The total failure of the right wing middle east policies

Deflection is all you have.
There were no Taliban when reagan was president. They were mujahideen and they were fighting the Soviets, thus they were our allies.
Saddam started the first Iraq war by invading Kuwait. We responded and rolled him back. Bush was set to go to Baghdad but the painty wastes in the Democrat Party told him he didnt have authorization and being a good guy and wanting support across the aisle he stopped the war.
W. Bush inherited Clinton's failed policies towards terrorism, culminating in 9/11. He also inherited Clinton's failed policies towards Iraq, which let Saddam undermine sanctions and fire at our jets. Bush responded appropriately and waged a just war of liberation, which was a rousing success, despite the carping by the same people who had supported the war when it was popular.
Obama has failed in every policy he has pursued. He inherited a stable Iraq, an Egypt on the cusp of Democracy, a Libya ready for democratic government and he fucked it all up by supporting the wrong people and implementing the wrong policies.

This was such a good response Rabbi...I though I would post it again....
Posting it again does not make it any less a lie!

The Taliban fought the Soviets as part of the Mujahedeen throughout St Ronnie's Regime.
Taliban militants are Sunni Muslim Pashtuns, and Pashtuns constitute thirteen percent of the total population of Pakistan. Pashtuns dominate the Pakistani military and are concentrated in the North-West Frontier province, which was the command center for the Mujahedeen groups fighting the Soviet troops and a major destination for the Afghan refugees. Following a public condemnation of the Saudi monarchy for allowing U.S. troops to enter and operate in Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Laden moved to Sudan and eventually, in 1996, to Afghanistan, where he had fought against the Soviet troops and where he was warmly welcomed by the Taliban and its top leader.

The GOP have always loved the Taliban. Here is Reagan front man Rohrabacher, who Reagan used to supply OBL with Stinger missiles, defending the Taliban.

September 6 - 12, 2002

Rogue Statesman

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s absolutely crazy, quite possibly illegal back-channel chats with the villains of Sept. 11
by R. Scott Moxley

"[Rohrabacher] says the Taliban are devout traditionalists—not terrorists or revolutionaries. He believes a Taliban takeover [of Afghanistan] would be a positive development."

... "Listen! Hold on!" said Rohrabacher. "I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress." ...

A November/December 1996 article in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs reported, "The potential rise of power of the Taliban does not alarm Rohrabacher" because the congressman believes the "Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S." Later in the article, Rohrabacher claimed that:

Taliban leaders are "not terrorists or revolutionaries."

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.

Repeating lies does not make them any less lies, edtheliar.

The Taliban didn't exist until the Clinton administration - you are simply lying, as you Khmer Rouge types love to do.
Showing your determination to deny that the Mujahdeen is NOW called the Taliban, only diminishes your credibility and integrity.That makes you a moron.
Deflection is all you have.
There were no Taliban when reagan was president. They were mujahideen and they were fighting the Soviets, thus they were our allies.
Saddam started the first Iraq war by invading Kuwait. We responded and rolled him back. Bush was set to go to Baghdad but the painty wastes in the Democrat Party told him he didnt have authorization and being a good guy and wanting support across the aisle he stopped the war.
W. Bush inherited Clinton's failed policies towards terrorism, culminating in 9/11. He also inherited Clinton's failed policies towards Iraq, which let Saddam undermine sanctions and fire at our jets. Bush responded appropriately and waged a just war of liberation, which was a rousing success, despite the carping by the same people who had supported the war when it was popular.
Obama has failed in every policy he has pursued. He inherited a stable Iraq, an Egypt on the cusp of Democracy, a Libya ready for democratic government and he fucked it all up by supporting the wrong people and implementing the wrong policies.

This was such a good response Rabbi...I though I would post it again....
Posting it again does not make it any less a lie!

The Taliban fought the Soviets as part of the Mujahedeen throughout St Ronnie's Regime.
Taliban militants are Sunni Muslim Pashtuns, and Pashtuns constitute thirteen percent of the total population of Pakistan. Pashtuns dominate the Pakistani military and are concentrated in the North-West Frontier province, which was the command center for the Mujahedeen groups fighting the Soviet troops and a major destination for the Afghan refugees. Following a public condemnation of the Saudi monarchy for allowing U.S. troops to enter and operate in Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Laden moved to Sudan and eventually, in 1996, to Afghanistan, where he had fought against the Soviet troops and where he was warmly welcomed by the Taliban and its top leader.

The GOP have always loved the Taliban. Here is Reagan front man Rohrabacher, who Reagan used to supply OBL with Stinger missiles, defending the Taliban.

September 6 - 12, 2002

Rogue Statesman

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s absolutely crazy, quite possibly illegal back-channel chats with the villains of Sept. 11
by R. Scott Moxley

"[Rohrabacher] says the Taliban are devout traditionalists—not terrorists or revolutionaries. He believes a Taliban takeover [of Afghanistan] would be a positive development."

... "Listen! Hold on!" said Rohrabacher. "I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress." ...

A November/December 1996 article in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs reported, "The potential rise of power of the Taliban does not alarm Rohrabacher" because the congressman believes the "Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S." Later in the article, Rohrabacher claimed that:

Taliban leaders are "not terrorists or revolutionaries."

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.

Repeating lies does not make them any less lies, edtheliar.

The Taliban didn't exist until the Clinton administration - you are simply lying, as you Khmer Rouge types love to do.
And yet you continue to repeat your discredited lies!
And yet you continue to repeat your discredited lies!

Which lies are those, edtheliar?

I can highlight YOUR lies, that's easy to do.

{The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ ṭālibān "students"), alternately spelled Taleban,[25] is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread throughout Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001, with Kandahar as the capital. However, it gained diplomatic recognition from only three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mohammed Omar is the founder and has been serving as the spiritual leader of the Taliban since its foundation in 1994.[26]}

Taliban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're a lying fuck, edtheliar - but your filthy lies are in service of George Soros and the hate sites that do your thinking for you, so it's all good.
Deflection is all you have.
There were no Taliban when reagan was president. They were mujahideen and they were fighting the Soviets, thus they were our allies.
Saddam started the first Iraq war by invading Kuwait. We responded and rolled him back. Bush was set to go to Baghdad but the painty wastes in the Democrat Party told him he didnt have authorization and being a good guy and wanting support across the aisle he stopped the war.
W. Bush inherited Clinton's failed policies towards terrorism, culminating in 9/11. He also inherited Clinton's failed policies towards Iraq, which let Saddam undermine sanctions and fire at our jets. Bush responded appropriately and waged a just war of liberation, which was a rousing success, despite the carping by the same people who had supported the war when it was popular.
Obama has failed in every policy he has pursued. He inherited a stable Iraq, an Egypt on the cusp of Democracy, a Libya ready for democratic government and he fucked it all up by supporting the wrong people and implementing the wrong policies.

This was such a good response Rabbi...I though I would post it again....
Posting it again does not make it any less a lie!

The Taliban fought the Soviets as part of the Mujahedeen throughout St Ronnie's Regime.
Taliban militants are Sunni Muslim Pashtuns, and Pashtuns constitute thirteen percent of the total population of Pakistan. Pashtuns dominate the Pakistani military and are concentrated in the North-West Frontier province, which was the command center for the Mujahedeen groups fighting the Soviet troops and a major destination for the Afghan refugees. Following a public condemnation of the Saudi monarchy for allowing U.S. troops to enter and operate in Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Laden moved to Sudan and eventually, in 1996, to Afghanistan, where he had fought against the Soviet troops and where he was warmly welcomed by the Taliban and its top leader.

The GOP have always loved the Taliban. Here is Reagan front man Rohrabacher, who Reagan used to supply OBL with Stinger missiles, defending the Taliban.

September 6 - 12, 2002

Rogue Statesman

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s absolutely crazy, quite possibly illegal back-channel chats with the villains of Sept. 11
by R. Scott Moxley

"[Rohrabacher] says the Taliban are devout traditionalists—not terrorists or revolutionaries. He believes a Taliban takeover [of Afghanistan] would be a positive development."

... "Listen! Hold on!" said Rohrabacher. "I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress." ...

A November/December 1996 article in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs reported, "The potential rise of power of the Taliban does not alarm Rohrabacher" because the congressman believes the "Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S." Later in the article, Rohrabacher claimed that:

Taliban leaders are "not terrorists or revolutionaries."

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.

Repeating lies does not make them any less lies, edtheliar.

The Taliban didn't exist until the Clinton administration - you are simply lying, as you Khmer Rouge types love to do.
And yet you continue to repeat your discredited lies!

Says the far left drone that supports Obama illegal wars..
And yet you continue to repeat your discredited lies!

Which lies are those, edtheliar?

I can highlight YOUR lies, that's easy to do.

{The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ ṭālibān "students"), alternately spelled Taleban,[25] is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread throughout Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001, with Kandahar as the capital. However, it gained diplomatic recognition from only three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mohammed Omar is the founder and has been serving as the spiritual leader of the Taliban since its foundation in 1994.[26]}

Taliban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're a lying fuck, edtheliar - but your filthy lies are in service of George Soros and the hate sites that do your thinking for you, so it's all good.
Wiki, you probably posted that! The GOP Taliban fought the Soviets who withdrew in 1989, so they had to have already existed BEFORE 1989, which means they were already formed before 1994.

History of the Taliban

History of Taliban Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Taliban emerged as a resistance movement aiming to eject the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. With the United States and Pakistan providing considerable financial and military support, the Afghan Mujahideen were able to inflict heavy losses on the Soviet troops. According to The New York Times, the Soviet Union lost about 15,000 soldiers in Afghanistan. In 1989, the Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan, and the Afghan Mujahideen, under the leadership of Ahmed Shah Massoud, surrounded the Afghan capital, Kabul, and took over the rule three years after the departure of the Soviets. The Afghan government that was backed by the Soviet Union and led by President Sayid Mohammed Najibullah was subsequently overthrown. The Mujahideen alliance forming the new Afghan government, led by Burhanuddin Rabbani as interim president, failed to reach political unity and ended up fighting one another (Matinuddin 12-16). VIDEO.
The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia. With Pakistan providing weapons, military training, and financial support, the Taliban gained control over several Afghan cities and successfully captured Kabul in September 1996. The Taliban continued to control most of Afghan territories with intermittent fighting with Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance, led by Ahmed ShahMassoud, the former defense minister under the coalition government led by President Burhanuddin Rabbani (Maley 1-9).
Pakistani support for the Taliban is based on strong religious and ethnic bonds between the Taliban and Pakistan, especially with the tribal areas on the North-West borders of Pakistan. Most of the Taliban’s leaders were educated in refugee camps in Pakistan where they had escaped the Soviet invasion. Taliban militants are Sunni Muslim Pashtuns, and Pashtuns constitute thirteen percent of the total population of Pakistan. Pashtuns dominate the Pakistani military and are concentrated in the North-West Frontier province, which was the command center for the Mujahedeen groups fighting the Soviet troops and a major destination for the Afghan refugees (Matinuddin 16).
And yet you continue to repeat your discredited lies!

Which lies are those, edtheliar?

I can highlight YOUR lies, that's easy to do.

{The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ ṭālibān "students"), alternately spelled Taleban,[25] is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread throughout Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001, with Kandahar as the capital. However, it gained diplomatic recognition from only three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mohammed Omar is the founder and has been serving as the spiritual leader of the Taliban since its foundation in 1994.[26]}

Taliban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're a lying fuck, edtheliar - but your filthy lies are in service of George Soros and the hate sites that do your thinking for you, so it's all good.

He is judging them by their looks. THey look the same as the guys that President Reagan met all those years ago, so they must BE the same guys.

Once again, libs show themselves to be completely racist.
Wiki, you probably posted that! The GOP Taliban fought the Soviets who withdrew in 1989, so they had to have already existed BEFORE 1989, which means they were already formed before 1994.

History of the Taliban

History of Taliban Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Taliban emerged as a resistance movement aiming to eject the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. With the United States and Pakistan providing considerable financial and military support, the Afghan Mujahideen were able to inflict heavy losses on the Soviet troops. According to The New York Times, the Soviet Union lost about 15,000 soldiers in Afghanistan. In 1989, the Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan, and the Afghan Mujahideen, under the leadership of Ahmed Shah Massoud, surrounded the Afghan capital, Kabul, and took over the rule three years after the departure of the Soviets. The Afghan government that was backed by the Soviet Union and led by President Sayid Mohammed Najibullah was subsequently overthrown. The Mujahideen alliance forming the new Afghan government, led by Burhanuddin Rabbani as interim president, failed to reach political unity and ended up fighting one another (Matinuddin 12-16). VIDEO.
The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia. With Pakistan providing weapons, military training, and financial support, the Taliban gained control over several Afghan cities and successfully captured Kabul in September 1996. The Taliban continued to control most of Afghan territories with intermittent fighting with Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance, led by Ahmed ShahMassoud, the former defense minister under the coalition government led by President Burhanuddin Rabbani (Maley 1-9).
Pakistani support for the Taliban is based on strong religious and ethnic bonds between the Taliban and Pakistan, especially with the tribal areas on the North-West borders of Pakistan. Most of the Taliban’s leaders were educated in refugee camps in Pakistan where they had escaped the Soviet invasion. Taliban militants are Sunni Muslim Pashtuns, and Pashtuns constitute thirteen percent of the total population of Pakistan. Pashtuns dominate the Pakistani military and are concentrated in the North-West Frontier province, which was the command center for the Mujahedeen groups fighting the Soviet troops and a major destination for the Afghan refugees (Matinuddin 16).

No edtheliar, the Taliban did not fight the Soviets - they didn't exist. The Taliban was not a faction of the Mujahadeen, and did not form until 1994 - long after the Soviets had left.

Now ed, you're what we call a "fucking liar." You have no integrity, not even a hint - despite being shown that your claims are false repeatedly, you continue to lie.

Hey, you're edthiliar - and a sociopath democrat - You're going to lie - it's what you do - it's all you do.
Wiki, you probably posted that! The GOP Taliban fought the Soviets who withdrew in 1989, so they had to have already existed BEFORE 1989, which means they were already formed before 1994.

History of the Taliban

History of Taliban Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Taliban emerged as a resistance movement aiming to eject the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. With the United States and Pakistan providing considerable financial and military support, the Afghan Mujahideen were able to inflict heavy losses on the Soviet troops. According to The New York Times, the Soviet Union lost about 15,000 soldiers in Afghanistan. In 1989, the Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan, and the Afghan Mujahideen, under the leadership of Ahmed Shah Massoud, surrounded the Afghan capital, Kabul, and took over the rule three years after the departure of the Soviets. The Afghan government that was backed by the Soviet Union and led by President Sayid Mohammed Najibullah was subsequently overthrown. The Mujahideen alliance forming the new Afghan government, led by Burhanuddin Rabbani as interim president, failed to reach political unity and ended up fighting one another (Matinuddin 12-16). VIDEO.
The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia. With Pakistan providing weapons, military training, and financial support, the Taliban gained control over several Afghan cities and successfully captured Kabul in September 1996. The Taliban continued to control most of Afghan territories with intermittent fighting with Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance, led by Ahmed ShahMassoud, the former defense minister under the coalition government led by President Burhanuddin Rabbani (Maley 1-9).
Pakistani support for the Taliban is based on strong religious and ethnic bonds between the Taliban and Pakistan, especially with the tribal areas on the North-West borders of Pakistan. Most of the Taliban’s leaders were educated in refugee camps in Pakistan where they had escaped the Soviet invasion. Taliban militants are Sunni Muslim Pashtuns, and Pashtuns constitute thirteen percent of the total population of Pakistan. Pashtuns dominate the Pakistani military and are concentrated in the North-West Frontier province, which was the command center for the Mujahedeen groups fighting the Soviet troops and a major destination for the Afghan refugees (Matinuddin 16).

No edtheliar, the Taliban did not fight the Soviets - they didn't exist. The Taliban was not a faction of the Mujahadeen, and did not form until 1994 - long after the Soviets had left.

Now ed, you're what we call a "fucking liar." You have no integrity, not even a hint - despite being shown that your claims are false repeatedly, you continue to lie.

Hey, you're edthiliar - and a sociopath democrat - You're going to lie - it's what you do - it's all you do.
You post your bullshit on Wiki and that suddenly is proof that the historians I linked to are liars.
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims. Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban. He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.
Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.
You are a very deluded person. Practically everything you posted is nothing but idiotic lies.
You post your bullshit on Wiki and that suddenly is proof that the historians I linked to are liars.

edtheliar, your fellow demagogues on the hate sites are far from "historians."

The fact is, you are simply lying - you know it, as does everyone else here. Taliban means "students," they are a radicalized branch that moved to a Wahabbi interpretation of Islam AFTER Desert Storm in conjunction with Al Qaeda.

Look, I have no doubt that you are an ignorant fool who is spewing shit from the hate sites - BUT because you have been corrected on dozens of occasions, you are posting falsehoods with the intent to deceive.

You live up to your name, edtheliar.
You post your bullshit on Wiki and that suddenly is proof that the historians I linked to are liars.

edtheliar, your fellow demagogues on the hate sites are far from "historians."

The fact is, you are simply lying - you know it, as does everyone else here. Taliban means "students," they are a radicalized branch that moved to a Wahabbi interpretation of Islam AFTER Desert Storm in conjunction with Al Qaeda.

Look, I have no doubt that you are an ignorant fool who is spewing shit from the hate sites - BUT because you have been corrected on dozens of occasions, you are posting falsehoods with the intent to deceive.

You live up to your name, edtheliar.
Wow, historians are now demagogues and haters! :cuckoo:

The Taliban had to exist before the 1994 start you lie about or Pakistan would not have chosen 50 students in 1994 to capture Afghan cities!!!
From Wiki: "According to one legend, in 1994, he had a dream in which a woman told him: "We need your help; you must rise. You must end the chaos. Allah will help you." Mullah Omar started his movement with less than 50 armed madrassah students, known simply as the Taliban (Students)."

Here is another historical source you can call a demagogue and hater.

History - Taliban Vs. Afghan Women

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 in Pakistan, when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy to open a trade route with Central Asia. However, this was merely a ruse and the Taliban, with weapons and financial support from Pakistan, captured several Afghan cities, beginning with Herat in 1994, and finally taking over the capital, Kabul, in late 1996. This began the Taliban’s totalitarian dictatorship in Afghanistan, which employs terrible acts of violence and gender apartheid to gain and keep control. By 1998, the Taliban controlled 90% of the country. As it took over more and more territory in the middle east, the Taliban was supported strongly by Pakistan due to very strong religious and ethnic ties.
You post your bullshit on Wiki and that suddenly is proof that the historians I linked to are liars.

edtheliar, your fellow demagogues on the hate sites are far from "historians."

The fact is, you are simply lying - you know it, as does everyone else here. Taliban means "students," they are a radicalized branch that moved to a Wahabbi interpretation of Islam AFTER Desert Storm in conjunction with Al Qaeda.

Look, I have no doubt that you are an ignorant fool who is spewing shit from the hate sites - BUT because you have been corrected on dozens of occasions, you are posting falsehoods with the intent to deceive.

You live up to your name, edtheliar.
Wow, historians are now demagogues and haters! :cuckoo:

The Taliban had to exist before the 1994 start you lie about or Pakistan would not have chosen 50 students in 1994 to capture Afghan cities!!!
From Wiki: "According to one legend, in 1994, he had a dream in which a woman told him: "We need your help; you must rise. You must end the chaos. Allah will help you." Mullah Omar started his movement with less than 50 armed madrassah students, known simply as the Taliban (Students)."

Here is another historical source you can call a demagogue and hater.

History - Taliban Vs. Afghan Women

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 in Pakistan, when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy to open a trade route with Central Asia. However, this was merely a ruse and the Taliban, with weapons and financial support from Pakistan, captured several Afghan cities, beginning with Herat in 1994, and finally taking over the capital, Kabul, in late 1996. This began the Taliban’s totalitarian dictatorship in Afghanistan, which employs terrible acts of violence and gender apartheid to gain and keep control. By 1998, the Taliban controlled 90% of the country. As it took over more and more territory in the middle east, the Taliban was supported strongly by Pakistan due to very strong religious and ethnic ties.
Uncensored exposes how far cons will go to defend the lies of their god Ronnie Raygun.
Wow, historians are now demagogues and haters! :cuckoo:

No edtheliar - you and your fellow Soros drones are not "historians," you are demagogues.

The Taliban had to exist before the 1994 start you lie about or Pakistan would not have chosen 50 students in 1994 to capture Afghan cities!!!
From Wiki: "According to one legend, in 1994, he had a dream in which a woman told him: "We need your help; you must rise. You must end the chaos. Allah will help you." Mullah Omar started his movement with less than 50 armed madrassah students, known simply as the Taliban (Students)."

Here is another historical source you can call a demagogue and hater.

History - Taliban Vs. Afghan Women

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 in Pakistan, when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy to open a trade route with Central Asia. However, this was merely a ruse and the Taliban, with weapons and financial support from Pakistan, captured several Afghan cities, beginning with Herat in 1994, and finally taking over the capital, Kabul, in late 1996. This began the Taliban’s totalitarian dictatorship in Afghanistan, which employs terrible acts of violence and gender apartheid to gain and keep control. By 1998, the Taliban controlled 90% of the country. As it took over more and more territory in the middle east, the Taliban was supported strongly by Pakistan due to very strong religious and ethnic ties.

Sucks that your own link underscores that you're lying, edtheliar.

The Taliban, like Al Qaeda is a militarization of the Wahabbi interpretation of Islam. It arose in response to Desert Storm and is closely linked with Al Qaeda. That's why we bombed Afghanistan after 9/11

Oh wait, are you a Truther who claims DA JOOOZZZ did 9/11?
Wow, historians are now demagogues and haters! :cuckoo:

No edtheliar - you and your fellow Soros drones are not "historians," you are demagogues.

The Taliban had to exist before the 1994 start you lie about or Pakistan would not have chosen 50 students in 1994 to capture Afghan cities!!!
From Wiki: "According to one legend, in 1994, he had a dream in which a woman told him: "We need your help; you must rise. You must end the chaos. Allah will help you." Mullah Omar started his movement with less than 50 armed madrassah students, known simply as the Taliban (Students)."

Here is another historical source you can call a demagogue and hater.

History - Taliban Vs. Afghan Women

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 in Pakistan, when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy to open a trade route with Central Asia. However, this was merely a ruse and the Taliban, with weapons and financial support from Pakistan, captured several Afghan cities, beginning with Herat in 1994, and finally taking over the capital, Kabul, in late 1996. This began the Taliban’s totalitarian dictatorship in Afghanistan, which employs terrible acts of violence and gender apartheid to gain and keep control. By 1998, the Taliban controlled 90% of the country. As it took over more and more territory in the middle east, the Taliban was supported strongly by Pakistan due to very strong religious and ethnic ties.

Sucks that your own link underscores that you're lying, edtheliar.

The Taliban, like Al Qaeda is a militarization of the Wahabbi interpretation of Islam. It arose in response to Desert Storm and is closely linked with Al Qaeda. That's why we bombed Afghanistan after 9/11

Oh wait, are you a Truther who claims DA JOOOZZZ did 9/11?
Sorry, but "EMERGED as a powerful movement in 1994" does not mean "BEGAN" in 1994. My link clearly states that the Taliban were a FACTION of the Mujahideen during the fight with the Soviets. They EMERGED from a faction before 1994 to a POWERHOUSE in 1994.
Wow, historians are now demagogues and haters! :cuckoo:

No edtheliar - you and your fellow Soros drones are not "historians," you are demagogues.

The Taliban had to exist before the 1994 start you lie about or Pakistan would not have chosen 50 students in 1994 to capture Afghan cities!!!
From Wiki: "According to one legend, in 1994, he had a dream in which a woman told him: "We need your help; you must rise. You must end the chaos. Allah will help you." Mullah Omar started his movement with less than 50 armed madrassah students, known simply as the Taliban (Students)."

Here is another historical source you can call a demagogue and hater.

History - Taliban Vs. Afghan Women

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 in Pakistan, when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy to open a trade route with Central Asia. However, this was merely a ruse and the Taliban, with weapons and financial support from Pakistan, captured several Afghan cities, beginning with Herat in 1994, and finally taking over the capital, Kabul, in late 1996. This began the Taliban’s totalitarian dictatorship in Afghanistan, which employs terrible acts of violence and gender apartheid to gain and keep control. By 1998, the Taliban controlled 90% of the country. As it took over more and more territory in the middle east, the Taliban was supported strongly by Pakistan due to very strong religious and ethnic ties.

Sucks that your own link underscores that you're lying, edtheliar.

The Taliban, like Al Qaeda is a militarization of the Wahabbi interpretation of Islam. It arose in response to Desert Storm and is closely linked with Al Qaeda. That's why we bombed Afghanistan after 9/11

Oh wait, are you a Truther who claims DA JOOOZZZ did 9/11?
Sorry, but "EMERGED as a powerful movement in 1994" does not mean "BEGAN" in 1994. My link clearly states that the Taliban were a FACTION of the Mujahideen during the fight with the Soviets. They EMERGED from a faction before 1994 to a POWERHOUSE in 1994.

Then your source is wrong.

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