and unless something else comes along, it will blow up in the faces of the Democrats.

New Polling Suggests Democrats’ Impeachment Push Could Alienate Key Voters

On the contrary. Republicans who continue to stand with Trump and PUTIN could be in trouble in certain districts and states in November 2020. Trump is going home whether its in early 2020 or late 2020. We won't forget anyone who stood with TRUMP and PUTIN against the UNITED STATES.

I'm sure that is your OPINION. But, you'll notice that I included a link to support my post and you pulled your reply out of you...armpit.

Come back when you have some facts.

If you want some polling facts, I can supply that for ya. Its not going to be fun for a Trump supporter to look at though.
You have no FACTS just opinion and hearsay.

That's the excuse every Trumper makes to continue to support Trump and his overlord PUTIN. About as intelligent as saying that the world is flat and that those who say otherwise are just giving opinions and hearsay.

It's not an excuse to point out the FACT that hearsay and opinion does't not move the bar up to impeachment. Hearsay and opinion doesn't even lead us to believe that Hunter Biden fathered a child in Arkansas. Of course, the paternity test makes it a FACT.

Just because you or Nunes or Jordan claims something is an opinion or hearsay rather than a FACT, does not make it so. Donald Trump is going to be impeached, and there are plenty of FACTS to impeach him on. Impeachment is coming whether you like it or not.

You keep using the word "fact", but it's obvious you don't know what it means. A fact does not rely on belief. It is something that is ALWAYS true.

You like to PRETEND that many of the facts in this case are just opinion and hearsay. Its the Trump supporters bumper sticker talking point. Its not going to save Trump. One way or another, he will not be in the White House come January 21, 2021.

I'm not pretending anything. I'm pointing out that someone's opinion, or impression or belief is not a fact. Now, you can have a tantrum, but that won't make the testimony that has been given over the past two weeks facts or persuasive. Sorry.
You aren't "discussing" anything.
Supposition and wishful thinking =/= discussion.

Perhaps if you watched something other than fake news you might seem a bit informed.

Oh yes, "FAKE NEWS", the common refrain among people who support TRUMP and his master PUTIN.

All of the distinguished witness's that have appeared before the commitee over the past two weeks have talked about the FACTS. The supposition and wishful thinking is Trump and those trying to defend him. If they cared about FACTS, they would release key documents and let Pompeo and BOLTON testify before the commitee. But they have blocked that because they don't LIKE FACTS and information to come out. They want to hide the truth. Its obstruction of justice and that in itself is an impeachable offense.

Trump is going to be impeached, only the third President ever to be impeached. But in your mind, he is still smart and smooth and doing a good job. Sure.

IF the House votes to impeach Trump, it will be an obvious partisan exercise and unless something else comes along, it will blow up in the faces of the Democrats.

New Polling Suggests Democrats’ Impeachment Push Could Alienate Key Voters

On the contrary. Republicans who continue to stand with Trump and PUTIN could be in trouble in certain districts and states in November 2020. Trump is going home whether its in early 2020 or late 2020. We won't forget anyone who stood with TRUMP and PUTIN against the UNITED STATES.

I'm sure that is your OPINION. But, you'll notice that I included a link to support my post and you pulled your reply out of you...armpit.

Come back when you have some facts.

If you want some polling facts, I can supply that for ya. Its not going to be fun for a Trump supporter to look at though.

You can cherry pick old polling data, but current polling shows support for removing Trump amongst independents is collapsing like a wet paper cup.
If this thing crashes and burns, it's hard to see how the political careers of Pelosi and other senior Democrats will survive.

Pelosi and Schitt are playing to the hard left. They are in what they think are safe districts. They don't care what rational people think. BUT Schiff is going to get a big surprise.

See the Silverlake district that Schitt is in is poor, and Hispanic with a massive illegal population. He figures it for a lock. He figures NO REPUBLICAN could ever take the 28th. And he's right. But he's a rich Jew in a district that is 90% Hispanic. He doesn't speak Spanish and the only interaction he has with illegals is his nanny, maid, butler, and gardener.

The California GOP is going to back a DEMOCRAT, a Hispanic democrat. to defeat Lying Schitt.
Please post the hard evidence. We've been asking for weeks.

Missed the hearings?

Oh, that's right. You're not actually that stupid. You're just playing stupid as a form of dishonesty.

The trouble for you is that the rest of the nation isn't buying your dumb act. Everyone outside of your cult knows you're lying. Lie all you want here, it has no effect on the real world.

Yea all I see at the hearings is "I heard so and so say such and such about so and so."

Got any real evidence?
Lol, you do know that Ukraine president was corrupt as they could get. That's why Trump want them to look into it. Yes, release the tapes including Obama's.

Please. That's GOP defense tactic number 5 and it failed under testimony.
We will see,Barr is working on it.

Yes. RW nutbags want a politicized DOJ. Why not?

We want all corruption out of goverment. I don't care who goes down.

Bullshit. You're a Trump supporter.
I'm willing to let every corrupt Republican go to jail, even if included Trump. Are you willing to do the same no matter what?
Lol, you do know that Ukraine president was corrupt as they could get. That's why Trump want them to look into it. Yes, release the tapes including Obama's.

Please. That's GOP defense tactic number 5 and it failed under testimony.
We will see,Barr is working on it.

Yes. RW nutbags want a politicized DOJ. Why not?

We want all corruption out of goverment. I don't care who goes down.

You mean like Rick Perry going to Ukraine with a list of his donors? One of them got a 50 year contract at millions below the higher bids from Ukrainians...
Prosecute him! I'm wanting corruption out of our government. You agree?
Please. That's GOP defense tactic number 5 and it failed under testimony.
We will see,Barr is working on it.

Yes. RW nutbags want a politicized DOJ. Why not?

We want all corruption out of goverment. I don't care who goes down.

Bullshit. You're a Trump supporter.
I'm willing to let every corrupt Republican go to jail, even if included Trump. Are you willing to do the same no matter what?

Of course.

But you are lying about this. You have no intention of holding Trump to account. None.

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