THE TITANIC IS SINKING! This is your last chance to jump ship and save some of your dignity.

Do you still believe in Impeachment with regard to Ukraine?

  • I never supported it

  • I supported it but now see I was misled

  • I want Trump our regardless of the facts so impeach away

  • I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO

Results are only viewable after voting.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.

Damn man, hate to break it to you, but you've turned in a total moron...which is a not-uncommon side effect of frequient FOX&Friends viewing.

Emploding??? Witnesses confirmed EVERY FUCKING THING Democrats claimed was at the heart of Presidential malfeasance.

The only way this could have gone better for Democrats is if Trump showed up, confessed to the whole thing himself and handed in his resignation.


Fox's Napolitano says after Sondland testimony that Democrats have a case for impeachment
As all the hard evidence says Trump is guilty, of course I support the impeachment. He's going to be impeached, and history will regard those opposing that some sort of disgusting human scum that put party over country.

When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
When you have the law on your side, pound the law.
When you have nothing, pound the table.

Democrats are pounding the facts.

Republicans are pounding the table.

Trump cultists, on a scale of 10 to 10, how much does it bother you that most of the nation thinks you're bonkers and corrupt? At this stage, you're only useful of examples of how mindless cult devotion leads to the abandonment of morality and common sense.

Remember Trumptards, drunk, stupid and butthurt is no way to go through life.

You got 20 funny's 21 now. The Swamp is draining in the Intelligence community, State dept. and other Bureaucrat agencies and the swamp critters are struggling to find mud to hide in or throw at the cause of their withering careers! The swamp was deep and wide, but it's getting smaller by the day. Can't wait for Shiff to testify in the Senate trial what a hoot, and Hunter Biden and possibly Sleepy Joe( He can Probably get away with I don't remember) So they will have to update him with the Extortion Interview tape. Did Obama Know! Call him in too!

No. Biden did not commit a crime nor did he admit to one on video. That is a lie.
Then what did Biden brag about? He told the corrupt goverment to fire a prosecuter that was investigating the company that his son was working for. If not, you don't get that billion. You got six hours to fire him and I go home with your money. Quit being ignorant.
He bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. That you still don't know that at this point of the discussion only serves to reveal you're not mentally prepared to participate in the discussion.
He was investigating the corruption of the company Biden's son made millions off of. He was fired because Biden couldn't be exposed.

No. Biden did not commit a crime nor did he admit to one on video. That is a lie.
Then what did Biden brag about? He told the corrupt goverment to fire a prosecuter that was investigating the company that his son was working for. If not, you don't get that billion. You got six hours to fire him and I go home with your money. Quit being ignorant.

That prosecutor WAS NOT investigating Burisma. That is a fabrication. You have been advised of this MANY times.

That prosecutor was corrupt and was not doing ENOUGH TO INVESTIGATE companies like Burisma. That is why
the LOAN GUARANTEES, not cash, were threatened to be held up by Biden WITH THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF OUR

Stop lying.
If you still say that after watching the video. You're stupid and I cannot help you.

What is wrong with you? The video doesn't support your claim that the prosecutor in question was
investigating Burisma. He was not. He was not working to end corruption. That is why WE ( the United States
of America ) wanted him gone.

Stop lying.
The Ukraine government was corrupt at the time. That's why Biden fit in well. Tell me why was Ukraine the biggest contributor to the Clinton foundation then? They give them nothing now.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.

Damn man, hate to break it to you, but you've turned in a total moron...which is a not-uncommon side effect of frequient FOX&Friends viewing.

Emploding??? Witnesses confirmed EVERY FUCKING THING Democrats claimed was at the heart of Presidential malfeasance.

The only way this could have gone better for Democrats is if Trump showed up, confessed to the whole thing himself and handed in his resignation.


Fox's Napolitano says after Sondland testimony that Democrats have a case for impeachment

WTF do you THINK Trump suck-off like Nunes can possibly say that would refute FIRST HAND ACCOUNT of a guy who donated a million dollars to Trump campaign and was his handpicked pointman on Ukraine?

The answer is NOTHING.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.

Damn man, hate to break it to you, but you've turned in a total moron...which is a not-uncommon side effect of frequient FOX&Friends viewing.

Emploding??? Witnesses confirmed EVERY FUCKING THING Democrats claimed was at the heart of Presidential malfeasance.

The only way this could have gone better for Democrats is if Trump showed up, confessed to the whole thing himself and handed in his resignation.


Fox's Napolitano says after Sondland testimony that Democrats have a case for impeachment

WTF do you THINK Trump suck-off like Nunes can possibly say that would refute FIRST HAND ACCOUNT of a guy who donated a million dollars to Trump campaign and was his handpicked pointman on Ukraine?

The answer is NOTHING.

... and still no Russian connection
1. The impeachment process is imploding.

Damn man, hate to break it to you, but you've turned in a total moron...which is a not-uncommon side effect of frequient FOX&Friends viewing.

Emploding??? Witnesses confirmed EVERY FUCKING THING Democrats claimed was at the heart of Presidential malfeasance.

The only way this could have gone better for Democrats is if Trump showed up, confessed to the whole thing himself and handed in his resignation.


Fox's Napolitano says after Sondland testimony that Democrats have a case for impeachment

WTF do you THINK Trump suck-off like Nunes can possibly say that would refute FIRST HAND ACCOUNT of a guy who donated a million dollars to Trump campaign and was his handpicked pointman on Ukraine?

The answer is NOTHING.

... and still no Russian connection

....Seriously?...Impeachment hearings were not about "Russian connections" of the POTUS, they were about president abusing his offi....I don't even know I bother with you fucking morons.

No. Biden did not commit a crime nor did he admit to one on video. That is a lie.
Then what did Biden brag about? He told the corrupt goverment to fire a prosecuter that was investigating the company that his son was working for. If not, you don't get that billion. You got six hours to fire him and I go home with your money. Quit being ignorant.
He bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. That you still don't know that at this point of the discussion only serves to reveal you're not mentally prepared to participate in the discussion.
He was investigating the corruption of the company Biden's son made millions off of. He was fired because Biden couldn't be exposed.
Liar. There was no active investigation ongoing when he was fired...

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Back in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who soon after left office amid widespread calls for his dismissal. Though Shokin had begun a probe into Burisma, it was dormant when he departed, according to a former prosecutor.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No. Biden did not commit a crime nor did he admit to one on video. That is a lie.
Then what did Biden brag about? He told the corrupt goverment to fire a prosecuter that was investigating the company that his son was working for. If not, you don't get that billion. You got six hours to fire him and I go home with your money. Quit being ignorant.
He bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. That you still don't know that at this point of the discussion only serves to reveal you're not mentally prepared to participate in the discussion.
He was investigating the corruption of the company Biden's son made millions off of. He was fired because Biden couldn't be exposed.

That is a lie. You are basing your argument on a total falsehood.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.

Damn man, hate to break it to you, but you've turned in a total moron...which is a not-uncommon side effect of frequient FOX&Friends viewing.

Emploding??? Witnesses confirmed EVERY FUCKING THING Democrats claimed was at the heart of Presidential malfeasance.

The only way this could have gone better for Democrats is if Trump showed up, confessed to the whole thing himself and handed in his resignation.


Fox's Napolitano says after Sondland testimony that Democrats have a case for impeachment

WTF do you THINK Trump suck-off like Nunes can possibly say that would refute FIRST HAND ACCOUNT of a guy who donated a million dollars to Trump campaign and was his handpicked pointman on Ukraine?

The answer is NOTHING.

... and still no Russian connection

....Seriously?...Impeachment hearings were not about "Russian connections" of the POTUS, they were about president abusing his offi....I don't even know I bother with you fucking morons.

It went right over your head… Just another witchhunt

... and still no Russian connection

No. Biden did not commit a crime nor did he admit to one on video. That is a lie.
Then what did Biden brag about? He told the corrupt goverment to fire a prosecuter that was investigating the company that his son was working for. If not, you don't get that billion. You got six hours to fire him and I go home with your money. Quit being ignorant.
He bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. That you still don't know that at this point of the discussion only serves to reveal you're not mentally prepared to participate in the discussion.
He was investigating the corruption of the company Biden's son made millions off of. He was fired because Biden couldn't be exposed.
he was fired because he was not investigating the corruption
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?
Okay this so-called analysis of yours: where are you getting this from? Is this your own amateur take or are you just parroting bullshit RW sources? It has to be either one of those.

No. Biden did not commit a crime nor did he admit to one on video. That is a lie.
Then what did Biden brag about? He told the corrupt goverment to fire a prosecuter that was investigating the company that his son was working for. If not, you don't get that billion. You got six hours to fire him and I go home with your money. Quit being ignorant.
He bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. That you still don't know that at this point of the discussion only serves to reveal you're not mentally prepared to participate in the discussion.
He was investigating the corruption of the company Biden's son made millions off of. He was fired because Biden couldn't be exposed.
Liar. There was no active investigation ongoing when he was fired...

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Back in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who soon after left office amid widespread calls for his dismissal. Though Shokin had begun a probe into Burisma, it was dormant when he departed, according to a former prosecutor.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Ukranians are not credible. They are but scared sheep caught between American and Russian wolfs. They will talk out of both sides otheir mouth and do whatever they need to do to stay in good graces of both sides of the american politics. Just look at how Zelensky denigraded himself before Trump's corrupt requests.

What is credible is that to date THERE IS NOT A SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, aside from the circumstance of Hunter's employment, that Bidens did ANYTHING wrong.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.

Damn man, hate to break it to you, but you've turned in a total moron...which is a not-uncommon side effect of frequient FOX&Friends viewing.

Emploding??? Witnesses confirmed EVERY FUCKING THING Democrats claimed was at the heart of Presidential malfeasance.

The only way this could have gone better for Democrats is if Trump showed up, confessed to the whole thing himself and handed in his resignation.


Fox's Napolitano says after Sondland testimony that Democrats have a case for impeachment

WTF do you THINK Trump suck-off like Nunes can possibly say that would refute FIRST HAND ACCOUNT of a guy who donated a million dollars to Trump campaign and was his handpicked pointman on Ukraine?

The answer is NOTHING.

... and still no Russian connection

....Seriously?...Impeachment hearings were not about "Russian connections" of the POTUS, they were about president abusing his offi....I don't even know I bother with you fucking morons.

They were saying the Democrats have been doing nothing through this whole ishole is Administrationministration but trying to get Trump out of the running for the next term
Damn man, hate to break it to you, but you've turned in a total moron...which is a not-uncommon side effect of frequient FOX&Friends viewing.

Emploding??? Witnesses confirmed EVERY FUCKING THING Democrats claimed was at the heart of Presidential malfeasance.

The only way this could have gone better for Democrats is if Trump showed up, confessed to the whole thing himself and handed in his resignation.


Fox's Napolitano says after Sondland testimony that Democrats have a case for impeachment

WTF do you THINK Trump suck-off like Nunes can possibly say that would refute FIRST HAND ACCOUNT of a guy who donated a million dollars to Trump campaign and was his handpicked pointman on Ukraine?

The answer is NOTHING.

... and still no Russian connection

....Seriously?...Impeachment hearings were not about "Russian connections" of the POTUS, they were about president abusing his offi....I don't even know I bother with you fucking morons.

They were saying the Democrats have been doing nothing through this whole ishole is Administrationministration but trying to get Trump out of the running for the next term

How the fuck does that refute consistent witness testimony that Trump pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to squeeze out political favors?

It can't and it doesn't. They just need to say SOMETHING, when they have NOTHING factual that can possibly refute the details of Trump's malfeasance.

They just hope that Republicans will eat up that mindless drivel...and like clock work the dupes line right up.
Last edited:
If you want some polling facts, I can supply that for ya. Its not going to be fun for a Trump supporter to look at though.

"It's the economy stupid".

d Feedback

Gallup: 57% Approve of Trump's Handling of Economy
By Michael W. Chapman | November 20, 2019 | 10:11am EST

( -- A new poll shows that 57% of Americans approve of President Donald Trump's handling of the economy and that, despite the impeachment inquiry, Trump's job approval is holding steady at 43%. Among Republicans, Trump's job approval is at 90%.
Gallup: 57% Approve of Trump's Handling of Economy
No. Biden did not commit a crime nor did he admit to one on video. That is a lie.
Then what did Biden brag about? He told the corrupt goverment to fire a prosecuter that was investigating the company that his son was working for. If not, you don't get that billion. You got six hours to fire him and I go home with your money. Quit being ignorant.
He bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. That you still don't know that at this point of the discussion only serves to reveal you're not mentally prepared to participate in the discussion.
He was investigating the corruption of the company Biden's son made millions off of. He was fired because Biden couldn't be exposed.
Liar. There was no active investigation ongoing when he was fired...

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Back in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who soon after left office amid widespread calls for his dismissal. Though Shokin had begun a probe into Burisma, it was dormant when he departed, according to a former prosecutor.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Ukranians are not credible. They are but scared sheep caught between American and Russian wolfs. They will talk out of both sides otheir mouth and do whatever they need to do to stay in good graces of both sides of the american politics. Just look at how Zelensky denigraded himself before Trump's corrupt requests.

What is credible is that to date THERE IS NOT A SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, aside from the circumstance of Hunter's employment, that Bidens did ANYTHING wrong.

what are the odds you’ll be hired to sit on a board that uses a language you have no clue how to speak and product you have zero experience with for $83K a month?

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