The 'trickle down theory' is dead wrong

What was the tax rate during the greatest period of economic growth in the twentieth century in this country, the 1950's and early 1960's?

stupid stupid stupid liberal
1) ours was the only economy in the world in the 1950's. Others had been destroyed by WW2. Ever heard of WW2?

2) as % of Gdp taxes were lower then than now.
If If an investor knows that his million dollar investment will result in a return of 500,000.00, do you really think he will forego that investment.
100% stupid and liberal a venture capitalist does not know result you perfect idiot . We do know that "shots on goal" are reduced as lib commie govt taxes away venture or investment capital. How many Apples Googles and Amazons were lost to libcommie taxes???
What was the tax rate during the greatest period of economic growth in the twentieth century in this country, the 1950's and early 1960's?

stupid stupid stupid liberal
1) ours was the only economy in the world in the 1950's. Others had been destroyed by WW2. Ever heard of WW2?

2) as % of Gdp taxes were lower then than now.

Well, if taxes as a % of GDP is your measure of how much we are taxed, you must love the the fact that between 2009 and 2015, taxes as a % of GDP were historically low; lower than they were in the 1950's. And they were almost 20% higher when Reagan was President than now. So, Reagan was one of those raise the taxes, slow the growth liberals you whine about?
If If an investor knows that his million dollar investment will result in a return of 500,000.00, do you really think he will forego that investment.
100% stupid and liberal a venture capitalist does not know result you perfect idiot . We do know that "shots on goal" are reduced as lib commie govt taxes away venture or investment capital. How many Apples Googles and Amazons were lost to libcommie taxes???
They do not tax away venture capital. If someone invests their capital loses it, it is not taxed at all. In fact, it lowers his tax burden because he can offset income with that loss.
libs raised taxes from 8% to 35% and still want more and more. Its never enough for a liberal. So far Hilary wants free college and free pre k. Its just like Stalin always wanting another 5 year plan.

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Can you read?
I can... or, rather, I can't, because you haven't responded...

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it.
libs raised taxes from 8% to 35% and still want more and more

View attachment 42682
So, since 1900, this country has been governed solely by liberals. There were never any non-liberals in control of the government in the last 107 years? That is your argument? So, then, all of the tremendous growth and economic progress we have made since then, progress that made us the richest, most economically powerful nation in the world; a nation that continues to lead the world in innovation and invention and opportunity. All of that is a result of liberal economic policies? You do realize, don't you, that those numbers include state and local revenue; not just income taxes? That the federal component has been pretty steady between 15% and 18% of GDP since 1940? Did you mean to post a chart that proved that you are wrong?
They do not tax away venture capital. .

100% stupid of course. When we get a winner we pay taxes in the gain that otherwise would have gone to another Apple Google Tesla or Intel. How many great American companies never happened thanks to our libcommies??
Can you read?
I can... or, rather, I can't, because you haven't responded...

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it.
I was referring to your idiotic question about living in 100 countries.
Can you read?
I can... or, rather, I can't, because you haven't responded...

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it.
I was referring to your idiotic question about living in 100 countries.
I didn't ask a question about living in 100 countries - you fucking moron.

Now did you want to take a stab at your mindless assertion that taxing an activity doesn't discurage it?

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it




"Overall, data from the past 50 years strongly refutes any arguments that cutting taxes for the richest Americans will improve the economic standing of the lower and middle classes or the nation as a whole. To be sure, the economic indicators examined in this report are dependent on a variety of factors, not just tax policy. However, what this study does show is that any attempt to stimulate economic growth by cutting taxes for the rich will do nothing -- it hasn't worked over the past 50 years, so why would it work in the future? To put it simply and bluntly, Bush's top-bracket tax cut is an ineffective attempt at stimulus that will not cause any growth -- unless, of course, if you're talking about the size of the deficit."

And you're ignoring the vast welfare and regulatory state that was erected the past 50 year? It's like bragging about how much water was successfully pumped off the Titanic just before it went under
And my question, "Can you read" was not addressed to you. So, moron, why did you respond to something that was not directed at you? You have enough of a problem making coherent responses to questions directed at you. For example, you moronic suggestion that taxes designed specifically to encourage an activity by taxing it directly has any relevance to whether income or corporate tax rates are at one percentage or another. People invest to make money. Whether they pay a tax rate of 15 % or 18% on their earnings does not affect whether or not they make the decision to invest. Either way, they make money. You don't get a return when you but a pack of cigarettes; it is not an investment. It is an activity that should be discouraged. The suggestion that "liberals" want to discourage investment is ludicrous. The question is where is the sweet spot in taxation where it is high enough to fund government operations and low enough to not discourage investment. Historically, we know that taxes, as a % of GPD, have not fluctuated much over the last 80 years. I gave you a chart and everything. Historically, we know that reducing tax rates for the wealthiest few does not stimulate long term economic growth. I have provided you with all the evidence to prove that and, still, you remain ignorant. How sad.




"Overall, data from the past 50 years strongly refutes any arguments that cutting taxes for the richest Americans will improve the economic standing of the lower and middle classes or the nation as a whole. To be sure, the economic indicators examined in this report are dependent on a variety of factors, not just tax policy. However, what this study does show is that any attempt to stimulate economic growth by cutting taxes for the rich will do nothing -- it hasn't worked over the past 50 years, so why would it work in the future? To put it simply and bluntly, Bush's top-bracket tax cut is an ineffective attempt at stimulus that will not cause any growth -- unless, of course, if you're talking about the size of the deficit."

And you're ignoring the vast welfare and regulatory state that was erected the past 50 year? It's like bragging about how much water was successfully pumped off the Titanic just before it went under
So, now that I have proven your claims about taxes were all wrong, you switch to the regulatory state? Typical. Show me where, on the charts, growth was stymied by regulations?
And my question, "Can you read" was not addressed to you
Welcome to USMB where all posts are open for everyone to respond to - you fucking moron.

Now, you fucking moron....did you want to take a stab at defending your mindless assertion that taxing an activity doesn't discourage it?

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it - you fucking moron.

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