The Trade Deal with China is a BLOCKBUSTER for Trump and America! Only Trump could pull it off!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Powerline ^ | OCTOBER 12, 2019 | JOHN HINDERAKER

What the Democrats fear most is happening: President Trump and his negotiating team are reaching wide-ranging agreements with China that will be a huge boon to the United States.

In an Oval Office press conference yesterday, President Trump and China’s Vice Premier announced a Phase 1 set of agreements that will be documented over the next several weeks. The video of the press conference is embedded below; Trump’s performance was masterful. His many years of experience as a negotiator shine through.

The Phase 1 agreement covers several important topics, including agricultural sales. China has agreed to ramp up its purchases of agricultural products to $40-$50 billion–three times the previous peak–over the next two years. Trump joked that farmers will need to buy more land and work overtime. That means, I think, that Democrats can say goodbye to hopes that tariffs would be the issue that could win votes in rural America.

The agreement also opens up China’s financial services markets to American companies, covers currency manipulation, and addresses some aspects of intellectual property and technology transfer agreements. Phase 2 negotiations will begin immediately.

Many are saying that the Chinese willingness to enter into this wide-ranging agreement shows that they understand impeachment is a joke, and expect that President Trump will be re-elected. In fact,

Trump himself said exactly that in response to a question: “They expect that I’m going to win. Otherwise they wouldn’t sign the deal. It’s very simple.” If Trump can get our relationship with China straightened out well in advance of the election, with economic benefits becoming visible, the main obstacle to his re-election will, in my opinion, be removed.

Here is the press conference in its entirety:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Trump knows how to handle it and it will all work out in the end.

The DemonRATS are having little fits precisely because Trump is succeeding.....If China didn't recognize the future is another 4 years of Trump. They would never had blinked. They know if no trade agreement at least another $250+++ billion in new tariffs would fall on their already faltering economy....They are Communist . But unlike the ones here can see the writing on the wall!!!!!
Nothing on paper yet.

Wake me when there is.

You didn't read in the link apparently as there is a VIDEO of the conference in it.

"In an Oval Office press conference yesterday, President Trump and China’s Vice Premier announced a Phase 1 set of agreements that will be documented over the next several weeks. The video of the press conference is embedded below; Trump’s performance was masterful. His many years of experience as a negotiator shine through."

bolding mine

You are lazy as usual, sleep in, it fits you well.
Powerline ^ | OCTOBER 12, 2019 | JOHN HINDERAKER

What the Democrats fear most is happening: President Trump and his negotiating team are reaching wide-ranging agreements with China that will be a huge boon to the United States.

In an Oval Office press conference yesterday, President Trump and China’s Vice Premier announced a Phase 1 set of agreements that will be documented over the next several weeks. The video of the press conference is embedded below; Trump’s performance was masterful. His many years of experience as a negotiator shine through.

The Phase 1 agreement covers several important topics, including agricultural sales. China has agreed to ramp up its purchases of agricultural products to $40-$50 billion–three times the previous peak–over the next two years. Trump joked that farmers will need to buy more land and work overtime. That means, I think, that Democrats can say goodbye to hopes that tariffs would be the issue that could win votes in rural America.

The agreement also opens up China’s financial services markets to American companies, covers currency manipulation, and addresses some aspects of intellectual property and technology transfer agreements. Phase 2 negotiations will begin immediately.

Many are saying that the Chinese willingness to enter into this wide-ranging agreement shows that they understand impeachment is a joke, and expect that President Trump will be re-elected. In fact,

Trump himself said exactly that in response to a question: “They expect that I’m going to win. Otherwise they wouldn’t sign the deal. It’s very simple.” If Trump can get our relationship with China straightened out well in advance of the election, with economic benefits becoming visible, the main obstacle to his re-election will, in my opinion, be removed.

Here is the press conference in its entirety:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Trump knows how to handle it and it will all work out in the end.

The DemonRATS are having little fits precisely because Trump is succeeding.....If China didn't recognize the future is another 4 years of Trump. They would never had blinked. They know if no trade agreement at least another $250+++ billion in new tariffs would fall on their already faltering economy....They are Communist . But unlike the ones here can see the writing on the wall!!!!!
The Mexicans were begging democrats this week to pass the new trade deal with them
They wont because they're racist xenophobes full of hate
There is no airtight commitment to protecting intellectual property, ending currency manipulation and granting market access. This is a a bit more than a political band aid for Trump and president Xi Jinping. There is plenty of “trade” issues still to work through.
Powerline ^ | OCTOBER 12, 2019 | JOHN HINDERAKER

What the Democrats fear most is happening: President Trump and his negotiating team are reaching wide-ranging agreements with China that will be a huge boon to the United States.

In an Oval Office press conference yesterday, President Trump and China’s Vice Premier announced a Phase 1 set of agreements that will be documented over the next several weeks. The video of the press conference is embedded below; Trump’s performance was masterful. His many years of experience as a negotiator shine through.

The Phase 1 agreement covers several important topics, including agricultural sales. China has agreed to ramp up its purchases of agricultural products to $40-$50 billion–three times the previous peak–over the next two years. Trump joked that farmers will need to buy more land and work overtime. That means, I think, that Democrats can say goodbye to hopes that tariffs would be the issue that could win votes in rural America.

The agreement also opens up China’s financial services markets to American companies, covers currency manipulation, and addresses some aspects of intellectual property and technology transfer agreements. Phase 2 negotiations will begin immediately.

Many are saying that the Chinese willingness to enter into this wide-ranging agreement shows that they understand impeachment is a joke, and expect that President Trump will be re-elected. In fact,

Trump himself said exactly that in response to a question: “They expect that I’m going to win. Otherwise they wouldn’t sign the deal. It’s very simple.” If Trump can get our relationship with China straightened out well in advance of the election, with economic benefits becoming visible, the main obstacle to his re-election will, in my opinion, be removed.

Here is the press conference in its entirety:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Trump knows how to handle it and it will all work out in the end.

The DemonRATS are having little fits precisely because Trump is succeeding.....If China didn't recognize the future is another 4 years of Trump. They would never had blinked. They know if no trade agreement at least another $250+++ billion in new tariffs would fall on their already faltering economy....They are Communist . But unlike the ones here can see the writing on the wall!!!!!

Trump is the one who blinked, but your blinding partisanship keeps you posting propaganda, fool! The following is from the Wall Street Journal and shows the truth of the trade talks in SPECIFICS rather than misleading and false BS you dredge up from those RWNJ sites you frequent.
China is emerging with wins in this week’s trade talks, some analysts say, with the U.S. shelving new tariffs against Beijing while leaving many demands to be worked out later in return for an assurance of increased agriculture purchases.

The two countries took an initial step Friday to cement a trade agreement that had been derailed for months. President Trump said the U.S. would call off planned tariff increases on Chinese goods next week while Beijing would buy $40 billion to $50 billion worth of American agricultural products—which China hasn’t publicly confirmed.

A bigger trade deal will come over time in three stages, according to Mr. Trump, with more divisive issues to be addressed later. These include Chinese practices that the U.S. alleges but Beijing denies, such as forced transfers of U.S. technology to its economic rival.

Mr. Trump said that matter would largely be addressed in the second round of talks, while analysts think other issues like China’s subsidies to state-owned firms would fall on the later side too.

For now the truce opens an opportunity for Beijing to kick concessions that it doesn’t want to make, down the road. Whether those hard issues ever get resolved is a question.

“If you’re China, you’re pretty happy with the outcome,” Arthur R. Kroeber, founder of Beijing-based consultancy Gavekal Dragonomics, said of the latest trade talks. “China’s negotiation position has always been, the longer you can extend the talks the better.”
~~ China Emerges With Wins From U.S. Trade Truce ~~ Emphasis added
Powerline ^ | OCTOBER 12, 2019 | JOHN HINDERAKER

What the Democrats fear most is happening: President Trump and his negotiating team are reaching wide-ranging agreements with China that will be a huge boon to the United States.

In an Oval Office press conference yesterday, President Trump and China’s Vice Premier announced a Phase 1 set of agreements that will be documented over the next several weeks. The video of the press conference is embedded below; Trump’s performance was masterful. His many years of experience as a negotiator shine through.

The Phase 1 agreement covers several important topics, including agricultural sales. China has agreed to ramp up its purchases of agricultural products to $40-$50 billion–three times the previous peak–over the next two years. Trump joked that farmers will need to buy more land and work overtime. That means, I think, that Democrats can say goodbye to hopes that tariffs would be the issue that could win votes in rural America.

The agreement also opens up China’s financial services markets to American companies, covers currency manipulation, and addresses some aspects of intellectual property and technology transfer agreements. Phase 2 negotiations will begin immediately.

Many are saying that the Chinese willingness to enter into this wide-ranging agreement shows that they understand impeachment is a joke, and expect that President Trump will be re-elected. In fact,

Trump himself said exactly that in response to a question: “They expect that I’m going to win. Otherwise they wouldn’t sign the deal. It’s very simple.” If Trump can get our relationship with China straightened out well in advance of the election, with economic benefits becoming visible, the main obstacle to his re-election will, in my opinion, be removed.

Here is the press conference in its entirety:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Trump knows how to handle it and it will all work out in the end.

The DemonRATS are having little fits precisely because Trump is succeeding.....If China didn't recognize the future is another 4 years of Trump. They would never had blinked. They know if no trade agreement at least another $250+++ billion in new tariffs would fall on their already faltering economy....They are Communist . But unlike the ones here can see the writing on the wall!!!!!

Trump is the one who blinked, but your blinding partisanship keeps you posting propaganda, fool! The following is from the Wall Street Journal and shows the truth of the trade talks in SPECIFICS rather than misleading and false BS you dredge up from those RWNJ sites you frequent.
China is emerging with wins in this week’s trade talks, some analysts say, with the U.S. shelving new tariffs against Beijing while leaving many demands to be worked out later in return for an assurance of increased agriculture purchases.

The two countries took an initial step Friday to cement a trade agreement that had been derailed for months. President Trump said the U.S. would call off planned tariff increases on Chinese goods next week while Beijing would buy $40 billion to $50 billion worth of American agricultural products—which China hasn’t publicly confirmed.

A bigger trade deal will come over time in three stages, according to Mr. Trump, with more divisive issues to be addressed later. These include Chinese practices that the U.S. alleges but Beijing denies, such as forced transfers of U.S. technology to its economic rival.

Mr. Trump said that matter would largely be addressed in the second round of talks, while analysts think other issues like China’s subsidies to state-owned firms would fall on the later side too.

For now the truce opens an opportunity for Beijing to kick concessions that it doesn’t want to make, down the road. Whether those hard issues ever get resolved is a question.

“If you’re China, you’re pretty happy with the outcome,” Arthur R. Kroeber, founder of Beijing-based consultancy Gavekal Dragonomics, said of the latest trade talks. “China’s negotiation position has always been, the longer you can extend the talks the better.”
~~ China Emerges With Wins From U.S. Trade Truce ~~ Emphasis added
ROTFLMFAO... And you talk about a BIASED paper.WSJ is almost as bad as the NY Slimed....propaganda gets them another ABNORMAL!

Wall Street Journal Got It Wrong
I'll wait to see the official deal..................but there would be nothing or any concessions from China if Hillary would have won. She would have joined the TPP, and allowed companies to sue the United States directly in a mickey mouse world court.

Hopefully the deal lowers the trade imbalance to the U.S. which was the main goal. China has been tanking because they need to sell here to support the over a billion people there.

Face it.............this tit for tat negotiation has hurt them badly and they know it. So its quite possible that we will get a decent deal out of it. Will need to see the final agreement for that info.
Meanwhile, here in Ohio, many millennials are getting their first living wage jobs working in the steel industry. Jobs that eluded them when the Democrats were in control of the White House and both chambers of congress.

Nothing on paper yet.

Wake me when there is.
Proving my final statement "They are Communist . But unlike the ones here can see the writing on the wall!!!!"
Meaningless drivel.

Wake me when something is written down and signed.

I'm betting nothing will be, and if I'm wrong and there is it will.just be a return to the status quo. Like the "new" nafta.
Nothing on paper yet.

Wake me when there is.

You didn't read in the link apparently as there is a VIDEO of the conference in it.

"In an Oval Office press conference yesterday, President Trump and China’s Vice Premier announced a Phase 1 set of agreements that will be documented over the next several weeks. The video of the press conference is embedded below; Trump’s performance was masterful. His many years of experience as a negotiator shine through."

bolding mine

You are lazy as usual, sleep in, it fits you well.
Doesn't matter. tRump lies on video all.the time.
Nothing on paper yet.

Wake me when there is.
Proving my final statement "They are Communist . But unlike the ones here can see the writing on the wall!!!!"
Meaningless drivel.

Wake me when something is written down and signed.

I'm betting nothing will be, and if I'm wrong and there is it will.just be a return to the status quo. Like the "new" nafta.
Because CreepyToes KNOWS all this...His opinion is worthless, as uaual!
Powerline ^ | OCTOBER 12, 2019 | JOHN HINDERAKER

What the Democrats fear most is happening: President Trump and his negotiating team are reaching wide-ranging agreements with China that will be a huge boon to the United States.

In an Oval Office press conference yesterday, President Trump and China’s Vice Premier announced a Phase 1 set of agreements that will be documented over the next several weeks. The video of the press conference is embedded below; Trump’s performance was masterful. His many years of experience as a negotiator shine through.

The Phase 1 agreement covers several important topics, including agricultural sales. China has agreed to ramp up its purchases of agricultural products to $40-$50 billion–three times the previous peak–over the next two years. Trump joked that farmers will need to buy more land and work overtime. That means, I think, that Democrats can say goodbye to hopes that tariffs would be the issue that could win votes in rural America.

The agreement also opens up China’s financial services markets to American companies, covers currency manipulation, and addresses some aspects of intellectual property and technology transfer agreements. Phase 2 negotiations will begin immediately.

Many are saying that the Chinese willingness to enter into this wide-ranging agreement shows that they understand impeachment is a joke, and expect that President Trump will be re-elected. In fact,

Trump himself said exactly that in response to a question: “They expect that I’m going to win. Otherwise they wouldn’t sign the deal. It’s very simple.” If Trump can get our relationship with China straightened out well in advance of the election, with economic benefits becoming visible, the main obstacle to his re-election will, in my opinion, be removed.

Here is the press conference in its entirety:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Trump knows how to handle it and it will all work out in the end.

The DemonRATS are having little fits precisely because Trump is succeeding.....If China didn't recognize the future is another 4 years of Trump. They would never had blinked. They know if no trade agreement at least another $250+++ billion in new tariffs would fall on their already faltering economy....They are Communist . But unlike the ones here can see the writing on the wall!!!!!

Trump is the one who blinked, but your blinding partisanship keeps you posting propaganda, fool! The following is from the Wall Street Journal and shows the truth of the trade talks in SPECIFICS rather than misleading and false BS you dredge up from those RWNJ sites you frequent.
China is emerging with wins in this week’s trade talks, some analysts say, with the U.S. shelving new tariffs against Beijing while leaving many demands to be worked out later in return for an assurance of increased agriculture purchases.

The two countries took an initial step Friday to cement a trade agreement that had been derailed for months. President Trump said the U.S. would call off planned tariff increases on Chinese goods next week while Beijing would buy $40 billion to $50 billion worth of American agricultural products—which China hasn’t publicly confirmed.

A bigger trade deal will come over time in three stages, according to Mr. Trump, with more divisive issues to be addressed later. These include Chinese practices that the U.S. alleges but Beijing denies, such as forced transfers of U.S. technology to its economic rival.

Mr. Trump said that matter would largely be addressed in the second round of talks, while analysts think other issues like China’s subsidies to state-owned firms would fall on the later side too.

For now the truce opens an opportunity for Beijing to kick concessions that it doesn’t want to make, down the road. Whether those hard issues ever get resolved is a question.

“If you’re China, you’re pretty happy with the outcome,” Arthur R. Kroeber, founder of Beijing-based consultancy Gavekal Dragonomics, said of the latest trade talks. “China’s negotiation position has always been, the longer you can extend the talks the better.”
~~ China Emerges With Wins From U.S. Trade Truce ~~ Emphasis added
ROTFLMFAO... And you talk about a BIASED paper.WSJ is almost as bad as the NY Slimed....propaganda gets them another ABNORMAL!

Wall Street Journal Got It Wrong
ROTFLMFAO... And you talk about a BIASED paper.WSJ is almost as bad as the NY Slimed....propaganda gets them another ABNORMAL!

Wall Street Journal Got It Wrong
You bloody imbecile! What you cited as a rebuttal ARTICLE [Wall Street Journal Got It Wrong] re: the W S J article I posted displaying the BS in your OP is nothing but a damn advertisement for a real estate investment scheme. You missed the target by 180 degrees yet again fool! Do mankind a favor and off yourself! You're dangerous STUPID!
Nothing on paper yet.

Wake me when there is.
Proving my final statement "They are Communist . But unlike the ones here can see the writing on the wall!!!!"
Meaningless drivel.

Wake me when something is written down and signed.

I'm betting nothing will be, and if I'm wrong and there is it will.just be a return to the status quo. Like the "new" nafta.
Because CreepyToes KNOWS all this...His opinion is worthless, as uaual!
You're beginning to sound desperate again.

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