The 'trickle down theory' is dead wrong

Did you even read the damn study? This covered 100+ countries, and you're full of shit, this refers to the world, not just partisan America, and taxes were cut for the rich, decades ago, and yet, it's not trickling down, at all, yeah, yeah, we know how republicans want to cut taxes for the rich, it's a fucking disaster, productivity is at all time highs, incomes are shrinking, wages are stagnant, and the rich just keep getting richer. What do they need, more tax cuts? LOL.
You can't explain the obvious to these people. It's not that they are simply stupid. It's complicated with a determined ignorance. And they are very determined.
This "people" has owned and operated a business under numerous administrations over the past four decades. You can't tax wealth while at the same time take away the incentive to spend. That is what Democrats do, you frightful fuck. :slap:
Oh dear god, leave your democrat/republican hogwash out of the fucking discussion, the reality is, the trickle down theory is a piece of hogwash, and your complete lack of evidence for your claims, with your partisan bullshit is telling of yourself. "take away incentive to spend" Oh dear lord.. I guess they just need lower taxes! THAT'LL WORK GUYS.
Ok fair enough. So now I will ask you to school me on the phenomenon of High Pressure/High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing, taxation, subsidies, and the "trickle down effect" of all of the above.
This is a real world exercise that addresses your post, so put on your thinking cap.
It doesn't work buddy, sorry.
As I surmised. Wet behind the ears.

NEXT :slap:
You can't explain the obvious to these people. It's not that they are simply stupid. It's complicated with a determined ignorance. And they are very determined.
This "people" has owned and operated a business under numerous administrations over the past four decades. You can't tax wealth while at the same time take away the incentive to spend. That is what Democrats do, you frightful fuck. :slap:
Oh dear god, leave your democrat/republican hogwash out of the fucking discussion, the reality is, the trickle down theory is a piece of hogwash, and your complete lack of evidence for your claims, with your partisan bullshit is telling of yourself. "take away incentive to spend" Oh dear lord.. I guess they just need lower taxes! THAT'LL WORK GUYS.
Ok fair enough. So now I will ask you to school me on the phenomenon of High Pressure/High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing, taxation, subsidies, and the "trickle down effect" of all of the above.
This is a real world exercise that addresses your post, so put on your thinking cap.
It doesn't work buddy, sorry.
As I surmised. Wet behind the ears.

NEXT :slap:
Good, get out of here and lick the Koch brother's feet.
Is the "international monetary fund" trying to cut it's own throat with an unverified unregulated self serving "poll" or is there some political agenda inherent in the findings of a self described "international organization" of money lenders?
...Get your partisan hogwash out of this fucking thread.

It takes a certain kind of arrogance for the ideological BOZO to whine about others "partisan hogwash":
"yeah, yeah, we know how republicans want to cut taxes for the rich, it's a fucking disaster." - Socialist
This "people" has owned and operated a business under numerous administrations over the past four decades. You can't tax wealth while at the same time take away the incentive to spend. That is what Democrats do, you frightful fuck. :slap:
Oh dear god, leave your democrat/republican hogwash out of the fucking discussion, the reality is, the trickle down theory is a piece of hogwash, and your complete lack of evidence for your claims, with your partisan bullshit is telling of yourself. "take away incentive to spend" Oh dear lord.. I guess they just need lower taxes! THAT'LL WORK GUYS.
Ok fair enough. So now I will ask you to school me on the phenomenon of High Pressure/High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing, taxation, subsidies, and the "trickle down effect" of all of the above.
This is a real world exercise that addresses your post, so put on your thinking cap.
It doesn't work buddy, sorry.
As I surmised. Wet behind the ears.

NEXT :slap:
Good, get out of here and lick the Koch brother's feet.
You're a Cub Scout, out of your league, and way over your head.

Try being a little less obvious. :slap:
Oh dear god, leave your democrat/republican hogwash out of the fucking discussion...

While you fill it with yours:
"yeah, yeah, we know how republicans want to cut taxes for the rich, it's a fucking disaster." - Socialist
No fucking way! (The reading is interesting, it's settled once and for all, trickle down economics is a fucking joke, can't believe people still defend it.)
Wealth does not trickle down from the rich to the poor. Period.
That's not Senator Elizabeth Warren talking. That's the latest conclusion of new research from the International Monetary Fund.

In fact, researchers found that when the top earners in society make more money, it actually slows down economic growth. On the other hand, when poorer people earn more, society as a whole benefits.

The researchers calculated that when the richest 20% of society increase their income by one percentage point, the annual rate of growth shrinks by nearly 0.1% within five years.

This shows that "the benefits do not trickle down," the researchers wrote in their report, which analyzed over 150 countries.

By contrast, when the lowest 20% of earners see their income grow by one percentage point, the rate of growth increases by nearly 0.4% over the same period.
Continued here: The trickle down theory is dead wrong - Jun. 15 2015

Yet the wealth redistribution system by the far left governments have proven not work at all, yet the far left still wants it to be the standard..

What works is extra income in the pockets of the people. Can not do that if the far left is willing to over tax everything and bails out the banks and not the people..
Are you stupid? What countries do you want to measure?

All the European Nations run this way, take Greece, they continued to put people into the social programs and continued to tax the rich, they still ran out of money. No matter how much they taxed those evil rich people still could not fund their social programs.

It has never worked..
No fucking way! (The reading is interesting, it's settled once and for all, trickle down economics is a fucking joke, can't believe people still defend it.)
Wealth does not trickle down from the rich to the poor. Period.
That's not Senator Elizabeth Warren talking. That's the latest conclusion of new research from the International Monetary Fund.

In fact, researchers found that when the top earners in society make more money, it actually slows down economic growth. On the other hand, when poorer people earn more, society as a whole benefits.

The researchers calculated that when the richest 20% of society increase their income by one percentage point, the annual rate of growth shrinks by nearly 0.1% within five years.

This shows that "the benefits do not trickle down," the researchers wrote in their report, which analyzed over 150 countries.

By contrast, when the lowest 20% of earners see their income grow by one percentage point, the rate of growth increases by nearly 0.4% over the same period.
Continued here: The trickle down theory is dead wrong - Jun. 15 2015
Trickle down is based on people actually having a chance to better themselves and bring others with them. Trickle up is based on nothing more than sitting on your ass and making others pay for your short comings. Which system do you think a country can survive and prosper from?
This "people" has owned and operated a business under numerous administrations over the past four decades. You can't tax wealth while at the same time take away the incentive to spend. That is what Democrats do, you frightful fuck. :slap:
Oh dear god, leave your democrat/republican hogwash out of the fucking discussion, the reality is, the trickle down theory is a piece of hogwash, and your complete lack of evidence for your claims, with your partisan bullshit is telling of yourself. "take away incentive to spend" Oh dear lord.. I guess they just need lower taxes! THAT'LL WORK GUYS.
Ok fair enough. So now I will ask you to school me on the phenomenon of High Pressure/High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing, taxation, subsidies, and the "trickle down effect" of all of the above.
This is a real world exercise that addresses your post, so put on your thinking cap.
It doesn't work buddy, sorry.
As I surmised. Wet behind the ears.

NEXT :slap:
Good, get out of here and lick the Koch brother's feet.
You do realize without people like the Koch brothers actually producing something you free loaders would have nothing to beg for. You do understand that? Your worst nightmare comes true when you get what you wish and people that produce just shut down and stand in the same welfare line you promote. Once we all are in the welfare line and there's nobody left to produce the welfare...well I guess you would then call that socialism and equality.
Let's see what Obama's plan did...

Have Most Economic Indicators Improved Under Obama - Real Time Economics - WSJ

“Median family incomes, that’s one that is not doing better,” he said.

Indeed, adjusted for inflation, incomes declined around the turn of the century and never quite regained their previous peak under President George W. Bush. Since Mr. Obama took office, the median income rate has continued to decline, according to Census Bureau data through 2012. The president agreed with Mr. Liesman that incomes have fallen and touted proposals to raise the minimum wage and invest in American infrastructure as policies that could reverse the decline.



Another measure that does not point to an improving economy is enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps. Even though the recession officially ended in mid-2009, the number of people collecting food stamps continued to climb until recent months, and participation in the program remains far higher than any other point over the past 30 years.
Let's see what Obama's plan did...

Have Most Economic Indicators Improved Under Obama - Real Time Economics - WSJ

“Median family incomes, that’s one that is not doing better,” he said.

Indeed, adjusted for inflation, incomes declined around the turn of the century and never quite regained their previous peak under President George W. Bush. Since Mr. Obama took office, the median income rate has continued to decline, according to Census Bureau data through 2012. The president agreed with Mr. Liesman that incomes have fallen and touted proposals to raise the minimum wage and invest in American infrastructure as policies that could reverse the decline.



Another measure that does not point to an improving economy is enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps. Even though the recession officially ended in mid-2009, the number of people collecting food stamps continued to climb until recent months, and participation in the program remains far higher than any other point over the past 30 years.
The amazing thing is people like this Socialist idiot think equal means people increase their wealth and prosperity when in reality it's a race to the bottom and destitution. Not like it's a new concept or anything. It happens every time. But I suppose they get their wish everything is fair. The misery and hopelessness are spread out evenly. I can't believe after all of these years and the proven failure that is socialism we still have these retards in the USA.
No fucking way! (The reading is interesting, it's settled once and for all, trickle down economics is a fucking joke, can't believe people still defend it.)
Wealth does not trickle down from the rich to the poor. Period.
That's not Senator Elizabeth Warren talking. That's the latest conclusion of new research from the International Monetary Fund.

In fact, researchers found that when the top earners in society make more money, it actually slows down economic growth. On the other hand, when poorer people earn more, society as a whole benefits.

The researchers calculated that when the richest 20% of society increase their income by one percentage point, the annual rate of growth shrinks by nearly 0.1% within five years.

This shows that "the benefits do not trickle down," the researchers wrote in their report, which analyzed over 150 countries.

By contrast, when the lowest 20% of earners see their income grow by one percentage point, the rate of growth increases by nearly 0.4% over the same period.
Continued here: The trickle down theory is dead wrong - Jun. 15 2015

The term "trickle down" was conceived by people who despise capitalism, so anything said about it is bound to be bullshit.
Wealth does "trickle down", when the wealthy are encouraged to spend.

Democrats discourage spending by taxing the wealthy.

Republicans encourage spending by reducing taxes.

Businesses don't do better because they have more to sell. They do better when people buy their products.That consumer demand largely comes from the middle class and poor, not the wealthy. The wealthy do not have the numbers that the middle class and poor have. That is why they are called the 1%.
Wealth does "trickle down", when the wealthy are encouraged to spend.

Democrats discourage spending by taxing the wealthy.

Republicans encourage spending by reducing taxes.

Did you even read the damn study? This covered 100+ countries, and you're full of shit, this refers to the world, not just partisan America, and taxes were cut for the rich, decades ago, and yet, it's not trickling down, at all, yeah, yeah, we know how republicans want to cut taxes for the rich, it's a fucking disaster, productivity is at all time highs, incomes are shrinking, wages are stagnant, and the rich just keep getting richer. What do they need, more tax cuts? LOL.
You can't explain the obvious to these people. It's not that they are simply stupid. It's complicated with a determined ignorance. And they are very determined.
This "people" has owned and operated a business under numerous administrations over the past four decades. You can't tax wealth while at the same time take away the incentive to spend. That is what Democrats do, you frightful fuck. :slap:
Oh dear god, leave your democrat/republican hogwash out of the fucking discussion, the reality is, the trickle down theory is a piece of hogwash, and your complete lack of evidence for your claims, with your partisan bullshit is telling of yourself. "take away incentive to spend" Oh dear lord.. I guess they just need lower taxes! THAT'LL WORK GUYS.
Theory: If the rich get richer, more jobs will be created.

In the last few decades we have seen the income and wealth at the top skyrocket.

So if that theory was true, we should be up to our ears in jobs.
Wealth does "trickle down", when the wealthy are encouraged to spend.

Democrats discourage spending by taxing the wealthy.

Republicans encourage spending by reducing taxes.

Did you even read the damn study? This covered 100+ countries, and you're full of shit, this refers to the world, not just partisan America, and taxes were cut for the rich, decades ago, and yet, it's not trickling down, at all, yeah, yeah, we know how republicans want to cut taxes for the rich, it's a fucking disaster, productivity is at all time highs, incomes are shrinking, wages are stagnant, and the rich just keep getting richer. What do they need, more tax cuts? LOL.
You can't explain the obvious to these people. It's not that they are simply stupid. It's complicated with a determined ignorance. And they are very determined.
This "people" has owned and operated a business under numerous administrations over the past four decades. You can't tax wealth while at the same time take away the incentive to spend. That is what Democrats do, you frightful fuck. :slap:
Oh dear god, leave your democrat/republican hogwash out of the fucking discussion, the reality is, the trickle down theory is a piece of hogwash, and your complete lack of evidence for your claims, with your partisan bullshit is telling of yourself. "take away incentive to spend" Oh dear lord.. I guess they just need lower taxes! THAT'LL WORK GUYS.
Theory: If the rich get richer, more jobs will be created.

In the last few decades we have seen the income and wealth at the top skyrocket.

So if that theory was true, we should be up to our ears in jobs.
Yes, Reagan and those that created that lie knew their dumb followers would fall for it.
Wealth does "trickle down", when the wealthy are encouraged to spend.

Democrats discourage spending by taxing the wealthy.

Republicans encourage spending by reducing taxes.

Did you even read the damn study? This covered 100+ countries, and you're full of shit, this refers to the world, not just partisan America, and taxes were cut for the rich, decades ago, and yet, it's not trickling down, at all, yeah, yeah, we know how republicans want to cut taxes for the rich, it's a fucking disaster, productivity is at all time highs, incomes are shrinking, wages are stagnant, and the rich just keep getting richer. What do they need, more tax cuts? LOL.
You can't explain the obvious to these people. It's not that they are simply stupid. It's complicated with a determined ignorance. And they are very determined.
If you actually contemplate his post, you can tell he's subtly hinting that the rich need lower taxes and it'll trickle down. Mr H, are you an idiot?

No, everyone needs lower taxes. Screw the govt.

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