The Tree of Life synagogue - A Must Read For All Hate Mongers !

More on Trumps toxic brand of Nationalism

Trump Largely Alone As World Leaders Take Aim At Nationalism | HuffPost

French President Emmanuel Macron warned that the ā€œancient demonsā€ that caused World War I and millions of deaths were once again making headway.

At a weekend commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, the president who proudly declares himself a ā€œnationalistā€ stood apart, even on a continent where his brand of populism is on the rise.

He began his visit with a tweet slamming the French presidentā€™s call for a European defense force, arrived at events alone and spent much of his trip out of sight in the American ambassadorsā€™ residence in central Paris. On Sunday, he listened as he was lectured on the dangers of nationalist isolation, and then he headed home just as the inaugural Paris Peace Summit was getting underway.

Something is seriously wrong with this "man"
Macron is right!

Macronā€™s speech was a perfectly delivered argument for preserving the international order and rejecting President Trumpā€™s noxious nationalism. Macron explained, ā€œPatriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By putting our own interests first, with no regard for others, we erase the very thing that a nation holds dearest, and the thing that keeps it alive: its moral values.ā€ He continued, ā€œOld demons are rising again. New ideologies are manipulating religions, and history is threatening to repeat its tragedies. Let us vow once more as nations to ensure peace is the utmost priority, above all else, because we know what it cost.ā€

Macron is a traitor to his own country and his own people. He has willingly allowed his country to be invaded by violent foreign savages, bringing with them a wave of violence and crime. This is a perfect illustration of what I was just saying about nationalism being a duty of any elected officialā€”a duty to put the interests of his own country and his own countrymen above any foreign interests. If the French had any courage, they'd hang this piece of shit from a convenient tree.
The synagogue shooter hated Trump. So you have that in common.
I have NOTHING in common with him. He hates Trump because he does not believe that he is a real Nazi or Nationalist. I hate Trump because I know that he is.

He is whatā€”a Nazi or a nationalist?

You do know, don't you. that genuine Naziism has been extinct for decades, now, right? There may be one or two 90+-year-old Nazis hiding out somewhere in South America, but for all intents and purposes, they and their ideology no longer exist in any meaningful form.

As for a nationalist, I sure hope so. We had eight years of a President that was all too happy to sacrifice the interests of this country and of the American people, in order to pander to the interests of foreign nations and foreign people. It is very specifically the duty of the President, and of every member of Congress, to stand for the interests of this country, and its people. And by definition, that is what a nationalist isā€”someone who puts the interests of his own country and his own countrymen ahead of any foreign interests.

Any elected representative of the American people, who is not a nationalist, is guilty of malfeasance.

Yes, he knows that. He is just lying to smear his enemies, because he realized a long time ago, that he can't advance his liberal agenda using the Truth.

What am I lying about? You boys might want to educate yourselves on the history and concept of Nationalism. All Nationalism is not equal

Negative and Positive Nationalism

Due to the nature of nationalism, conflict is inevitable, particularly when it comes to nationalism as a political movement. Within the bounds of a nation there are people who are insiders and those who are outsiders. The way in which a nation portrays "the other" is crucial in determining whether the nationalism is positive or negative. Nazi Germany and the outcomes of Hitlerā€™s campaign against the Jews during World War II is an example of the dangers of nationalism. The Indian rebellion against colonial rule by the British and subsequent independence is an example of positive nationalism

Remember Trumps ā€œshit hole ā€œcomment. That is just one small example of his negative brand of Nationalism. His war on NATO is another.

Here is more food for thought:

he commemorations also underscored the magnificent achievement of the post-World War II international liberal order ā€” which prevented any wars of this magnitude, ushered in decades of prosperity and drew bitter enemies in to close alliances. One truly has to have a heart of stone and a lack of any understanding of the 20th century not to be moved by the sight of leaders of the European nations walking together in the rain down the Champs-Elysees or the obvious personal affection between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron.

And Trump? Where was he? Macron is right!

Macronā€™s speech was a perfectly delivered argument for preserving the international order and rejecting President Trumpā€™s noxious nationalism. Macron explained, ā€œPatriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By putting our own interests first, with no regard for others, we erase the very thing that a nation holds dearest, and the thing that keeps it alive: its moral values.ā€ He continued, ā€œOld demons are rising again. New ideologies are manipulating religions, and history is threatening to repeat its tragedies. Let us vow once more as nations to ensure peace is the utmost priority, above all else, because we know what it cost.ā€

So, Indian Nationalism was good, even though it was negatively directed at the British, who were benefiting at their (India) expense.

The World has been taking advantage of US for quite a while now, and it is GOOD that we stop that.

We need to stop being the world's policeman, with military forces all over the world, fighting everyone,

AND we need to stop letting other nations fuck US on trade and immigration.

That you even MENTION Nazism in this context, is utterly uncalled for.
More on Trumps toxic brand of Nationalism

Trump Largely Alone As World Leaders Take Aim At Nationalism | HuffPost

French President Emmanuel Macron warned that the ā€œancient demonsā€ that caused World War I and millions of deaths were once again making headway.

At a weekend commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, the president who proudly declares himself a ā€œnationalistā€ stood apart, even on a continent where his brand of populism is on the rise.

He began his visit with a tweet slamming the French presidentā€™s call for a European defense force, arrived at events alone and spent much of his trip out of sight in the American ambassadorsā€™ residence in central Paris. On Sunday, he listened as he was lectured on the dangers of nationalist isolation, and then he headed home just as the inaugural Paris Peace Summit was getting underway.

Something is seriously wrong with this "man"
You read it because you're a Hate Monger? Thanks for the info!
So, Indian Nationalism was good, even though it was negatively directed at the British, who were benefiting at their (India) expense.
Native Americans were defending their land-their Nation against o foreign invader who sought to enslave them. They were not out to subjugate and dominate another group. That is positive Nationalism.
The World has been taking advantage of US for quite a while now, and it is GOOD that we stop that.
There are many more instances of this country taking advantage of, exploiting and even destabilizing other countries, particularly in south and central America. Being part of an alliance that has prevented major war in Europe for 70 years and making a contribution proportionate to our power and wealth is not allowing them to take advantage of us,
We need to stop being the world's policeman, with military forces all over the world, fighting everyone,
I agree-Like in Vietnam and Korea. But isolationism leads to dire consequences as we learned from the events leading up to WW I and II
So, Indian Nationalism was good, even though it was negatively directed at the British, who were benefiting at their (India) expense.
Native Americans were defending their land-their Nation against o foreign invader who sought to enslave them. They were not out to subjugate and dominate another group. That is positive Nationalism.

you might want to reread what Correll wrote, you have the wrong India
So, Indian Nationalism was good, even though it was negatively directed at the British, who were benefiting at their (India) expense.
Native Americans were defending their land-their Nation against o foreign invader who sought to enslave them. They were not out to subjugate and dominate another group. That is positive Nationalism.

Your link was discussing Indian nationalism as a good thing. I have no problem with that view of nationalism, or Indian Nationalism.

Trump is not out to subjugate or dominate another group.

Wanting the Europeans to pay their fair share of Defense, is not the same as trying to "ENSLAVE" them.
We need to stop being the world's policeman, with military forces all over the world, fighting everyone,
I agree-Like in Vietnam and Korea. But isolationism leads to dire consequences as we learned from the events leading up to WW I and II

We are treaty bound to fight Russia over Estonia.

We are not in a situation where isolationism is the problem, but were over entanglement is what could lead us to disaster.
AND we need to stop letting other nations fuck US on trade and immigration.
WE could probobly do better on some trade deals but you have to stop believing the horseshit that spews out of Trumps pie hole on that as well as on immigration. Those asylum seekers coming from central America are fleeing because we screwed and exploited their countries over many decades.
So, Indian Nationalism was good, even though it was negatively directed at the British, who were benefiting at their (India) expense.
Native Americans were defending their land-their Nation against o foreign invader who sought to enslave them. They were not out to subjugate and dominate another group. That is positive Nationalism.

you might want to reread what Correll wrote, you have the wrong India
My bad
So, Indian Nationalism was good, even though it was negatively directed at the British, who were benefiting at their (India) expense.
Native Americans were defending their land-their Nation against o foreign invader who sought to enslave them. They were not out to subjugate and dominate another group. That is positive Nationalism.

you might want to reread what Correll wrote, you have the wrong India

AND I was citing HIS link.
AND we need to stop letting other nations fuck US on trade and immigration.
WE could probobly do better on some trade deals but you have to stop believing the horseshit that spews out of Trumps pie hole on that as well as on immigration. Those asylum seekers coming from central America are fleeing because we screwed and exploited their countries over many decades.

YOu need to stop assuming that anyone, ANYONE, started thinking about these issues, when Trump started talking abou them.

Those "asylum seekers" are lying economic immigrants.
So, Indian Nationalism was good, even though it was negatively directed at the British, who were benefiting at their (India) expense.
Native Americans were defending their land-their Nation against o foreign invader who sought to enslave them. They were not out to subjugate and dominate another group. That is positive Nationalism.

you might want to reread what Correll wrote, you have the wrong India
My bad

Happens. No worries
So, Indian Nationalism was good, even though it was negatively directed at the British, who were benefiting at their (India) expense.

Native Americans were defending their land-their Nation against o [sic] foreign invader who sought to enslave them. They were not out to subjugate and dominate another group. That is positive Nationalism.

Mr. Bowers, the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter, had a sharp, enduring hatred for President Trump, and that was his motive. Sure, it was a hate crime. The idea of recognizing Jerusalem as the Eternal Capital of the Jewish people drove Bowers to madness.

No mention of what religion Bowers is, my guess is he is a devout Jihadi.
That is ridiculous! Hate for Trump was not his motive. It was hate for Jews!!

Yes his hate for Trump was.

Synagogue shooter hated Donald Trump and shows what real hatred, anti-Semitism looks like

Trump is not anti-Semitic so to kill Jews has nothing to do with Trump's beliefs. Why do you blame it on Trump or on "the right" when he hated the republican president and hated Jews, a people the republicans don't hate and the president has no hate for whatsoever? So I beg to ask you, WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH REPUBLICANS? He hated Trump and hated Jews. He decided to shoot the Jews because they didn't have armed body guards that would shoot back. If anything, Trump and the republican party is a victim like the Jews are, one of the things he hates with no real motive.
And leftist love them some Jew haters. They are champions for Muslims, big anti Semites.
Mr. Bowers, the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter, had a sharp, enduring hatred for President Trump, and that was his motive. Sure, it was a hate crime. The idea of recognizing Jerusalem as the Eternal Capital of the Jewish people drove Bowers to madness.

No mention of what religion Bowers is, my guess is he is a devout Jihadi.
That is ridiculous! Hate for Trump was not his motive. It was hate for Jews!!

Yes his hate for Trump was.

Synagogue shooter hated Donald Trump and shows what real hatred, anti-Semitism looks like

Trump is not anti-Semitic so to kill Jews has nothing to do with Trump's beliefs. Why do you blame it on Trump or on "the right" when he hated the republican president and hated Jews, a people the republicans don't hate and the president has no hate for whatsoever? So I beg to ask you, WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH REPUBLICANS? He hated Trump and hated Jews. He decided to shoot the Jews because they didn't have armed body guards that would shoot back. If anything, Trump and the republican party is a victim like the Jews are, one of the things he hates with no real motive.
And leftist love them some Jew haters. They are champions for Muslims, big anti Semites.
I'm going to set you straight right now because this is the kind of ignorant, divisive horseshit really pisses that me off. First of all I am of Jewish heritage, although not of the faith. I had relatives who died in the Holocaust ! The fact that I believe that Muslims should be treated with dignity and respect, like everyone else, does not make me an anti-Semite. That is a classic Non sequitur logical fallacy where the premise does not support the conclusion

This is the kind of shit that you hate mongers pull all of the time where you attempt to pit one group against another. You do it with gays vs. Muslims You do it with Christians vs. Muslims, Christians vs, gays as well. I have a Jewish friend who attended an interfaith service at the local Mosque. If you don't fell stupid yet, it must be because you are to stupid to know how stupid you are . Have a shitty day.
Yea I have a friend that was on top of the WTC when the towers hit and rode the rubble pile all the way to the street and was interviewed by the media shortly thereafter.

You a Jew like Warren was a fucking Indian. Shut up and fuck you you left wing fuckhead.
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