The true meaning of freedom

Explain why you continue to support the idea that working Americans should be keep poor and desperate so that they will work for any paltry amount of money the elites deem fit to give them, while the wealthiest Americans receive 80% of the national wealth.

Explain to me why you have to bombard me with useless emotional arguments as opposed to reasoned ones?

And who said I supported any of those things?

Let's say we take the wealth and redistribute it. Whose freedom are we taking away then? Whose money are we stealing?

Explain to me why you choose to walk down such a treacherous road.
The freedom not to wear a mask or get vaccinated so you can infect your neighbors?

Masks are ineffectual at stopping the transmission of viruses. The viruses themselves are smaller than the interwoven fibers of even the most finely made mask.

Masks do nothing, it is comparable to a Jew in Nazi-era Germany wearing the Star of David on their sleeves to identify them to their oppressors.

You don't want to stop the virus, you advocate policies designed to control me. You ask me to accede to the Jim Crow era practice of segregating the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, you demand that I show you a "vaccine passport."

This was never put into practice for any other disease or virus. So why this particular one?

As for the vaccine, I should be able to do what I want with my body, right? Is that not what you sycophants on the left believe women should be able to do?

Why does that not apply to me? A woman has a right to kill an unborn child for the sake of her choice or her health, but if I choose not to vaccinate or mask up for the sake of my choice or my health, I am somehow not entitled to those same rights?

Spare me the hypocrisy.
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The freedom to have a rifle that will shoot through you home long ways for "home defense"? The freedom to run down constitutionally protected protestors?

All of those things. If there is a person trying to trespass on my property, they will meet a slug in the chest, that is my right.

If I am driving down the road and protesters start heaving themselves onto my vehicle and smashing my windows... or otherwise putting my life or those of the occupants of my vehicle in danger, I will gladly crush a few "protesters" underneath the axles of my car. They will bring whatever fate befalls them on themselves.

My right to life as guaranteed by the constitution will always trump your right to speech. If you aren't practicing free speech while you are burning down a city, then you are endangering the wellbeing of the citizens therein.

Is there anything else?
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If YOU are in favour of any of the policies of the current Republican Party, YOU are in favour of white nationalist authoritarianism. Explain YOURSELF


Says the woman who supports vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, and mask mandates?

I'll have none of your unnatural screeching from across the northern border.
Anyone who advocates for modern liberalism has no concept of what freedom is or means.

Just look at the people of Cuba right now and try to tell me you have the same concept of freedom as these people do.

If you advocate for anything they are marching against, you advocate tyranny and repression, not freedom.

Modern liberals are fools. They will remain fools until they grasp this concept.
The thing is they know socialism is bad and doesn't work but they want DEMOCRATIC socialism where you get all of the benefits of socialism but make it a democracy where you vote on it. The government has total control over everything and everyone but the leaders are elected, you know, like in Venezuela. What could possibly go wrong?
So what is the true meaning of freedom, Son? The freedom not to wear a mask or get vaccinated so you can infect your neighbors? The freedom to have a rifle that will shoot through you home long ways for "home defense"? The freedom to run down constitutionally protected protestors?
Just what does "real freedom" Mean to you?
The authoritarian speaks.
All of those things. If there is a person trying to trespass on my property, they will meet a slug in the chest, that is my right.

If I am driving down the road and protesters start heaving themselves onto my vehicle and smashing my windows... or otherwise putting my life or those of the occupants of my vehicle in danger, I will gladly crush a few "protesters" underneath the axles of my car. They will bring whatever fate befalls them on themselves.

My right to life as guaranteed by the constitution will always trump your right to speech. If you aren't practicing free speech while you are burning down a city, then you are endangering the wellbeing of the citizens therein.

Is there anything else?
You deliberately misinterpreting my points. A rifle that will go though you house long ways is a danger to your neighbors. Nobody said you couldn't defend yourself if people attack your vehicle.

Why don't you try again, this time honestly.

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