The Trump Effect’: Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools

Why has life become a diagnosis of 'disorders'
that have been a part of growing up and in society
since I've been old enough to remember?

The reality is there are mean people in the world,
people are racist, people are indifferent,
people are people, that's it, that's all.

How in the world has something that's been
a reality for as long as I can remember
suddenly Trump's fault....come on already.

Where does the madness end people?
Why has life become a diagnosis of 'disorders'
that have been a part of growing up and in society
since I've been old enough to remember?

The reality is there are mean people in the world,
people are racist, people are indifferent,
people are people, that's it, that's all.

How in the world has something that's been
a reality for as long as I can remember
suddenly Trump's fault....come on already.

Where does the madness end people?

It doesn't end for liberals. They are extreme sore losers and they intend to make that plain for the next four to eight years.
You never disappoint with your thoughtful and eloquent responses that elevate the forums discourse to new intellectual and spiritual heights. It's apparent that you care deeply about the children and their having a safe environment in which to get a education and to develop social skills. Thank you for you invaluable contribution, sensitivity and awareness. God bless you and God bless the United States of America

Oh? Did we set up a safe space to keep the bad people who support America away?

Here's the deal Snowflake, HuffyGlue is lying through their fucking teeth, based on shit that the fucking racist pigs at SPLC make up out of thin air.

And you fully know it, but because it serve your agenda of division and destruction, you post this moronic shit with no critical thought behind it.

Pop quiz, of the dozens of supposed attacks after the election, the number that turned out to be true were;

  1. 10,000 gazillion unhuh izzzz twooooo
  2. 10
  3. 5
  4. 3
  5. 0 - as in not a fucking one
Yeah, we all know that 5 is the correct answer.

The first one to really go viral involved a Muslim female student at the University of Louisiana who claimed to have had her hijab ripped off and her wallet stolen the day after Trump's election by two white men wearing Trump hats. But on Thursday, local police announced that the young woman had admitted she fabricated the story.

And an alleged incident of a gay man named Chris Ball getting beaten up by Trump supporters in Santa Monica on election night seems to have not happened the way it was initially recounted, if the incident even happened at all. The Santa Monica Police Department posted a message to Facebook Thursday saying that neither the department nor city officials had "received any information indicating this crime occurred in the City of Santa Monica" and "a check of local hospitals revealed there was no victim of any such incident admitted or treated."
Other instances of "Trump inspired" violence and vandalism have also turned out to be hoaxes or misinterpretations. An alleged Ku Klux Klan rally in honor of Trump's victory turned out to be an old photo of conservatives carrying U.S., Gadsden, and Christian flags that were billowing out in a manner mistaken in a grainy photo for Klan robes. There were no Southern Illinois University students posting blackface selfies to social media after Trump's win.

A Nazi flag that went up over a home in San Francisco Wednesday wasn't a show of support for anti-Jewish sentiment but "a comment on our new president-elect," according to the anti-Trump resident who put it up. "I am hoping people get that this is a political statement, and that I'm not a Nazi supporter."

Look, you hate for Soros, so any and all lies by you are praised, we get it - but at this point, you can't expect ANYONE to believe the bullshit you post, particularly when you use the FAKE NEWS source Huffyglue, who is channeling the Klan...
Why has life become a diagnosis of 'disorders'
that have been a part of growing up and in society
since I've been old enough to remember?

The reality is there are mean people in the world,
people are racist, people are indifferent,
people are people, that's it, that's all.

How in the world has something that's been
a reality for as long as I can remember
suddenly Trump's fault....come on already.

Where does the madness end people?

The problem is, the OP is lying through his fucking teeth.

The little Goebbles of the left have taken to fabricating all sort of vicious slander to smear the opposition with. This is yet ANOTHER example of hate based lies by the scumbag left.
Much less violence at White schools
Google the words "White Flight"
I can see already that this thread is going no place but into the gutter thanks to the insensitive and moronic anti-intellectuals
Bell-Banging Quasimodos

Bell Curve deniers are self-hating intellectuals. Or, to dig more deeply into their psychology, they are B students jealous of A students. They claim that there are no F-grade races just in order to lead up to the conclusion they want, which is that there are no A-grade minds. The desperately lonely High IQ wimps go along with it just to make friends. The deniers' new Bell Curve is graded by the extent of warm and fuzzy feelings.
It doesn't end for liberals. They are extreme sore losers and they intend to make that plain for the next four to eight years.

Yep, and they will keep blatantly lying about kids being beaten by Trump supporters, then acting shocked when normal folk point out that the hate group SPLC has no credibility,
The education system is 'raising' kids to not know what gender they are, despite the evidence of their own bodies, to be terrified of 'trigger' words to the point that half the classics cannot be read anymore, and to believe they need to hide in safe spaces if someone looks at them sideways :rolleyes-41:

Bell-Banging Quasimodos

Bell Curve deniers are self-hating intellectuals. Or, to dig more deeply into their psychology, they are B students jealous of A students. They claim that there are no F-grade races just in order to lead up to the conclusion they want, which is that there are no A-grade minds. The desperately lonely High IQ wimps go along with it just to make friends. The deniers' new Bell Curve is graded by the extent of warm and fuzzy feelings.

Who denies the Bell Curve?

We can explain the cultural factors involved. Some can claim that IQ tests are racists, but only a complete moron can deny empirical data.
We all know that this has been a divisive election cycle thanks to the over the top, belligerent spectacle of Donald The Trump. Almost everyone who is to comatose has been effected, but one group has been seemingly overlooked. I am talking about our young , school age people, and minority students in particular. They are experiencing alarming levels of fear, anxiety, and bullying thanks to Trump

‘The Trump Effect’: Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools

'The Trump Effect': Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON - It was only a matter of time before kids started picking up the aggressive, divisive language that’s become a hallmark of the 2016 presidential campaign.
According to a new report by the nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center titled “The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on our Nation’s Schools,” the race is stoking fears and racial tensions in America’s classrooms.

My students are terrified of Donald Trump. They think that if he’s elected, all black people will get sent back to Africa,” one middle school teacher told the SPLC. The teacher was one of more than 2,000 educators who opted to take a survey conducted through the SPLC’s “Teaching Tolerance” program.

I have had Muslim students called terrorists,” said another teacher who submitted comments to the survey.

“There is a boy from Mexico, who is a citizen, who is terrified that the country will deport him if Trump wins,” wrote a third teacher. “He is also scared that kids and grown-ups can and will hurt him.”

The report continues:

The report identified two troubling trends: more openly racist and vicious bullying of minorities, and more fear and anxiety among immigrants and minorities about what would happen to them if certain candidates for president are elected.
On an even more troubling note:

The SPLC report also illustrates how American schoolchildren are adopting Trump’s overall tone — which so often includes name-calling and scapegoating. More than any specific policy proposal, teachers said, kids were expressing more hatred for more people.

Yes, Trump acts like a 12 year old, and the 12 year olds are acting like Trump!
Following the election, another venerable rights group, The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) conducted their own survey:

New Survey of 50,000+ Young People Reveals Troubling Post-Election Spike in Bullying & Harassment

Today, HRC Foundation released the results of a groundbreaking post-election survey of more than 50,000 young people ages 13-18 revealing the deeply damaging fallout the November election has had on youth across the United States.

The online survey, believed to be the largest ever of its kind, found that 70 percent of respondents have witnessed bullying, hate messages or harassment since the election, with racial bias the most common motive cited. More than a quarter of LGBTQ youth said they have been personally bullied or harassed since Election Day -- compared to 14 percent of non-LGBTQ youth -- with transgender young people most frequently targeted. Additionally, Hispanic and Latino respondents were 20 percent more likely than other youth to report having been personally bullied, with harassment targeting both immigrant and nonimmigrant communities.
The hate is not just directed at racial and ethnic minorities. LGBT youth have also been vulnerable. While Trump himself has not been very vocal regarding this group, many of the people that he has surrounded himself with and appointed to key positions are well known for their anti LGBT stances. And, Trump himself has attended rallies and prayer meeting with very outspoken anti LGBT figures.

Some disturbing statistics:

Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election. Of those, 79 percent said such behaviors have been occurring more frequently since the onset of the presidential campaign.

Among young people who reported seeing bullying and harassment, 70 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by race or ethnicity, 63 percent had seen incidents motivated by sexual orientation, 59 percent had seen incidents motivated by immigration status, and 55 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by gender.

Over the past 30 days, about half of transgender youth reported feeling hopeless and worthless most or all of the time, and 70 percent said that these and similar feelings have increased in the past 30 days.

Thirty-six percent had been personally bullied or harassed, and 56 percent had changed their self-expression or future plans because of the election.

Before Election Day 2016, more than half of survey respondents reported thinking about the election every day, and a third thought about it several times each week.

Survey of 50,000+ Youth Reveals Post-Election Spike in Bullying | Human Rights Campaign
Spare the Rod and the Child Thinks He's God

You're begging the question by assuming that future pedophiles, gangbangers, Unabombers, and escapist drug-overdosers don't need to be straightened out the hard way or else they'll grow up crooked.
Much less violence at White schools

There is no violence in the schools the ProgressiveTraitor referenced.

That's the point, the whole premise is a lie perpetrated by scumbags to defame their political enemies.

Race has nothing to do with this. We are just witnessing once again, the filthy demagogues of the left spewing slander and libel at those who oppose the leftist agenda.
OH? The SPLC and the HRC are making this shit up???!! Really? Will you just turn your back on what's happening with the kids and pretend that its not real. This fake news shit is out of hand. Everything that anyone doesn't agree with or wants to ignore is labeled "fake news" and that is dangerous . It's like the boy who cried wolf. There really is fake news out there and you had better be able to know it when you see it.

Of course the racist hate group "Southern Poverty Law Center" is making it up. They make up most of the shit they spew, These of the filthy fucks who called "Focus on the Family" a hate group.

SPLC is simply the Ku Klux Klan aligned against whites.

You know this, which is why you post the fake news that you do.

You spread fake news on behalf of a foreign power, George Soros and the international authoritarian socialists.
So now you want to make this about hate crimes and fake news because you can't deal with the actual topic- bullying and fear among youth -in any sort of intelligent and meaningful way? So noted.

Dude, the moment the election was over, you Communists started lying. You have ZERO, and I mean ZERO credibility. You've told lie after lie about "bullying" and "hate crimes." Not one has turned out to be true.

When you pull your fascist demagoguery on us, you will be mocked, as you richly deserve.
We all know that this has been a divisive election cycle thanks to the over the top, belligerent spectacle of Donald The Trump. Almost everyone who is to comatose has been effected, but one group has been seemingly overlooked. I am talking about our young , school age people, and minority students in particular. They are experiencing alarming levels of fear, anxiety, and bullying thanks to Trump

‘The Trump Effect’: Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools

'The Trump Effect': Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON - It was only a matter of time before kids started picking up the aggressive, divisive language that’s become a hallmark of the 2016 presidential campaign.
According to a new report by the nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center titled “The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on our Nation’s Schools,” the race is stoking fears and racial tensions in America’s classrooms.

My students are terrified of Donald Trump. They think that if he’s elected, all black people will get sent back to Africa,” one middle school teacher told the SPLC. The teacher was one of more than 2,000 educators who opted to take a survey conducted through the SPLC’s “Teaching Tolerance” program.

I have had Muslim students called terrorists,” said another teacher who submitted comments to the survey.

“There is a boy from Mexico, who is a citizen, who is terrified that the country will deport him if Trump wins,” wrote a third teacher. “He is also scared that kids and grown-ups can and will hurt him.”

The report continues:

The report identified two troubling trends: more openly racist and vicious bullying of minorities, and more fear and anxiety among immigrants and minorities about what would happen to them if certain candidates for president are elected.
On an even more troubling note:

The SPLC report also illustrates how American schoolchildren are adopting Trump’s overall tone — which so often includes name-calling and scapegoating. More than any specific policy proposal, teachers said, kids were expressing more hatred for more people.

Yes, Trump acts like a 12 year old, and the 12 year olds are acting like Trump!
Following the election, another venerable rights group, The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) conducted their own survey:

New Survey of 50,000+ Young People Reveals Troubling Post-Election Spike in Bullying & Harassment

Today, HRC Foundation released the results of a groundbreaking post-election survey of more than 50,000 young people ages 13-18 revealing the deeply damaging fallout the November election has had on youth across the United States.

The online survey, believed to be the largest ever of its kind, found that 70 percent of respondents have witnessed bullying, hate messages or harassment since the election, with racial bias the most common motive cited. More than a quarter of LGBTQ youth said they have been personally bullied or harassed since Election Day -- compared to 14 percent of non-LGBTQ youth -- with transgender young people most frequently targeted. Additionally, Hispanic and Latino respondents were 20 percent more likely than other youth to report having been personally bullied, with harassment targeting both immigrant and nonimmigrant communities.
The hate is not just directed at racial and ethnic minorities. LGBT youth have also been vulnerable. While Trump himself has not been very vocal regarding this group, many of the people that he has surrounded himself with and appointed to key positions are well known for their anti LGBT stances. And, Trump himself has attended rallies and prayer meeting with very outspoken anti LGBT figures.

Some disturbing statistics:

Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election. Of those, 79 percent said such behaviors have been occurring more frequently since the onset of the presidential campaign.

Among young people who reported seeing bullying and harassment, 70 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by race or ethnicity, 63 percent had seen incidents motivated by sexual orientation, 59 percent had seen incidents motivated by immigration status, and 55 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by gender.

Over the past 30 days, about half of transgender youth reported feeling hopeless and worthless most or all of the time, and 70 percent said that these and similar feelings have increased in the past 30 days.

Thirty-six percent had been personally bullied or harassed, and 56 percent had changed their self-expression or future plans because of the election.

Before Election Day 2016, more than half of survey respondents reported thinking about the election every day, and a third thought about it several times each week.

Survey of 50,000+ Youth Reveals Post-Election Spike in Bullying | Human Rights Campaign

As we have found with virtually every case of someone making this sort of claim. They are fake. So far, every claim that has made it to the media has been proven fake. Best try again.
OH? The SPLC and the HRC are making this shit up???!! Really? Will you just turn your back on what's happening with the kids and pretend that its not real. This fake news shit is out of hand. Everything that anyone doesn't agree with or wants to ignore is labeled "fake news" and that is dangerous . It's like the boy who cried wolf. There really is fake news out there and you had better be able to know it when you see it.

No. They're not the ones fabricating it, but when given proof that the claim is false they ignore the facts and continue to present them as if they are true. Which is actually worse.
So now you want to make this about hate crimes and fake news because you can't deal with the actual topic- bullying and fear among youth -in any sort of intelligent and meaningful way? So noted.

Dude, the moment the election was over, you Communists started lying. You have ZERO, and I mean ZERO credibility. You've told lie after lie about "bullying" and "hate crimes." Not one has turned out to be true.

When you pull your fascist demagoguery on us, you will be mocked, as you richly deserve.
The same happened after Brexit. It is now fizzling out.
Trump is responsible? Really? Does that mean that Obama is also responsible for this?:

"A record 209,800 primary and secondary school teachers reported being physically attacked by a student during the 2011-2012 school year, according to new data released Tuesday by the federal government."

"That was up 34.5 percent from the previous record of 156,000 teachers who were attacked by students in the 2007-2008 school year."

Student Attacks on Teachers Up 34.5%; Record 209,800 in 2011-12 School Year


And this has WHAT.....Exactly to do with the issue of bullying, anxiety over Trumps rhetoric, and the intolerance that he promotes??
We all know that this has been a divisive election cycle thanks to the over the top, belligerent spectacle of Donald The Trump. Almost everyone who is to comatose has been effected, but one group has been seemingly overlooked. I am talking about our young , school age people, and minority students in particular. They are experiencing alarming levels of fear, anxiety, and bullying thanks to Trump

‘The Trump Effect’: Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools

'The Trump Effect': Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON - It was only a matter of time before kids started picking up the aggressive, divisive language that’s become a hallmark of the 2016 presidential campaign.
According to a new report by the nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center titled “The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on our Nation’s Schools,” the race is stoking fears and racial tensions in America’s classrooms.

My students are terrified of Donald Trump. They think that if he’s elected, all black people will get sent back to Africa,” one middle school teacher told the SPLC. The teacher was one of more than 2,000 educators who opted to take a survey conducted through the SPLC’s “Teaching Tolerance” program.

I have had Muslim students called terrorists,” said another teacher who submitted comments to the survey.

“There is a boy from Mexico, who is a citizen, who is terrified that the country will deport him if Trump wins,” wrote a third teacher. “He is also scared that kids and grown-ups can and will hurt him.”

The report continues:

The report identified two troubling trends: more openly racist and vicious bullying of minorities, and more fear and anxiety among immigrants and minorities about what would happen to them if certain candidates for president are elected.
On an even more troubling note:

The SPLC report also illustrates how American schoolchildren are adopting Trump’s overall tone — which so often includes name-calling and scapegoating. More than any specific policy proposal, teachers said, kids were expressing more hatred for more people.

Yes, Trump acts like a 12 year old, and the 12 year olds are acting like Trump!
Following the election, another venerable rights group, The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) conducted their own survey:

New Survey of 50,000+ Young People Reveals Troubling Post-Election Spike in Bullying & Harassment

Today, HRC Foundation released the results of a groundbreaking post-election survey of more than 50,000 young people ages 13-18 revealing the deeply damaging fallout the November election has had on youth across the United States.

The online survey, believed to be the largest ever of its kind, found that 70 percent of respondents have witnessed bullying, hate messages or harassment since the election, with racial bias the most common motive cited. More than a quarter of LGBTQ youth said they have been personally bullied or harassed since Election Day -- compared to 14 percent of non-LGBTQ youth -- with transgender young people most frequently targeted. Additionally, Hispanic and Latino respondents were 20 percent more likely than other youth to report having been personally bullied, with harassment targeting both immigrant and nonimmigrant communities.
The hate is not just directed at racial and ethnic minorities. LGBT youth have also been vulnerable. While Trump himself has not been very vocal regarding this group, many of the people that he has surrounded himself with and appointed to key positions are well known for their anti LGBT stances. And, Trump himself has attended rallies and prayer meeting with very outspoken anti LGBT figures.

Some disturbing statistics:

Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election. Of those, 79 percent said such behaviors have been occurring more frequently since the onset of the presidential campaign.

Among young people who reported seeing bullying and harassment, 70 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by race or ethnicity, 63 percent had seen incidents motivated by sexual orientation, 59 percent had seen incidents motivated by immigration status, and 55 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by gender.

Over the past 30 days, about half of transgender youth reported feeling hopeless and worthless most or all of the time, and 70 percent said that these and similar feelings have increased in the past 30 days.

Thirty-six percent had been personally bullied or harassed, and 56 percent had changed their self-expression or future plans because of the election.

Before Election Day 2016, more than half of survey respondents reported thinking about the election every day, and a third thought about it several times each week.

Survey of 50,000+ Youth Reveals Post-Election Spike in Bullying | Human Rights Campaign

As we have found with virtually every case of someone making this sort of claim. They are fake. So far, every claim that has made it to the media has been proven fake. Best try again.
OH? The SPLC and the HRC are making this shit up???!! Really? Will you just turn your back on what's happening with the kids and pretend that its not real. This fake news shit is out of hand. Everything that anyone doesn't agree with or wants to ignore is labeled "fake news" and that is dangerous . It's like the boy who cried wolf. There really is fake news out there and you had better be able to know it when you see it.

No. They're not the ones fabricating it, but when given proof that the claim is false they ignore the facts and continue to present them as if they are true. Which is actually worse.
Where is the "proof" that it's false, Bubba??!!
Why has life become a diagnosis of 'disorders'
that have been a part of growing up and in society
since I've been old enough to remember?

The reality is there are mean people in the world,
people are racist, people are indifferent,
people are people, that's it, that's all.

How in the world has something that's been
a reality for as long as I can remember
suddenly Trump's fault....come on already.

Where does the madness end people?
You need to read more.
We all know that this has been a divisive election cycle thanks to the over the top, belligerent spectacle of Donald The Trump. Almost everyone who is to comatose has been effected, but one group has been seemingly overlooked. I am talking about our young , school age people, and minority students in particular. They are experiencing alarming levels of fear, anxiety, and bullying thanks to Trump

‘The Trump Effect’: Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools

'The Trump Effect': Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON - It was only a matter of time before kids started picking up the aggressive, divisive language that’s become a hallmark of the 2016 presidential campaign.
According to a new report by the nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center titled “The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on our Nation’s Schools,” the race is stoking fears and racial tensions in America’s classrooms.

My students are terrified of Donald Trump. They think that if he’s elected, all black people will get sent back to Africa,” one middle school teacher told the SPLC. The teacher was one of more than 2,000 educators who opted to take a survey conducted through the SPLC’s “Teaching Tolerance” program.

I have had Muslim students called terrorists,” said another teacher who submitted comments to the survey.

“There is a boy from Mexico, who is a citizen, who is terrified that the country will deport him if Trump wins,” wrote a third teacher. “He is also scared that kids and grown-ups can and will hurt him.”

The report continues:

The report identified two troubling trends: more openly racist and vicious bullying of minorities, and more fear and anxiety among immigrants and minorities about what would happen to them if certain candidates for president are elected.
On an even more troubling note:

The SPLC report also illustrates how American schoolchildren are adopting Trump’s overall tone — which so often includes name-calling and scapegoating. More than any specific policy proposal, teachers said, kids were expressing more hatred for more people.

Yes, Trump acts like a 12 year old, and the 12 year olds are acting like Trump!
Following the election, another venerable rights group, The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) conducted their own survey:

New Survey of 50,000+ Young People Reveals Troubling Post-Election Spike in Bullying & Harassment

Today, HRC Foundation released the results of a groundbreaking post-election survey of more than 50,000 young people ages 13-18 revealing the deeply damaging fallout the November election has had on youth across the United States.

The online survey, believed to be the largest ever of its kind, found that 70 percent of respondents have witnessed bullying, hate messages or harassment since the election, with racial bias the most common motive cited. More than a quarter of LGBTQ youth said they have been personally bullied or harassed since Election Day -- compared to 14 percent of non-LGBTQ youth -- with transgender young people most frequently targeted. Additionally, Hispanic and Latino respondents were 20 percent more likely than other youth to report having been personally bullied, with harassment targeting both immigrant and nonimmigrant communities.
The hate is not just directed at racial and ethnic minorities. LGBT youth have also been vulnerable. While Trump himself has not been very vocal regarding this group, many of the people that he has surrounded himself with and appointed to key positions are well known for their anti LGBT stances. And, Trump himself has attended rallies and prayer meeting with very outspoken anti LGBT figures.

Some disturbing statistics:

Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election. Of those, 79 percent said such behaviors have been occurring more frequently since the onset of the presidential campaign.

Among young people who reported seeing bullying and harassment, 70 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by race or ethnicity, 63 percent had seen incidents motivated by sexual orientation, 59 percent had seen incidents motivated by immigration status, and 55 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by gender.

Over the past 30 days, about half of transgender youth reported feeling hopeless and worthless most or all of the time, and 70 percent said that these and similar feelings have increased in the past 30 days.

Thirty-six percent had been personally bullied or harassed, and 56 percent had changed their self-expression or future plans because of the election.

Before Election Day 2016, more than half of survey respondents reported thinking about the election every day, and a third thought about it several times each week.

Survey of 50,000+ Youth Reveals Post-Election Spike in Bullying | Human Rights Campaign
Spare the Rod and the Child Thinks He's God

You're begging the question by assuming that future pedophiles, gangbangers, Unabombers, and escapist drug-overdosers don't need to be straightened out the hard way or else they'll grow up crooked.

future pedophiles, gangbangers, Unabombers, and escapist drug-overdosers????What the fuck are you blathering about?? Get a grip-please!
We all know that this has been a divisive election cycle thanks to the over the top, belligerent spectacle of Donald The Trump. Almost everyone who is to comatose has been effected, but one group has been seemingly overlooked. I am talking about our young , school age people, and minority students in particular. They are experiencing alarming levels of fear, anxiety, and bullying thanks to Trump

‘The Trump Effect’: Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools

'The Trump Effect': Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON - It was only a matter of time before kids started picking up the aggressive, divisive language that’s become a hallmark of the 2016 presidential campaign.
According to a new report by the nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center titled “The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on our Nation’s Schools,” the race is stoking fears and racial tensions in America’s classrooms.

My students are terrified of Donald Trump. They think that if he’s elected, all black people will get sent back to Africa,” one middle school teacher told the SPLC. The teacher was one of more than 2,000 educators who opted to take a survey conducted through the SPLC’s “Teaching Tolerance” program.

I have had Muslim students called terrorists,” said another teacher who submitted comments to the survey.

“There is a boy from Mexico, who is a citizen, who is terrified that the country will deport him if Trump wins,” wrote a third teacher. “He is also scared that kids and grown-ups can and will hurt him.”

The report continues:

The report identified two troubling trends: more openly racist and vicious bullying of minorities, and more fear and anxiety among immigrants and minorities about what would happen to them if certain candidates for president are elected.
On an even more troubling note:

The SPLC report also illustrates how American schoolchildren are adopting Trump’s overall tone — which so often includes name-calling and scapegoating. More than any specific policy proposal, teachers said, kids were expressing more hatred for more people.

Yes, Trump acts like a 12 year old, and the 12 year olds are acting like Trump!
Following the election, another venerable rights group, The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) conducted their own survey:

New Survey of 50,000+ Young People Reveals Troubling Post-Election Spike in Bullying & Harassment

Today, HRC Foundation released the results of a groundbreaking post-election survey of more than 50,000 young people ages 13-18 revealing the deeply damaging fallout the November election has had on youth across the United States.

The online survey, believed to be the largest ever of its kind, found that 70 percent of respondents have witnessed bullying, hate messages or harassment since the election, with racial bias the most common motive cited. More than a quarter of LGBTQ youth said they have been personally bullied or harassed since Election Day -- compared to 14 percent of non-LGBTQ youth -- with transgender young people most frequently targeted. Additionally, Hispanic and Latino respondents were 20 percent more likely than other youth to report having been personally bullied, with harassment targeting both immigrant and nonimmigrant communities.
The hate is not just directed at racial and ethnic minorities. LGBT youth have also been vulnerable. While Trump himself has not been very vocal regarding this group, many of the people that he has surrounded himself with and appointed to key positions are well known for their anti LGBT stances. And, Trump himself has attended rallies and prayer meeting with very outspoken anti LGBT figures.

Some disturbing statistics:

Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election. Of those, 79 percent said such behaviors have been occurring more frequently since the onset of the presidential campaign.

Among young people who reported seeing bullying and harassment, 70 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by race or ethnicity, 63 percent had seen incidents motivated by sexual orientation, 59 percent had seen incidents motivated by immigration status, and 55 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by gender.

Over the past 30 days, about half of transgender youth reported feeling hopeless and worthless most or all of the time, and 70 percent said that these and similar feelings have increased in the past 30 days.

Thirty-six percent had been personally bullied or harassed, and 56 percent had changed their self-expression or future plans because of the election.

Before Election Day 2016, more than half of survey respondents reported thinking about the election every day, and a third thought about it several times each week.

Survey of 50,000+ Youth Reveals Post-Election Spike in Bullying | Human Rights Campaign

Wow, so a bunch of liberal teachers who already hated trump took a survey!! What did we THINK they were going to report? I don't see much evidence of anything here. I have no doubt many of these people are just dying to put something negative out there about Trump and I have no idea what their definition of bullying is, or if half of it is true at all. we've already seen the fake reports of women claiming to have had their headscarves pulled off etc. in the name of Trump.
How the fuck do you know that they are all "liberal teachers" ? That is just as stupid as stupid gets! You don't know what the definition of bullying is ?? LISTEN to the kids !!

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