The Trouble With The Two State Solution

Wow. A Hitler defender.

In a sense, she is correct. Antisemitism has been a core value of European culture for over a thousand years, and what Hitler did was to give full expression to the European culture; he tore away the veneer of civilization and revealed the true savagery of the European soul.

Looked at another way, Hitler did to Europe what the Europeans had been doing to the rest of the world for centuries. Nearly every nation on Earth has had to fight to free itself from European occupation and the endless European wars only ceased when the Pax Americana was imposed on a bankrupt and devastated Europe after WWII. Yet the abominable Europeans presume to lecture the rest of the world on how to behave.

The Holocaust, the world's only industrial scale genocide, shows us just how shallow and fragile notions of morality and civilization are.
it was not hitler's idea, he heard it from his childhood on, there was calls to kill all the Jews long before Hitler

Long before Hitler, they did not shout, kill 27% of all jews in Poland, the shout was to kill em all, period
Yes, but he ACTED upon it; didn’t he? Ever hear the phrase “ Actions Speak Louder than Words?”
Yes, but he ACTED upon it; didn’t he? Ever hear the phrase “ Actions Speak Louder than Words?”
yes, many people acted on it, I like to remember, that it was not just the idea of one person who tricked most of Europe into go along

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