The 'trickle down theory' is dead wrong

And by disaster you mean it obliterated the USSR and revitalized the US economy, right Komrade?
LOL. Reagan didn't obliterate the USSR, the USSR collapsed due to revisionism and Khrushchev's obsession with corn. (I hope someone get's this joke..)

Reagan called the USSR an Evil Empire and vowed to let them defeat themselves and they did. He liberated all of Eastern Europe from the horrific, dehumanizing system our American Progressive love and admire
The USSR is very controversial, and the state capitalism it followed was horrific, however, no progressives admire the USSR.
There is no nation, past or present, which the socialists can point to as a successful example of socialism. There's a reason for that.

As for the USSR, the left wing used to worship the USSR in the way pagans throw virgins into a volcano to prevent it from erupting. They thought Reagan was going to provoke their god into smiting us. They hated Reagan, not the USSR.

Kind of like the way some people who think they are conservatives bow down to Putin these days. They hate Obama, and salivate over what a manly man Putin is.
Oh, man, that is funny stuff.

It is especially hilarious the way Blum demonstrates a total lack of understanding of how markets work. The automobile industry would never be able to keep a superior mode of transportation down. That's conspiracy whackjob bullshit.

Blaming America for the failure of a broken economic model is equally humorous. Plenty of socialist experiments have been allowed to rise or fall on their own merits. Castro's model has been allowed to rise or fall on its own merits, and it couldn't survive without being propped up by the USSR.

North Korea can't survive without China.

China was allowed to rise and fall on its own merits, and it fell in spectacular fashion. Mao's Great Leap Forward resulted in the deaths of 30 to 70 million people. Blum is an asshole above all assholes for trying to pin that horrific evil on the US.

By the way, you think those socialist countries weren't waging constant war against OUR system, dipshit? You and Blum are retarded for believing it was a one way street.

"We will bury you."

The best economic system won.
LOL. Reagan didn't obliterate the USSR, the USSR collapsed due to revisionism and Khrushchev's obsession with corn. (I hope someone get's this joke..)

Reagan called the USSR an Evil Empire and vowed to let them defeat themselves and they did. He liberated all of Eastern Europe from the horrific, dehumanizing system our American Progressive love and admire
The USSR is very controversial, and the state capitalism it followed was horrific, however, no progressives admire the USSR.
There is no nation, past or present, which the socialists can point to as a successful example of socialism. There's a reason for that.

As for the USSR, the left wing used to worship the USSR in the way pagans throw virgins into a volcano to prevent it from erupting. They thought Reagan was going to provoke their god into smiting us. They hated Reagan, not the USSR.

Kind of like the way some people who think they are conservatives bow down to Putin these days. They hate Obama, and salivate over what a manly man Putin is.
Oh, man, that is funny stuff.

It is especially hilarious the way Blum demonstrates a total lack of understanding of how markets work. The automobile industry would never be able to keep a superior mode of transportation down. That's conspiracy whackjob bullshit.

Blaming America for the failure of a broken economic model is equally humorous. Plenty of socialist experiments have been allowed to rise or fall on their own merits. Castro's model has been allowed to rise or fall on its own merits, and it couldn't survive without being propped up by the USSR.

North Korea can't survive without China.

China was allowed to rise and fall on its own merits, and it fell in spectacular fashion. Mao's Great Leap Forward resulted in the deaths of 30 to 70 million people. Blum is an asshole among assholes for trying to pin that on the US.
Oh, cuba didn't have any blockades or united states involvement? Tell me more buddy. Yeah, "whackjob" bullshit sounds like the idiots who defend trickle down economics. North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure. The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.
Reagan called the USSR an Evil Empire and vowed to let them defeat themselves and they did. He liberated all of Eastern Europe from the horrific, dehumanizing system our American Progressive love and admire
The USSR is very controversial, and the state capitalism it followed was horrific, however, no progressives admire the USSR.
There is no nation, past or present, which the socialists can point to as a successful example of socialism. There's a reason for that.

As for the USSR, the left wing used to worship the USSR in the way pagans throw virgins into a volcano to prevent it from erupting. They thought Reagan was going to provoke their god into smiting us. They hated Reagan, not the USSR.

Kind of like the way some people who think they are conservatives bow down to Putin these days. They hate Obama, and salivate over what a manly man Putin is.
Oh, man, that is funny stuff.

It is especially hilarious the way Blum demonstrates a total lack of understanding of how markets work. The automobile industry would never be able to keep a superior mode of transportation down. That's conspiracy whackjob bullshit.

Blaming America for the failure of a broken economic model is equally humorous. Plenty of socialist experiments have been allowed to rise or fall on their own merits. Castro's model has been allowed to rise or fall on its own merits, and it couldn't survive without being propped up by the USSR.

North Korea can't survive without China.

China was allowed to rise and fall on its own merits, and it fell in spectacular fashion. Mao's Great Leap Forward resulted in the deaths of 30 to 70 million people. Blum is an asshole among assholes for trying to pin that on the US.
Oh, cuba didn't have any blockades or united states involvement? Tell me more buddy. Yeah, "whackjob" bullshit sounds like the idiots who defend trickle down economics. North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure. The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You think those socialist countries weren't waging constant war against OUR system, dipshit? You and Blum are retarded for believing it was a one way street.

"We will bury you."

The best economic system won.
The USSR is very controversial, and the state capitalism it followed was horrific, however, no progressives admire the USSR.
There is no nation, past or present, which the socialists can point to as a successful example of socialism. There's a reason for that.

As for the USSR, the left wing used to worship the USSR in the way pagans throw virgins into a volcano to prevent it from erupting. They thought Reagan was going to provoke their god into smiting us. They hated Reagan, not the USSR.

Kind of like the way some people who think they are conservatives bow down to Putin these days. They hate Obama, and salivate over what a manly man Putin is.
Oh, man, that is funny stuff.

It is especially hilarious the way Blum demonstrates a total lack of understanding of how markets work. The automobile industry would never be able to keep a superior mode of transportation down. That's conspiracy whackjob bullshit.

Blaming America for the failure of a broken economic model is equally humorous. Plenty of socialist experiments have been allowed to rise or fall on their own merits. Castro's model has been allowed to rise or fall on its own merits, and it couldn't survive without being propped up by the USSR.

North Korea can't survive without China.

China was allowed to rise and fall on its own merits, and it fell in spectacular fashion. Mao's Great Leap Forward resulted in the deaths of 30 to 70 million people. Blum is an asshole among assholes for trying to pin that on the US.
Oh, cuba didn't have any blockades or united states involvement? Tell me more buddy. Yeah, "whackjob" bullshit sounds like the idiots who defend trickle down economics. North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure. The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You think those socialist countries weren't waging constant war against OUR system, dipshit? You and Blum are retarded for believing it was a one way street.

"We will bury you."

The best economic system won.
I don't think any socialist countries attempted to stage an invasion of the united states (United states was profiting off of cuba and the USSR before Lenin threw their asses out) Oh please.
North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure.

And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot! 75,000 soldiers invaded the South to make the South communist.

The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.
North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure.

And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot!

The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.
Oh come on, using the accepted definition of socialism, you can easily tell examples of socialism from state capitalism. I'm not defending the North, but you claimed the united states didn't get involved with any supposed "socialist" country.
North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure.

And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot!

The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.
Oh come on, using the accepted definition of socialism, you can easily tell examples of socialism from state capitalism. I'm not defending the North, but you claimed the united states didn't get involved with any supposed "socialist" country.
It was a two way street. To whine the US combatted the commies as if the commies were innocent bystanders is about as retarded as it gets.

That's not why the socialist experiment failed. It failed because capitalism is better. The commies brought a Model T to an Indy 500 race.

Capitalism is not perfect. But it is far superior.
North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure.

And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot!

The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.
Oh come on, using the accepted definition of socialism, you can easily tell examples of socialism from state capitalism. I'm not defending the North, but you claimed the united states didn't get involved with any supposed "socialist" country.
It was a two way street. To whine the US combatted the commies as if the commies were innocent bystanders is about as retarded as it gets.

That's not why the socialist experiment failed. It failed because capitalism is better. The commies brought a Model T to an Indy 500 race.

Not perfect. But far superior.
Tell me more about vietnam, chile, cuba, nicaragua... Oh jesus christ, you might as well argue feudalism was better then capitalism because feudalism produced better pitchforks.
No fucking way! (The reading is interesting, it's settled once and for all, trickle down economics is a fucking joke, can't believe people still defend it.)
Wealth does not trickle down from the rich to the poor. Period.
That's not Senator Elizabeth Warren talking. That's the latest conclusion of new research from the International Monetary Fund.

In fact, researchers found that when the top earners in society make more money, it actually slows down economic growth. On the other hand, when poorer people earn more, society as a whole benefits.

The researchers calculated that when the richest 20% of society increase their income by one percentage point, the annual rate of growth shrinks by nearly 0.1% within five years.

This shows that "the benefits do not trickle down," the researchers wrote in their report, which analyzed over 150 countries.

By contrast, when the lowest 20% of earners see their income grow by one percentage point, the rate of growth increases by nearly 0.4% over the same period.
Continued here: The trickle down theory is dead wrong - Jun. 15 2015

then where does it come from? 5.5% unemployment rocks!
North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure.

And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot! 75,000 soldiers invaded the South to make the South communist.

The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.

One would say that socialism is a failure in general because no one can seem to get it right. Every time it is attempted, it ends up in failure.
Tell you more about Viet Nam?


Viet Nam was a proxy war. US vs. China and USSR.

Whaaaaaat!?! You mean to say the US wasn't the only one out there fucking around in other countries? You mean to say it was a two way street?

Poor Blum. He has a serious blind spot. He's a willfully blind monkey.

North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure.

And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot! 75,000 soldiers invaded the South to make the South communist.

The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.

One would say that socialism is a failure in general because no one can seem to get it right. Every time it is attempted, it ends up in failure.
Catalonia, the free ukraine...
North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure.

And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot! 75,000 soldiers invaded the South to make the South communist.

The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.

One would say that socialism is a failure in general because no one can seem to get it right. Every time it is attempted, it ends up in failure.
Catalonia, the free ukraine...

Who? What?
Tell you more about Viet Nam?


Viet Nam was a proxy war. US vs. China and USSR.

Whaaaaaat!?! You mean to say the US wasn't the only one out there fucking around in other countries? You mean to say it was a two way street?

Poor Blum. He has a serious blind spot. He's a willfully blind monkey.

Oh please, the majority of people in Vietnam wanted Ho chi Minh, the united states supported Pol pot's regime, fuck, the evil "communists" overthrew Pol Pot, the united states wouldn't allow elections to take place because they knew the "commies" would win.
North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure.

And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot! 75,000 soldiers invaded the South to make the South communist.

The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.

One would say that socialism is a failure in general because no one can seem to get it right. Every time it is attempted, it ends up in failure.
Catalonia, the free ukraine...

Who? What?
1936-1939 The Spanish civil war and revolution
Free Territory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I recommend reading Homage to catalonia.
Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell Reviews Discussion Bookclubs Lists
North korea? North korea isn't socialist, it's a monarchy, come on now, and even then, I recall a massive war against the north that completely destroyed its land and infrastructure.

And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot! 75,000 soldiers invaded the South to make the South communist.

The great leap forward was a disaster, but trying to blame that on socialism is pathetic.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.

One would say that socialism is a failure in general because no one can seem to get it right. Every time it is attempted, it ends up in failure.
Catalonia, the free ukraine...

Who? What?
1936-1939 The Spanish civil war and revolution
Free Territory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I recommend reading Homage to catalonia.
Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell Reviews Discussion Bookclubs Lists

If they worked why aren't they still around?
And there it is. The old standby. "(Fill in the blank) isn't real socialism."

And that war you spoke of was started by the North, idiot! 75,000 soldiers invaded the South to make the South communist.

You see?

"North Korea isn't real socialism".

"China isn't real socialism".

There's a name for that excuse: No True Scotsman.

One excuse after another.

One would say that socialism is a failure in general because no one can seem to get it right. Every time it is attempted, it ends up in failure.
Catalonia, the free ukraine...

Who? What?
1936-1939 The Spanish civil war and revolution
Free Territory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I recommend reading Homage to catalonia.
Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell Reviews Discussion Bookclubs Lists

If they worked why aren't they still around?
Violence against them, and yes, they did have military forces, the free ukraine was crushed by the bolsheviks, mainly, and catalonia was formed by spanish revolutionaries, again, crushed by violence. Read up on them.
The only way a controlled economy can work is through massive government to authority to tell people to make this or that. Make so much hay...produce so many cars...produce so many houses to live in. An economic system that can then dictate what we drive and where we live and if the people want to much then we tell them to cut back. That sounds like so much fun.
No fucking way! (The reading is interesting, it's settled once and for all, trickle down economics is a fucking joke, can't believe people still defend it.)
Wealth does not trickle down from the rich to the poor. Period.
That's not Senator Elizabeth Warren talking. That's the latest conclusion of new research from the International Monetary Fund.

In fact, researchers found that when the top earners in society make more money, it actually slows down economic growth. On the other hand, when poorer people earn more, society as a whole benefits.

The researchers calculated that when the richest 20% of society increase their income by one percentage point, the annual rate of growth shrinks by nearly 0.1% within five years.

This shows that "the benefits do not trickle down," the researchers wrote in their report, which analyzed over 150 countries.

By contrast, when the lowest 20% of earners see their income grow by one percentage point, the rate of growth increases by nearly 0.4% over the same period.
Continued here: The trickle down theory is dead wrong - Jun. 15 2015

You do realize (I hope) that President Obama has actively engaged in the largest trickle down economics in American history?
No other administration even comes close.
And Hillary will in no way slow this down.
The elephant in the room is the corrupt idiots in government are the last people I would trust with our wealth, HELLO.
Do you support tax deductions, credits, and exemptions? Then you are supporting the government with our wealth.

Each tax expenditure is a wealth transference device. Usually UP the food chain, not down. It's trickle up economics.

I'm not your slave, I don't work overtime to give MY money to the government to re-distribute to a bunch of lazy ass losers on welfare.

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