The traitors in the American media reports, The American OCCUPATION of Afghanistan is over."

It was an occupation that murdered many innocent women and children.
Let's have an independent commission look into why the Afghan Army and the Government collapsed and made our exit so difficult. How many billions and how many years?

No more nation building!
What would you call it you fucking idiot?
When the Soviets left in the 80s that was an end to the occupation.
Like assholes we tend to stick around and try to fix shit.
I think we almost left in 2003....but Obama and the Deep State got us back in.
From now on we should just drone strike or nuke these 3rd world shitholes.
Yep...a failed experiment just like Viet'd think we've learned our lesson...........until the next time.
The ruling elite don’t care about lives lost. They care about making lots of money.
Let's have an independent commission look into why the Afghan Army and the Government collapsed and made our exit so difficult. How many billions and how many years?

No more nation building!
No need, our troops on the ground have been telling us for years the Afghan army refused to fire on other Muslims including the Taliban.
If it was an occupation we would have mined out all their Lithium and other rare earth medals.

No, it was simply dumbass nation building.
Let's have an independent commission look into why the Afghan Army and the Government collapsed and made our exit so difficult. How many billions and how many years?

No more nation building!
had something to do with Biden.

But as a typical ass, you refuse any responsibility.
Let's have an independent commission look into why the Afghan Army and the Government collapsed and made our exit so difficult. How many billions and how many years?

No more nation building!
What part of Afghanistan has never been successfully subjugated to a foreign power ever. Not by Hannibal or Alexander the Great or anyone else. Our Military Leaders knew this and thought they could defeat an "ideology" shared by a people willing to die for their beliefs and their homes. WAR huh! What is it good for....

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