The Trump Effect’: Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools

Inane equine excrement! Clinton's deplorable comment did not strike fear into the hearts of minority school kids and embolden others to bully them. If you believe otherwise, you have a very tenuous relationship with reality. Do you even understand what the point of this thread is? It appears that you don't
Yes...the point of this thread is to spread disinformation in hopes of demonizing Donald Trump. As if freaking school children actually tune in to political news. Dude...I have children. They watch Disney stuff all day. They don't tune in to CNN to catch the latest quotes from the Speaker of the House.
And you can just keep throwing all that shit at the wall in the hope that something will stick. It doesn't change anything. The fact is that when children are afraid of their country's president, we have a huge problem. You right wingers who dismiss this can't sink any further into the pondscum that birthed you.
That is hilarious coming from a person who created a thread in hopes of convincing people that 4th graders are suddenly attacking homosexuals because Donald Trump told them to do it. :lol:
The fact is that when children are afraid of their country's president, we have a huge problem. You right wingers who dismiss this can't sink any further into the pondscum that birthed you.
The fact is - most children couldn't even tell you who the president of the United States is. Listening to you piss and cry is annoying. Donald Trump is president. There isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Deal with it.
We all know that this has been a divisive election cycle thanks to the over the top, belligerent spectacle of Donald The Trump. Almost everyone who is to comatose has been effected, but one group has been seemingly overlooked. I am talking about our young , school age people, and minority students in particular. They are experiencing alarming levels of fear, anxiety, and bullying thanks to Trump

‘The Trump Effect’: Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools

'The Trump Effect': Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON - It was only a matter of time before kids started picking up the aggressive, divisive language that’s become a hallmark of the 2016 presidential campaign.
According to a new report by the nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center titled “The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on our Nation’s Schools,” the race is stoking fears and racial tensions in America’s classrooms.

My students are terrified of Donald Trump. They think that if he’s elected, all black people will get sent back to Africa,” one middle school teacher told the SPLC. The teacher was one of more than 2,000 educators who opted to take a survey conducted through the SPLC’s “Teaching Tolerance” program.

I have had Muslim students called terrorists,” said another teacher who submitted comments to the survey.

“There is a boy from Mexico, who is a citizen, who is terrified that the country will deport him if Trump wins,” wrote a third teacher. “He is also scared that kids and grown-ups can and will hurt him.”

The report continues:

The report identified two troubling trends: more openly racist and vicious bullying of minorities, and more fear and anxiety among immigrants and minorities about what would happen to them if certain candidates for president are elected.
On an even more troubling note:

The SPLC report also illustrates how American schoolchildren are adopting Trump’s overall tone — which so often includes name-calling and scapegoating. More than any specific policy proposal, teachers said, kids were expressing more hatred for more people.

Yes, Trump acts like a 12 year old, and the 12 year olds are acting like Trump!
Following the election, another venerable rights group, The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) conducted their own survey:

New Survey of 50,000+ Young People Reveals Troubling Post-Election Spike in Bullying & Harassment

Today, HRC Foundation released the results of a groundbreaking post-election survey of more than 50,000 young people ages 13-18 revealing the deeply damaging fallout the November election has had on youth across the United States.

The online survey, believed to be the largest ever of its kind, found that 70 percent of respondents have witnessed bullying, hate messages or harassment since the election, with racial bias the most common motive cited. More than a quarter of LGBTQ youth said they have been personally bullied or harassed since Election Day -- compared to 14 percent of non-LGBTQ youth -- with transgender young people most frequently targeted. Additionally, Hispanic and Latino respondents were 20 percent more likely than other youth to report having been personally bullied, with harassment targeting both immigrant and nonimmigrant communities.
The hate is not just directed at racial and ethnic minorities. LGBT youth have also been vulnerable. While Trump himself has not been very vocal regarding this group, many of the people that he has surrounded himself with and appointed to key positions are well known for their anti LGBT stances. And, Trump himself has attended rallies and prayer meeting with very outspoken anti LGBT figures.

Some disturbing statistics:

Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election. Of those, 79 percent said such behaviors have been occurring more frequently since the onset of the presidential campaign.

Among young people who reported seeing bullying and harassment, 70 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by race or ethnicity, 63 percent had seen incidents motivated by sexual orientation, 59 percent had seen incidents motivated by immigration status, and 55 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by gender.

Over the past 30 days, about half of transgender youth reported feeling hopeless and worthless most or all of the time, and 70 percent said that these and similar feelings have increased in the past 30 days.

Thirty-six percent had been personally bullied or harassed, and 56 percent had changed their self-expression or future plans because of the election.

Before Election Day 2016, more than half of survey respondents reported thinking about the election every day, and a third thought about it several times each week.

Survey of 50,000+ Youth Reveals Post-Election Spike in Bullying | Human Rights Campaign
I'm not sure Trump "started" it, he may just be mirroring what already was there. It shouldn't be tolerated, but there we have it--a tacit okay from the man we elected POTUS. Not sure I completely trust the numbers in the OP, though. It makes it sound as if this has somehow sprung from nowhere, thanks to Trump alone. I don't believe that's true. I think it was happening before the election and is continuing, perhaps with a minor increase but I don't believe it's all Trump's fault, or that the sky is falling.
Take a look at the question "Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election." When you throw the words "witnessing" and "hate messages" in there, it clouds the real point. How many of those people experienced bullying or harassment themselves? Hate messages don't count--I've gotten those just from being here, and yes, it was caused by election fervor.
Take a look at the question "Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election." When you throw the words "witnessing" and "hate messages" in there, it clouds the real point. How many of those people experienced bullying or harassment themselves? Hate messages don't count--I've gotten those just from being here, and yes, it was caused by election fervor.
Leftists define disagreeing with them as hate.
Take a look at the question "Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election." When you throw the words "witnessing" and "hate messages" in there, it clouds the real point. How many of those people experienced bullying or harassment themselves? Hate messages don't count--I've gotten those just from being here, and yes, it was caused by election fervor.
Leftists define disagreeing with them as hate.
Maybe some do. I already said "hate messages" should have been left out. Too vague.
No. They're not the ones fabricating it, but when given proof that the claim is false they ignore the facts and continue to present them as if they are true. Which is actually worse.
Where is the "proof" that it's false, Bubba??!!

Seek and ye shall find. The problem is you want to believe the claims....

NYPD arrest Muslim woman who claimed attack by Trump supporters

NYPD arrest Muslim woman who claimed attack by Trump supporters
Oh Christ really? An anecdotal story about one Muslim who may have made a false claim? Are you that desperate to score appoint? That is your response to the documentation that I presented regarding a pattern of bullying and hate against minorities in schools? This has nothing to do with the topic!

"May have" made a false report? This is the problem with you progressives. When presented with irrefutable evidence that your position is crap, you ignore the evidence. And you wonder why people think you are dishonest. Well, it's because YOU ARE!
And you can just keep throwing all that shit at the wall in the hope that something will stick. It doesn't change anything. The fact is that when children are afraid of their country's president, we have a huge problem. You right wingers who dismiss this can't sink any further into the pondscum that birthed you.

Being arrested is not "throwing shit at the wall" silly person. The woman LIED. You ignore the fact that she lied and continue the FAKE NEWS that she was somehow assaulted and you blame the trumpster for that. You are a moron for believing that thinking people will fall for your PROPAGANDA.

Best for you to wake the hell up dude. Your stupid tactics work on stupid people. But not average and above.
Oh Christ really? An anecdotal story about one Muslim who may have made a false claim? Are you that desperate to score appoint? That is your response to the documentation that I presented regarding a pattern of bullying and hate against minorities in schools? This has nothing to do with the topic!

Uh, you need to learn the definition of "anecdotal," sploogy.

The NEWS story is one of HUNDREDS where lying Bolsheviks have fabricated tales of "attacks" and "hate crimes" that simply never happened.

To date, I've not seen a single verified case where anyone was attacked by a Trump supporter.

Now we HAVE seen that you Communists went out and engaged in violence, we did find that you Communists intend to engage in terrorism tonight and tomorrow night in you general assault on democracy.
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And your point is what exactly? It's still the Trump effect. Kids are behaving like him. He is setting the tone. This in no way refutes or diminishes the realty of my OP

So "the Trump effect" is that you Communists have no choice but to attack others and train your children to attack others? Kids are behaving like you, out of control and violent because they didn't get their way. :eek:

BTW, do you admit now that your OP is a fucking lie, just blatant demagoguery with zero basis in fact?
Inane equine excrement! Clinton's deplorable comment did not strike fear into the hearts of minority school kids and embolden others to bully them. If you believe otherwise, you have a very tenuous relationship with reality. Do you even understand what the point of this thread is? It appears that you don't

Again, your claim of minority children being bullied is a fucking lie - as you well know.

The point of this thread is for demagogues like you to slander and libel those who hold political views in contrast the Marxist agenda you promote.

We all know what the point is.
I'm not sure Trump "started" it, he may just be mirroring what already was there. It shouldn't be tolerated, but there we have it--a tacit okay from the man we elected POTUS. Not sure I completely trust the numbers in the OP, though. It makes it sound as if this has somehow sprung from nowhere, thanks to Trump alone. I don't believe that's true. I think it was happening before the election and is continuing, perhaps with a minor increase but I don't believe it's all Trump's fault, or that the sky is falling.
Take a look at the question "Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election." When you throw the words "witnessing" and "hate messages" in there, it clouds the real point. How many of those people experienced bullying or harassment themselves? Hate messages don't count--I've gotten those just from being here, and yes, it was caused by election fervor.

Would you not agree that you Communists are the least tolerant and most violent people in the nation?

Any dissent from your goals is met with the most vile epithets and often open violence?

The left is hate filled, angry, and violent.

Bell-Banging Quasimodos

Bell Curve deniers are self-hating intellectuals. Or, to dig more deeply into their psychology, they are B students jealous of A students. They claim that there are no F-grade races just in order to lead up to the conclusion they want, which is that there are no A-grade minds. The desperately lonely High IQ wimps go along with it just to make friends. The deniers' new Bell Curve is graded by the extent of warm and fuzzy feelings.

Who denies the Bell Curve?

only a complete moron can deny empirical data.
The Child Is Father to the Man

Then why do you call these reports of fighting back Fake News instead of Good News? We should be encouraged that at least some in the youngest generation are disciplining the Rainbow BowWows.

Bell-Banging Quasimodos

Bell Curve deniers are self-hating intellectuals. Or, to dig more deeply into their psychology, they are B students jealous of A students. They claim that there are no F-grade races just in order to lead up to the conclusion they want, which is that there are no A-grade minds. The desperately lonely High IQ wimps go along with it just to make friends. The deniers' new Bell Curve is graded by the extent of warm and fuzzy feelings.

Who denies the Bell Curve?

only a complete moron can deny empirical data.
The Child Is Father to the Man

Then why do you call these reports of fighting back Fake News instead of Good News? We should be encouraged that at least some in the youngest generation are disciplining the Rainbow BowWows.

The reports thus far have all been false.

It's fake news because the ProgressiveTraitor, HuffingGlue, and SPLC-KKK are all blatantly lying.
Where is the "proof" that it's false, Bubba??!!

Seek and ye shall find. The problem is you want to believe the claims....

NYPD arrest Muslim woman who claimed attack by Trump supporters

NYPD arrest Muslim woman who claimed attack by Trump supporters
Oh Christ really? An anecdotal story about one Muslim who may have made a false claim? Are you that desperate to score appoint? That is your response to the documentation that I presented regarding a pattern of bullying and hate against minorities in schools? This has nothing to do with the topic!

"May have" made a false report? This is the problem with you progressives. When presented with irrefutable evidence that your position is crap, you ignore the evidence. And you wonder why people think you are dishonest. Well, it's because YOU ARE!
And you can just keep throwing all that shit at the wall in the hope that something will stick. It doesn't change anything. The fact is that when children are afraid of their country's president, we have a huge problem. You right wingers who dismiss this can't sink any further into the pondscum that birthed you.

Being arrested is not "throwing shit at the wall" silly person. The woman LIED. You ignore the fact that she lied and continue the FAKE NEWS that she was somehow assaulted and you blame the trumpster for that. You are a moron for believing that thinking people will fall for your PROPAGANDA.

Best for you to wake the hell up dude. Your stupid tactics work on stupid people. But not average and above.
Do you know what a strawman fallacy is.? THIS is a strawman fallacy. You are attributing an argument to me that I am not making and then shooting it down. A shore sign of desperation, and a well worn tactic to avoid dealing with the actual issue. I am not disputing the content of the article . The point is that this has not to do with the issue of children, fear and bullying. I also never said that others besides Trump supporters did not engage in hateful and stupid tactics. But all of that is lost on you.

It seems that you can't deal with me without disparaging remarks and name calling. That's another sure sign of desperation, your insecurity and the fact that you don't believe your own bullshit
Are you Commie fuckers attacking kids who support America again? Now the Trump supporters too?


Love how you use the fucking Ku Klux Klan (SPLC) as the basis for your stupid lies...
You never disappoint with your thoughtful and eloquent responses that elevate the forums discourse to new intellectual and spiritual heights. It's apparent that you care deeply about the children and their having a safe environment in which to get a education and to develop social skills. Thank you for your invaluable contribution, sensitivity and awareness. God bless you and God bless the United States of America :banana::banana::banana:
Careful you don't choke on an adjective.

maybe you need him to rephrase using smaller words?
maybe you need him to rephrase using smaller words?

Oh look, Mz. Fakelawyer thinks it's funny that her fellow Bolshevik is a fucking liar who spreads fake news on behalf of a foreign power in hopes of hacking our government... :eusa_whistle:
And your point is what exactly? It's still the Trump effect. Kids are behaving like him. He is setting the tone. This in no way refutes or diminishes the realty of my OP

So "the Trump effect" is that you Communists have no choice but to attack others and train your children to attack others? Kids are behaving like you, out of control and violent because they didn't get their way. :eek:

BTW, do you admit now that your OP is a fucking lie, just blatant demagoguery with zero basis in fact?
This is so fucking stupid that it's barely worth a response. I'm a communist?? We are training our children to attack? Your credibility is in the toilet and sanity highly questionable

Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. Now here are more sources that corroborate what you have been calling fake news. Try telling me that these are all fake stories:

The Trump Effect: Psychologists warn that children are watching

The ‘Trump Effect’ is contaminating our kids — and could resonate for years

The "Trump Effect" is Impacting Kids - Law Street (TM)

The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on Our Nation's Schools

There is plenty more where this came from
Seek and ye shall find. The problem is you want to believe the claims....

NYPD arrest Muslim woman who claimed attack by Trump supporters

NYPD arrest Muslim woman who claimed attack by Trump supporters
Oh Christ really? An anecdotal story about one Muslim who may have made a false claim? Are you that desperate to score appoint? That is your response to the documentation that I presented regarding a pattern of bullying and hate against minorities in schools? This has nothing to do with the topic!

"May have" made a false report? This is the problem with you progressives. When presented with irrefutable evidence that your position is crap, you ignore the evidence. And you wonder why people think you are dishonest. Well, it's because YOU ARE!
And you can just keep throwing all that shit at the wall in the hope that something will stick. It doesn't change anything. The fact is that when children are afraid of their country's president, we have a huge problem. You right wingers who dismiss this can't sink any further into the pondscum that birthed you.

Being arrested is not "throwing shit at the wall" silly person. The woman LIED. You ignore the fact that she lied and continue the FAKE NEWS that she was somehow assaulted and you blame the trumpster for that. You are a moron for believing that thinking people will fall for your PROPAGANDA.

Best for you to wake the hell up dude. Your stupid tactics work on stupid people. But not average and above.
Do you know what a strawman fallacy is.? THIS is a strawman fallacy. You are attributing an argument to me that I am not making and then shooting it down. A shore sign of desperation, and a well worn tactic to avoid dealing with the actual issue. I am not disputing the content of the article . The point is that this has not to do with the issue of children, fear and bullying. I also never said that others besides Trump supporters did not engage in hateful and stupid tactics. But all of that is lost on you.

It seems that you can't deal with me without disparaging remarks and name calling. That's another sure sign of desperation, your insecurity and the fact that you don't believe your own bullshit

It has EVERYTHING to do with your claim. Every time somebody has stated that they were attacked, or ridiculed, or called names, it has been shown to be FALSE. Every single time. The SPLC is as far removed from a legit source of material as you can get yet you fawn over them.

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