The toll of Syria's devastation: The three-year civil war, by the numbers

It would take a very naive person to believe that Israel isn't using Mossad to manipulate the Syrian and Lebanese governments by false flag operations and fermenting chaos in order to further Israel's geopolitical ambitions in the region. ... :cool:

Keep telling yourself that :cuckoo::cuckoo:

LOL I love it when Sunni Troll ignored the Islamic jihadists who are de-stabalizing the region, but points his finger at Israel :lmao:
It would take a very naive person to believe that Israel isn't using Mossad to manipulate the Syrian and Lebanese governments by false flag operations and fermenting chaos in order to further Israel's geopolitical ambitions in the region. ... :cool:

Keep telling yourself that :cuckoo::cuckoo:

LOL I love it when Sunni Troll ignored the Islamic jihadists who are de-stabalizing the region, but points his finger at Israel :lmao:

Sunni did not invent the idea------such BS has been the theme of the KHUTBAH
JUMAAT for more than 1000 years. In fact the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC
CONQUEST FILTH-----was based entirely on propaganda of the same kind----
it is banged into the ears of children from their births----I witnessed
it in a mosque---more than 40 years ago---------a mosque in Manhattan
New York-----within walking distances of the site where the World Trade
Center would later be built. My memory for the filth is clear
because I had to stuggle to keep from vomiting on the carpet---
as I watched little boys listen to the filth with INNOCENT RAPT
ATTENTION ----as their fathers nodded in agreement with every
filthy word------.Keep in mind-----muslims are NEVER AGGRESSORS----
they fight ONLY TO DEFEND ISLAAAAAM <<< the poor kids have so
many problems ------they have to defend their "god" against "slander"----
and they have to FIGHT TO DEFEND their idiot fairy tales
It would take a very naive person to believe that Israel isn't using Mossad to manipulate the Syrian and Lebanese governments by false flag operations and fermenting chaos in order to further Israel's geopolitical ambitions in the region. ... :cool:

"fermenting". :razz:

Suuuuuuuuuuu we won't know this but "fermenting" actually derives from the Latin term, "I can't even copy crap that I read on the web without screwing it up".
It would take a very naive person to believe that Israel isn't using Mossad to manipulate the Syrian and Lebanese governments by false flag operations and fermenting chaos in order to further Israel's geopolitical ambitions in the region. ... :cool:

"fermenting". :razz:

Suuuuuuuuuuu we won't know this but "fermenting" actually derives from the Latin term, "I can't even copy crap that I read on the web without screwing it up".

Fermentation is very important for the UMMAH-----it is so holy that muslims cannot
DO IT-------it involves the degradation of carbohydrates to water and alcohol. The entire
ARAB SPRING is based on the fact that the genocide of jews and christians in ummah lands
has led to a shortage of FERMENTATION

Historically------arabia was a culturally diverse and UP AND COMING area of the
world-------but then their arose a rapist who declared
Only those who worship me and who do not engage in FERMENTATION----
shall live here-------that is when lands so afflicted began to be transformed
into barbaric cesspits. Syria ----right now,, is swirling down the cosmic
toilet. The lack of fermentation has led to the RUNNING AMOK----of the
local population
Israel's mossad has keep both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition for decades in order to further Israel's fascist agenda. .... :cool:

Maybe the mossad had kept both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition, but we should blame Assad regime Sunni Imams and Shiite Ayatollahs for what is happening now in Syria. If we want to find a solution we must first admit we had done something wrong, blaming Israel for everything will not fix the problem.
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Israel's mossad has keep both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition for decades in order to further Israel's fascist agenda. .... :cool:

Maybe the mossad had kept both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition, but we should blame Assad regime Sunni Imams and Shiite Ayatollahs for what is happening now in Syria. If we want to find a solution we must first admit we had done something wrong, blaming Israel for everything will not fix the problem.
Israel/Mossad is at the root of the problem.

Israel does everything it can to keep both countries in internal conflict in order to deflect attention away from Israel.

Until Israel is removed from the equation there will never be peace in the Middle East. ... :cool:
...........^^ How typical. Muslims blaming Israel for the problems of their countries, including Syria where Sunni Muslim extremist have murdered by the tens of thousand :cool:

Of course Sunni Man has all the proof to back up his claim about Mossad...right Sunni Man ?
Israel's mossad has keep both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition for decades in order to further Israel's fascist agenda. .... :cool:

Maybe the mossad had kept both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition, but we should blame Assad regime Sunni Imams and Shiite Ayatollahs for what is happening now in Syria. If we want to find a solution we must first admit we had done something wrong, blaming Israel for everything will not fix the problem.
Israel/Mossad is at the root of the problem.

Israel does everything it can to keep both countries in internal conflict in order to deflect attention away from Israel.

Until Israel is removed from the equation there will never be peace in the Middle East. ... :cool:

Were does Israel keep that magic machine that allows them to be in 1,000 places at once, and to look like Islamic leaders. What a klutz you are sonny boy believing that the Jews can infiltrate every M.E nation and destabilise them. If they could don't you think they would have done something about the HoAP by now and had them all eliminated by the rest of islam. Then had the arab league rubber stamp their sovereignty over all of the land once and for all.

You will believe any shit that attacks Israel and the Jews
Israel's mossad has keep both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition for decades in order to further Israel's fascist agenda. .... :cool:

Maybe the mossad had kept both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition, but we should blame Assad regime Sunni Imams and Shiite Ayatollahs for what is happening now in Syria. If we want to find a solution we must first admit we had done something wrong, blaming Israel for everything will not fix the problem.
Israel/Mossad is at the root of the problem.

Israel does everything it can to keep both countries in internal conflict in order to deflect attention away from Israel.

Until Israel is removed from the equation there will never be peace in the Middle East. ... :cool:

Humanitarian and medical aid to syrians is so destabilizing.
When the shooting and recent explosion on the Lebanese border took place, Israel and Lebanese talked.
Israel will do much better with stable neighbors then with unstable one.
Israel's mossad has keep both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition for decades in order to further Israel's fascist agenda. .... :cool:

Maybe the mossad had kept both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition, but we should blame Assad regime Sunni Imams and Shiite Ayatollahs for what is happening now in Syria. If we want to find a solution we must first admit we had done something wrong, blaming Israel for everything will not fix the problem.
Israel/Mossad is at the root of the problem.

Israel does everything it can to keep both countries in internal conflict in order to deflect attention away from Israel.

Until Israel is removed from the equation there will never be peace in the Middle East. ... :cool:

Jews belong to this part of this world, and if you think rationally tension is too high now between some religions, races so they need a homeland to feel secure which is fare and I am OK with that, but we all Arabs and Jews need to know peace will never come without accepting each other.
Maybe the mossad had kept both Syria and Lebanon in a destabilized condition, but we should blame Assad regime Sunni Imams and Shiite Ayatollahs for what is happening now in Syria. If we want to find a solution we must first admit we had done something wrong, blaming Israel for everything will not fix the problem.
Israel/Mossad is at the root of the problem.

Israel does everything it can to keep both countries in internal conflict in order to deflect attention away from Israel.

Until Israel is removed from the equation there will never be peace in the Middle East. ... :cool:

Jews belong to this part of this world, and if you think rationally tension is too high now between some religions, races so they need a homeland to feel secure which is fare and I am OK with that, but we all Arabs and Jews need to know peace will never come without accepting each other.

Can a Government Video Fight Racism in Israel?
By Renee Ghert-Zand
Palestinians suffer too

20,000 people in Syria's Yarmuk camp face starvation
AFPBy Serene Assir | AFP &#8211; 1 hour 34 minutes ago

A man holds the corpse of one-year old baby wrapped in shrouds, who reportedly died of hunger, during a funeral ceremony at the besieged Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp in southern Damascus, on January 27, 2014

AFP/Lens of a Young Dimashqi/AFP/File - A man holds the corpse of one-year old baby wrapped in shrouds, who reportedly died of hunger, during a funeral ceremony at the besieged Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp &#8230;more

Syrians attend the funeral of victims who reportedly died of hunger, at the besieged Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp in southern Damascus, on January 27, 2014View Photo

Syrians attend the funeral of victims who reportedly died of hunger, at the besieged &#8230;
A Syrian Red Crescent worker evacuates children from the besieged Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp in south Damascus, on January 19, 2014View Photo

A Syrian Red Crescent worker evacuates children from the besieged Yarmuk Palestinian &#8230;
An elderly man is being evacuated from the besieged Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp, in southern Damascus, on January 19, 2014View Photo

An elderly man is being evacuated from the besieged Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp, &#8230;

Besieged since June, nearly 20,000 people in Damascus' Yarmuk Palestinian camp are so desperate for food that many eat stray animals to survive, and some women have resorted to prostitution.

"I was looking at a cat on the street, and thinking of slaughtering it," said Yarmuk resident Ali, who was a university student when Syria's revolt erupted in 2011.

"Many here have slaughtered and eaten cats and dogs, and even a donkey. One man who killed a dog couldn't find any meat to eat on its body, because even the dogs are starving," he told AFP via the Internet.

"What was unimaginable a few months ago is normal now."

Once a refugee camp, Yarmuk evolved generations ago into a bustling commercial and residential district, where both Syrians and Palestinians resided.

In 2011, it was home to some 150,000 Palestinians registered in Syria after waves of displacement forced their ancestors to seek shelter following Israel's establishment.

When war spread to areas of Damascus in the summer of 2012, thousands of people from other parts of the capital fled to Yarmuk, swelling its population further.

But Yarmuk soon became a war zone too, as Syrians taking up arms against President Bashar al-Assad's regime moved into the camp.

Some Palestinians joined the rebels, others backed pro-regime groups, mainly the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC).

In June, the army imposed a total blockade on Yarmuk, which covers an area of just over two square kilometres (less than a square mile).

Most residents had fled by then, but, according to the United Nations, 18,000 civilians remain.

Seven months later, food and medical supplies have all but run out, with prices skyrocketing to up to $100 for a kilogram of rice, residents say.

"The situation is so desperate that women are selling their bodies to men who stocked up food before the siege was imposed, for just a cup of rice or bulgur," said Ali.

"Imagine the feeling of a father unable to feed his children, as they wail from hunger," he added.

Seventy-eight people, including 25 women and three children, have died as a result of the shortages, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Tasked with meeting the Palestinian refugees' needs, the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has struggled to secure access to the camp.

Only two convoys have made it into Yarmuk in recent months, bringing in a scant 138 parcels of food aid.

According to UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness, "the aid allowed in... so far is shockingly inadequate to meet the dire needs of these (18,000) civilians."

The needs include "powder milk for babies, polio vaccines for infants and basic foodstuffs," said Gunness.

On January 18, the government said it would facilitate aid access.

"However, the agency is extremely disappointed that... the assurances given by the authorities have not been backed by action on the ground to facilitate the regular, rapid entry into Yarmuk of the substantial quantities of relief required to make a difference to thousands of civilians," Gunness told AFP.

While regime and opposition representatives are meeting in Geneva for peace talks and to negotiate aid access for Homs in central Syria, it appears Yarmuk's fate is not being addressed.

PFLP-GC spokesman Anwar Raja blamed the rebels, whom he described as "terrorists," for the camp's plight.

"There was an agreement for the Palestinian armed men inside the camp to pressure non-Palestinian armed men to leave," Raja said, referring to rebels.

"We hope the people will push on the Palestinian armed groups that had pledged to pressure the other armed groups, including Al-Nusra (Front, an Al-Qaeda affiliate)... to create a better atmosphere to ensure aid gets in."

For his part, Wissam Sbaaneh, a member of the Palestinian Jafra Foundation, blamed the PFLP-GC and the army.

"People are asking for milk powder for children and vaccines. What on earth would the fighters want milk powder for?" said Sbaaneh, mocking a PFLP-GC claim that the civilians are being held "hostage" by the armed opposition.

Sbaaneh also said other armed groups, barring the jihadists, have honoured the agreement with the regime, and that "civilians are ready to pressure Al-Nusra if the regime proves it is being serious".

Indeed on Monday, the Observatory reported a demonstration in the camp against Al-Nusra Front.

Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman insisted the siege must be lifted altogether.

"Civilians are being starved in order to force them to turn against the rebels. It is a war crime to besiege areas where civilians are present," Abdel Rahman told AFP.
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more air strike from Assad

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