The 'trickle down theory' is dead wrong

Trickle down is ...

A fiction of the ideological left which literally describes The Welfare State produced BY the Left.
So, there is no such thing as supply side economics; no economic theory that suggests that by lowering taxes and cutting regulations, businesses will be in a better position to invest and employ more people? That basic tenet of Republican economic theory of the last fifty years is a fiction?

There is no such thing as Trickle Down Economics; except the fiction of the ideological left which literally describes The Welfare State produced BY the Left.

The only thing 'taxes' and 'regulations' are, in terms of Economics, is liability. With such being counted as pressing against the viability of the economy.
And my question, "Can you read" was not addressed to you
Welcome to USMB where all posts are open for everyone to respond to - you fucking moron.

Now, you fucking moron....did you want to take a stab at defending your mindless assertion that taxing an activity doesn't discourage it?

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it - you fucking moron.
Why don't you take you M4, shove it up your ass and blow your brains out. Perhaps you are a lazy fuck who would be discouraged from working because they tax you, but normal people do not think that way. What is your solution? No taxes? Or, maybe, we only tax those who work for others. But, according to your sterling logic, that would discourage people from working. We tax property, so i guess most folks would prefer to rent. If you are an example of the level of intellect from the right, no wonder you clowns have never actually been allowed to govern. Taxes generate revenue to fund the government. Taxes pay for the patent system that allows a person to keep control over their invention and it funds the courts where you can go to stop someone from stealing your idea. They fund education of the folks you hire to build your invention. It funded the rural electrification projects that brought electricity to the location you chose to build your factory. It pays for the roads you fucking cars drive on. You "I am an island" assholes are the worst.
And my question, "Can you read" was not addressed to you
Welcome to USMB where all posts are open for everyone to respond to - you fucking moron.

Now, you fucking moron....did you want to take a stab at defending your mindless assertion that taxing an activity doesn't discourage it?

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it - you fucking moron.
Why don't you take you M4, shove it up your ass and blow your brains out. Perhaps you are a lazy fuck who would be discouraged from working because they tax you, but normal people do not think that way. What is your solution? No taxes? Or, maybe, we only tax those who work for others. But, according to your sterling logic, that would discourage people from working. We tax property, so i guess most folks would prefer to rent. If you are an example of the level of intellect from the right, no wonder you clowns have never actually been allowed to govern. Taxes generate revenue to fund the government. Taxes pay for the patent system that allows a person to keep control over their invention and it funds the courts where you can go to stop someone from stealing your idea. They fund education of the folks you hire to build your invention. It funded the rural electrification projects that brought electricity to the location you chose to build your factory. It pays for the roads you fucking cars drive on. You "I am an island" assholes are the worst.
It's an M14, a 7.62 caliber weapon, not an M4, a 5.56 caliber weapon. And that was the most correct thing you posted.
Yes, you tax something ,you get less of it. That's the idea behind fines for speeding tickets.
Now, that said, obviously some kind of taxation is necessary to fund the essential functions of government. Sponsoring studies of drinking patterns among Chinese whores is not one of those essential functions.

And back to the OP, no one can tell me what "trickle down theory" is. Because it doesnt exist.
And my question, "Can you read" was not addressed to you
Welcome to USMB where all posts are open for everyone to respond to - you fucking moron.

Now, you fucking moron....did you want to take a stab at defending your mindless assertion that taxing an activity doesn't discourage it?

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it - you fucking moron.
Why don't you take you M4, shove it up your ass and blow your brains out. Perhaps you are a lazy fuck who would be discouraged from working because they tax you, but normal people do not think that way. What is your solution? No taxes? Or, maybe, we only tax those who work for others. But, according to your sterling logic, that would discourage people from working. We tax property, so i guess most folks would prefer to rent. If you are an example of the level of intellect from the right, no wonder you clowns have never actually been allowed to govern. Taxes generate revenue to fund the government. Taxes pay for the patent system that allows a person to keep control over their invention and it funds the courts where you can go to stop someone from stealing your idea. They fund education of the folks you hire to build your invention. It funded the rural electrification projects that brought electricity to the location you chose to build your factory. It pays for the roads you fucking cars drive on. You "I am an island" assholes are the worst.
It's an M14, a 7.62 caliber weapon, not an M4, a 5.56 caliber weapon. And that was the most correct thing you posted.
Yes, you tax something ,you get less of it. That's the idea behind fines for speeding tickets.
Now, that said, obviously some kind of taxation is necessary to fund the essential functions of government. Sponsoring studies of drinking patterns among Chinese whores is not one of those essential functions.

And back to the OP, no one can tell me what "trickle down theory" is. Because it doesnt exist.
No one can tell you what trickle down theory is because you are a fucking moron.
too stupid as always. We have the highest corporate taxes in the world , not Canada or Britain. Oh, and the PM of Britain for the last 5 years is Conservative. As a typical liberal you lack the IQ to comment here.

I'll put my IQ up against your any day of the week Special Ed. And you'd lose.

The statutory US rate of 35% is higher than the countries you named, but the effective rate, the % of taxes corporations actually pay, is only 11%, which is much lower than any of the countries you named. Many large multinational corporations pay NO TAXES at all.
too stupid as always. We have the highest corporate taxes in the world , not Canada or Britain. Oh, and the PM of Britain for the last 5 years is Conservative. As a typical liberal you lack the IQ to comment here.

I'll put my IQ up against your any day of the week Special Ed. And you'd lose.

The statutory US rate of 35% is higher than the countries you named, but the effective rate, the % of taxes corporations actually pay, is only 11%, which is much lower than any of the countries you named. Many large multinational corporations pay NO TAXES at all.

dear the question is not what the effective rate is but whether the statutory rate is the highest in world making us less supply side than other nations with lower statutory rates.
And my question, "Can you read" was not addressed to you
Welcome to USMB where all posts are open for everyone to respond to - you fucking moron.

Now, you fucking moron....did you want to take a stab at defending your mindless assertion that taxing an activity doesn't discourage it?

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it - you fucking moron.
Why don't you take you M4, shove it up your ass and blow your brains out. Perhaps you are a lazy fuck who would be discouraged from working because they tax you, but normal people do not think that way. What is your solution? No taxes? Or, maybe, we only tax those who work for others. But, according to your sterling logic, that would discourage people from working. We tax property, so i guess most folks would prefer to rent. If you are an example of the level of intellect from the right, no wonder you clowns have never actually been allowed to govern. Taxes generate revenue to fund the government. Taxes pay for the patent system that allows a person to keep control over their invention and it funds the courts where you can go to stop someone from stealing your idea. They fund education of the folks you hire to build your invention. It funded the rural electrification projects that brought electricity to the location you chose to build your factory. It pays for the roads you fucking cars drive on. You "I am an island" assholes are the worst.
It's an M14, a 7.62 caliber weapon, not an M4, a 5.56 caliber weapon. And that was the most correct thing you posted.
Yes, you tax something ,you get less of it. That's the idea behind fines for speeding tickets.
Now, that said, obviously some kind of taxation is necessary to fund the essential functions of government. Sponsoring studies of drinking patterns among Chinese whores is not one of those essential functions.

And back to the OP, no one can tell me what "trickle down theory" is. Because it doesnt exist.
No one can tell you what trickle down theory is because you are a fucking moron.

trickle down is really flood down. just look at the 80 million Americans who already own smart phone toys at $150//month. How's that for sharing the wealth?

Feeling silly for being brainwashed by the liberal press?
Taxation of an activity discourages that activity.
Taxation of commerce discourages commerce.
Liberals want to raise taxes on commerce....?
No, it does not discourage that activity. .
Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choiceto not have health insurance?
You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it.
What a fucking moron
Irony - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ireland reduced its corporate taxes to 11% and half of the world's major corporations moved there in whole or in part. How's that for supply side economics?

American has been the greatest power house in economic history by far and ,surprise, it has had the smallest govt. How's that for supply-side economics????.

Except that for much of its history, the U.S. has been a Keynsian economy, especially from 1932 to 1980 when it experienced its greatest growth.

When Reagan re- ordered the U.S. Economy to supply side economics, wages stagnated for the working class, poverty increased, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. This has happened in every economy which has adopted supply side economics.
Except that for much of its history, the U.S. has been a Keynsian economy, especially from 1932 to 1980 when it experienced its greatest growth.

dear, 1932 was the Great Depression. A depression is not a period of growth.

See why we must conclude that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
When Reagan re- ordered the U.S. Economy to supply side economics,.

1000% stupid as always. Supply- side is about tax cuts so business can invest and grow the economy rather than pay taxes that get wasted on crippliing welfare entitlements. Taxes in the USA grew from 8% of GDP in 1900 steadily ( even through Reagan) to 36% today.

See why we are 1000% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? The liberal is so stupid as to blame conservatism for liberalism!

And my question, "Can you read" was not addressed to you
Welcome to USMB where all posts are open for everyone to respond to - you fucking moron.

Now, you fucking moron....did you want to take a stab at defending your mindless assertion that taxing an activity doesn't discourage it?

Taxing ammunition does not discourage the purchase of ammunition?
Taxing abortions does not discourage abortions?
Taxing the casting of a ballot does not discourage voting?
Taxing the the choice to not obtain health insurance does not discourage the choice to not obtain health insurance?

You tax an activity, you make it harder to undertake that activity - thusly discouraging it - you fucking moron.
Why don't you take you M4, shove it up your ass and blow your brains out.
You're wrong, you're a fucking moron, and you know it.
Perhaps you are a lazy fuck who would be discouraged from working because they tax you, but normal people do not think that way.

Do Higher Taxes Make Us Work Less?

621 DEC 24, 2014 9:00 AM EST
By Noah Smith

In 2010, Harvard economist N. Gregory Mankiw wrote a column in the New York Times warning that if taxes go up, he and people like him will work less:

Here's the bottom line: Without any taxes, accepting [an extra work] assignment would have yielded my children an extra $10,000. With taxes, it yields only $1,000. In effect, once the entire tax system is taken into account, my family’s marginal tax rate is about 90 percent. Is it any wonder that I turn down most of the money-making opportunities I am offered?

Now, Mankiw’s numbers include a little bit of dodgy math, because if there were no taxes, his pretax wage rate would be lower. But the basic point -- that taxes reduce the incentive to work -- is true.

Mankiw has earned a reputation as the world’s Econ 101 teacher, since he writes the country’s most-popular introductory economicstextbook. Like most Econ 101 insights, the fact that taxes discourage work comes from pure logic. Taxes raise the price that buyers have to pay and lower the price that sellers get for a product. No wonder taxes make buyers want to buy less and sellers want to sell less.
Reagan used to say that the 90% marginal tax rate meant that actors would only do a couple of movies a year and then take the rest of the year off.
When Reagan re- ordered the U.S. Economy to supply side economics,.

1000% stupid as always. Supply- side is about tax cuts so business can invest and grow the economy rather than pay taxes that get wasted on crippliing welfare entitlements. Taxes in the USA grew from 8% of GDP in 1900 steadily ( even through Reagan) to 36% today.

See why we are 1000% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? The liberal is so stupid as to blame conservatism for liberalism!

View attachment 42689
And what happened as taxes increased? Our economy grew. You did not realize your chart proved that, did you?
too stupid as always. We have the highest corporate taxes in the world , not Canada or Britain. Oh, and the PM of Britain for the last 5 years is Conservative. As a typical liberal you lack the IQ to comment here.

I'll put my IQ up against your any day of the week Special Ed. And you'd lose.

The statutory US rate of 35% is higher than the countries you named, but the effective rate, the % of taxes corporations actually pay, is only 11%, which is much lower than any of the countries you named. Many large multinational corporations pay NO TAXES at all.

dear the question is not what the effective rate is but whether the statutory rate is the highest in world making us less supply side than other nations with lower statutory rates.
So, it does not matter what someone actually pays in taxes, it matters what the rate is? If it does not matter what someone really pays, the taxes have no affect, right?

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