The top ten reasons not to vote Republican in the midterms


Gold Member
Apr 10, 2013
They shouldn’t be there in the first place

This Republican House has the least public mandate of any Congress in history. In the 2012 elections, the Republicans won 234 seats to the Democrats 201. But the Democrats won 48.8% of the popular vote, to the Republican’s 47.6%. The Democrat’s vote tally was nearly one-and-a-half-million higher. There is no precedent for this, not even close – never has the legitimate preference of the voters been so distorted.

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The Sheppard Post - Politics Culture and Media

...and there you have it!
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Top Ten reasons to vote Democrat.


I can't think of one, much less ten.
How is the democratic party more worthy of being called the "racist party of ignorance" than the republicans. Rebublicans continuously try to maintain policies that have unequal outcomes for different races. They also, in many instances, openly deny some of the most prominent research produced by science. If that doesn't constitute "racist" or "ignorant" I don't know what does.
...and should the Senate become a Republican majority, Democrats will become the party of no and veto.
How is the democratic party more worthy of being called the "racist party of ignorance" than the republicans. Rebublicans continuously try to maintain policies that have unequal outcomes for different races. They also, in many instances, openly deny some of the most prominent research produced by science. If that doesn't constitute "racist" or "ignorant" I don't know what does.

Rebublicans continuously try to maintain policies that have unequal outcomes for different races.

OMG! That's awful!!! What's the percentage of white guys in the NBA again?
I'm glad the Dems are in favor of quotas for the NBA. Can't have an unequal outcome.

They also, in many instances, openly deny some of the most prominent research produced by science.

I know, they're against GMOs and vaccines. Oh, wait, that's the Dems.
Republicans: They don’t represent society

Backers of Rep. Steve Southerland threw the Florida Republican a men-only fundraiser earlier this year. The invitation came complete with instructions that attendees should “tell the missus not to wait up” because “the after dinner whiskey and cigars will be smooth and the issues to discuss are many.”

In 1950, 98% of House Democrats and 97% of House Republicans were white men. In the 64 years since, that share has fallen 51 points for Democrats, but only 8 points for Republicans. Today, 89% of House Republicans are white men, compared to just 47% of House Democrats. On election night 2012, Democrats took pride in the fact that, for the first time ever, women and minorities would compose a majority — 53% — of their caucus. Meanwhile, the share of women and minorities in the GOP House conference went down, from 14% to 11%.

Republicans sure do have a 'Bubba' syndrome.
How is the democratic party more worthy of being called the "racist party of ignorance" than the republicans. Rebublicans continuously try to maintain policies that have unequal outcomes for different races. They also, in many instances, openly deny some of the most prominent research produced by science. If that doesn't constitute "racist" or "ignorant" I don't know what does.

Rebublicans continuously try to maintain policies that have unequal outcomes for different races.

OMG! That's awful!!! What's the percentage of white guys in the NBA again?
I'm glad the Dems are in favor of quotas for the NBA. Can't have an unequal outcome.

They also, in many instances, openly deny some of the most prominent research produced by science.

I know, they're against GMOs and vaccines. Oh, wait, that's the Dems.

1. You didn't refute my points. 2. I wasn't talking about affirmative action. 3. unlike climate change, GMOs are actually a contested topic. 4. All the data linking Dems to the vaccine movement I've read has been theoretically, conceptually, or methodologically flawed. If you have a good source on this I'd love to read it.
...and should the Senate become a Republican majority, Democrats will become the party of no and veto.

Lets hope so. The middle class can't afford to be butt-fucked anymore by Republicans, corporate America, and wall street.
What's the percentage of white guys in the NBA again?
I'm glad the Dems are in favor of quotas for the NBA. Can't have an unequal outcome.

Silly rabbit, where have you been? It's been more than 30 years since racial quotas were outlawed. And don't give me some anecdotal response you heard of.

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